Hope: Entertainer of the Century
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Oberon, Merle, 184
O’Brien, Margaret, 218
O’Connor, Donald, 290
Odeon Theater, 199, 239
O’Donnell, Bob, 69–70
O’Donnell, Emmett “Rosie,” 273, 382
O’Dowd, John, 253
O’Dwyer, William, 268
Off Limits, 296
O’Hara, Maureen, 325
Oistrakh, David, 321
Oklahoma!, 196
Old Grey Mayor, The, 102
“Old Friend,” 480
“Ol’ Man River,” 88
Olson, Culbert, 184
Olson, George, 94
Olympics, 283, 433, 450
“On a Clear Day You Can See Forever,” 393
One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich, 344
100 Years of Hope Humor, 482
Onion, The, 3
On the Beach, 331
On the Road to Vietnam, 370
On the Road with Bing, 443
O’Reilly, Tom, 206
Original Amateur Hour, 86
O’Shaughnessy and Leibowitz, 427
O’Shay, Kathleen, 54
Osmond, Marie, 467
Oswald, Gerd, 317
Outlaw, The, 249
Ozzie and Harriet, 271
“Pagan Love Song,” 73
Paige, Janis, 291, 336–38, 348, 366, 368
Palace Theatre (Chicago), 65, 75, 87
Palace Theatre (Cleveland), 75–76
Palace Theatre (N.Y.), 4, 133
vaudeville at, 62, 67–68, 77–78, 80, 90
Paleface, The, 5, 236, 243, 249–50, 258, 272
Paley, William, 254–55
Palladium Theatre, 279–80, 288–89, 298, 339, 442, 446
Palmer, Arnold, 353, 356, 358–59
Palmer, Lilli, 279
Palm Springs, Calif., 247, 263, 299, 310, 359, 428–29, 450, 458, 466–67, 477, 480
Hope’s golf tournament in, 15, 356–57
Hope’s residences in, 13, 236, 328, 365, 378, 392, 424–25, 451–52, 481–82
Panama, Norman, 130, 135–36
Hope’s movie career and, 136, 186, 207, 224–26, 232, 285–86, 313, 332–34
Paramount Pictures, 93–94, 115–16, 220, 264, 278, 280, 298, 437
Hope’s disputes with, 214–15, 218–19, 234
Hope’s movie career and, 14, 100, 112, 116, 119–20, 123, 126–28, 139, 150–53, 156, 161–62, 171, 176, 186, 189, 192–93, 195–96, 214–15, 218–19, 223–26, 232, 234–35, 241, 249, 255–56, 258, 271, 275–76, 283–84, 295, 300–301, 355
Hope’s television career and, 244, 283
World War II and, 183–84
Paramount Theater:
Hope’s movie career and, 172, 188
Hope’s stage shows and, 140–41, 264–65, 275, 284, 313–14
Paree, Paree, 101
Parent Trap, The, 419
Paris Holiday, 316–19, 324, 332
Parker, Frank, 104–5
Parsons, Louella, 236, 276, 301, 328
Pasetta, Marty, 443–44
Pathé, 79, 100
Patton, George, 202, 221
Paulin, J. Dennis, 481–82
Pavuvu, 210–11, 273
Pawlek, John, 342, 376
Payton, Barbara, 253–54, 303, 353
Peaches and Herb, 447
Pearl Harbor, 177, 181–83, 186, 188, 210
Peck, Gregory, 386
Peers, Donald, 281
Peleliu assault, 210–11
Pepper, Jack, 196, 201, 203, 219, 226, 348
Pepsodent Show, The, 129–37, 141, 143–45, 158, 164–66, 173–75, 187, 191–92, 194–95, 206–7, 213, 215–17, 219, 222–23, 226, 235, 237–41, 243–48, 255, 259, 293, 343
