Chasing Paige (Falling for Words Book 1)

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Chasing Paige (Falling for Words Book 1) Page 7

by Tiffany Janine


  I frown upon her comment. “Why good?”

  “Because you don’t know anything about him.”

  This is coming from the woman who was begging me to go to coffee with him a couple days ago. She’s still pissed about James not telling me who he is. Her grudges can go on for days and it can get quite annoying. “I know some things about him, Lynn. Besides, what if I had stayed the night with him, huh? It’s not like I didn’t know what I was getting myself into. I’m an adult, you know.” She shrugs me off. “Stop being mad at him, geez. He’s not a bad guy and made a mistake, that’s it. Give him a chance, please? For me? Don’t you want to see me happy?”

  “Hey, you know I do. I just don’t want to see you end up getting hurt.”

  I sigh. “I know, and I love how you want to look out for me, but I’m a big girl, and can handle pretty much anything.”

  She points her finger at me. “Yes you can, because you are badass.”

  “And don’t you forget it.”

  “Alright.” She huffs out. “For you, I’ll give Mr. Gorgeous Author a chance.”

  Even though she’s stinky, I give her a hug anyway. “Thank you.”

  “Don’t make me regret this.”

  I roll my eyes. “Stop it, you silly.” Since I just took a shower, and don’t want to stink again, I push Lynn as far away as I can from my clean skin. We both laugh over it.

  “Okay, aside from not getting laid, how’d it go last night?”

  I can’t stop grinning. “Actually, it was one of the best dates I have ever been on. It was perfect.”


  “It really was,” I say looking down in my coffee. “He was a perfect gentleman. He took me to a wonderful Italian restaurant where we had the most amazing food, wine, and talked until we were the only two people left.”

  “Wow.” Lynn breathes out.

  “Right?” I laugh then suddenly get back to my number one reason of why we will never work. “We have a lot in common, but I’m not sure we have a future together.”

  “Why do you say that?”

  “Well, I mean, look at him. He’s a famous author who needs to travel for his books. I’m just not sure I want to be with another man who is always on the go. You know how difficult it was for me with Glen being gone most of the year, because of some hot new story.”

  “James is not a journalist, he’s an author. He’s probably home most of the time as it is writing a new book. Plus, these trips he takes are not on a whim. They’re planned.” She points out making perfect sense.

  “Yeah, you’re right.”

  “Of course I am.”

  Lynn has brought it to my attention that I need to stop having doubts. James is not Glen. They’re two very different men, I need to treat them as such and as much as I miss my husband, I’m missing James as well, but in a whole other way. He’s alive. Glen is dead.

  “Is it weird that I already miss him?”

  “Hell no. If he means that much to you this early on, then there is something special between you two.”

  Holding my coffee up to my lips, I raise an eyebrow. “Does this mean you’re actually happy for me?”

  “Babe…I’m your number one fan, and cheerleader. There is nothing I want more than to see you happy and if it’s with J.D. Parker? Then yes, I’m thrilled for you. I’ll get past his white lie in no time, don’t worry.” She winks.

  “Thank you…and I want the same for you. You deserve happiness too.”

  “Eh.” She shrugs. “I’m so not ready for another relationship. Maybe a little sex here and there with some random, hot guy, but nothing serious.” As she walks by me, she kisses my temple and then exits the kitchen to take a shower.

  I notice I’m still in my towel, so I head into my bedroom to get dressed. I put on a pair of jeans, black tank top and chucks then walk in my adjoined bathroom to style my hair. Brushing out the wet streaks my phone bings. It’s sitting over on my nightstand, so I walk over and retrieve it to find that James has left me a message. An unexpected smile pops up on my face, and I get butterflies down in my belly. I’m excited to see what he has to say to me.

  James: “Turn on ABC…I’ll be on Good Morning America in 5 min. XO.”

