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2 Change in Management

Page 13

by RJ Johnson

  “And no one would dare imply that,” Laszlo said smoothly. “If it makes you more comfortable, we can forgo the mods for your last fight. Regain your family’s honor however you see fit. But, I’d hate to watch you throw away your last and best chance for revenge because I helped tweak the outcome of one fight into what we both knew was inevitable anyway.”

  Chau stopped skipping rope and nodded, “You may have helped pave my way to Greene and for that I am thankful. I was foolish to agree to the knuckles and body armor. For the championship, I fight pure.”

  “Still,” Laszlo said, cocking his head and looking at the fighter concerned, “For the last ten fights we’ve been involved in together, my friend – your doctor, has been inseparable from your side. If we are to keep any suspicion being aroused about your past victories, he should remain part of your entourage… to avoid any questions you understand.”

  Chau glared at Laszlo and his eyes narrowed, “Agreed.”

  He moved to the speed bag and began to drum at it quickly with his fists. Laszlo approached and watched Chau’s hands become a blur.

  “It is your fight of course,” Laszlo said, “But so long as we keep our agreement and my man remains a part of your entourage, we have nothing more to discuss until fight night.”

  Chau finished his speed bag workout with a devastating right hand that nearly popped it. He looked down at Laszlo and nodded, sweat, dripping off his brow.

  A shriek from the other side of the room and Laszlo grimaced. “I’m afraid I have some other business to attend to. Shall I consider our issues settled?”

  “They are,” Chau replied evenly.

  Laszlo grinned and slapped his cheek gently, “Cheer up Kevin, you’re about to become a very wealthy man. You should smile more.”

  “I’ll smile when Greene is dead,” Chau said deadpan.

  Another shout from across the cavern and Laszlo sighed. “A warlord’s work is never done. I shall see you on Friday night, yes?”

  Chau nodded.

  Laszlo clapped him on the back once again. “Good, good. Here’s what I want you to do. Go to the Lady Luck and go to the Tops restaurant. There, you will be treated to the largest side of pure grain-fed beef cooked rare and ready to perfection by the time you arrive. My only wish is for you to eat, drink and be merry before your pre-fight ritual. Tonight, shall be your night my friend, and I want you to live the life of a king as you so richly deserve. And then Friday, we shall have your revenge.”

  Chau nodded and grabbed a towel from the side bench wiping his sweaty body down. Another scream and shout from the shadows made Laszlo grimace, Chau moved over towards a large and expensive looking Aerocycle, jumped on and rocketed out of the mine.

  Meade and Sarah ducked behind the rock face to avoid being seen by Chau as he flew over them. Laszlo opened his ArmBar and typed something quickly on it. The second he sent his message, Russo emerged from the shadows along with Lumpy and two other Laszlo henchmen who were holding Emeline’s arms tightly.

  “Goddammit let me go!” Emeline shouted. She struggled against Lumpy’s grip as Laszlo approached her. Hugh stalked up to Laszlo furious with the Warlord gesticulating wildly in his direction.

  “I did not partner with you so that you could kidnap and kill Coalition citizens.”

  Laszlo looked at the Coalition security chief and smiled broadly, “Now William, that’s no way to address your patron.”

  Hugh snorted at the warlord, “Patron, what a remarkably charitable nickname.”

  “I think it appropriate for our arrangement,” Laszlo said mysteriously, Hugh shook his head.

  “Our ‘arrangement’ is quickly getting out of hand. I didn’t mind setting up Gonzalez to take the fall on the Madera crash, I even get the value of framing Meade for that importer charge. But kidnapping citizens is a lot harder to explain away should I get caught!”

  “And who is going to catch you William?” Laszlo asked smiling. “You and I have similar goals to each other and so far, we have helped each other so that we will both get what we want out of this.”

  Hugh scowled, “I don’t want to be a party to this.”

  “William, how many times have you seen it in your career?” Laszlo asked. “How often have you had to compromise your values so that the bad guy doesn’t get away.”

  Hugh stared at the warlord, “I’ve compromised enough of my values, kidnapping this poor woman won’t help.”

  “Don’t be so short-sighted!” Laszlo’s voice boomed, he turned to Lumpy, “Have you found Meade yet?”

  Lumpy shook his head. It was quickly becoming clear that Lumpy wasn’t much for the art of conversation.