Perlberg, Bill, 79
Perón, Juan, 308
Perret, Gene, 438–40, 461, 467–68, 470
Persian Gulf, 467–68
Pettis, Jack, 94
Philadelphia, Pa., 61, 91, 108, 184, 217, 413
Philadelphia, USS, 31, 33
Philadelphia Story, The, 167
Philip, Prince of Great Britain, 339, 391, 434–35
Philippines, 188, 275, 364, 366, 381
Pischel, Dohrmann, 365
Picton, Percy, 27
Pilot, 215–16
Playboy, 423
Play It Again, Sam, 462
“Please,” 116, 130
Pointer Sisters, 467
Poland, 141–42
Poor Richard Club, 217
Popov, Oleg, 321
Porter, Cole, 4, 83, 101, 108–10, 196
Potomac Investments, 471–73
Potter, Dan M., 405
Powell, Colin, 468
Powell, Dick, 123–24, 189
Power, Tyrone, 182, 195
Presley, Elvis, 17, 309
Price, Roger, 219
Price, Vincent, 297
Pride, Charley, 409
Prince of Wales Theatre, 8, 279–80
Princess and the Pirate, The, 208, 215
Prinze, Freddie, 433
Private Navy of Sgt. O’Farrell, The, 399
Proctor’s, 70–71
Pryor, Richard, 3
Pulver, Lilo, 354
“Put It There, Pal,” 224
Pyle, Ernie, 203
Queen Mary, 141–43, 219, 239, 279
Quinn, Anthony, 154
Quirk, Lawrence, 63, 91, 276
radio, 88, 92, 125
Academy Awards and, 149–50, 218
censorship issues and, 136–37, 165–66, 189, 216–17, 236–37
daytime, 291–92, 328
Hope’s career in, 4, 6–8, 10, 15–16, 23, 63, 80–81, 85–87, 89, 99, 102–6, 111, 121–24, 128–37, 140, 143–45, 150–51, 156, 158–60, 164–66, 173–75, 177, 182–89, 191–92, 194–97, 199, 204–9, 213–17, 219, 221–23, 226–27, 235–41, 243–48, 251–55, 259, 265–66, 269–71, 274–75, 279, 283–84, 289–93, 295, 297, 328, 330, 342–43, 431, 485, 535
Hope’s movie career and, 121, 156, 235
monologue emphasis in, 122–23
television and, 244, 255, 266, 269, 283, 289–90, 292
World War II and, 173–75, 177, 181–85, 188–89, 194–95, 199, 204–9, 213, 219, 222–23, 227, 238–39, 274
writers in, 8, 63, 105, 123, 129–30, 132–37, 144–45, 152, 158, 174, 177, 186, 197, 205–6, 245–49, 259, 343
Radio City Music Hall, 80, 251, 419, 421
“Radio’s Seven Deadly Sins” (John Crosby), 275
Radio Stars, 106
Raft, George, 120, 141
Ragaway, Martin, 13, 345
Rainger, Ralph, 116
Rapp, Johnny, 343
Rathbone, Basil, 297
Ray, Leah, 100
Ray, Ted, 281
Raye, Martha, 120, 124, 126–27, 138–39, 188, 195, 308, 350, 374, 455
Reagan, Nancy, 456, 483
Reagan, Ronald, 7, 294, 389, 411, 438, 455–57, 460, 466–67
Red, Hot and Blue, 109–11, 480
Redgrave, Vanessa, 443
Reed, Ted, 115
Reese, Algernon, 328
Reilly, Alvin E., 363
Reilly, Dorothy, 363–64
Reiner, Carl, 268
Remarque, Erich Maria, 142
“Reunited,” 447
Rhodes, Jean, 307
Rhythm Romance, 139
Richard Boone Show, The, 344
Richman, Harry, 102–3
Rickey, Carrie, 288
Riesner, Dean, 316
Rinker, Al, 88
Rio, Eddie, 226
Rippling Rhythm Revue, The, 111, 121–22
