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The Billionaire Bull Rider

Page 18

by Kate Pearce

  He came into the apartment, his gaze scanning the mountain of shopping bags piled up around the table, and whistled.

  “Wow. Mom really went for it, didn’t she?”

  “Yeah.” Josie patted the seat beside her. “We had a ball. Do you want some coffee?”

  “No thanks.” He grimaced. “I spent most of the day with Graham, and I drank way too much of the stuff.” He looked over toward Yvonne. “Hey. I almost didn’t see you there amongst all the bags.”

  “I’m just about to go back to my hotel.” She smiled at him. “But for some reason my legs aren’t working.”

  His eyes narrowed with amusement. “Possibly because you spent the day with my mother. She’s enough to wear anyone out.”

  “She made me look like an amateur.” Yvonne groaned and struggled to sit up. “I really should get going.”

  “If you really want to leave now, I’ll come with you and help with all the bags,” Rio offered.

  Yvonne considered him for a long moment. Was that a good idea or not? Her body said yes, and her common sense said no.

  “Or if you’re really tired, I can load you into a cab and wave you good-bye.”

  “Take him with you, Yvonne. He’s really good at carrying bags and all that kind of manly stuff,” Josie said helpfully. “I’ll tell Mom where he is if she needs him for anything.”

  “Okay.” Yvonne finally got off the couch and blew Josie a kiss. “Give Isabelle my love, and tell her I’ll be in touch before I leave tomorrow.”

  “Will do. Thanks for today, Yvonne. It was awesome.”

  Rio winked at his sister, and then came to stand at Yvonne’s side. “Which bags are yours?”

  “Just these dozen or so.”

  She really did need a hand. Somehow, she’d forgotten to keep count of her purchases, and now had more bags to carry than she could manage alone.

  “Okay.” He picked up the majority of the shopping in one capable hand, and then grabbed another load. “We’ll probably need a cab.”

  They didn’t talk on the way back. Rio got out of the cab and carried all her bags into the nearest elevator in the lobby. Yvonne assumed he wasn’t afraid to come up to her room with her. Which was good, right? It meant they were still okay around each other.

  She slid her room key into the slot, and the door opened onto her newly refreshed and housekeepered space. She loved that about hotels.

  “Just dump everything over by the window and I’ll sort it out later,” Yvonne said. “I hope Chase has room on the plane for all this stuff.”

  “I’m sure he’ll cope.” Rio carefully put the bags down, and straightened up. “Did you hear anything from the Tasty Treats crew?”

  Yvonne fumbled for her phone. “Do you know, I haven’t even looked. Between your mom and the noise of the city, I just put my cell away, and forgot about it.” She pointed at the small kitchen area. “Why don’t you get us both a bottle of water while I check?”


  She kicked off her shoes again and sank down on the couch to read her messages.

  “Priscilla says she’s going to bring the whole team out to Morgantown in the next couple of weeks to really get a feel for the dynamics of the town, and the central part my café plays in it.” Yvonne read out the text. “Well, if they stay overnight, the Hayes Hotel will be pleased to get a bunch of guests.”

  “Anything else?” Rio handed her a chilled bottle of water.

  Yvonne made a face. “Greg sent a text asking me out.”

  “Wow, classy.” Rio sat opposite her. “No conflict of interest there at all.”

  “Actually, I think he’s more interested in my cooking than me.”

  “The way he was stuffing cream cakes down his gullet when he came to visit, I’d agree with you.” He took a long swig from his bottled water. “It’s been a long day.”

  Yvonne opened her water as well. “Isabelle said you ended up having lunch with your father. How did that go?”

  She was amazed that, despite all the potential awkwardness between them, she still really wanted to know how he was doing.

  He made a face. “It was . . . interesting. He made me trail around behind him all morning while he visited various departments and spoke with his staff.”

  “Interesting in what way?”

  “In that he genuinely seemed invested in what they were doing, and they genuinely seemed to like him.”