  Good Morning America? He must have left in the middle of the night to be able to get to the show on time for his segment. How exciting is this! Just as Lynn is getting out of the shower, and wrapping herself in a towel, I grab her by the hand and trudge our way into the living room without giving her time to react. I reach for the remote control and then turn on the TV. I can’t contain myself when I see James on GMA. My mouth starts to water when I get the first glimpse of him. He’s sitting in a high back, swivel chair, resting his ankle on his other knee looking in a different direction. As they cut over to him he smiles - a smile to which any woman would die for. He’s wearing gray slacks with a long sleeve, black buttoned up shirt, slightly rolled at the wrists; the top three buttons at the top of his shirt are unbuttoned, showcasing his light tan skin. Any color he wears accentuates his amazing blue eyes. They’re so very hard to look away from. Last night his hair was a shaggy mess from my fingers weaving in and out, but today it’s back to being styled to perfection. The scruffiness on his unshaven face makes him look even more desirable. Wow, he is gorgeous.

  With anticipation, I sit on the edge of the coffee table staring at the screen, waiting for the interview to start. Finally after another commercial break the interview begins.

  “Good morning, J.D. and welcome,” host of show says.

  The camera cuts over to James. “Good morning, thank you for having me.” He looks so relaxed and at ease.

  “It is such a pleasure. I hear this is your first time doing a TV interview?”

  “It is, yes.”

  “Are you camera shy?”

  James laughs and shakes his head. “No. I just thought it was time to show this ugly mug.”

  “Hardly an ugly mug.” The host laughs. “I’m sure all the women readers out there are quite happy you’re revealing it.” She flirts. James laughs again, and doesn’t say anything back, but I do believe he blushed a bit. The host continues her interview. “Now, let me see…you’ve been writing a few years now, seven novels, all on the New York Times Bestseller list, and your first book, Unleashed, is getting its own movie. This is quite an accomplishment.”

  “Thank you. I couldn’t be more honored to get this far in my career.”

  “I started reading your latest book, Minus, and I had to close my eyes a few times. I wasn’t sure if I’d get through it or not without screaming.” She laughs. “How do you get in the mindset of a killer? Where does that come from?”

  “To be honest, it doesn’t take that long. All I need is a quiet room, a good view outside my window to look at, and maybe a bottle of wine next to me, or if it’s early in the morning, your biggest mug of coffee.”

  “Wine and a coffee man, I think I love you.” They both laugh. “What inspires you to create these insane, inhumane characters?”

  “I have a dark side.” He winks. The host seems to get a kick out of his teasing and laughs again. His personality is shining on camera. Every woman in America, reader or not, is going to swoon over this guy. I’m in big, stinkin’ trouble! James continues, “I grew up watching Alfred Hitchcock, and movies like Silence of the Lambs, Halloween, it was always fascinating. I always wondered how high of a fright can one’s mind go to? Why do people get scared so easily? Where does your mind go to when you’re alone in a dark forest or a dark room? Is it from being alone? The silence? The unfortunate occurring when you’re on a vacation? Situations like that drive me to write impossibly evil characters.”

  The interview goes on for another minute, but by the time it’s over, Lynn and I are in complete silence. Who knew James would have a mind that took him to such dark places like this? As much as I should be scared of him, I couldn’t be more enchanted. There is so much more I want to know about this mysterio
us man who happens to have a liking for me. He’s a novel in itself and I cannot wait to explore more of him.

  “Wow.” Lynn breathes out beside me.

  “Yeah.” I turn my head to see her eyes are bugged out, and her skin appears slightly pale. She can’t really be scared of James, can she? “Hey.” I nudge her, “His stories are not real, you freak.”

  “I know, it’s just…”


  “Don’t ever make me read his books or see his movies. I don’t do scary stuff.” She shudders.

  I get to laughing, and nudge her again. “Chicken!”

  “Whoa! I’d much rather read smutty romance, than some freaky ass murder story that would keep me up all night. If I want scary I’ll just go visit my cousin Franco. Now he’s scary.”

  I continue laughing, because it’s actually quite true: her cousin Franco lives in some cabin up in the mountains by himself and only goes out when it’s hunting season. He gives me the creeps. Still chuckling, I say, “Come on. Let’s finish getting ready for work.”

