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Unleashed: Book 2 in the House of Shadows Series

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by Michelle Areaux


  House of Shadows Book 2

  By: Michelle Areaux


  Unleashed is a work of fiction. All names, characters, locations, and incidents are the products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  Unleashed: A Novel

  Copyright © 2020 by Michelle Areaux

  All rights reserved.

  Editing by KP Edits

  Published by Kingston Publishing Company

  The uploading, scanning, and distribution of this book in any form or by any means—including but not limited to electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise—without the permission of the copyright holder is illegal and punishable by law. Please purchase only authorized editions of this work and do not participate in or encourage electronic piracy of copyrighted materials. Your support of the author’s rights is appreciated.

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page

  Chapter 1














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  Further Reading: Evershade

  Chapter 1

  A LIGHT FOG ROLLED over the damp grass glistening in the silver moonlight of the night, a light wind swept over the grounds, adding a slight chill to the already frigid air. Stepping onto the balcony, I shivered, my teeth chattering as I stared absentmindedly into nothingness. Wrapping my arms around myself, I allowed a shiver to race down my spine.

  However, the coldness radiating around me wasn’t just from the temperature outside. This was from the bitter ice that was now coating my scorned heart.

  A heart I had given to a boy who I thought adored me.

  Standing outside on the balcony, I watched as the stars shone high above me, making the world seem so peaceful and quiet. It was all a lie.

  Inside, music blared as students enjoyed the Fall dance. Everyone was dressed-to-impress as they enjoyed their lavish evening. While the world inside was filled with joy, I was outside accepting the death of my broken heart. The beauty surrounding me was all a ruse. None of it was real anymore.

  The stars were tricking us as the world around me was anything but peaceful and quiet. A raging war was brewing inside of me and only I was privy to this information.

  Large trees lined the black paved driveway and heavy, golden iron gates blocked the main entrance to the elaborately designed mansion that housed the students and staff of the House of Shadows—an elusive academy filled with Vampires and me—the only Human.

  I could still remember my first day here only a short time ago. I had been terrified and lost. Then, Eden, the Dean’s daughter, had befriended me. Everything was turning out perfectly, until it wasn’t anymore.

  “Audrey, what are you doing out here?” Zane’s voice rang through the night, as he approached the balcony.

  That voice sent sparks of anger through me. Clenching my fists tightly to my sides, I held my breath and prayed that my face didn’t give away my hatred for the guy standing behind me.

  Faking a smile, I spun around, my gold designer dress swishing in the silence of the night.

  “Hey, I just needed to get some air,” I said, walking toward Zane.

  He extended his arm, offering me his hand as a bright smile spread across his face. I wanted to slap his hand away, to scream and rage at him for what he had done, but I couldn’t—at least not yet.

  Only moments before, I had overheard a conversation between Zane and Professor Martin, both admitting to taking advantage of unsuspecting Humans who they were wrongfully feeding on. What was worse, I had felt guilty when Donovan had kissed me. So many emotions had been swirling through my mind. I had wanted to tell Zane, to talk to him and see him, but now, I despised the boy who I had thought I was falling in love with. Betrayal stung but anger ignited something inside of me.

  As I took in his silver eyes and alluring blonde hair, I was assaulted by the memory of tonight and what I had just witnessed.

  Pulling me to his side, Donovan placed a gentle kiss on my lips. Sparks lit inside of me as my hands found his arms. For a brief, blissful moment, I allowed the kiss to take me to another world. A world in which there were no mysteries and fights between my boyfriend and friends. Where I would feel this passion when Zane kissed me.

  Wait, Zane!

  Becoming alert, I grabbed Donovan’s shoulders and shoved him backward and away from me.

  “What are you doing?” I asked, feeling angry with both of us. He was wrong to kiss me, knowing I had a boyfriend, but I was also wrong to feel the intense emotions I felt while we kissed.

  GUILT WASHED THROUGH me and I had to get away from Donovan. Grabbing my dress, I held it up as I began to run. I could hear Donovan calling after me, but he let me go anyway. I needed to see Zane, to tell him... I wasn’t sure what I was going to say, but I had to say something.

  As I ran, my heart raced faster than my speeding legs. Tears streamed down my face as I wasn’t sure what to do now. I was conflicted, my heart torn in two.

  Voices caused me to stop dead in my tracks. Marcus laughed and Alex said something to him that I couldn’t make out.

  Something deep inside my soul told me to be quiet as a mouse and make sure I wasn’t seen. Staying close to the interior walls, I kept my ears focused and my senses heightened.

  “What did you tell her?” Alex asked.

  “Don’t worry about what I tell her. You just need to follow my orders, or else I will let the Dean know about your little night escapades in town,” a familiar voice growled.

  I couldn’t catch my breath as I allowed the voice to sink in. It was Zane. He knew about what Marcus and Alex were doing to the Humans in town.

  Realizing the answers I needed were just beyond my reach, I sucked in my breath and forced myself to continue listening.

