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The Neighbor [The Complete Collection]

Page 17

by Abby Weeks

  After her makeup was done, Janey sat naked on the bed while Suzy touched up her own makeup. Then Suzy stripped. Janey saw that Suzy was wearing her watch. Suzy caught her looking at it.

  —What do you think you’re looking at?

  —Oh, Janey said. Nothing. Sorry.

  Suzy looked at her for a minute. Then she took off the watch and put on a dresser in the corner of the room. She unfastened the leash from Janey’s collar and put it on the dresser too.

  —What’s going to happen to us? Janey said.

  —Jesus. Stop worrying about it, Suzy said. You’re worse than a child. There’s just going to be a little fun. It’s no big deal.

  Janey thought about the last time Suzy had told her not to worry. She never should have trusted her. She had ended up being fucked and abandoned in a dark, cold parking lot, miles from anywhere.

  Suzy was looking at Janey with a strange, somewhat sinister look in her eye. Janey wondered what it meant. She didn’t have to wonder for long.

  —This is the last chance we’ll have for a while, Suzy said as she got up on the bed.

  Janey wondered what Suzy meant but she guessed when she saw the position Suzy was lying in. She was laid back on the bed, her head on the pillows, her knees raised up. She was looking at Janey through her knees.

  —Go on, Suzy said. Do me this small favor. I’ve been so kind to you. I’ve washed you, got you into bed, made sure you got plenty of rest. The least you can do is show me your gratitude.

  Janey sighed. She didn’t know what else she could do but obey. She got up on the bed and crawled over to Suzy like a dog. She leaned forward and very gently touched the outer lips of Suzy’s cunt with her tongue.

  —That’s it, Suzy said, encouragingly. Don’t be afraid. Get right in there.

  Janey pressed in deeper, reaching into the lips of Suzy’s vagina, finding the opening and sliding her tongue deep into it. Suzy reached forward and grabbed her head and pushed it, gently but firmly, into her cunt. Janey allowed her tongue to slide back and forth into the vagina and then moved up to the clitoris, sucking the little folds of skin and running her tongue between them.

  Suzy sighed in pleasure. She was holding Janey’s head and pushing it into her cunt, trying to squeeze her face harder and deeper into her.

  —Oh, that’s it you sweet, sweet girl, Suzy said.

  Janey was surprised that Suzy wanted her to do this. She didn’t know what kind of girl forced other girls to eat her out but she thought it must be the type who deep down, had to be in control of other people. Essentially, she thought Suzy was a bully who liked to have another girl she could boss around, humiliate, and do whatever she wanted to.

  Janey continued licking Suzy’s cunt. She tried not to think about what she was doing. She let her mind go blank and her body switch to autopilot. If she didn’t think about what she was doing, it was easier to continue letting her tongue flick over Suzy’s clitoris.

  She began to feel Suzy approaching orgasm. Her body grew firm and the muscles in her thighs and stomach began to clench. Suzy thrust forward and let out long, pleasured moans. She took Janey’s head and pushed it into her cunt and began to thrust her groin into her face forcefully. And then, just before Suzy could reach orgasm, the door to the room sprung open.

  —What the fuck are you two up to?

  It was Ben. He seemed very angry. He strode across the room and grabbed Janey by the collar and forcibly pulled her off of Suzy.

  —Get off her, you little bitch, he said to Janey.

  Janey looked up at Suzy. She seemed frightened of Ben. Janey wondered what exactly the dynamics at play were. She had no idea. She didn’t know who was running the show. At times it seemed like Suzy was the one in charge, but at other times it seemed that Ben was the aggressor and he was forcing Suzy to behave according to his whims. She was fairly certain that Luke was a follower in it all, not a leader. He had seemed to be afraid of what would happen when he saw Janey at the front door. It was as if he had no control over Suzy and Ben. He’d also seemed uncomfortable with the way they’d been treating her at the parking lot, although not so uncomfortable that he was willing to do anything about it.

