In the Backseat
Page 2
The snap on her damn wallet never wanted to close once it had been opened, and her purse never seemed to have the space to accommodate much more than a mountain of used tissues. Perdy tried to let these minor inconveniences distract her from Tom’s rant about the checkout girl … the checkout girl she found so utterly intoxicating…
But Tom went on and on. ‘Customer service has gone downhill since these operations were taken over by conglomerates. Remember when Phil and Susan ran the drug-store? You’d never hear them chatting between themselves about lesbian misadventures.’
‘What do you have against lesbians?’ Perdy asked. She tried to sound casual.
‘Nothing,’ he said with a shrug in his voice. ‘I simply don’t think it’s appropriate to be talking to one’s co-workers about eating pussy – certainly not while there are customers within earshot. It shows a tremendous lack of professionalism.’
‘Please, Tom! The girl must be, what, nineteen or twenty? Twenty-one at best? Recall what we were like at that age. Young people aren’t always discreet in their affairs.’
Perdy wasn’t sure why the dark-haired cashier drew her in, but she was besotted.
‘Young people,’ Tom chuckled. ‘You say that as though we were ancient. Fifteen years ago we were that girl’s age.’
As they walked the familiar path home, Perdy couldn’t compel her mind to stray from the beautiful counter-culture checkout girl. It was months ago she’d overheard the shop’s resident beautician offering the checkout girl a makeover. ‘If you’d only tone down your look, maybe use a little less eye shadow, and a pinker colour on your lips, you wouldn’t look like such a big scary dyke.’
Without missing a beat, the girl had said, ‘Right … but, see, I am a big scary dyke, so I’ll keep doing my make up just the way I like it. But, hey, if you’re dying to put something new on my face, I could make a bold suggestion.’
Perdy’s heart had nearly stopped beating as she watched the pretty blonde beautician storm off in a huff. That’s when the checkout girl had looked up at Perdy. Their gazes met and locked. Whatever Perdy tried, she could not look away from that crude young woman with her avant-garde haircut and piercings in her earlobes, nose, and eyebrow. She grinned and, even under deep purple lipstick, those were the most alluring lips Perdy’d ever seen. She thought the girl might say something. She looked as though she was about to say, ‘I’m going on break. Meet me out back in three minutes.’ And Perdy knew she would have done it, without a care for what it meant.
But the girl said nothing. She only smiled and raised her dark eyebrows before heading out the Employees Only door at the back of the shop. Perdy could barely stand. Her knees were weak with arousal, and yet her feet were driven to follow. She held her ground. But as the months crawled by, she only became more besotted with the girl.
When they arrived home, she asked Tom, ‘Was there ever something you wanted to do when you were younger, but you never got the chance?’
He reflected for a moment before a smile broke across his lips. ‘I wanted to learn the guitar.’
Not the answer she was expecting. ‘No, I mean something in the realm of sexual experience.’
‘Oh, in that case, I read a tantalising article about figging – that’s where I would freeze a piece of peeled ginger and then stick it up your …’
‘No,’ Perdy sighed, wringing her cloth shopping bag with both hands. Why couldn’t he just understand? Why did she have to come right out and say the words? ‘I mean, was there never anything you wanted to do with another person, not with me …?’
He looked at her through squinting lids. Perhaps he thought her question was a trap. Perdy felt utterly defeated. Muttering, ‘Never mind,’ she flitted up the stairs.
When Tom was out of earshot, Perdy kept talking. ‘You just don’t understand. You never understand.’ Her bed beckoned, and she wrapped her arms around the pillow and hugged it close to her body. ‘I need this. I need her.’ And then Perdy was talking to the girl, because she only had the guts to talk to people when they weren’t actually in the room. ‘You’re beautiful. Did you know that? I find you immensely alluring. Every time I see your lips I want to kiss them. You are so beautiful.’
The floorboards creaked behind her. ‘Who’s beautiful?’ Tom asked.
Perdy froze. What use was there in denying her impulse? She couldn’t fight it any more. ‘That girl,’ she told him. ‘The one you were going on about after we left the drug-store.’ She turned to look at him as he sat beside her on the bed. ‘She’s awakened something inside me, Tom, something that’s been asleep for years.’
‘The girl with all the piercings?’ he asked, as though it could be any other girl. ‘The lesbian?’
