Blame it on the Moonlight

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Blame it on the Moonlight Page 8

by Emily Harvale

  Severine scanned his face. ‘I am proud. As proud as a mother can be. But … I think I owe a lot of what and who she is, to my family. And to my friends in London who helped me. Who babysat whilst I went out to work.’ She shook her head. ‘You have no idea what it was like for me. For us. And now you come back and want to be the father you never were. How exactly does that work, Roggero?’

  He didn’t get a chance to answer. Raven hurried towards them, smiling from ear to ear.

  ‘That’s a sight I never thought I’d see,’ she said. ‘My mum and my dad standing in the doorway of my grandparents’ inn, chatting away as if we’ve always been a family.’

  Severine and Roggero exchanged glances.

  ‘Neither did I,’ Severine whispered, just loud enough for Roggero’s ears.

  ‘You will be the most beautiful girl at the party tonight,’ Roggero said to Raven, oozing fatherly pride. He gave Severine a sideways look and she only just caught what he said because his voice was so soft and quiet. ‘And you, Severine, will be the most beautiful woman.’

  ‘Severine.’ Evie was walking towards her hand in hand with Zachary Thorn, whom Severine recognised immediately. ‘I’d like you to meet Zachary. Zachary, this is my older sister, Severine. Raven’s mum.’

  No wonder Evie had fallen for him. Zachary Thorn was more gorgeous in real life than he looked on TV. And that took some beating.

  ‘Pleased to meet you, Severine,’ he was saying, reaching out his free hand. ‘I’ve heard a lot about you.’

  ‘I bet.’ Severine took his hand and shook it and was surprised when he pulled her into a hug – albeit briefly.

  ‘You look lovely,’ Zachary said. ‘You must be so glad to be home. I love New York but it’s definitely not Snowflake Cove, is it?’

  ‘You can say that again.’ She didn’t think he meant it in the same way she did though. ‘Have you just arrived? I didn’t see you earlier.’

  ‘Yeah. Filming schedule clashed. It was a bit of a rush but I wouldn’t miss Logan’s opening party for the world. I’ve just come from the restaurant, in fact. I nipped in on the way back here. I expect Evie mentioned we’re do a bit of filming there tonight. We’re going to include it in one of the upcoming shows. It’s always so good to give a new business a bit of a boost. Especially when it’s a friend.’

  ‘No. Evie didn’t mention it.’ She shot a look at Evie. ‘Do you know Logan then, Zachary?’

  He nodded. ‘I met him when my family, my film crew and I all stayed here.’

  ‘At Christmas?’

  ‘Yes. It’s such a pity you weren’t here. It was one of the best Christmases we’ve ever had.’

  ‘Apart from when Roland and I fell over the cliff,’ Raven said, grinning up at him.

  Zachary grinned back. ‘Oh yeah. Apart from that.’

  ‘But that brought Dad back to me,’ Raven added. ‘So actually, it was a great Christmas.’

  ‘Ah yes,’ Severine said. ‘It seems I have a great deal to thank you for, Zachary, and not just saving my daughter’s life. For that, I owe you a huge debt of gratitude. I’m not sure I’ll ever be able to repay you.’ She gave him her sweetest smile.

  ‘No repayment necessary.’ He wrapped an arm around Evie and winked at Raven. ‘And we’ve got a party to get to, so we’d better make a move.’

  ‘Don’t wait for me, will you!’ Jessie said, with a distinct hint of sarcasm as she walked towards them, followed closely by Molly and John.

  Evie laughed. ‘We are waiting. We wouldn’t dream of going anywhere without you!’ She winked at Jessie. ‘Especially now you’re the wealthiest woman we know.’

  Jessie chuckled. ‘You’re dating the grandson of a multi-millionaire. And he’s pretty well off in his own right. And if I know anything about anything – which I do – it won’t be long until the two of you tie the knot. Not that money has ever mattered to you, Evie Starr. Not one jot. Unlike someone else we know.’

  Severine saw the look Jessie gave her and was about to respond when Raven linked her arm through Severine’s and smiled. Severine bit back the unpleasant retort wavering on the tip of her tongue and instead asked, ‘Do you need any assistance, Gran?’ She smiled broadly. ‘Here, take my arm and lean on me.’ She wasn’t sure who was the most surprised – Jessie or herself.

