Chasing Paige (Falling for Words Book 1)

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Chasing Paige (Falling for Words Book 1) Page 8

by Tiffany Janine

  The look on Dom’s face kills me. His eyes tell me I’ve gone too far. They’re devastated. The fact that I brought his drinking problem into the mix of things wasn’t cool, but he gave me no other choice.

  “That cut below the belt, but damn it, James, I’m not trying to ruin your life.”

  “You could have fooled me,” I bite back. I need to get myself back under control, so I take a deep breath and lower my voice. “You know how I feel about Becca and you know how I feel about Paige. Why can’t I get through to you? My entire life I have looked up to you. You have always been a great brother, but this…this is stepping over the line of things. If you want Becca in your life so badly, you can have her, but keep her out of mine.”

  “Just so you know, even if I wanted Becca, she’s not in love with me. I’m not who she wants.”

  I’m done listening to him. “Seriously, Dom? I don’t care. Just get out, already.”

  After Dom had left, the last thing I wanted to do was go to bed. I was too pissed off. So I ordered room service, got out my laptop and wrote for an hour until my eyes couldn’t stay focused. I knew I had to get some sleep, but I needed to hear Paige’s voice. Even during my busiest hours, I couldn’t stop thinking about her. Hearing her voice would end my day on a good note.

  Once I put away my laptop, I climb underneath the bed sheets to get comfortable. I wrap an arm above my head while I hold the cell in my other hand, scrolling through my contacts. Hitting the send button on her name I get a bit anxious waiting for her to pick up.

  By the third ring, Paige finally answers, “Hi.”

  Just from the sound her beautiful, breathy hello, all my troubles seem to lighten up. “Is it Friday yet?”

  “Almost.” She lightly laughs. “Is everything okay?”

  “No,” I groan out. “I just want this week to come to end already.”

  “Want to talk about it? Some people say I have good listening skills.”

  “And I happen to agree.” There is nothing I want more than to tell her everything about what happened tonight, but not over the phone. Everything I need to say to her needs to be said in person. “I’m just tired, that’s all.”

  “It’s pretty late, so what are you still doing up?”

  “I took some time writing, but then I couldn’t get you out of my mind. I had to hear your voice.”

  She’s quiet a few seconds before she replies, “I was thinking about you too,” in a low, sultry tone.

  “Perfect.” I smile. “In that case, instead of Friday, will you leave Thursday? That way, when I come home, you’ll be there when I open my front door. It would be the most amazing greeting.”

  She lightly gasps. “James, you really are crazy, you know that?”

  “Crazy for you. Please say yes.”

  “I’m seeing a pattern here: you are always forcing me to say yes. You love getting your way, don’t you, Mr. Parker?”

  My God, how I love her teasing. It sets me on fire. “‘No’ is my least favorite word. And I don’t recall forcing you to do anything. As a matter of fact, I believe saying ‘yes’ is your favorite word.”

  “You really are crazy.” She laughs. “This sudden turn of events is very hard to turn down, an extra day in Maui hmm.”

  “That’s the plan.” I chuckle. Whether it’s a hard or easy decision, my plan is to make her happy as long as I can.

  “I’ll speak with Lynn in the morning, but don’t get your hopes up.”

  “She’s going to hate me even more so for taking you away.”

  “She doesn’t hate you. How many times do I have to tell you that?”

  She’s mentioned more than once that Lynn is finally accepting my apology about my hiding my identity. I want to be accepted by everyone Paige loves. I want them to know I truly care for her and want to do everything I possibly can to bring joy back into her life.

  “It hasn’t sunk in yet,” I reply. “Tell her, though, I will invite her to my home the next time you come out for a vacation. But first, I need you all to myself.”

  “She’s going to hold you to that.”

  “I never break a promise, baby. I always stick to my word.”

  “I’ve noticed,” she says. I can sense a smile behind her tone. “So…how many more signings do you have to do?”

