Lost In Nowhere

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Lost In Nowhere Page 4

by Melody Jade Allen

  “He left. Neil, we need to talk.”

  “Of course.” Neil entered Jonathan’s office.

  “I studied the case of Colin LeCompt again. I think he’s dangerous.” Jonathan closed the door.

  “Is he dangerous? Jonathan, you said that he just lives in his dream world, this is just limited to excessive imagination and attachments to things and actions. The dangerous is only monotonous obsession. But at least, according to our observation. So what’s here?”

  “His dream world has a reality, Neil.”

  “And what does it mean?”

  “Look.” Jonathan gave him Colin’s file. “He knows who is behind all this. I analyzed his words and it made me draw a single conclusion - his illness is protection.”

  Neil read the notes, “… a violation of the perception of the real world and memory impairment. “Nowhere” means a specific place… he said, these people will be as one, but only a few of them can know their real essence… He has an intricate consciousness, Jonathan.”

  “Yes? How do you explain the fact that he knew everything in advance?”

  “Only one way - he is involved in these disappearances. But listen, there is nothing that could lead to a single fact of his real knowledge of who and what is on it. It’s his illness, Jonathan.”

  “Yes exactly. Therefore, we need only two steps - to penetrate into his mind and go through his entire labyrinth in it.”

  “It’s wonderful, Doctor, but I’m afraid it will be in vain - you do not know where he is. How will you find him?”

  Jonathan walked around. “Perhaps he will find us?”


  The time came back to the night, the white sedan was driving along the motorway, breaking its path with the light… Jonathan drove his car while Renan was making some notes sitting next to him. They stopped at the red traffic light.

  Renan said, “So, Doc, what awaits us tonight?”

  Jonathan looked at the street. “Think of an unexpected turn for this story?”

  “I have about a dozen, but I believe yours is most original. What are you up to?”

  “Renan, we need to find his lair.”

  “Excuse me, tell me more?”

  “If Colin was able to get out of there, then there is a way out, right? All the details are in his words.” Jonathan opened the car visor, under which lay the case of Colin LeCompt, he gave it to Renan.

  Renan opened it. “And what should I see in this?”

  “Last page.”

  Renan turned the pages over to the last one. “So… He was talking about a closed zone. And… Ghostly Streets? Calico?”

  “Yes, but it’s only part of the road to the right place.”

  “Where can it be now?”

  “If he could get out of the place he was afraid of, he did not return there and that’s a fact. But the fact, Renan, that he went back to the clinic to show himself by talking to someone and it was you… He thinks he has a psychological advantage.”

  “Well, he has it, Doc.”

  They drove on the road that led along an almost empty area - only a couple of already closed shops, a gas station, a cafe…

  Renan looked through the glass. “Doc… Could you stop the car?”

  Jonathan glanced at him. :”What for? What happened?”

  “Jonathan, stop the car.”

  The car stopped.

  Renan said, “I have a meeting with one of my friends, who has connections to the FBI. I will talk to him. Wait for me here.” He got out.

  Jonathan watched him - he was walking along an empty street and approaching the darkness, someone lit it with car headlights… Then he just disappeared from his sight… Renan Stewart… The stranger who so spontaneously appeared in his life could become a close companion in the common interests. But how much did he know about him? Who is he? Where from? Even watching him, he still could not make up his general psychological portrait; he was like a closed Sphinx, but these closed doors made him stay away from trying to get through them. Renan Stewart… “Who the hell are you?”


  “Bryce Johnson… Excellent cover.” Renan was sitting next to Bryce, who was the seller of the supermarket; he was driving his jeep.

  Bryce grinned. “Well, the FBI must finish this investigation. I worked at that gas station from the time when many eyewitnesses began to describe places after the disappearance of people, and there was only one similarity.”

  “But could you find coincidence in DNA on these unique cigarettes?”

  “They do not have DNA, Renan.”

  “What? But how is this possible?”