RKO Theater of the Air, 86
Road pictures, 5, 81, 150–58, 186, 210, 241–43, 270, 284–88, 409, 421, 450
Road to Bali, 284–86, 355
The Road to Hong Kong, 285–87, 352, 355
Road to Morocco, 171, 193–94, 200, 450
Road to Rio, 236, 241–42, 284
Road to Singapore, 151–58, 162, 167–70
Road to the Fountain of Youth, 287, 442
Road to the Moon, 285
Road to Tomorrow, 287
Road to Utopia, 207–8, 215, 224–26, 241–42
Road to Zanzibar, 156, 167–70
Road to Hollywood, The, 314, 443
Robards, Jason, 344
Roberta, 90–93, 95–96, 98–100, 102, 127, 196, 268, 324, 342, 378, 398
Roberti, Lyda, 90
Robertson, Frank, 213
Robin, Leo, 115–16, 128
Robinson, Edward G., 123, 141
Rockefeller, John D., 35, 41
Rockwell, Norman, 42, 296, 434
Rodgers and Hammerstein, 196
Rodgers and Hart, 60
Roffe, Edward, 409
Rogers, Roy, 282, 355
Rogers, Will, 7, 53, 123–24, 234, 241, 338–39
Rogers, William, 383
Rolling Stone, 395, 450, 476
Romano, Tony, 189, 196, 201, 209, 212, 219, 330, 486
Romanoff, Michael, 102
Rooney, Mickey, 149, 188, 195, 220, 296, 483
Roosevelt, Eleanor, 132, 184, 198, 201, 207, 268
Roosevelt, Franklin D., 82, 136, 165–66, 207, 219
World War II and, 166, 177, 214
Root, Johnny, 46
Roots, 6
Rose, Jack, 235, 250, 256, 300, 316
Rose, Si, 247–48, 251
Rosenzweig, Barney, 437–38
Rosequist, Mildred, 47–48, 74, 98
Ross, Shirley, 116–19, 125–27, 137–39, 476
Rosten, Leo, 9
Royal, John, 267
Royal Albert Hall, 219–20, 403
Rowan & Martin’s Laugh-In, 393
Ruggles of Red Gap, 255
Runyon, Damon, 120, 125–26, 235, 256–57, 271, 281
Russell, Jane, 272
Hope’s movie career and, 249–50, 282, 314
Hope’s stage shows and, 264–65
Russell, Lillian, 53
Ruth, Babe, 52, 184
Ryan, Irene, 245
Sahl, Mort, 3, 335
Saint, Eva Marie, 313, 420
Saint, John D., Jr., 202–3
St. Denis, Ruth, 265
St. John, Jill, 366, 368, 375, 396, 409, 445
Salk, Jonas, 435
Saltzman, Harry, 314, 353
Sanders, George, 312–13
San Diego, Calif., 2, 72, 79, 97, 150, 174, 183
Sanford and Son, 413
San Francisco, Calif., 49, 143, 158, 224, 283, 334–35, 365, 442
Hope’s radio career and, 222–23
World War II and, 184, 189, 210
Saphier, Jimmy, 311, 348, 431–32, 439
Hope’s radio career and, 122–24, 129, 292
Hope’s television career and, 298, 324, 332, 338, 399, 411
Sarnoff, Tom, 310
Saturday Evening Post, 91, 296, 324, 454
Saunders, Mary Jane, 256–58
Sax, Sam, 101
Say When, 102–3
Schertzinger, Victor, 151–53, 167, 193
Schickel, Richard, 17
Schildkraut, Joseph, 233
Schneider, Art, 346, 376
Schneider, Bert, 430–31, 443
Schneider, Romy, 393
Schulberg, Budd, 344
Schwartz, Al, 130
Schwartz, Sherwood, 130, 132, 134–37, 157, 174
Schwarzkopf, Norman, 468
Scott, George C., 445, 457
Scott, John L., 234
Scott, Vernon, 328, 432