  “A million.” I breathe out. “One more tomorrow night, with a radio show early in the morning. Then Wednesday we travel to Chicago for a signing at a Barnes and Noble, and later in the evening my last signing will be at this smaller bookstore called, Book Warehouse.”

  “Must be exhausting.”

  “You have no idea.”

  “Do you not enjoy it?”

  “No, of course I do, but it does wear you out. I just want to sleep in my own bed again.”

  “I can understand that. But it is your own fault.”

  I laugh, “How so, wise-ass?”

  “Because your stories are truly outstanding, so if you hadn’t ever written them, you wouldn’t be in this position.”

  “You’re saying if I hadn’t become a number one New York Times Bestseller, we wouldn’t have met?”


  If most of what she believed were actually true, I wouldn’t have met her. I planned our meeting.

  “God granted me this, just so our paths would cross. I like that…in the end, it’s all worth it, pretty girl.” However, I have faith that everything happens for a reason. “You’ve cheered me up. Thank you.”

  “Always a pleasure. You better get some sleep.”

  “Okay…talk later, beautiful.”


  Alongside with faith, I hope and pray Paige stays in my corner once I tell her the real reason of our meeting.

  The next morning after showering and getting dressed, I waited for Dom to come to my room. He was a bit late, so I ordered breakfast and got in more writing. I hated to think about it, but I bet my brother drank too much last night, and I wouldn’t be surprised if he had a hangover and was running sluggish. The thought infuriated me. I love my brother, and want him to continue being my agent, but he needs to get his drinking under control. I was the only one in the family who knew about his problem, and I promised I wouldn’t tell our parents. He vowed to get some help, but he hasn’t shown me any proof. I don’t want to be a jerk and fire him, because he does excellent work. Though, I can’t help him if he doesn’t want it. So he needs to hit rock bottom before that happens. Hopefully, he won’t kill himself when the time comes.

  What happened last night between Dom and me is still lingering today. I have no idea what is up with him bringing up my ex-fiancée every chance that he can get. Something is going on between those two, I can feel it. Thirty minutes later Dom finally arrives.

  “Are we on speaking terms?” he asks.

  Gathering my laptop briefcase I reply, “If it has nothing to do with Becca, then yes.” Just as I’m about ready to head out the door Dom blocks it. What is he doing? He appears nervous, and is perspiring on his forehead. God help me, if he has a heart attack on me.

  “Whether or not you want to hear this, I’ve got to get this off my chest.”

  “Okay then, have at it, Dom.”

  He takes a deep breath and says, “I slept with Becca.”

  My body goes still. I suddenly feel as though my gut has been kicked in, and pray I didn’t hear what my brother had just confessed. Unfortunately, my ears are working just fine. I heard correctly, and the feelings I had earlier were spot on.

  Dropping my briefcase to the ground, I hiss out, “Son of a bitch!” I have never felt such anger before. I’m not a violent guy, but if I don’t walk away right now, I’m afraid I’m going to punch my own brother, right square in the jaw. So I turn on my heel and walk toward the sliding deck door. Placing my hands on my hips, I curse under my breath, shocked as hell that Dom chose to tell me about this. I really wish he hadn’t. What he’s getting out of this, I really don’t know, and truthfully, I couldn’t care less.

  “It just happened. I never touched her when you were together, I promise you.”

  I whip around and glare into Dom’s eyes. For once, he looks terrified of me. He seems about ready to hurl. “But the minute we break up, you thought it would be okay to get your claws into her, is that it?”

  “No. That’s not how it happened.”

  “You know what?” I scoff. “I don’t want to know how it happened, and frankly don’t give a rat’s ass. But now that I know this, it explains a lot on why you’ve wanted to shove her down my throat every chance you could get.”

  Like he’s begging for my sympathy or forgiveness he holds out his hands and says, “You’ve got it all wrong, James. I honestly believe she would be a good addition to your business.”

  “Don’t go there.” I point a finger at his face. “I don’t want to hear it.”

  “I’ve got your best interest.”

  I laugh without any humor. “Such a bunch of bull.”