The word stung. Lesbian. Perdy’s mind buzzed as she stared at her husband’s deep red polo shirt. His hand rose from the bed. It inched toward her until it rested on her hair, but she only half felt it there. She looked up into his face. His brow furled, but not in a way that made him seem angry. No, he seemed concerned. And he was. He asked, ‘What’s wrong, Per?’
She stared into his greyish eyes. How to answer? All she could think to say was, ‘I want her. We had a moment, ages ago. She caught my eye, and I knew she was seeing all the way inside my thoughts. I can’t shake it, Tom. I want her.’
He nodded slowly, staring at the bedspread. ‘Have you ever …’
‘No,’ she told him. ‘No, and I’m sure that’s why the impulse is so strong now. It’s inside me, this desire to be with another woman.’
‘Do you think …’ Tom ran his hand down her arm until he reached her hand. ‘If you asked her, do you think she’d go for it?’
Perdy hardly knew how to respond. She’d just come out to her husband as lusting after the checkout girl at the drug-store, and his response was encouragement? For a time, she felt numb, but as she processed what this all meant, her heart fluttered. She squeezed Tom’s hand. ‘You’ve heard the things she says. Unless she’s all talk, I’d imagine the chances are very good she would go for it … for me …’
Lying beside her, facing her, only inches away, he said, ‘What harm is there in asking?’
Easier said than done.
After talking about it half the night, they formulated a plan: Perdy wanted to go through with this. The very idea of going to bed with the checkout girl enticed and excited her, but she didn’t feel she could go it alone. Tom must be there with her, to hold her hand – if not literally, at least metaphorically. He found the idea very arousing, he said, but he didn’t want to interfere in bringing Perdy’s fantasy to life. He didn’t want to be one of those “let’s have a threesome, dear” husbands. If nothing else, he would derive enjoyment from his wife’s pleasure, and Perdy felt very positive at the prospect. All she must do now was the hardest part: invite the checkout girl home.
Beatrix. Perdy hadn’t realised she didn’t know her name. Now she stared at the tag on the girl’s smock. When Beatrix scanned the items she’d absently picked up – white soap, dish detergent, granola bars, disposable razors – Perdy felt like she was living in a dream. Leaning forward, she said, ‘And I’d like something else as well.’ She’d written all this down. She’d made herself a script and rehearsed it with Tom because she knew she’d freeze if the words weren’t implanted in her mind.
‘Lotto tickets?’ Beatrix asked, pulling the blue tray out from under the plexiglass counter.
Perdy almost said yes, but her lips remembered what her mind didn’t. ‘I’ve heard the way you talk to the others. I know what you are.’
Under heavy make up, the girl’s eyes shifted up from the lotto tickets. It all seemed to happen in slow motion. Perdy couldn’t get over the amount of mascara she wore, or the thick black streak of liquid liner. The darkness of her make up, her hair, and her clothing suited her and aroused Perdy.
The girl cocked her head like she wasn’t sure of Perdy. ‘Oh?’ she asked. Her voice resonated lustrously low. ‘And what, pray tell, am I?’
p; Perdy leaned in as close as she could. Beatrix backed away from her, which was just as well. This way Perdy could maintain eye contact as she said, ‘You’re a lesbian. And I think I am too, or at least bisexual. I have a husband.’
Beatrix nodded toward the door. ‘Yeah, I’ve seen him. He’s got a big nose and a tiny forehead.’
This wasn’t in the script. ‘Does he? I hadn’t noticed …’
When Beatrix looked up, Perdy followed her gaze to the line-up building behind her. ‘Look, I’ve got other customers. I can’t talk right now.’
‘Please, oh please!’ Perdy begged. ‘You don’t know the courage it’s taken me to talk to you. I want to go to bed with you. I’ll pay you, if you like. My husband, Tom, will be there too, but only for emotional support.’
Beatrix had been nodding up to the mention of Tom’s role in their encounter. Leaning in close, she said, ‘I’ll do you, but not for the male gaze.’
‘It’s not for the male gaze,’ Perdy pleaded. ‘It’s for me. This is what I want. It was all my idea, not his.’
Tossing Perdy items in a shopping bag, Beatrix simply said, ‘If that’s true, you can do it without him. I won’t have some old wanker touching my bottom while I eat you.’
Perdy fumbled through her wallet to pay for the drug-store paraphernalia. There wasn’t time to argue. She could feel the other customers breathing down her neck, albeit from a distance. ‘OK. All right. If you don’t want him, he’s out. I don’t care. I just want you. I need this.’ She could hear the pleading tone of her voice turn to a whine, but it worked.