  AS I SLOWLY CREPT AROUND the corner, I held my breath as I spied on the pair. Seeing Zane lurking in the shadows made my stomach fill with dread. He was wearing a black suit with a gold vest that matched my dress. Even in the darkness, he was breathtaking, but something wasn’t right.

  “Does she know?” Professor Martin asked, his voice barely above a whisper.

  I had to really strain to hear what they were saying.

  Shaking his head, Zane allowed a slight laugh to escape his pursed lips. “No, Audrey has no idea.”

  “Good. We just need to keep her safe a little while longer, then we can take her and use her for what we really brought her here for—her blood,” Professor Martin stated, a devious look penetrating his eyes.

  AS I WAS BROUGHT BACK to the here and now, I stared deep into Zane’s silver eyes. I wanted it all to be a terrible nightmare. I desperately pleaded with myself to wake up from this living dream; but sadly, I wasn’t dreaming. This was my life and it had all been a lie.

  Taking Zane’s hand, I allowed him to walk me back inside of the House of Shadows. As I looked around at the familiar faces I had come to know, my heart began to shatter. After finding myself here by accident, I had been terrified to be a Human among Vampires. But, Eden, Donovan, and Zane had made me feel like I had finally found a home—a place where I could be me.

  Now, all of that was gone. Now, my on
ly thought was how to get out of here alive.

  Stepping back inside, Zane and I walked hand-in-hand toward the massive ballroom. Music blared from speakers and voices echoed out into the hallway of the House of Shadows Academy. Everyone was dressed to the nines—all looking as though they had stepped off the runway at Fashion week. Spotting Eden, I offered her a slight smile as she danced with a guy who I recognized from my gym class. Her short, black hair had diamonds sprinkled throughout and it almost broke my heart to see her looking so ethereal.

  They were all so naive, unsuspecting to the dangers and pure malice lurking around them. Those they trusted and called friends were deceiving the very rules that this academy had been founded on. I detested the thought.

  “Hey, are you ok?” Zane whispered into my ear.

  I tried not to pull away from him as his breath tickled my ears. This was going to be more difficult than I imagined.

  “Yes, I guess I just don’t feel well,” I said, only half-lying. After everything I had heard, I did feel ill.

  Leading us to a round table near one of the far walls, Zane pulled out a chair for me to sit in. I sat down, never taking my eyes off of him. He was a rat and I couldn’t trust him.

  “Do you want to leave? We could go back to your room and watch movies,” he suggested, his fake concern nearly causing me to gag.

  “No, I have been anxious to go to this dance. I will be fine,” I stated, again smiling a large fake smile at him. The last thing I wanted to do right now was to be alone with Zane. He was using me and soon, I would be his next meal.

  A slow song began to play, and couples began to make their way to the dance floor. Those who had been dancing prior, left and found themselves drinks and snacks as they swayed to the music.

  Standing, Zane smiled down at me. “Let’s dance,” he demanded, his charming smile beaming down at me.

  I allowed him to lead me to the dance floor and I couldn’t help but feel like we were being watched. Placing his hands around my waist, he pulled me to him, and I wrapped my arms around his neck. Only hours before, I had dreamed of this exact moment. To be in Zane’s arms as he held me close. I would have done anything to be seen with him in such an intimate manner, but now, everything had changed.

  Donovan had set the change in motion and now, I wasn’t sure what to do.

  My lips tingle as I thought back to Donovan kissing me. He had taken me by surprise and even though I hated to admit it, I wasn’t revolted by his kiss.

  My mind was so busy, I didn’t even hear Zane talking to me.

  “What?” I asked, as he stopped dancing and stared at me.

  “I said you look amazing tonight,” he said, cocking his head to the side as he eyed me carefully. “Something is wrong with you, I can tell,” he stated.

  Oh no. Fear began to race through me. Was he on to me? Did he know that I had overheard his plan?

  I had to think fast—to devise something that he would totally believe that would be upsetting me.

  I sputtered out the first thing that came to mind. “I had a fight with Donovan earlier. I guess I am still upset,” I said.

  A frown creased his forehead and he seemed upset by my words. “What happened?” he asked, rage making his eyes glow a crimson red.

  Shaking my head, I tried to act as though it wasn’t as big of a deal as it seemed. “It’s nothing, really. He just tends to get under my skin,” I smiled.

  Just then, something out of the corner of my eye caught my attention. Turning my head, I spotted a dapper looking Donovan walking into the ballroom. Wearing a gray suit, he was the epitome of beauty and class. His jet-black hair was slicked back and styled to the side. His dark eyes scanned the area, intent and serious. I knew he was looking for me. We had just kissed and then I just ran off, not giving him a chance to explain himself.

  I froze, unsure of what to do as my eyes suddenly locked with his. Seeing my tension build, Zane turned to look at what had caught my attention. As he found Donovan, his jaw clenched, and I heard the familiar click of his fangs coming alive.

  A low growl emanated from Zane as he stared down Donovan. This was bad.

  Releasing his hold on me, Zane’s hands slipped from my waist and at lightning speed, he made his way over to where Donovan stood, anger and murder flashing across his face.

  In an instant, everything went insane.


  IN AN INSTANT, THE world as I knew it, turned into a raging war.