  “Just because you don’t like someone doesn’t mean they are always unlikeable to others,” Yvonne pointed out.

  “Yeah, but my father always had this reputation. . . .” He stopped speaking and stared off into space. “He keeps telling me he’s changed, and I don’t want to believe him.”

  “Why not?”

  “That’s the million-dollar question, isn’t it?” Rio sighed. “Why can’t I allow my father to have a good side?”

  “Because if he does, that means you might have to reevaluate how you feel about him, and your mother, and what happened all those years ago.”

  “Yeah. We did talk about that a bit.” Rio blew out a breath. “He said he didn’t know his new wife was beating the shit out of me.”

  Yvonne sat bolt upright. “She did what?”

  “She didn’t like kids.” He shrugged. “I was a typically annoying kid who played too loud, broke things, and demanded regular meals.”

  “What did she do to you?”

  “Locked me in the closet, punished me by removing my food privileges, and knocked me around when no one was looking. When I finally retaliated, she went running to my father about me being a vicious little bastard, so I was sent off to one of those correctional schools to force some discipline into me.”

  “That’s . . . horrible.”

  “It wasn’t good.” His smile was perfunctory. “But it taught me a lot about self-preservation, and self-belief.”

  Her hands slowly balled into fists, and she knelt up on the seat. “Where does this woman live?”


  “Because I want to find her and give her a taste of her own medicine.”

  He took her balled fist and gently unfolded her fingers. “It’s okay. She’s not worth worrying about.”

  “You’re being way too nice about her,” Yvonne growled.

  “No, she really isn’t worth your time. She’s an alcoholic with anger issues who lives off her divorce settlement from my father, and continues to make spectacularly bad choices.”

  “So you keep tabs on her then?”

  He smiled. “Not really.”


  “Okay, maybe I Google her once a year just to check she’s still hanging in there screwing things up.”

  “Karma’s a bitch, right?” Yvonne met his gaze.

  “Yeah, it is.”

  He was still holding her hand, his thumb caressing her palm. And he was way too close....

  “My father also has this massive charity foundation.”

  Yvonne blinked. “He does?” Rio was really getting into this “friends share stuff ” thing.

  “Yeah, Josie told me about it.” His brow furrowed. “I met some of the people who run it today at lunch, and they were very sincere.”

  “So basically you’re worried that your dad is doing a number on you.”

  “Exactly. I know he wants me to take on the role of his successor, so maybe he’s showing me the parts of the company he knows I’ll approve of.”

  “That’s certainly possible.” Yvonne agreed, transfixed by the gold fleck in his brown eyes. “Or maybe he really has changed after all. Which scares you most? Him having changed, or you having to let up on him a little?”

  “Both, I think. And then I started calculating how many people might lose their jobs if my father sells his company to a competitor or in a hostile takeover.”

  “So maybe you should be thinking about his offer more seriously,” Yvonne suggested.

  “I walked out on him once, Yvonne. It took all my courage to do that.” He held h
er gaze. “I’m not sure if I’m strong enough to walk right back in.”

  “I can’t tell you what the right answer is, Rio, but it sounds like you might have a lot of thinking to do.”

  He was still holding her hand, and their fingers were slipping and sliding and interlocking in some kind of unscripted, totally inappropriate sexual dance.

  “Speaking of having a lot to think about, I’ve been thinking about you,” Rio murmured. “I can’t get you out of my head.”

  “I am pretty spectacular.” Yvonne smiled at him.

  “Yeah, and I owe you an explanation as to why I bolted from your bed.”

  “You do?” She blinked at him.

  “You know I do. The thing is—I can’t explain it.” He grimaced. “I know this isn’t a great time for either of us, and I know you don’t want a relationship right now, but—”

  “You still want me.” Yvonne sighed. “Just say it. We both know it’s the truth.”

  A second later, she found herself on her back with Rio straddling her. He had both her wrists captured in his hand and was smiling down at her.