  Bryce shrugged his shoulders. “Our kidnapper must be more than a professional in his business.”

  “Such a trifle will help us to know his personality?”

  “It is unlikely. Anyway, we have several hundred suspects, based on the fact how many people prefer specific cigarettes, and yet it would be even a bit silly.”

  “Silly? But this is a clue?”

  Bryce looked at the lights of the car Jonathan that were burning in the distance. “Dr. Jonathan Fallon. He is more than interested in the finals, in the happy ending of this investigation, after all, it’s about his son. What is he now?”

  “I do not see anything special - there is no panic, fear or even anger. But he is a psychologist - he is able to control his emotions. By the way, thank you for pulling me out of that cafe. Although it was a little strange to throw me on the sidelines.”

  “But now I know on whose side you are and you are beyond suspicion.”

  “And your partner, Agent Davon Warren, does he watch his clinic?”

  “Even for its patient, why?”

  “There is one Doctor… Neil Hayes. I think you should pay attention to him.”


  Being waiting for Renan, Jonathan made new notes in his almost completed notebook without any inscription. But the last pages should be completed… How many years he watched his patients, his charges sometimes changed his opinion of any things, however it allowed him to find a common language with them and pull them from the bottom of their consciousness to the sunny shore. But sometimes there were defeats… But defeats always leave an experience that will later lead to the desired victory. It will be this way forever…

  “Jonathan…” Renan got in the car.

  Jonathan closed his notebook. “What did you find out?”

  “The good news is that there are no new murders in this matter. Bad news - they do not have reliable clues.”


  “Jonathan, they are sure that this is someone from your clinic. Anyway, but all the missing people were involved, including your son.”

  “What do you think about it?”

  “I did not tell you earlier, but… When we were in DeVola cafe, somebody attacked me, but I wounded him. Judging by the sensations, I touched his hand or… Well, your colleague, Dr. Hayes has a wound on his arm. Yes, I may be rushing to conclusions, but… Jonathan, I can assume that he is connected with this.

  “Neil? Damn… That might make sense.”

  Jonathan started the car and pressed the gas pedal. The car moved forward.

  Jonathan said, “Recently, he was very concerned.”

  “What you mean?”

  ‘He received a new ward. This girl, Joy… She had a morally difficult life since her childhood - humiliation at school, divorce of her parents, betrayal of her friends… She wanted to go to another continent to do what she loved, but her parents would not let her. Against this background, she began to experience depression and suicidal thoughts. After another attempt, she went to our clinic. Neil immediately took her to him - their biographies are too similar and he understands her like nobody else, so… Since the day he started working with her, he has become like distant.”

  “Well, maybe he just saw himself in her? It happens. It’s like looking in a mirror and you realize that only you can save it from a wreck in a million pieces.”

es, but Joy came to us a few hours before Colin LeCompt.”

  “And then the disappearances began…”

  “Yes exactly.”

  Renan looked at Jonathan’s notebook. “Do you take notes?”

  Jonathan slightly slowed down his car. “It’s just an observation.”

  “Observations? Out of work?”

  Jonathan was silent.

  Renan said, “I thought you have enough people with frustration and their stories in the clinic.”

  “My job, Renan, is not just working - it’s a way of life that will always be inside my mind and my actions regardless of where and when I am.”

  “I understand… This is a delicate profession.”

  The car turned onto the road that ran along the forest. Again these trees, their silhouettes… Familiar fear… His mask…

  Renan said, “Okay, Dr. Fallon, where are we going?”

  “We are already close.”

  “Close to what?”

  After a couple of moments, they stopped in front of a small two-story house that was in the middle of the forest and its area included a small house, an empty pool and an old closet that stood side by side. Jonathan and Renan got out of the car and looked around - complete silence…

  Renan said, “What is this place?”

  “Do you remember our first meeting at Colin’s apartment? You rummaged all the boxes in it, and in one of them I noticed the documents on the property. These documents led us to this site.”