  Hugh grimaced, “You see? This is quickly getting out of control and if the Ambassador suspects anything, we’re all done for.”

  “Then we shall have to do what we can to keep her from suspecting anything don’t we?” Laszlo insisted, “And the best shot we have at that is by having my property returned so we can continue with the plan, which is where she comes in,” Laszlo nodded towards Emeline.

  “I’m afraid it doesn’t matter if you want out Mr. Hugh,” Laszlo said lazily as he moved towards Emeline. “We are already on course with destiny and situations like this are simply the price towards saving the Coalition.”

  Hugh’s expression soured even more and he grumbled, “And lately that price seems to be getting more and more expensive.”

  “The price for peace my friend,” Laszlo said clasping his massive hand on the security chief’s neck. “Now, I still need that infodump back and I’d be appreciative if the Coalition security chief were to use the combined resources of the best security state in human history to find my wayward data.”

  Hugh glanced at Emeline who was still struggling against Lumpy’s grip and sighed. He looked back at Laszlo and nodded sadly.

  “Good, good,” Laszlo said cheerfully, “Now, as you can see, I have some business to attend to, so if you could return to Headquarters and find out what your people have found so far, I would be eternally grateful.”

  Hugh didn’t respond as his shoulders slumped. He moved towards his Aerocycle and got on shooting one last look back at Emeline being held by her captors. Her eyes pleaded with his and he quickly looked away. He started the vehicle and took off.

  Meade and Sarah leaned back against the rock taking cover again as Hugh flew over their heads returning back to Coalition headquarters. Emeline fought to hold back her tears as she watched what she thought was her chance at rescue leaving her behind. Laszlo watched his partner go and then returned his attention to Emeline.

  “Now, now, now,” Laszlo said soothingly. “I wouldn’t take it personally that Hugh didn’t free you. He understands the price of what your boyfriend stole from me.”

  “He’s not my boyfriend,” Emeline spat back at the warlord. He chuckled and moved closer to her. He held a hand out and began to stroke her thick, curly brunette hair.

  “You have been so insistent about your dislike of Mr. Meade, it makes me wonder if you believe he’d come for you? For your sake, I hope you were lying.”

  “I’m gonna shove an ORI drill up your ass,” Emeline spat at Laszlo. He dodged her saliva and laughed.

  “I don’t doubt that for a second Ms. Hunan,” Laszlo said, “In fact, were circumstances different between you and me, I imagine you’d make for the perfect security consultant. You strike me as someone who is quite capable of delivering on her threats.”

  Emeline fixed Laszlo with a cold stare. “You have no idea,” she said icily.

  Laszlo’s face hardened and he opened his ArmBar and shoved the display towards her. “Call Mr. Meade and inform him that every hour I do not receive my data, I will deliver six inch strips of your perfect skin to him.” He breathed in her scent and smiled, exposing his sharp incisors, “I wonder how much you will have remaining before he returns the data.”

  Emeline struggled and kicked at Laszlo. He grinned and suddenly took notice of the pale and bleeding Russo who
had appeared next to him.

  “Good Gods, what on the greenest tit of mother earth happened to you, Russo?” Laszlo demanded. “Why aren’t you at the Lady Luck?”

  Russo’s face was green and his mouth gaped as he struggled to answer his boss. “I was uhh… I was accosted by Meade.”

  Laszlo’s eyebrows rose in surprise and he pointed to Laszlo’s missing digits, “He did this to you?”

  Russo nodded, tears returning to his eyes. Laszlo grabbed Russo’s injured hand and Russo winced.

  “By the Gods, he’s a hard man,” Laszlo murmured.

  Emeline chuckled. Laszlo glanced at her and his expression changed.

  “What happened?” Laszlo demanded, looking back at the bleeding Russo, “What did you tell him?”

  “Nothing!” Russo said, his voice trembling. “I swear to you, I said nothing. I fed him some bullshit about a warehouse in D-Block you used for stuff like this… I think he bought it.”

  “Did he?” Laszlo said, examining Russo’s hand. “How did you get away?”

  Russo looked surprised, “What do you mean? I fed him that BS story, then he and the woman he was with said they should go check it out. Once I heard them leave, I managed to get free.”