  “You don’t feel like that about me, then?”

  “Nope. Not at all.”

  “Really?” He slowly bent down, giving her all the time in the world to avoid him, and kissed her hard. “You sure about that? Because you sound pretty damn needy to me right now.”

  She licked her lips. “Let me up.”

  He immediately released her and sank back down on his knees on the couch in front of her like he was praying.

  “How about we do this,” Yvonne said. “We’re not in a relationship, we’re both free to leave, and we can have as much sex as we like for as long as we like, as long as the other person is agreeable.”

  “As much sex as we like?” Rio said hoarsely.

  “Yes, with no strings attached.” She attempted a shrug. “It’s a very pragmatic, French way of solving our issues. We like each other, and neither of us wants to hurt the other person, so we promise to do our best to keep this affaire fun and free.”

  “I think they call that ‘friends with benefits’ these days,” Rio pointed out.

  “If you prefer.” Yvonne held her breath. She had no idea why she’d suddenly decided to speak up, but she didn’t regret it. The chemistry swirling between them was unbelievable. “What do you think?”

  “It sounds okay in principle, but . . .”

  “Basically, I’m giving us both a get-out clause so that we can continue to avoid facing our fear of commitment for a little while longer.”

  He winced. “You’ve been talking to Josie, haven’t you?”

  “No, but I’m not surprised to hear she’s been giving you an earful.”

  Yvonne tried to sound like she didn’t care what he chose to do when inside she was holding her breath. If she was ever to start trusting someone again and eventually have a proper relationship, Rio was a good place to start. Whatever happened, she knew they would still be friends.

  “I don’t want to hurt you,” Rio said.

  “I know.” Yvonne nodded.

  “And I still have to go back to being a bull rider for at least one more year.”

  “And I’ve got a business to run, and maybe a TV empire in the making.”

  They faced each other in silence until Yvonne reached out her hand and cupped his chin. The hint of stubble under her palm made her stomach do a slow roll of desire.

  “We’re friends, right?”

  He nodded.

  “And neither of us is stupid.”

  “Well, you certainly aren’t,” Rio agreed. “Me? I’m not so sure.”

  “We don’t have to do anything.”

  “I think we do.” His smile was pained as he took her hand and placed it over the bulge in his jeans. “I want you so badly.”

  “Okay.” She leaned a little weight into her grip, and he groaned her name. “But this time I get to go first.”

  * * *

  Rio almost forgot how to breathe as Yvonne undid the silver buckle of his belt and then the top button. She inhaled and then slowly lowered the zipper of his jeans, which he appreciated immensely.

  “Nice,” she murmured.

  There was nothing he needed to say to that. He was too busy waiting to see what she’d do next to form a coherent sentence. She traced the top edge of his boxers with her fingertips, easing his jeans down over his ass. Before she could do anything else, he shoved them down completely, kicked them off and onto the floor. Nothing worse than being caught with your pants around your knees.

  She spread her hands out over the jut of his hips, her thumbs lying along the sharp edge of the bone, and kissed his stomach.

  “Nice abs.”

  “Thank you.”

  “I’ve never been a fan of them before, but yours are pretty spectacular.”

  “Having a strong core is essential if you ride bulls.” He tried to sound nonchalant when his heart was beating like an out-of-control drum.

  She kissed her way down each hip and then ran her teeth along the edge of his boxers, making him shudder with need. He almost lost it when her tongue disappeared beneath the cotton and swirled around the head of his hard, needy shaft.

  He made a grab for her head, his fingers plunging into her coils of hair, and held on as she continued to explore him. His hips bucked as she drew him into her mouth, and held him there while he prayed to every god in heaven that he wouldn’t disgrace himself, that the need spiraling through him could be controlled.

  She pushed his boxers down, and surged forward, taking more, until he forgot about caution and simply reveled in the intensity of the feelings she aroused in him. Her fingers wrapped around his base, and she started to move on him. Everything in his world narrowed to the tightness of her mouth, the constriction of her hand, and the rhythm of his rocking hips.