  On many occasions, during the course of the week, my mind drifted off thinking about James. I couldn’t get him out of my thoughts. Several times Lynn had to snap me out of it to get me back to work. If it weren’t for my best friend, I wouldn’t get anything done. Still, I’ve been slightly doubtful about me and James because this all is so new to me. I can’t get too caught up in how I feel about him, so I need to think of something else to help distract me. Lynn suggested going running with her, but I quickly shot her down. I hate running with a passion.

  I just have to come to terms with the fact that James is undeniably hot, and he makes me feel things that I haven’t felt for a very long time.

  While Lynn is tending to a couple customers, I’m on the computer finishing up an online order, when my butt starts to vibrate. It’s just my phone vibrating from my back pocket. I take it out and see that it’s James calling. We’ve been sending each other several text messages here and there, but no phone calls until today. So immediately, a smile appears on my face, and I quickly leave the front counter and go into the office.

  “Hi,” I say, sitting on the edge of our work desk.

  “Do you have few minutes to spare?”

  Hearing his sexy, husky voice suddenly makes me blush. “Only for you, I do, yes.”

  “That’s what I love to hear.” I can sense him smiling.

  I’m a little nervous, so I’ll lighten the mood a bit by asking, “So…after watching GMA, I’ve realized you really are a serial madman aren’t you?”

  “If you stick around long enough, you’ll eventually find out.”

  “I guess that means I’m going to have to stay far away from you.” I laugh.

  “If you do that, you’ll be missing out on all the fun, baby.”

  Baby? That’s a new one. I enjoy this side of James. The flirting is quite taking. “Mm…Okay, maybe I’ll rethink my decision. I can’t miss out on the fun.”

  “Got that right.” He chuckles then clears his throat and asks, “How have you been?”

  “I’ve been fine.” I swipe a hair behind my ear. “Busy with the store and all, but that’s how I want things to be. I love it. What about you? How are things?”

  He’s quiet for a few seconds before he replies, “Lonely,” in a glum tone.

  “You’ve been on the go doing TV appearances. How can you be lonely?”

  “It’s the lifestyle, Paige.” He exhales. “Doing interviews all day, every day, takes a toll. It’s the nights that get incredibly lonely. I’m missing you.”

  That certainly wasn’t the answer I was prepared to hear. “Oh,” is all I can say back. I mean, seriously, I can be such a wimp. I’ve been missing him too, but I’m too nervous to tell him. What do I say next?

  He then quickly asks, “Do you have plans next weekend?”

  “Oh, uh…other than my store, no. I don’t get to go anywhere as often anymore since we’ve opened.”

  “Can you arrange to take the weekend off?”

  What is he asking me to do? “Possibly, yes, but…”

  “No buts,” he firmly responds. “I want you to come see me. I’ll arrange everything, so you won’t have to do a thing.”

  He wants me to come see him? Wow…Am I ready for this? “Where exactly would I be meeting you?”

  “My home.”


  “No. Not that home. Maui.”

  Oh, my goodness, he has got to be kidding me! I begin pacing around the office, stunned. “Maui? Are you serious?”

  “Never been more serious.”

  This is huge. When was the last time I went away on a mini vacation all on my own, other than with Lynn? Just last month we went to Las Vegas, but that was for a book signing event. Having the entire weekend with a man I had just met is moving beyond my comfort zone. And not just that - but it’s Maui of all places!

  “I don’t know, James. I think it might be too soon.”

  “Look, by then it will be two weeks without seeing one another. I want you to spend the weekend me, and see the place where I want to grow old . It’s beautiful there. I know you’ll love it as much as I do.” No doubt it’s a beautiful island, but it’s not like he’s inviting me to Sea World or anything. This is Maui! A dream vacation spot. “So, what do you say? Will you allow me to fly your gorgeous self to come see me?”

  Goodness gracious, what on earth am I getting myself into? When he talks like that how can I say no? James is simply irresistible.