  Was this what Raven meant by being nicer? If so, this wasn’t going to be that hard. And even if it was, it would be worth it just to see the look on Jessie and the rest of her family’s faces.

  ‘Don’t you think you’d better put that glass down first, darling?’ Molly said, beaming at her.

  ‘Oops! Silly me. I was so eager to help, I completely forgot I had it.’

  ‘That’s a sentence I never thought I’d hear,’ Jessie said, but a faint smile curved her thin lips as she studied Severine’s face.

  ‘Let me take it from you,’ Roggero said, brushing his hand against Severine’s as he did so.

  ‘Why not,’ she said, hardly audible even to Roggero. ‘You took everything else from me.’

  Chapter Sixteen

  The opening party of Moonlight was a complete success. Everyone who had been invited, turned up and the restaurant was full to bursting. Residents and friends from Snowflake Cove brushed shoulders and chatted happily with the Mayor and several wealthy and influential businessmen from Michaelmas Bay. All the guests were having a good time. Delicious food was plentiful and the drink was flowing like a river. The cocktails seemed to be going down a treat, especially The Moonlight. And towards the end of the evening, when one of the guests pointed out that the real moon was almost full tonight, it seemed a prime opportunity for everyone to gather outside as Zachary and his crew filmed several shots of the restaurant and the party-goers bathed in the silvery glow of the moon.

  ‘Did you plan to open tonight because of the moon?’ Luna asked, when Logan came up, squeezed her arm and asked if she was enjoying herself.

  He pulled a face. ‘You won’t believe this, but it didn’t even occur to me to check.’ He glanced up at the moon hanging low over the hills like a perfectly round, massive opal. ‘I couldn’t have planned it better though, could I? And bearing in mind that earlier tonight there was nothing but cloud, the fact that they’ve disappeared, leaving a sky full of stars – and that moon – is almost a miracle.’

  ‘Or a sign from your dad to show how pleased and proud he is.’

  Their eyes met and something in Logan’s made Luna feel as if she were bathed in scorching hot sunlight, not the cool silver-white of the moon. The wind had dropped and the waves now lapped gently against the stone walls a short distance from where they stood. She could see that the waters beyond glistened as moonbeams danced on rippling waves and the boats bobbed in the marina. Logan had his back to the sea and his gaze was firmly fixed on her.

  ‘You’re shivering,’ he said, his voice soft and oh so sexy.

  ‘I’m not shivering.’ She looked deep into his eyes.

  ‘I think I’ve had a bit too much to drink.’ He held his empty glass a fraction in the air but his gaze remained glued on her.

  ‘Me too. I’m not sure where my glass is though.’

  ‘Loads of people have commented on your pictures. They’re going down a storm. Your phone will be ringing non-stop.’

  Luna nodded. ‘I’ve had lots of compliments. I’m so pleased, Logan. And truly grateful. I don’t know how I can ever repay you for this chance.’

  ‘There’s nothing to repay. I told you. I’m indebted to you.’

  She shook her head and smiled. ‘I’m thrilled I was able to help. Your restaurant is going to be a great success, Logan. I can feel it.’

  ‘We make a good team. I think we may both have a bright future ahead of us.’

  ‘I hope so.’

  ‘Luna?’ He moved a fraction closer.

  ‘Yes, Logan.’

  ‘Is something …? Are you feeling …?’

  ‘There you are, Logan!’ Severine shattered the moment. ‘I thought you’d
gone back inside. I wanted to congratulate you. I didn’t get a chance earlier.’ She spotted Luna. ‘Oh, hello. We met on the train, didn’t we?’ She didn’t give Luna time to reply. She wrapped her arms around Logan and kissed him full on the mouth.

  To Luna’s utmost horror, Logan returned Severine’s embrace and even worse than that, he returned her kiss with what could only be described as unbridled passion. Luna quickly closed her gaping mouth and ran back into the restaurant as fast as she could without catching her stiletto sandals on the cobbles and falling flat on her face.