‘My shift ends at nine. Pick me up after work and I’ll take care of you.’ Beatrix took Perdy’s money and dropped it into the till, then handed her the bag and receipt. ‘Don’t be late, ‘’cause I don’t wait.’
‘I won’t. I’ll be here.’ Perdy clutched her bag to her breast and gushed, ‘Thank you, thank you. You don’t know what this means to me.’
The checkout girl didn’t smile, but that didn’t matter. She was the most beautiful thing Perdy had ever laid eyes on. Beatrix. She reflected on that name as she walked home in a daze. Beatrix. Did anyone call her Trixy? Doubtful. She didn’t seem anything like a Trixy. Beatrix. Perdy liked the X in her name. Wait, had Perdy introduced herself? She hadn’t. God, what manners!
At home, her hands shook as she explained the situation to Tom. It would be all right, he assured her. He’d hide in the bedroom closet. It was simple. He’d be out of sight so Beatrix wouldn’t be dissuaded by the presence of a penis, but Perdy would know he was there for support. She didn’t need him cheering her on, anyway.
With her husband hiding in the closet, Perdy set off to meet the lovely checkout girl. Beatrix came out of the store at nine on the dot, cramming her smock into a black canvas bag.
‘I can’t believe you’re really here,’ Perdy gushed.
Beatrix shrugged, nearly expressionless. ‘Where else would I be?’ Without waiting for a response, she asked, ‘So, anyway, where’s your car?’
‘Oh,’ Perdy stammered. ‘Well, I didn’t drive. We only live down the block.’
Rolling her eyes as she spun on her heels, Beatrix took off down the sidewalk. Had she changed her mind? Perdy chased after her until she halted at the bus stop. ‘Fine. We’ll take transit. As usual. Thought I’d get a ride tonight.’
Perdy was thoroughly perplexed. ‘Sorry, where are we headed, exactly?’
With a blank stare, the dark-eyed girl said, ‘My place.’
Perdy blinked. They were talking at cross-purposes, it seemed. ‘Sorry, no, my house is just down the block. We can walk. It isn’t far.’
But when the bus pulled up, Beatrix got on, and what could Perdy do but follow? She was so off her game she forgot to pay her fare, but the driver promptly encouraged her to do so. When she’d taken care of that small matter, she chased after Beatrix all in black. A surge of hot desire shot through her body as she sat down beside the girl. ‘What must other passengers think?’ she wondered. But they weren’t even looking. Nobody cared who she was, or even who Beatrix was, despite the girl’s dark beauty.
Nobody was sitting close enough to see Beatrix run her hand up Perdy’s thigh. Her firm fingers rested on Perdy’s crotch. For a moment, Beatrix did nothing but hold it here. And then she pressed. Squeezed. Rubbed Perdy’s clenching pussy. And what could Perdy say at a moment like this? ‘My house is the other way.’
‘And why would we go there?’ Beatrix asked. ‘So your dickhead husband can jerk off while he watches us from inside the bedroom closet? No thanks.’
Perdy’s breath jumped in her throat. ‘How …’ she stammered. ‘How did you know?’
Rolling her eyes, Beatrix pet Perdy’s pussy outside her clothes. ‘I know your type: getting older, set in your ways, trying new things with your husband but nothing satisfies you. You think to yourself, “If I were in university again, what would I try?” And this is what you come up with. You want to sleep with a girl, but you also feel guilty. You don’t want your husband to feel left out.’
Beatrix didn’t ask if her assessment was correct.
‘Anyway …’ Beatrix zeroed in on Perdy’s clit and pressed down harder as she rubbed. ‘I don’t go in for all that. It shouldn’t come as a surprise to you. I told you from the very beginning I don’t do shit for the male gaze. Not even if it’s hiding in the closet.’
Perdy moved her hips in time with Beatrix’ pussy massage. She looked around desperately to make sure no other passengers could see. As the pleasure mounted, she had trouble keeping her reactions to herself. When she came, it was going to be big and she’d certainly embarrass herself.
Just as Perdy was nearing the bend, Beatrix stood up and rang the “request stop” bell. She stared down at Perdy. ‘Well? Let’s get going. This is our stop.’