  A couple more days then I’m off to home, sweet Maui home. The last time I visited was right after Christmas. It’s more of a vacation home away from Arizona. I don’t go as often when I’m writing, but I wanted a weekend to recuperate from the two and a half week publicity trip. I’m more than ready to get my feet wet in that clear, blue ocean water. The hiatus is definitely calling for me.

  What’s going to make it even better is having Paige by my side. I can just imagine her in a slinky two piece bathing suit, showing off her beautiful curves. It’s a sight that I cannot wait to see. And getting to rub sunscreen all over her smooth, silky skin takes the cake. For the entire weekend I get to have her all to myself. She really has no idea how I long to see her again, to touch her, to kiss her. I’m counting down the hours until she walks through my front door.

  Even though I want it to be the best weekend of my life, I still have to tell her everything. The truth is eating at me every second of every day, and when she finally knows my dirty laundry, I pray she doesn’t hate me. The selfish side of me is taking a chance, and eventually I will probably hate myself. Yet it’s a risk that I knew I was going to be taking on. Hopefully I can win her over, and the hate will drown itself.

  We’ve been in Texas for the last two days doing two signings a day. One in the morning and one late in the afternoon. Dom and I just got back to our hotel from the last signing of the day. It was another busy, fulfilled day. I’ve enjoyed all the readers, and have been very happy with the feedback about Minus. Even though I’m tired, my adrenaline is kicking in, so I’m going to get some writing done tonight. For the first time I’ve started a trilogy. I mainly write standalones, but a new set of characters have been haunting me lately. So I need to listen to them and give them what they want.

  To a normal person, I must sound like a true lunatic…hearing voices, letting them take control, but let me tell you, once you start creating stories, these so called characters drag you inside their world and invade your everyday life. Sometimes it’s a good thing because you need to finish the book in time for a deadline, and yet sometimes you want them to go straight to hell, because all you want to do is get some sleep. But for the most part if they talk, write, because once they stop talking the agony of writers block is torture. So most of the time I do all-nighters. I don’t really mind it, I create better that way.

  The second I walk inside the hotel room, I kick my shoes off, take off my shirt, and grab a bottled water from the mini fridge. I
walk out onto the balcony, and guzzle down the water while looking at the sun setting. Just two more days, and I’ll be watching that same sun setting upon the horizon with Paige. But in Maui, the sunsets are extraordinary. She’s going to love it.

  “Here is the itinerary for tomorrow.” Dominic interrupts my thoughts. I take the piece of paper from him and give it a look. Another busy day ahead. “How about something to eat? I’ll order room service.”

  I keep my back to him. “I’d like to eat alone tonight, and maybe get some writing done.”

  “Okay, in that case, I’ll go down stairs for a drink and have dinner.”

  “Have a good night.”

  “Oh, before I head out, I want your opinion on something. I was thinking of hiring an assistant to help with your calendar, appointments, that sort of thing.”

  “Sure. If that helps, I don’t mind.” I take another drink of water. “Maybe we can talk to Molly. I know she’s looking for a small job while in school.”

  “I wasn’t thinking of Molly.”

  “Who then?”

  Dom comes to my side, and leans an elbow on the railing. “Becca.”

  And just like that, I want to punch my brother in the face until he’s no longer identifiable. “For the love of…what in the hell is up with you and Becca lately?” I asked, raising my voice. “I told you I don’t want to be with her, Dom! God, you are one crazy bastard!” I push off the railing and storm back inside the room.

  “James–– ”

  “No,” I shout, and glare at him. I have lost all composure and my temper. I know the next thing that comes out of my mouth is going to hurt my brother. I’ve had enough of his control over me. “I don’t know why you want to make my life a living hell. Do you actually despise me that much? Do you? Is it because I made something of myself and became a success, instead of someone like you who had to ask his brother for a job because he can’t keep one down to save his own life because he can’t control his drinking? What did I ever do to you, huh? Tell me! I’ve been nothing but generous and grateful that you’ve been on this journey with me, but I will not allow you to dictate who comes and goes from my life, and I certainly will not let you hire Becca. I don’t care if she’s the President of the United States’ daughter. She will not become my assistant! Now get the hell out, and get your damn drink. I’m done with you for the night.”


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