  Screams echoed around me, but I couldn’t hear anything. Time seemed to stand still as I watched in horror as Donovan picked up Zane and threw him down onto one of the round tables in the ballroom. Plates shattered to the ground and food flew through the air before landing with a crash onto the ground.

  I heard Donovan’s fist make contact with Zane’s face and the bone crunching almost made me sick. I knew I should do something, but it was like I was frozen in place.

  Grabbing my arm, Eden began to shake me out of my frozen state.

  “Audrey, why are you just standing there? Stop your boyfriend!” she cried out.

  Finally seeing her, my eyes began to focus, and I opened my mouth to say something, but nothing came out. What could I say, really? If I told her the truth, I would only be putting her in danger. If I didn’t stop Donovan, Zane could get hurt.

  The boys were now on the ground, rolling around and both getting in seriously damaging punches. If they weren’t Vampires, their blows could have been deadly.

  Realizing I had to do something, I raced forward and grabbed the back of Zane’s jacket. My fingers slipped off the slick material as he landed another punch on Donovan’s cheek. Reaching down again, I pulled his arm and he turned and locked eyes with me. I could see that Zane wanted to continue his assault on Donovan, but seeing me upset, he stopped. He was seething as he stood over Donovan, who was crouched down on the ground, ready to fight back. Donovan took the opportunity to leap back to his feet, now eye-to-eye with Zane.

  “Stop, Zane!” I screamed, right before Zane lunged at Donovan again.

  For a brief second, Zane paused, but when he saw Donovan look my way, he snapped back into attack mode.

  “He thinks he runs this school. I am so sick of Donovan and his family acting better than the rest of us. This fight has been a long time coming,” Zane spit out. He shoved Donovan so hard, Donovan went flying through the air and landed with a crash against one of the walls. A large hole was left in the wake.

  “No, this isn’t right. Stop or...” my words were cut off by a group of professors rushing into the room.

  Seeing the fight was about to be ended, Donovan was back to his feet, running at incredible speeds toward Zane. Grabbing Zane by the collar of his black suit, Donovan lifted him off the ground and then slammed him into the makeshift dance floor. Wood splintered underneath Zane’s weight and we all ducked from the debris flying through the air.

  Professor Martin jumped into action and grabbed Zane while Dean Sullivan grabbed Donovan. Both boys were struggling to break free of the hold the men had on them, but it was clear the older Vampires were much stronger.

  As I watched both boys with their fangs out and anger painting their faces, I realized their hatred ran deeper than just a scorned love triangle with Macy. As Zane had told me, a few years ago, he had dated one of Eden’s friends, Macy. Donovan had a crush on her, but she was into Zane. The now enemies had one point been friends, but when Macy and Zane began to date, Donovan blew up one night. They got into a huge fight and it not only ruined Zane’s friendship with Donovan, but Eden took her brother's side. It caused Eden and Macy to stop being friends, too. It seems that Zane’s deceit had no limits. Thinking back on it now, I realized that he must have been lying about that, too. I couldn’t help but wonder what the real truth was...

  When Zane had told me the story, it had all made sense, but now, nothing made sense to me anymore.

  The music had stopped and now everyone was crowded around us, their eyes judging and mocking
as this looked like a lover's battle... If they only knew.

  “Attention students, everyone needs to report to their dorm rooms immediately. The dance is officially over,” Dean Sullivan bellowed.

  Everyone cringed and a few people showed their frustration with the stop of their dance.

  “You two will come with me,” Dean Sullivan ordered Zane and Donovan.

  As everyone began to pile out of the large room, Eden looked after her brother with tears in her eyes.

  “What happened?” she asked, throwing her hands up in the air in frustration. “One minute you and Zane are all lovey-dovey and ready for the dance, and the next, Zane and Donovan are fighting.”

  She was out of breath as she spoke.

  I was desperately tired and didn’t know how to explain it all to her.

  “Looks like you can’t keep your boy toys under control,” Brie seethed, as she sauntered by me. Her blood red dress sparkled against the lights still dancing across the room. Her long, white hair swayed at her back and I wanted to reenact the fight with her, but I stopped myself. I let her go because I would get my time with Brie again. Right now, I have more important matters to focus on.

  I felt tears filling my own eyes and before I could stop them, they began raining down my face. Seeing my distraught state, Eden pulled me into her side. “Audrey, are you ok?” she asked.

  Shaking my head, no, all I could do was cry into her shoulder.

  Somehow, she led us back to our room. Walking through the dark halls of the academy, I felt like I was in a dream world. I wasn’t sure how we had even got there, but as I heard the door close behind us, I knew we were safely tucked inside our room. I was safe—for now.

  I FELL ONTO MY FOUR-poster canopy bed of dark wood and intricate designs, with my gown falling all around me. Everything was so beautiful on the outside, but upon closer inspection, it was all an illusion. It was all ugly and wrong—so wrong. As I glanced around our room, I spotted my large, dark cherry, wood dresser with silver knobs. The soft, white comforter and fluffy pillows called to me, and I wanted nothing more than to lay down and sleep forever.


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