  Although she felt as if that was exactly what she had done.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Severine knew she shouldn’t have kissed Logan even before she did so, but Roggero had been sending furtive glances in her direction all evening and it was making her feel uneasy. The man was too damn handsome for his own good and no matter how much she turned her thoughts to Harvey and New York, all she kept seeing was Roggero and that damn beach on Snowflake Isle. She had to put a stop to this nonsense now. And what better way to do that than to kiss Logan Dorset?

  What she hadn’t expected – not even for one second – was for Logan to kiss her back.

  She closed her eyes to try to blot out the memory but it didn’t work. Her skin still tingled, her heart still pounded and her insides turned to goo every time she thought about it. And she had thought about it a lot since leaving the party and getting into bed.

  It must be her hormones. They went haywire when you were expecting.

  Oh. My. God!

  What was she doing? What was she thinking? She was pregnant and about to marry Harvey and yet here she was thinking about bloody Logan Dorset! Of all people. How the hell did that happen?

  And she’d only kissed Logan because she wanted to stop thinking about Roggero.

  Was she completely mad!

  She had to stop it. Stop it now.

  She loved Harvey. She was going to marry Harvey. She was moving to New York. She was going to have his baby. How in hell could she give so much as a second thought to Roggero? Or Logan?

  Oh Hell’s Bells.

  Think of Harvey. Picture Harvey. Imagine your life with Harvey. Remember how good sex is with Harvey.

  But the minute she closed her eyes she saw Logan’s face. Part passion, part fear, part astonishment bubbling in his huge eyes when their lips had finally parted.

  When he’d spoken her name, it was as if he was surprised to see her standing in front of him. Surprised and bewildered.

  ‘Severine?’ he’d said, his voice hoarse. ‘What the …? How did you …? Where is …?’

  The man hadn’t been able to form a complete and intelligible sentence.

  ‘Wow, Logan,’ she had replied. ‘I hadn’t expected that. If I’d known you were that good a kisser, I’d have done that years ago.’

  ‘I wish you had,’ he said, still looking somewhat discombobulated.

  And although she hadn’t meant to, she had only gone and damn well kissed the man again.

  Oh Hell. Oh Hell. Oh Hell!

  ‘Severine,’ he had said, clearly struggling with his own demons. ‘What’s going on?’

  She looked into his eyes. ‘I have no idea, Logan. I can’t even blame alcohol because I haven’t had any. Unless someone has spiked the lemonade.’

  ‘I think I’ve had too much. Not lemonade. Alcohol.’ He seemed even more astonished to realise that he was still holding his empty glass and he waved it in front of her. ‘Look. Empty.’

  ‘So I see.’ She should have taken that moment to ease herself out of their embrace, but she didn’t want to. ‘You never knew this, Logan, but I used to have one hell of a crush on you.’

  He held her at arm’s length and frowned. ‘No, you didn’t. You never had any interest in me. It was the other way around.’

  ‘I did, Logan. For a long time, in fact. But you always seemed more interested in Evie than me. And then … well, you know all about Roggero.’

  ‘Roggero! Yep. I know all about him. Did you … did you really have a crush on me? You’re not just saying this because … because you think it’s what I want to hear?’

  ‘I had the biggest crush ever. In fact, I think I may still have a bit of one now.’

  He stared at her as if he was experiencing difficulty with his focus. ‘I’ve been in love with you all my life, Severine. All. My. Life. Since the first time I saw you on the beach and you smiled at me. I fell in love hook, line and sinker, and I’ve never managed to stop, even when you were being an absolute cow. Even when you fell in love with Roggero. Even now, when you’re in love with someone else and going to have his baby and move thousands of miles away, I’m still in love with you. Dumb, huh?’

  ‘Is that true?’ She couldn’t believe what he had told her. ‘You’ve … you’ve loved me all your life?’

  He nodded. ‘Uh huh.’

  ‘Why didn’t you tell me?’

  He shrugged. ‘I didn’t think you’d want to hear. I was going to but … you fell for Roggero, so I kept it to myself. And then Dad died.’

  ‘Oh Logan,’ she had said. And fell into his arms yet again.