  “Wow. Well, I’m glad that my frivolity has become useful.” Renan looked down at the house. “It does not seem that somebody was there now.” He went to the front door of the house. “The lock has long rusted, probably from the rain… Jonathan, nobody was here for a long time.”

  “We did not come here to find people, Renan. We are here to find some answers.”

  Jonathan opened the trunk and took the crowbar, he went to the door. He took a pack of cigarettes out of his pocket and lit one of them.

  Renan said, “Are you smoking, Jonathan? Why did it seem so atypical to me?”

  “So what is it?” Jonathan cracked the rusty lock with his crowbar and tossed it to the floor, he slowly opened the door. “Renan, there are flashlights in the back seat of the car.” He threw his cigarette to the ground.

  “I get it.” Renan went to the car and opened the back doors; he took the flashlights that lay inside. Still hiding behind the car windows, he took Jonathan’s notebook and opened it… “Oh, damn hell… Bryce…”

  “Renan, what problems?” Jonathan’s voice came from outside.

  “Nothing at all.” Returning the notepad into its place and holding the flashlights in his hands, Renan closed the car door. “I just checked the flashlights - it seemed to me that one of them was working badly. Are we going into the house?”



  Renan went to Jonathan, he took one of the flashlights and they went into the house, lighting their way… There was a switch at the door.

  Renan pressed it. “There is no electricity here.”

  Jonathan looked around. “Yes, he probably did not even live here. He bought this for something specific; it was only his den, his and no one else…”

  Renan walked away from Jonathan, looking at the house - emptiness… A threatening emptiness. He shone aside and flinched. “My God! What the…” He aimed the light of the lantern on what was before him - the statue of an Angel…

  Jonathan went up to him. “Hmm… Angel. Not bad, Colin.”

  They shone around - a few more such statues were in the house…

  Renan said, “Jonathan… What the hell?”

  “Angels are in this house, Renan…”

  “Yes, and there are only Angels here. Gosh, this is creepy. Why would he do that?”

  “This speaks of his attachment to certain things, for him it is more than just an object of the interior - this is what affects his consciousness, his actions, partly shaping his psyche. Perhaps he feels safe in the environment of these angels; he believes he knows that they would be able to protect him.”

  “I think there’s nothing here anymore. We go to the second floor?”

  Jonathan nodded. They went along the stairs; this quiet creak and steps… someone else’s steps…

  Renan whispered, “Doc, stop.”

  They froze… The creak again…

  Renan said, “There’s someone else here besides us. Colin?”

  Jonathan shone along the stairs. “The sound comes from the second floor.”

  “It’s like a typical scene from a horror movie. What happens when its character continues to go ahead, knowing that there is a danger?”

  “It’s too dark to look for something. We go outside and wait until dawn. If Colin leaves, we’ll see him.”

  “That’s great plan.”

  They headed back to the exit. While Jonathan was walking behind, Renan remembered that night from his childhood… This house was so similar to his parents’ house, he thought he would see this stranger again and hear him again, “I know you’re home…”

  Renan stopped in front of the front door; he was distracted by the thoughts, not noticing lack of Jonathan’s steps. He shed light around… “These statues drive me crazy.” He opened the door. “Jonathan? Doc, where are you?”


  Renan said “Doc, just give me a sign if you hear me?”

  No answer…

  “Damn…” Renan got out of the house and took his cell phone out of his pocket. He dialed Jonathan’s number. This sound… He went to the sound of the calling phone, coming closer and closer… He stopped in front of the barn, looking around, he opened it - the stolen bus was standing inside of it; the ringing phone sounded from its open window. Renan approached it, he opened the door, took the mobile phone from the driver’s seat and looking at the display, he checked phone’s contacts. “This number is not Doctor’s, his son’s. He was here. God, Jonathan, how this…”