  “Fine, don’t believe me, but everything I have ever done for you has been in your best interest and without me, little brother, you wouldn’t have gotten this far. You know it’s true.”

  Yes, he has helped me and has done a lot, but I’m going to stoop to a level that I will not be proud of. “I’m the one who writes the books, not you, so I have no clue what the hell you’re talking about. I only hired you because you’re my brother and you needed a job.”

  We stare at one another for a minute. I can tell he’s gathering all he can to not lose it. He’s very good at keeping his composure. Even though he’s still sweating, his body language is upright and tense.

  He straightens his necktie when he says, “Go ahead, and bring on the drinking game card again.”

  “You said it, not me. But I wouldn’t be surprised if you were drunk off your ass when you decided to go at it with my ex.”

  He slightly winced. “For your information…I’m not, and will not ever be who she wants.”

  Meaning, he wishes Becca were his. How did I not realize he had a thing for her? I really have no idea what he wants me to say or how to react.

  “What do you want me to say, huh?” I shrug. “There are no excuses for what you have done, and certainly no excuse for dragging her into my life again.” Gathering my briefcase, I get up in his face and say, “None.” Then walk out.

  J.D. Parker – Minus

  He took her by the hair, yanking her naked, skinny body up from the cold floor and dragged her down the wet hallway. She was putting up a good fight, but with her mouth, wrists and ankles wrapped with duct tape, she couldn’t - and wouldn’t - be able to get out of his grasp. She couldn’t even scream. The madman was almost laughing, he thrived on this. He thrived on power versus weakness. Having all the power upon the weaker link gave him drive and energy. He couldn’t wait to stick that carving knife inside her soft flesh. The blood…he could already smell it.

  I’m crazy. So freaking off the wall, crazy! I cannot believe I’m actually flying to Maui, a day early mind you, and Lynn gave me the thumbs up. A few days ago, we discussed hiring a part time worker to come help at the store, just in case one of us needed the time off, got sick - that sort of thing. Well…here I am, taking the time off. I mean, I’m literally stepping away from my life to go to Maui and staying with a man I hardly know. A gorgeous man, who in my mind is the rock star of all authors. Who would have thought I’d be doing something like this? Just a month ago, my life revolved only around books and Chasing Pages. Now, I’m hopping on a plane, to an island I’ve never been before, and staying with J.D. Parker of all people! So freaking off the wall, crazy.

  Took me days to figure out what I was going to pack. I was recommended by a customer to only bring a couple suits, one pair of shorts and a tank top - oh and possibly a nice dress for a night out - because, really…swimming, lounging and sunbathing called for nothing other than a light wardrobe. I took her word for it, because that’s what I did. I mean, if I needed something I was sure there were places to go to, to get new clothes. Anyway, I wouldn’t want to come back to San Diego without a new outfit for myself, and plenty of gifts for Lynn. Besides, she’d kick my butt if I didn’t bring her back something.

  It’s five in the morning, and Lynn is dropping me off at the airport. I’m a bundle of nerves and over the moon excited all at the same time. I can’t wait to see James and visit the place he calls home.

  Lynn immediately gets out of the driver’s seat to say goodbye to me. She squeezes the daylights out of me. “Please, please call me the second you land.”

  “I will.”

  “Use sunscreen, bug repellent–”


  “Oh, and don’t forget to use condoms.”

  “Lynn!” I squeak, pushing her out of our embrace.

  “Well, you can’t ever be too safe. Just do what I say and shut up.”

  The thought of even going that far with James scares me to death. Yes, we almost did the deed the last time we saw one another, but it completely backfired. This time may be a whole lot different. So…yes, it scares me.

  “Am I doing the right thing?” I ask. Not in a million years would I have seen myself doing something so out of my comfort zone. Ever since Glen died, I’ve become a homebody. I’d travel the universe if it meant I’d see my husband again, but traveling over the Pacific to spend the weekend with an almost stranger, definitely makes me question my sanity.

