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Malibu by Moonlight

Page 10

by Brooke St. James

  "A motorcycle?" Liam asked.

  Colton nodded wearing a comically confused expression. Obviously, he didn't remember that Liam had come in and picked her up on a motorcycle just a few short months ago. Of course, Liam looked a little different now. He had shaved for the wedding, but now facial hair had grown out a little bit. Liam rubbed his own jaw as the thought crossed his mind.

  "When will she be back?" he asked.

  "Yeah, when will she?" Regina added.

  She and the other two girls, Nikki and Kate, were completely infatuated with the dog.

  "I've never seen something so freakin' adorable," Kate said. "Can I hold him?"

  Regina reluctantly handed Kate the dog, and all three of the girls kept on talking about how loose and soft his skin was. They had Australian accents and Colton was utterly charmed by them. He was grinning from ear to ear the whole time and even reached out to pet Bishop along with them. Liam just stood there and watched them, feeling unable to comprehend the fact that Taylor not only named her dog Bishop but also bought a motorcycle.

  For whatever reason, this news made him feel agitated, annoyed. If Taylor was going to like him that much, he should know about it, shouldn't he? He couldn't believe she would actually buy a motorcycle without calling him. He could've helped her pick the perfect one, or gotten her discount. And who was driving that thing anyway? If she wasn't driving it, was someone else driving her around on it?

  "I'll certainly take your number and have Miss Quinn contact you," Colton said.

  He was talking to the girls and referring to the dog, which made Liam even more annoyed.

  "We'll just take him with us right now, and Miss Quinn can contact us for payment, how does that sound?"

  Regina was only joking, and everyone besides Liam thought it was hilarious.

  "Don't you want this dog?" Regina asked Liam in a pleading tone when she saw that he wasn't amused. "Don't you just want to take him home with you?"

  "I have one just like it at home. She's a different color, but she's basically the same."

  "No, you don't!" Regina said in disbelief. "You have a dog like this? With the ears?"

  Liam nodded. "She's a different color, but yeah."

  "You're lying!" she said.

  "I promise."

  "With the ears and the short legs?"

  "A Basset Hound, yes," Liam said. "Her name's Vera."

  "Let me see!" Regina said.

  "She's in Memphis."

  Regina giggled and pushed at his shoulder playfully. "I know she's not here, silly. I want to see a picture."

  Liam took his cell phone out of his back pocket and scrolled through the pictures until he came to a picture of his dog. He flashed it at her and she came to stand right next to him, staring over his shoulder. There were a few pictures in a row, and he swiped through them showing her three or four different poses.

  "Awwww!" She made the noise in a begging tone, and Liam glanced at her to find that she was sticking out her lip and batting her eyelashes at him.

  "If this lady won't sell me this one will you please, oh please, oh please sell me yours? I really, really, really think we need one of these for a band mascot."

  Regina was not a shy person, obviously. She was someone you would describe as a firecracker, a spitfire. This would explain why, after only a day of getting to know Liam, she felt like she could take the liberty of wrapping her arms around him. She latched herself on to him squeezing him tightly around his middle and staring up at him with her best pleading expression. Liam knew she was half teasing, so he just looked down and grinned at her.

  "Is she potty trained?" she asked, batting her eyes.

  "Yes, but you're not getting her," he said. "She's in Memphis, and she's mine. I could probably get you a Basset by this afternoon in Los Angeles if you seriously want one."

  "I seriously do!" she said. "I want to take it on the bus with us. I'm going to try to buy this one first, and if the lady won't sell it to me, then maybe we can go shopping somewhere else."


  Taylor's voice was tentative but it still cut through the sound of their conversation and the music that was playing.

  Bishop heard the sound of her voice and immediately started squirming in Kate's arms. He was big enough by now that Kate had a hard time holding him, so she set him down as gracefully as possible, and he ran toward the back of the store.

  Liam tensed and shifted a little, causing Regina to let go of him. She didn't go far, though. She stood right next to him where their shoulders were almost touching. He glanced at her as if wondering what she was doing, and she bumped into him as if to say she wanted him to ask Taylor if she could buy the dog since he knew her. Liam was stunned.

  Taylor stooped down to pick up the dog and stood up again, looking as composed and professional as ever. She walked toward them wearing a calm, confident smile.

  "Taylor, this is Regina Fox and the girls from Sweet Strain," Colton explained excitedly. He glanced at the other two girls as if apologizing for not knowing their names.

  "This is Kate and Nikki," Regina said. "Bass and keys. And this is Liam."

  "I know Liam," Taylor said as she approached the group. She glanced at him with a guarded smile that sent a shock through his system. She was breathtaking.

  "It's very nice to meet the rest of you, though," she said. She held Bishop under one arm and gave them a polite bow. "Is there something we can help you with today?"

  "Liam just wanted to come in here to talk to you," Regina explained. "But after we got here, we fell in love with your dog and decided we wanted to ask you if you would sell him to us."

  "He shouldn't have even been up here," Taylor said. She smiled and shook her head as if assuming that Regina was joking about buying him. She handed Colton the dog, motioning for him to take him to the back.