Off the bus, Perdy followed Beatrix to a strip plaza. The air smelled spicy. It made her blood sizzle. Pulling an enormous keychain from her purse, Beatrix stopped at the Islamic Fashion Outlet. Before Perdy could ask, she opened the door and stepped inside. A pretty young woman stood behind a calculator and a big pile of papers. She seemed startled when the door opened, and raised her scarf from her shoulders to her head. As her eyes explored Perdy and Beatrix’s faces, the tension fell from her expression and the headscarf fell back to her shoulders. ‘Oh, it’s just you.’
Beatrix smiled as she walked toward the back of the clothing store. ‘Hey, are you finally getting some work done instead of texting that asshole?’
‘Suck my clit,’ the woman shot back in a surprisingly disengaged tone.
‘Any time.’ Beatrix unlocked a hidden door and showed Perdy inside. ‘That chick is so hot for me,’ she said as they descended a darkish staircase.
But Perdy wasn’t concerned about the girl. ‘Where the hell are you taking me?’
Beatrix didn’t answer. Instead, she flicked a light switch to reveal her underground apartment. Even with the lights on, it was dark, and the décor was quirky. The colours were brighter than she’d anticipated. But Beatrix didn’t give her much opportunity to take in her surroundings before tearing off Perdy’s top and tossing her to the unmade bed. She wasn’t sure what she was supposed to do while the raven girl stood at the bedside and looked her up and down. Was there some lesbian code or order of operations she wasn’t aware of?
‘Lovely place you have here,’ Perdy stammered. She had to say something. Might as well be a compliment.
Beatrix took a heaving breath before saying, ‘Just take off your pants, OK?’
With a nod, Perdy scrambled to unzip her fly and squirm out. The second they hit the floor, Beatrix was on top of her, kissing like a banshee. Perdy was so stunned, she forgot to open her mouth. No trouble, for a girl like Beatrix – she simply pried Perdy’s teeth open with her surprisingly strong tongue.
Was this a typical lesbian kiss? Or did kisses vary lesbian to lesbian? Perdy asked herself if she liked it – if she liked the power and control Beatrix exerted over her
. She decided rather quickly that, yes, she liked it very much, and then she told herself to stop analysing everything. Enjoy the moment, Perdy. Turn your off brain and enjoy!
When Beatrix wrapped one arm around her shoulder, Perdy moaned. When Beatrix grabbed her breast and squeezed, she melted. It amazed her that Beatrix might do anything, and she would allow it. She didn’t know what to expect and she didn’t care as long as it felt good. And if it didn’t feel good, it must at least feel exciting.
Without unfastening her bra, Beatrix scooped out Perdy’s breasts. Perdy had always liked her body, and the checkout girl seemed to like it too. She descended on Perdy’s tits. This girl was not kind in her approach. “Violent” was not the word, but the pleasure she gave was closer to “violent” than “kind”.
As Beatrix sucked her nipples, she pet Perdy’s pussy over slick satin underwear. Every sensation felt raw and wonderful. Beatrix gnawed her tits with such vigour, she knew she’d be sore in the morning. What did she care? This was experience. She was getting what she’d asked for.
When Perdy started bucking her wet pussy lips against Beatrix’s palm, the beautiful raven descended from her breasts to her stomach, kissing all the way. It was only then Perdy realised the girl was fully dressed and seemed to have no intention of taking off her clothes. Maybe that’s how it worked with lesbians, she thought. “Maybe they take turns.” Perdy would go along. No sense in making waves.
Beatrix tore the panties from Perdy’s aroused body. Like a shot, she was there in the V of Perdy’s legs, licking like a madwoman. Perdy had been extra sure to trim her pussy well, and she almost wished Beatrix would comment on it. She wanted feedback. And, without missing a beat, Beatrix buried her face in Perdy’s muff and ate her hard. Seriously hard. It wasn’t often Tom ventured down there, but when he did it was nothing like this. He licked. She lapped. He kissed. She sucked. He bit. She gnawed. Beatrix was so rough with Perdy’s body, she felt inexperienced. In fact, she was a virgin lesbian.
Perdy went wild when Beatrix sucked her clit. It was the strangest feeling. To be blunt, Perdy felt like she had a cock. She felt like this girl had sucked so hard on her clit that it had expanded and engorged until it was cock-sized. A surge of masculinity flowed through Perdy’s veins. She felt strong now. She felt controlling and demanding, and she got loud. ‘Oh yeah! Yeah, girl! Suck my clit! Suck it, baby! Yeah, just like that!’