Scourby, Alexander, 338
SCTV, 462
Secret Life of Bob Hope, The (Marx), 94, 473–74
Selleck, Tom, 483
Selznick, David O., 148–49, 166
Serling, Rod, 344
Setzer, Marvin, 190–91
Sennett, Mack, 130, 423, 429
Sesame Street, 447
Sevareid, Eric, 460
Seven Little Foys, The, 300–302, 312–13, 316, 334
Shales, Tom, 444
Shavelson, Melville, 467
Hope’s movie career and, 135, 256, 287, 300, 316, 407, 442
Hope’s radio career and, 130, 134–35, 145
Shea, Jack, 340, 366, 376
Shea, Mike, 61, 64–65
Shearer, Norma, 141
Shepard, Alan, 357, 409
Shields, Brooke, 457–58, 462, 469–70, 483
Shop Talk, 102
Showbiz Today, 480
Show Boat, 60
Shore, Dinah, 217, 249, 401
television and, 267, 269, 308
Shubert, J. J., 107–8
Shubert, Lee, 84, 107–8
Shurr, Louis “Doc,” 226, 229, 276, 311, 348, 431
Broadway and, 99–100, 109, 122
Hope’s movie career and, 100–101, 111–12, 119, 122, 127, 161–62
Hope’s radio career and, 99, 104, 122
Shute, Nevil, 331
Sicily, 201–5
Sidewalks of New York, 60–61, 65–66, 80
“Silent Night,” 369, 388, 395, 458
Siller, Ray, 414–15
“Silver Bells,” 281–82, 455
Silverman, Fred, 455
Silvers, Phil, 308
Simon, Neil, 60, 421–22
Simon & Schuster, 205, 296
Sinatra, Frank, Jr., 339
Sinatra, Frank, Sr., 17, 237, 278–79, 286, 323, 411, 422, 446
Academy Awards and, 429–31
Hope’s television career and, 270, 324
Sisk, Fred, 351
Sitting Pretty, 100
Six Degrees of Separation, 349
Six Hits and a Miss, 130
Six of a Kind, 120
Skelton, Red, 234, 288, 401
radio career of, 237, 239, 255
television career of, 5–6, 312, 330, 343
Skirball, Jack, 101
Skolsky, Sidney, 166
Sledge, Eugene B., 210–11
Smiles, 80
Smiling Eyes, 56–57
Smith, Al, 60
Smith, Alexis, 316
Smith, Cecil, 322
Smith, Don, 372
Smith, Kate, 189, 400
Smith, Kenneth D., 401–2
Smith, Sid, 347, 441
Smith, Walter Bedell, 252
Smith and Dale, 60, 421
“Smoke Gets in Your Eyes,” 91–92
Smothers Brothers, 408
Snyder, Robert, 64
Sojack’s Dance Academy, 46–48
Solomon and Sheba, 326
Solzhenitsyn, Alexander, 344
Some Like It Hot, 139, 147
Somers, Bruce (son-in-law), 474–75
Somers, Suzanne, 474
Sommer, Elke, 378
Sondergaard, Gale, 146, 242
Son of Paleface, 282–83
Sorrowful Jones, 256–58, 281
So This Is Peace (Hope), 227
Sotzing, Jeff, 464
Sound of Music, The, 447
Southern Methodist University, 92, 355, 398, 406–7
Soviet Union, 194, 240, 272, 288, 290, 325, 331, 336, 338, 354, 412, 450
Berlin blockade and, 245, 251
cultural exchanges between US and, 319, 323, 447
Hope’s Berlin show and, 251–52
Hope’s movie career and, 304–5, 314–15
Spain, 106, 287, 326–28, 409, 442
Spanos, Alex, 13, 461
Sparks, Randy, 326
Spellman, Frances Cardinal, 373
Spencer, Stu, 457
Spies Like Us, 421
Spotlight Revue, 231
Sputnik, 320–21