  Ben got down on his haunches so that he was face to face with Janey. The look he gave her was one of disgust mixed with rage. He took her face in his hand and with the other, gave her a cold, hard slap across the face. Janey was so shocked she cried out.

  —Shut up, you little cunt, Ben said.

  Then he stormed out of the room. Janey looked up at Suzy but Suzy didn’t return her gaze. She looked genuinely frightened. It was the first time Janey had seen anything resembling fear in the other woman’s face. So maybe it was Ben who was driving everything, after all.

  —We’d better get ready, Suzy said. That was stupid of me. I should have been more careful.

  Janey got back up onto the bed and sat still as Suzy touched up the blush and foundation on her face. She was concealing the redness that Ben’s smack had caused.

  —Thank you, Janey said when Suzy finished.

  —Let’s get dressed, Suzy said.

  Janey watched Suzy go over to the dresser in the corner of the room. The first thing she took from it was a collar, identical to her own. She placed it on her neck and then came to Janey for help fastening it. Janey wondered why any woman would voluntarily put one of those things on her neck but then, what could she say? She was wearing one herself. She closed the clasp and saw just how difficult it would be to open it again. It would be almost impossible for someone to open the small buckle without assistance. You needed to be able to see it. With the collar fastened, Suzy went back to the dresser and took out what appeared to be a whole set of similar collars. Janey saw that they were all of a similar thickness, all of dark brown leather, but were of various lengths.

  —Put these on your wrists, Suzy said.

  Janey attached the leather bands to her wrists. They were like watch straps without a timepiece on them. Suzy was attaching similar straps to her own wrists. After that, they attached straps to their ankles. There were longer straps that attached around their thighs, close to where their legs met their bums. They had to be tight to stop them sliding down the leg but they weren’t so tight as to be painful. Then Suzy gave her two more straps to attach around her arms, close to the shoulder. Suzy helped her fasten them. Janey returned the favor, helping Suzy get the straps attached around her own arms. The final strap was basically a belt that they fastened low around their waists. Janey thought the looked like some type of strange, naked warriors.

  —Is this all we’ll be wearing? Janey asked.

  Suzy nodded. They both sat on the bed and watched the door. After a few minutes it opened and Ben came in. He looked them over to make sure they were properly dressed. Janey wondered when Ben had had the time to get so involved in this strange, alternative lifestyle. She’d been married to him for the last five years and had never suspected a thing. It hadn’t been until she started probing into his relationship with Suzy that all of this had come to light.

  He carried two leashes and attached them to the belts around the women’s waists. Then he led them, like prized possessions, out of the room and down the stairs. They crossed the hall and went into the living room. Janey was shocked to see that there was a new man sitting in the living room with Luke. The fire was roaring, which Janey was relieved to see, and sitting by it on the sofa was Luke. Across the table from him was a man who looked to be about fifty. He had slightly graying hair brushed back over his head and a scruffy beard. He reminded Janey of a sailor for some reason. He wore a long peacoat and dark navy pants. He seemed strong, well built, but not the kind of man she would have described as attractive. He was smoking a thin cigar which he stubbed out in a tray when the women entered the room.

  —Here they are, Ben said, leading Suzy and Janey into the warm room.

  The man leaned back in the chair and looked at them with a strange smile on his face. Everyone in the room was quiet. It was clear
to Janey that this was what the man had come for and now that the ladies had arrived, he was no longer interested in continuing his conversation with Luke.

  Ben pulled the ladies farther into the room so that they were standing next to the coffee table. Then he handed the two leashes to the bearded man and sat down on the sofa next to Luke. The man took the leashes gladly but did not move to get up from his seat. He just held them in his hand and sat comfortably where he was.

  —Very nice, gentlemen, he said.

  Ben and Luke smiled at him.