  Placing her hands on her hips, and with a scowl on her face, Lynn says, “Would I be letting you fly all the way to some island with a gorgeous, hot author if I didn’t think you were doing the right thing?”

  She certainly changed overnight, it seems. It wasn’t that long ago when Lynn hated James. I’m so glad she’s finally coming around, because I was so afraid to tell her I said yes to Maui in the first place. She gave me the cold shoulder for a whole day. It wasn’t until after work and a couple drinks down that she gave in.

  “So, does this mean you don’t hate him anymore?”

  “Again, would I let you go away if I hated the man?”

  I don’t care how or when she changed her mind about him. I’m just relieved she’s okay with this unexpected getaway.

  I smile and tell her, “I love you.”

  “Love you, back, babe,” she says, giving me a final hug. “Have fun, get a great tan, and I’m expecting that invite soon! I want to swim with the sea turtles.”

  “Don’t worry, you will. See ya.” I take my carry-on luggage, and begin walking toward the entrance.

  “Call me!” She yells. “And don’t forget pictures!”

  “On it!” I yell back. I continue walking inside the airport, with a huge grin and a brain full of thoughts that won’t stop churning. Thank goodness, I have a lot of time to think before I see James. I want to be comfortable with the idea of sleeping with him, because when that time comes…and it will come…I don’t want anything or anyone, especially me, to get in the way of it.

  I hopped on two planes going to San Francisco and then to Maui. The flights were pretty comfortable. I didn’t get any crazies next to me, or anyone who talked my ear off. I needed time by myself, so being next to the window, and being able to look outside was calming. The moment I stepped off the plane, I got a big rush of warm, humid wind. The second I saw the outside of the terminal, with the openness of the airport, green trees beyond, and the hills in the distance, I knew I was in paradise. I immediately texted Lynn and took a couple selfies to calm her nerves. She’s not big on flying, and was a little apprehensive about me leaving, so I’m sure she got a big wave of relief once she received my messages.

  Walking outside of the airport, I see a big, tall man with a full on dark shaggy beard, and long hair pulled back into a ponytail, wearing Birkenstock’s, plaid shorts and a Hawaiian shirt, holding up a sign with my name on it.

  “Ms. Turner?” he asks me.


  “Aloha. Welcome to Maui. My name is Kaimana, and I will be driving you to Mr.
Parker’s home.

  “Oh…okay.” I hadn’t expected a driver. Well, maybe I should have, I mean this is James we’re talking about. Of course, he wouldn’t make me take a cab. Kaimana grabs my carry-on luggage and sticks it in the back of his silver Ford Explorer, then opens the side door for me. “Thank you so much.”

  “A pleasure,” he replies happily.

  Once buckled in, I hear music coming from the speakers. Sounds like some kind of reggae, Hawaiian music. The lyrics: Hawaiian Superman, causes me to smile. I have never heard anything like it before. I rather love it, and cannot believe I’m actually in Maui. It’s a whole other world over here.

  After a few moments of silence, Kaimana turns down the radio and asks, “Have you ever been to the great island of Maui?”

  “No, never.”

  “It’s rather one of the most beautiful islands of all Hawaii islands. You won’t be disappointed.”

  “I’m sure I won’t. I can already see how beautiful it is. It’s so green here.” There are many clouds overhead the green of the hills and the water that surrounds us on the drive to James’ house is exquisite.

  “Maui is one big rain forest with beautiful waterfalls, exotic flowers, and tropical fish. You won’t want to leave.”

  He can say that again. I’m taken aback by everything. Kaimana turns up the radio, once again, and allows me to take in the beauty that is before me. I enjoyed the remainder of the journey to James’ house.

  My breath is taken away once again when we reach the house. I have never seen anything like it before! It’s an open floor, three story…um…house? It’s more than a house. It’s a freaking mansion! The most unbelievable home ever. Palm trees, Plumeria trees, luscious flower plants, and green grass, surround the property. When Kaimana opens the door for me, the smells of the flowers assault my senses. I take in a deep breath, and breathe in the aroma before I step out of the SUV.


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