  The door of the barn closed. Renan squeezed his flashlight tightly in his hand. “The forty-fifth caliber is still with me…” He took his gun out of his inner pocket, making it feel like being in a battlefield with a two-faced enemy without the right to raise a white flag… He went to the door and knocked on it several times. “Hey there! Open the door, let’s just get this over with!” He knocked again. “There is no more meaning. You…” Something creaked behind him, Renan turned around - the back door of the barn opened. He approached it. “So… This…” He heard the screams from the street, still holding his gun and flashlight, he ran outside and looked around – there was nothing, just a doctor’s car… “Colin LeCompt? I know that you are here.” Renan slowly moved forward. “It’s not a good idea to try to hide under your mask when it has already fallen. You cannot…” He got a blow from behind, feeling like the ground is running out from under his feet, he slowly plunged into the darkness…


  One… two… three…

  Renan opened his eyes… Still feeling a slight headache, he tried to get up. Some voices sounded from a distance… He ran a hand over his face and looked around - he found himself in a closed room with a double bed, a curbstone and an empty cupboard, and there was also a small broken table opposite the window. “What the hell?” He went to the window and looked out - just a few abandoned houses… “What are you…” He walked to the door and pushed it, the door was not locked… Renan went into the corridor - about a dozen doors were on his floor. Number 31, 32 and his 33… “This is an abandoned hotel.” He walked along the corridor, hearing soft voices from the rooms. He went to one of them and turned the door handle - this door was locked. He continued his way along,he saw a staircase and slowly headed down, hearing a familiar voice… He was careful and tried not to make a noise, he went down to the first floor and went into the lobby. Opposite the reception desk stood a little boy about 11 years old, he turned around and looked at Renan.

  Renan froze, looking into his
eyes… “Boy… Where are we?”

  “We are at the DeVola Hotel.”

  “The hotel… DeVola?” Renan went to the windows and looked outside - still empty houses and a familiar bus…

  “My name is Daniel Fallon. And you?”

  “Daniel Fallon…” Renan looked at him again. “You are the same… you are his son.”

  “Do you know my dad?”

  “Jonathan Fallon, Doctor. Right?”

  Daniel nodded.

  Renan said, “Do you know where he is?”

  Daniel pointed to the front door. Renan went to it… He was there… He was in front of him again… He was real…


  Renan saw this shadow again, a shadow that tells him to keep silent “Shut up if you want to live.” And all this time it was he…

  “I’m not a child anymore, Jonathan.” Renan went to the door and saw the key in it, he locked its lock.

  Daniel said, “Are you afraid of him?”

  Renan looked around. “Am I afraid of him, Daniel? Are you?”

  Daniel was silent.

  Renan said, “Damn, what’s going on here?”

  “He forbade me to speak.”


  “I do not want to violate his order. I’m scared!”

  Renan went up to him. “Daniel, you probably know what’s going on here, do not you? Tell me?”

  They heard Jonathan trying to break the door, he took something heavy and smashed that glass. “I know you’re home…”

  Renan said, “Daniel, run!” He pushed him into the staff room.

  Renan and Daniel came in there, it was a simple room with a table and a closet, and also many books were on the floor of.

  Daniel pointed to the door that was between them. “There. It’s safe there.”

  Renan opened this door, they came in… He noticed there was an electronic lock on the door and it worked from a laptop that was standing next to it. He looked at this display - system management. With a couple of keystrokes, he locked the door. “Now, it can only be opened from the inside, right?”

  Daniel stood behind him. “He always worked here. He did not want anyone to disturb him.”

  Renan turned around. “Did he work here? What on?”

  Daniel pointed to the desk standing in front of a dark window that was hung in a dark shroud.. Renan approached it. Another laptop, a familiar notebook… He looked at the notes on the table. “Patient number 201, fear, panic… Patient number 79, bouts of euphoria, nervousness…” He looked at the laptop. The document “The Research Process. Lost in Nowhere.” “He opened it. “Damn, this is a book. He organized it for the sake of a book! What a nonsense…” Renan walked away from the table, pondering the next step.


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