  Laszlo cocked his head and an eyebrow rose, “And he just left you alone?”

  “I was tied up…” Russo said hesitantly. “I… got free.”

  Laszlo shook his head and began to chuckle. Russo trailed off and wasn’t sure how to react to his bosses’ mirthful laughter that was now filling the entire cavern.

  “You moron,” Laszlo said, wiping a tear from his eye, “You led him right to us.”

  Russo looked up in shock and shook his head. “No, that’s not possible-”

  “Didn’t he Mr. Meade?” Laszlo’s voice boomed through the cavern and his men glanced around the gym nervously. He grabbed Emeline who squealed in shock and unholstered his gauss pistol aiming it at her head.

  “Do you hear me Mr. Meade?” Laszlo’s voice echoed. “I’m well aware this moron led you directly to us.”

  Laszlo’s eyes scanned the dark cavern. Russo shifted his weight nervously, “See, I told you I didn’t lead anyone…”

  “Quiet you fool!” Laszlo hissed.

  Laszlo stepped aside and spun up the magnets within his gauss pistol. He jutted his jaw out and shouted again, “I shall be generous and give you ten seconds Mr. Meade to reveal yourself before I excavate your pretty friend’s brains. One!”

  Sarah crouched down next to him and looked at him with her wide open blue eyes, “What are we gonna do?”

  Meade grimaced, he listened as Laszlo counted up, but as quick as his mind was racing, he couldn’t think of a way out. At least one that didn’t include Laszlo killing Emeline or losing the data he had stolen from Laszlo on his ArmBar.

  “Four!” Laszlo called out.

  Meade began digging through his pockets looking for the discarded ArmBar he had taken from Russo. Meade grabbed one of Sarah’s concussion grenades off her belt.

  “Hey!” She whispered frantically, “be careful with that.”

  “If I do this right, careful is about the last thing I should be.” Meade muttered as he slid the grenade within the sleeve of Russo’s ArmBar. He typed quickly on his ArmBar and transferred a copy of his data including the stolen data from Laszlo’s over to Russo’s ArmBar.

  “What the hell are you doing?” Sarah whispered frantically. Meade took out the safety pin on the grenade and it spun up, readying its deadly package.

  “What I need to do to get Em back,” Meade said firmly. “Cover me.”

  Sarah grumbled and withdrew her gauss pistol. She detached two boxes from her belt and opened them, revealing attachments for the pistol. She smoothly assembled it together, turning her compact pistol into a lethal looking long barrel rifle. She nodded at Meade and sighted Laszlo through the scope.

  “Nine! And ten!” Laszlo called out. He smiled and turned to Emeline. “I’m sorry my dear, I’m afraid that’s the end of the line for you. Pity.”

  Emeline closed her eyes.

  “Laszlo!” Meade called out. He emerged from the shadows carrying the ArmBar from Russo disguising the concussion grenade within the sleeve. “I got what you want, let her go!”

  Laszlo grinned and held Emeline’s arm tightly, “Mr. Meade, what a pleasure it is to see you again.”

  “Can it,” Meade said. “I’m here for Emeline.”

  “Look at that, he did come for you after all,” Laszlo said pulling Emeline’s thick curly hair behind her ear. “It seems you two are close after all.”

  “Laszlo!” Meade shouted, “I’m here to do business, what are you here for?”

  Laszlo looked up at Meade with a gleam in his eye, “I’m interested, but as a good businessman, I should know what I’m purchasing before I hand over my collateral.”

  “Don’t test me Laszlo.”

  Laszlo grabbed Emeline even tighter and shoved the barrel so hard against her head, it began to draw blood. She cried out as she struggled against the warlord’s powerful grip.

  “You do not wish to test me either Mr. Meade. I am simply requesting proof that our transaction is being conducted in good faith. Show me my infodump.”

  Meade nodded off to the side and a display opened on the ArmBar he was carrying. He swung it up and pushed the display over to Laszlo. It appeared on Laszlo’s ArmBar and he began examining the data.

  “Looks intact,” Laszlo said, the smile returning to his face. “But how do I know you didn’t make a copy of it?”

  “You don’t,” Meade shrugged. “Let her go, and the data stream is yours.”

  “I’m afraid that’s not good enough,” Laszlo said.

  “That’s the best deal you’re gonna get Laszlo. Take it or leave it.”