  "So, you were just in the area?" Taylor asked, focusing on Liam once Colton had walked away.

  "I'm in town working with the girls from Sweet Strain," he said.

  He felt like he could barely get the words out. Being in her presence was even more difficult and distracting than he imagined. Her sweet face had been burned into his memory, but it was even more delicate and beautiful than he recalled. He wanted to reach out, take it into his hands and kiss her right there in front of everyone.

  Taylor regarded Regina, who was still standing really close to Liam. "Do you two know each other?" she asked. "I mean aside from your band working with Alpha?"

  "We just met today," Regina said. "But we love him already." She glanced up at Liam with a huge smile before hugging him again. "And I'm not just saying that because I'm trying to get him to sell me his hound dog."

  "It's my hound dog," Taylor said, thinking there had been some confusion. She was perturbed, but she hid it well. Ivy's plan was exactly coming to fruition, and Liam had to hold back a smile at the irony of it all.

  "I know, but Liam's got one, too—a Basset just like yours. Isn't that crazy? A little black and white one with those same long ears. Her name is Vera. I had no idea how adorable these dogs were. Absolute beauties! I'd seriously be happy to overpay you for that brown one if you're willing to sell him." Regina looked up at Liam. She had let go of him, but she was still really close. "If not, I'm gonna take you up on that promise to help me find another one." She looked at Taylor again. "I wanna take it on the bus when we go on tour. Don't you think that'll be amazing?"

  "Pretty amazing," Taylor agreed.

  She was smiling and being restrained, but Liam could see that she was annoyed. Good, because he was too. What was she doing naming her dog Bishop and buying a motorcycle without him?

  "And it's really kind of you to offer to overpay me for Bi… my dog, but I'm afraid I'm pretty attached to the little guy." She looked at Liam. "I'm sure Liam can help you find another one."

  "I've got something in the classifieds," Kate said in her thick accent. She smiled and held up her phone before staring at it again. "Basset Hound puppies
," she said. "Six weeks old, AKC, whatever that means. Oh my gosh, look at these beauties, you guys! They're so little!"

  Liam started to say something about what a bad idea it would be to take a puppy that young on an epic road trip, but he honestly didn't care what they decided to do. Maybe they would get the dog and find out for themselves what a terrible impulse decision it was, or maybe they would dress it in costumes and it would be the best band mascot ever. Maybe it would be the best decision of their lives. He really didn't care to intervene—especially when he had other things on his mind.

  "I'll call them and see if they have any left," Kate said, already dialing the number.

  She walked toward the front of the store, stepping outside so she could carry on the conversation somewhere quieter. Regina let out an excited squeal and she and Nikki high-fived each other before Regina turned to focus on Liam again with an excited expression.

  "I'm soooo excited!" she said.

  By this time, Colton had returned from the back and was standing nearby, straightening ties and trying not to look like he was too interested in what the girls were doing.

  Regina glanced around the store before focusing on Liam. "Did you need to get some clothes or anything?" She was obviously getting around to asking him if he was ready to go, and Liam felt a pressing sensation on his chest at the thought of walking out of the store. It was as if his heart was in a vice. He had already stated the fact that he was not there to buy clothing, but that didn't stop him from changing his mind.

  "I did want to talk to you about ordering a suit," he said, looking at Taylor.

  Their eyes met for several seconds, and he watched as her chest rose and fell when she took a deep breath. She tilted her head and gave him an almost imperceptible smile. "I'm not sure if we still have your measurements."

  "I don't believe you do," Liam said. "I'm pretty sure you don't."

  She straightened her posture, looking as stoic as ever. "I could do it now, or you can make an appointment and come by another time. Whatever works for you."

  Liam's eyebrows rose in a look of surprise. "I didn't think you'd have time to do it right now," he said. He glanced at Regina. "Would you mind? It should only take a minute."

  "Of course not," she said. "You've been following us around all afternoon."

  Taylor casually gestured for Liam to follow her around the corner, and he easily obeyed. He knew they wouldn't have total privacy, but it was better than standing there in the midst of everyone else.

  Chapter 15


  I could barely breathe.

  My lungs were not functioning properly from the moment I walked in my shop and saw that Liam Kennedy was standing in it. My skin was hot and cold at the same time, and my heart was beating so rapidly that I could hear the muffled sound of it in my ears.

  I had never been in a situation where I wanted to physically attack another woman—just jump on her and start a catfight where we slapped each other and pulled hair. I almost did that exact thing to poor, dear Regina Fox. I honestly came close to pummeling her right there in my store when I saw her wrap her arms around Liam. What in the world made her feel like she had the right to do such a thing? I remembered it as Liam followed me toward the back of the store, and it made me clinch my fists.

  Liam and I were going to "take his measurements" but that was just an excuse. At this point, I was too shaken to even operate a measuring tape. I marched right past the platform and into a dressing room. It was the most private place I could think of without taking Liam to the bathroom in the back room, which would've raised all sorts of questions from Colton and the guys in the back.