  Janey was having a hard time understanding what was going on. She wondered what on earth this strange arrangement was. Were Ben and Luke prostituting their own wives? She’d never heard of such a thing happening, although she supposed it must have happened. It almost felt like something else though. With the man holding the leash, she felt as if she might be subject to a transaction more permanent, more serious, than simple prostitution. She felt as if she was being sold, permanently, to the man.

  She looked over at Suzy and wondered what she was getting out of all of this. She seemed to be a part of the whole thing, her and Luke and Ben all did. They were involved in some strange, sordid game that Janey just couldn’t understand.

  She wanted to ask what was going on but she didn’t dare to speak. The way Ben had been acting lately, she wasn’t sure what he would do to her if she displeased him.

  —Vert nice, indeed, the man said at last.

  He pulled the leashes and Janey and Suzy were forced to come closer to him. When they were right in front of him he leaned forward so as to examine them closely. He looked at their vaginas, opening each of their lips with his fingers so that he could see the pink mouth of their pussy. All the time he smiled and nodded to himself as if thinking over a transaction. Not for the first time, Janey wondered if she was being sold like a prized animal. Could this really be possible? She’d been living a completely ordinary life till just a few weeks ago. Now she was standing here, dressed in leather straps and nothing else, being considered for some unknown use by a strange man.

  The man turned her around so that he could examine her bottom.

  —Someone’s been slapping this one, he said when he saw Janey’s pink butt cheeks.

  —She doesn’t behave, Ben said.

  —Well, she’ll have to learn, the man said.

  Janey was facing Ben and Luke now and she looked down at them. They hardly seemed to notice her. She didn’t even feel like a complete person in front of them. They were looking at the man who was holding her buttocks open so that he could see her anus. Not once did they look up at her, or at Suzy. Janey wanted to turn and look at Janey but she was afraid that anything she did would lead to some form of punishment.

  Why had she come here? What had she been thinking? She’d been out on the highway, free. She could have gone anywhere at all, and this was the place she’d come to. It had been a terrible mistake.

  She gasped. The man had put his face up to her bottom and was now touching her anus with his tongue. Why was he doing that? What the hell was going on?

  —She tastes good, the man said from behind her. Now, lean forward, please, he said.

  Janey didn’t know what else to do. She leaned forward and put her hands on the low, coffee table. Her bottom was pushed up toward the man’s face, giving him exactly the view he wanted. He put his hands inside her thighs and felt the smooth skin. Then he planted his face in her bottom again and licked her, starting at the back of her vagina and running his tongue up over her anus.

  —Very nice, he said. I like her.

  Janey saw Ben smile. It was almost as if, the more other men liked his wife, the happier he became.

  She stayed in the position she was in, leaning on the coffee table, as the man directed his attention to Suzy. He seemed to perform the same examination on her as he had on Janey. He looked closely at her vagina, and then had her turn around and lean forward so that he could see her ass and pussy from behind. He licked her too and complemented the husbands on her delicious taste.

  The man then finished his examination and got the women to stand up straight. They waited back by the side of the coffee table, standing straight and still, as the men lit cigars and had a leisurely smoke.

  —Not bad, the man said.

  —Thank you, Ben said. We take a lot of pride in them.

  —So you should, the man said. So you should.

  —Do you think we’ll get in? Ben said.

  Janey wondered what he was referring to. It seemed that Ben and Luke were applying for membership of some strange club. Was it a swingers club or something of the kind? She had no idea. She wished someone would just explain to her what was going on. She felt that if she knew what they were all up to, she’d be able to get through it more easily. Being treated like a show pony was difficult enough, but having it happen without any understanding of the situation, without knowing what they all planned for her, and whether or not it would harm her, that was the unbearable part of it all.

  —It’s still hard to say, the man said. I’ll have to take them upstairs to really get an idea of what they’re capable of.

  —Oh, they’re capable of anything, Ben said. You should have seen them last night at the parking lot.

  —Yes, I always like to be there for the parking lot. It’s an important part of their training.