  “What’s to stop me from killing her, you and simply taking my property back?” Laszlo challenged.

  Meade smiled, “You think I’m dumb enough to come here without insurance?”

  A red dot appeared in the middle of Laszlo’s eyes and his eyes crossed as he watched it fall down the bridge of his nose and onto his chest.

  Meade ripped away the cloth to reveal the concussion grenade underneath the ArmBar. “I’d be careful with that pistol of yours. One bad move and my highly decorated marksmen of a friend will be more than happy to end you.”

  “I continue to underestimate you Mr. Meade,” Laszlo chuckled. “You’re a surprising one you are.”

  “Don’t concern yourself, a lot of people have the same bad habit.” Meade replied, “Let Emeline go.”

  Laszlo paused, considering his options. He lowered his pistol and released Emeline’s arm.

  “I’ll send my man to you with her,” Laszlo said. “Once he gives her to you, you give him the ArmBar. Good enough?”

  Meade nodded, but didn’t relax his grip on Russo’s flashy ArmBar. Laszlo shoved Emeline towards Lumpy who widely grinned as he caught her arm. They slowly walked over to Meade and he never took his eyes off of Em’s.

  As Lumpy and Emeline drew closer, Meade stepped forward and tossed the rigged ArmBar out in front of him. He beckoned Emeline to move quicker, and she began to run towards him. Lumpy let go of his hostage to catch the airborne computer and Emeline darted away from him as quick as she could. Lumpy caught the ArmBar and stared down at it in confusion. Attached to the side, a plasma grenade was counting down.

  “Emeline get down!” Meade shouted and Laszlo brought his pistol up and began firing.

  Lumpy cried out and fumbled with the plasma grenade taped to the ArmBar. His massive hands ripped the grenade loose and he tossed Russo’s ArmBar off to the side. The grenade exploded and Lumpy was blown back, his arm shredded and his face covered in burning plasma. He collapsed, screaming in pain as Laszlo continued to fire at them.

  “Go go go!” Meade shouted and Sarah peeked over the rock face she was hiding behind and began returning fire. They retreated back and away towards the Aerocycles.

bsp; “I’ll grab Russo’s Aerocycle, you go with Sarah!” Meade shouted as he fired back towards Laszlo and his henchmen who were still pursuing him, laying down covering fire.

  Sarah grabbed another grenade off her belt, twisted the top and tossed it behind them. Instead of a violent explosion, a large smoke bomb exploded and filled the cavern behind them with thick white smoke.

  “I’ll hold ‘em off!” Meade shouted. Emeline nodded and hopped on the Aerocycle behind Sarah. They took off leaving Meade behind in the thick smoke. Meade jumped on the remaining Aerocycle and fired it up.

  Chunks of rock and grit exploded off the side of the cavern’s walls as Laszlo’s gauss rounds came entirely too close for Meade’s comfort.

  Meade turned and fired back towards the henchmen as they moved quickly through the smoke. Meade was pissed at himself, he had made a promise to keep it to one death defying chase per day.

  He hopped on the back of the Aerocycle and throttled it up. He punched it and he flew looping up and around the smoke that was hanging thick within the cavern. Several blasts of energy from Laszlo’s henchmen flew close to his head, shearing off the rock which tumbled all around him.

  Meade cursed and pushed the Aerocycle down as the rocks and dirt scattered all across his red duster jacket and hat. He could see Emeline and Sarah were about to get away when two henchmen hopped on their souped up Aerocycles and shot off after them. These were not the standard units found flying all over New Plymouth – they were high end models, designed for speed.

  Meade knew he couldn’t let those two catch up after Em and Sarah. He needed to buy them some time.

  He pushed his Aerocycle down towards the two men chasing after Em and Sarah. He withdrew his grandfather’s pistol and fired several rounds into the back of the man on the right. His armor sparked and flashed as the bullets ricocheted off. Meade grimaced and put his weapon away. He’d need something stronger to get through the man’s armored rebreather suit.

  The bullets had served to catch the man’s attention however and he peeled off from his companion to give chase after Meade. The front of the luxury Aerocycle he was driving began to morph as the front of the cycle slid down to reveal twin .50 caliber cannons mounted on the front. A steady stream of fire belched out of the front of the Aerocycle.


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