  I walked all the way into the dressing room, not stopping until I reached the very back wall. I turned, leaning against the wall with a sigh. Liam was standing outside the dressing room, regarding me like he was surprised that I went straight into the dressing room rather than stopping at the platform. I stared directly at him, trying desperately to regulate my breathing and feeling so overwhelmed that I wanted to break down and cry. I could not believe that he was standing in my store.

  He calmly stepped into the dressing room, closing the curtain behind him, and causing me to hold my breath completely. I was out of breath like I had been running for my life, and now I was trapped—only I put myself there—I wanted to be there. I was experiencing every emotion rolled into one—happiness, anxiousness, fear, love, desire, anger.

  "What are you doing here?" I whispered breathlessly once he closed the curtain and turned to face me. The dressing room was small, so there was only a couple feet of space between us.

  "I'm here for work," he said, taking a small step closer. "And I wanted to come see you while I was in the neighborhood."

  I could feel him—smell him.

  "Why'd you bring those girls in here?" I asked. I had told myself to try to be discreet, but apparently, that plan was out the window. I would just have to say what was on my mind since I could think to do nothing else.

  He gave me a little smile, seeing how frustrated I was. "Because we were in the neighborhood and I couldn't walk by this place without coming in to talk to you."

  "I don't like them," I said.

  He gave me a shrug. "They're harmless. And they're big clients for us, so I have to aim to please."

  "So, part of the job is that your clients get to hang all over you like that? Or is that just what they do in Australia?"

  "Are you jealous?" he whispered slowly, taking a step closer still.

  "No," I insisted. "It's just mean to come in here with some girl all over you like that."

  "Mean?" he asked incredulously, staring at me. "I didn't ask her to do that. I didn't expect her to do it. That's just how she is."

  "Well, I don't like her. And I don't want you guys in my store acting like that. It's not professional."

  He stepped closer to me, wearing a barely there grin that said he was amused by my behavior. He was taller than me, even with my heels on, so I had to look up at him as he came closer and closer. It was completely obvious by the rapid rise and fall of my chest that I was having trouble breathing. I couldn't fathom that he was standing right in front of me. I wanted to cry.

  "I'm mad at you, too," he whispered, staring straight at me with his devastating whiskey-colored eyes.

  "Why? I didn't do anything. I don't have some guy hugging all over me."

  "Why would you name your dog after me?" he asked.

  "I didn't."

  "Bishop?" he said.

  "After the motorcycle."

  "That is me," Liam said. "You know that's my family name."

  "I just did it because I like the motorcycles," I said, lying through my teeth. "It has nothing to do with you."

  "That's another thing," he said, grimacing at me. "Why would you buy a motorcycle without talking to me first? I would have made sure you got the right size and features. I would've bought it for you."

  "How'd you know I bought a motorcycle?"

  "Colton told me. He said you looove Bishop Motorcycles."

  I rolled my eyes, feeling angry and embarrassed. "I don't love them, and I should have never bought it. All it does is remind me of you." I used my finger to poke his chest angrily when I said the word you, and this made him grin at me like he thought I was funny.

  "It's not funny," I said, feeling the urge to laugh and cry all at once. "I should've never bought it. I've never even learned to ride it. It's just sitting at my house, doing nothing."

  Liam was so close to me that, in places, his body was touching mine. He stared at me with a tiny, sweet smile in spite of the fact that I was losing my temper. He was only inches from my face.

  "Taylor," he whispered.


  "I'm glad you bought a motorcycle, and I'm glad you named your dog after me."

  "Why? You like knowing someone's on the other side of the country pining away for you?" I asked sarcastically.

  "Yes, I do," he said, drawing even closer and push
ing me gently against the wall. "I like that very much."

  His proximity was overwhelming.



  Totally overwhelming.

  "Well, great! Good news for you. Because all I've tried to do, for the last four months, is forget about you, Liam, and all I've done is fail at it."

  "Thank God," he said, staring down at me.

  His body was pressed against mine. He was gloriously pressed against me, and there was literally nowhere else on this whole earth I would rather be. The energy between us was so charged, we could have started a fire.

  "Don't you dare kiss me," I whispered through gritted teeth with my mouth next to his. "I have to go back to work, and so do you."

  I kept a serious expression, but he knew I was saying the exact opposite of what I really wanted.

  "Don't tell me what to do," he said, also maintaining a serious expression.

  "Both of us have to go back to work," I said.

  "I don't care about work. I quit that job."

  "No you didn't," I said, squinting at him.

  He scanned my face, looking at me like he was right on the verge of ravaging me. My insides turned to hot liquid, and I felt like I might just melt into a pile of boneless mush right there in the dressing room. I leaned against the wall, feeling thankful that it was there to support my weight. I wanted to kiss Liam Kennedy so desperately that I almost took matters into my own hands. I could barely catch my breath.

  "We really have to go back to work," I said hoping to make him go ahead and do it.

  "Fine," he said with a shrug and a disappointed shake of his head. He swiveled on his heel and stood to the side, making a way for me to walk past him.

  I hated him for calling my bluff.

  I hated him for having the willpower to let me walk out of there.

  I wanted to call his bluff right back and storm out, but there was just no way I could. I had been imagining this moment for four months, and I just couldn’t allow my own stubbornness to override my desire. My desire trumped everything else.


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