  God alone knows what would have happened if her mum, Molly hadn’t come outside at that precise moment.

  Although that had opened up a whole new can of worms and despite the fact that Molly hadn’t said a word to Severine at the time, or apparently to anyone else since they left the party, Severine was fairly certain, there would be words. And most of them weren’t going to be pleasant, loving, or happy. Severine was pretty sure of that. She couldn’t face an inquisition, feeling as she did, so she had taken the opportunity to sneak up to her room before anyone had a chance to notice. Recriminations and lectures could wait until the morning. What she needed was a good night’s sleep to help her figure this out.

  She pulled the duvet over her head and shut her eyes tight.

  How had life suddenly got so crazy?

  Chapter Eighteen

  Logan opened his eyes and wished to God he hadn’t. Sunlight seared his irises and his head exploded like a supernova, or it felt as if it had. His mouth was parched and his brain thumped against whatever was left of his skull. Just how much had he had to drink last night? He couldn’t remember a thing.

  He tumbled out of bed and reluctantly padded downstairs, his eyes half closed against the light and one hand on his head to stop it falling from his shoulders.

  ‘So you’re awake at last.’ It was his gran’s voice – and she didn’t sound happy.

  ‘Nope. Still asleep. Just came down for some paracetamol.’

  ‘You’ll be needing more than paracetamol, my boy. A lot, lot more than that.’

  He tried to open his eyes fully but failed, so he opened one and closed the other instead.

  ‘Have I done something to upset you, Gran?’

  ‘Upset me? Why should I be upset?’

  He fell on to a vacant chair and slumped forward on the table.

  ‘I don’t know. But I can tell you are. I’ve got the hangover from hell and I can’t remember a thing about last night. Please, just put me out of this misery and shoot me now.’

  ‘Shoot you? I think it’ll be more of a public hanging if word gets out. How could you do it, Logan? How? And on your opening night of all nights.’

  He tried again to open his eyes. ‘That sounds serious. Just tell me what I’ve done. Is Mum furious with me too? Where is Mum?’

  ‘She’s at Snowflake Inn, trying to sort things out with Molly. I would have gone but it’s absolutely pouring and your dear mother wouldn’t hear of me going out in this weather.’

  ‘With Molly? Sorry, Gran. I haven’t a clue what you’re talking about. If I did something wrong, please tell me. And then please tell me where the paracetamol are. I’m dying here. I don’t think I’ve ever been this hungover in my entire life. Strange bells are clanging in my head.’

  ‘That’s the rain bouncing off the gutters. Do you honestly not remember?’

>   He shook his head. Which was a big mistake.

  Jane got to her feet, rummaged around in one of the cupboards and produced a strip of pain killers. She filled a glass with water and placed it in Logan’s hands.

  ‘Then let me be the one to fill you in.’

  She resumed her seat, banging her mug down on the table far more loudly than was necessary to Logan’s way of thinking.

  ‘The evening was going so well. You and your restaurant were a complete success. Until for some reason that I can only put down to alcohol poisoning, or complete insanity, you decided that last night would be a good time to, not only passionately kiss Severine Starr but to also pronounce your undying love for the evil little witch!’

  Logan’s head shot up, his mouth fell open and suddenly, he could open his eyes, wider in fact, than he would have thought possible.

  ‘I … did … what?’

  ‘Which part requires clarification? The kiss? Or the pronouncement? Tell me, have you completely forgotten the fact that the woman is engaged to someone else? Oh, and pregnant. Let’s not forget that part.’

  ‘Shit. Sorry. Didn’t mean to use that language. But wow. Did I … did I do it in front of everyone?’ He cringed at the thought of that.

  ‘Not everyone, no. Thankfully. Just Molly, I believe. And your mother caught the tail end of it. That’s why she’s gone to see Molly this morning. To find out exactly what happened.’

  ‘I can’t believe it. I kissed Severine? Last night? And … and told her I loved her? Wow.’ He threw a tablet into his mouth and swallowed it down with a gulp of water.

  ‘That’s it? Wow? That’s all you’ve got to say for yourself? I strongly suggest you take the rest of those tablets, my boy.’


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