  Janey was horrified. Training! What did the man mean? Was this going to be her life from now on? She felt a panic grow inside her but she suppressed it. She couldn’t show fear or weakness. If she did, she knew Ben would be merciless.


  JANEY AND SUZY STOOD ABSOLUTELY still by the coffee table while the three men smoked. After stubbing out his cigar, the man who looked like a sailor gave the leashes a tug.

  —Come on, he said to the girls.

  Janey had no idea what was going on. It seemed it was time for the man to take a look at the goods more closely. He stood up and Ben and Luke stood too.

  —I’ll bring them back soon, the man promised as he left the room, the two girls in tow.

  Luke and Ben remained in the living room. Janey saw them sitting back down on the sofa and lighting another pair of cigars. She couldn’t believe what Ben had turned into. She hardly knew him any more. He was a complete stranger to her.

  The man led the girls back up the stairs. There were a number of bedroom and the man didn’t know which to take.

  —We can use this one, Suzy said, indicating the room she and Janey had slept in.

  The man nodded and opened the door. Janey noticed that he took the key from the lock and when they were all inside he locked the door behind him.

  —Get up on the bed, he said to them.

  Suzy jumped up onto the bed. Janey got up next to her. The man stood there, looking at them.

  —Kiss, he said.

  Janey looked at Suzy. Were they really going to do this? Apparently they were because Suzy leaned forward and took Janey’s face in her hands. Then she leaned forward and put her mouth gently on Janey’s. Janey felt Suzy’s tongue slip inside her mouth, playing with her tongue. She could see the man was watching intently and she thought she had better do what he wanted. He was holding a lease attached to her waist after all. She began to make out with Suzy, sucking her tongue and licking the inside of her mouth. She felt Suzy’s hands in her hair and she pressed her lips hard against the other woman’s mouth. Suzy’s hands slid down over her neck and shoulders and came to rest on the small of her back.

  —That’s right, the man said. Keep going.

  Janey pushed Suzy back onto the bed so that she was lying on her back. Then she got on top of her and lay on her. The entire lengths of their bodies were in contact, from their kissing mouths, down to their breasts, soft stomachs, vaginas, legs and even feet. They were completely entwined in each other, and Janey began to feel pleasure in her loins as she rubbed her body against Suzy’s.

  —Yes, the man said. Yes, keep going.

  Janey looked up a
t him and saw that he was rubbing his crotch through his pants. She continued kissing Suzy, moving her mouth down to Suzy’s neck. She licked beneath Suzy’s ears, then down around her collar.

  —Suck her breasts, the man said.

  Janey did as she was told and began sucking Suzy’s breasts. Suzy leaned her head back and began to take pleasure in all the stimulation, letting out long moans of pleasure as Janey sucked on her tiny nipples. Janey was surprised when she felt a hand on her ass. It was the man. He was rubbing his hand along the crack of her ass, letting his fingers slide up and down over her anus and underneath her, onto her vagina. She continued sucking on Suzy’s nipples until she felt the man fingering her.

  She drew in her breath in surprise as the man inserted the index finger of his hand into her reddening pussy. She was growing increasingly aroused and Suzy pulled her back up to her face. She thought Suzy was going to kiss her but instead, Suzy whispered something in her ear.

  —See, she said. This isn’t so bad, is it? It’s fun. It’s kinky.

  Janey didn’t reply. She didn’t know what to say. She never would have allowed herself to get into this position for fun, at least she thought she wouldn’t. But was it so different from what she’d been getting up to with Henry Walden and his friend? She couldn’t tell anymore. She was so confused, so mentally and physically overpowered by everything that had happened during the last couple of days that she didn’t know if she could think straight any more.

  She gasped as the man pressed his thumb into her anus. His index finger was still sliding in and out of her pussy but now his thumb was pushing into her asshole too. The man’s thumb and finger were curved into a claw and he was using it to penetrate both of Janey’s intimate holes at once.

  The man was on the bed behind Janey while he was doing this.

  —Eat her pussy, he said to Janey.


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