Stagecoach, 148
Stalag 17, 305–6
Standard Oil, 35, 41, 350
stand-up comedy, 3–4, 6–7, 69, 123, 334–35, 424, 461, 476, 484
Stanwick, Barbara, 62
Starlighters, 238
Starr, Ben, 287, 427–28
Star-Spangled Revue, The, 268–70
Star Spangled Rhythm, 195<
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Star Wars, 6
State Lake Theater, 140
Steinbeck, John, 200
Stengel, Casey, 356
Sterling, Robert, 354
Sternberg, Josef von, 120
Stevens, Connie, 393, 395–96, 401, 467
Stevens, Kaye, 371–72, 374
Stewart, Blanche, 144
Stewart, D. Travis, 68
Stewart, James, 163, 167, 176, 182, 279, 330, 468
Stewart, Lee, 70, 77–78, 84
Stockdale, Mrs. James B., 408–9
Stone, Butch, 367
Stone, Dorothy, 101
Stone, Lewis, 195
“Stormy Weather,” 102
Story of Alexander Graham Bell, The, 149
Stratford Theater, 65–69, 153
Strathearn, Hugh, 217
Strauss, Robert, 306
Stump, Bob, 481
Sullivan, Ed, 121, 125, 309
television and, 266, 289, 323
World War II and, 192, 204
Sullivan, Norman, 130, 259, 343, 432
Sun, Gus, 53, 57
Sunshine Boys, The, 60, 421–22
Sutherland, Donald, 404
Swift, David, 419
Symington, Stuart, 250–51, 258–59, 295, 377, 393, 407
Sydney, Ann, 366
tab shows, 49–50, 53, 56
Tailor Maids, 272
“Take Me Out to the Ballgame,” 372
Talbot, Ken, 319–21
Talbott, Harold, 305
Taliaferro, Walt, 266
Tarkington, Booth, 232
Tartikoff, Brandon, 465, 478
Tashlin, Frank, 232–33, 250, 276, 281–82, 399
Taylor, Elizabeth, 444, 465
Taylor, Maxwell, 367
“Teamwork,” 286–87
television, 8, 292, 304–14, 333, 341, 474
Academy Awards and, 293–95, 330–31, 443–44
fund-raisers on, 283–84
Hope’s career in, 3–6, 14–15, 49, 81, 95, 128, 243–44, 255, 265, 267–71, 274, 279, 282–84, 286–91, 293–301, 304–12, 314, 316–26, 328, 330–32, 334–35, 338–40, 342–48, 351, 354–55, 363–64, 369–70, 374–77, 380–82, 385–86, 392, 394–99, 403–4, 410–11, 413–15, 423–24, 426–28, 431–36, 439–49, 454–55, 457–59, 461, 463–66, 468–70, 472, 475–79, 482, 484, 536
Hope’s Christmas tours and, 317–18, 326, 330, 394–97, 403–4, 414–15, 458
Hope’s golf tournament and, 356–57
Hope’s Moscow trip and, 304–5, 318–23
Hope’s seventy-fifth birthday and, 444–45
Hope’s son and, 384, 437
movies and, 254, 266, 269, 283–84, 290–91, 293–94, 301, 314, 334, 351, 355
popularity of, 245, 265–66
production costs in, 343–44
specials on, 3, 5–6, 14–16, 49, 243, 267–71, 282, 286–87, 289, 298–300, 305, 307, 309–10, 313, 317–24, 326, 328, 332, 338, 340, 344, 346–47, 355, 364, 369–70, 374–77, 380–82, 385–86, 392, 394, 397–99, 403–4, 410–11, 414–15, 423–24, 426, 432–36, 439–41, 443–50, 454–55, 457–58, 463–66, 468–69, 472, 475–79, 482
Vietnam War and, 364, 369–70, 374–77, 380–82, 385–86, 391, 394–97, 403–4, 410–11, 413–15, 434, 458