  His fingers curled in her hair, and he groaned. “You did say as much sex as we wanted, right?”

  Her reply resonated around his arousal as she nodded.

  “Good, then I won’t worry if I—” Even as he spoke, the need to climax became too much, and he let go. His knees buckled, and he collapsed onto the couch like he’d been shot. Yvonne looked down at him quizzically.

  “Are you okay?”

  He managed a nod.

  “Good, I’m going to bed now. Do you want to join me?”

  She sashayed away from the couch, her hips swinging, and a victorious smile on her lips. As soon as he got his breath back, he was after her, sweeping her up into his arms while she squeaked his name. He laid her down on the bed and stripped off the rest of his clothes in record time.

  Her appreciative gaze swept over him and she reached up to stroke his tattooed bicep. “You really are nice to look at.”

  “Thank you, so are you.” He snatched a quick kiss. “And now, it’s my turn,” Rio said. “And I’m not leaving this bed until I’ve reduced you to complete and utter exhaustion.”

  “You think you can do that?” Her smile was as hot as hell, and definitely a challenge. “Then go for it, cowboy.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  Okay, so this was nice. Waking up next to Rio, his arm around her waist, and the sheets pulled down to display his spectacularly fit body. Sure, she needed to pee, but it was a simple pleasure to just lie still and breathe him in. They could make this work. They were friends, and adults, and all those good sensible things.

  Eventually, she eased out of his arms and headed toward the bathroom, taking one last lingering look at his sleeping form. Today they were due to fly back to Morgantown in Chase’s private jet. She’d be glad to go home. A few days in the city were quite enough to keep her happy.

  Her cell was charged, and she disconnected it and plugged Rio’s in. Glancing at her messages, she noticed one from Paul and carried her phone with her into the bathroom.

  Delayed in New York. Can I meet with you in Morgantown sometime?

  It was typical of Paul to be disorganized and to expect everyon
e else to accommodate him, but in this instance, she was keen to see him and get the formal separation behind her. Four years was too long to be left hanging.

  Sure. Just make sure you give me enough notice.

  Book a room at the Hayes Historic Hotel if you plan on staying overnight.

  Will do.Thanks.

  Yvonne turned on the shower to heat up while she peed and then brushed her teeth. She felt slightly sore, but wasn’t about to complain. Rio was a wonderful lover. . . .

  Five minutes after she’d stepped into the shower, a pair of arms curled around her waist.

  “Let’s be good citizens and share the water?”

  “Glurp.” She blinked soap out of her eyes and batted at his hands as she spat. “Now I have a mouthful of shampoo suds.”

  “Sorry, beautiful.” He kissed her throat, and her knees wobbled. “Just trying to help.”

  She let him caress her and gave him back every kiss and touch until they were entwined together, his hardness pressed against her stomach, and her hands digging into the flexing muscles of his shoulders.

  “Damn . . .” he murmured as he slid his hand between her thighs. “I just can’t get enough of you.”

  His strong fingers worked their magic and she was soon coming, her teeth buried in the curve of his neck, her hand between them bringing him to a climax at the same time. For a long moment, they just clung together as the water roared over their heads until Rio gently stepped back.

  Yvonne smiled up at him. He wasn’t that much taller than her, but his innate elegance and strength meant that, as she’d discovered last night, he could lift her like a feather. She’d never been the kind of woman who enjoyed being bossed, but something about Rio made it seem perfectly acceptable.

  “I have a suggestion,” Rio said as he washed himself down, and stepped out of the shower. “How about we pack your things and check you out, then you come with me to my mother’s suite?”

  “Sounds like a good plan to me.” Yvonne bent over to gather her hair in one hand and squeezed the water out of it.

  Rio groaned. “Don’t do that.”

  “What?” Yvonne straightened up, grabbed a towel, and gathered up her long hair.


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