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Raw: Book 1

Page 10

by Michelle Maris

  Amy hurried out of the office as Bevy sat at her desk staring into space while tapping her pen on the desk. “What does that boy do to these ladies?” Bevy said out loud to herself. Curiosity took over, so Bevy went up to explore Room One. She just might beat the cleaning crew and hopefully find some clue to what Jeremy did for Amy before Bevy went directly to the source to find out.

  She opened the door and looked around. It was obvious they used the bed, but not much else was out of order. She walked into the bathroom and what she saw stopped her in her tracks. A mound of shaving cream mixed with a lot of hair sat piled on a towel on the floor with a razor tossed on top.

  Bevy threw her head back and laughed. “That boy,” She chuckled to herself.

  She walked out of the room and ran into Madison coming down the hallway.

  “I’ve been looking for you. What are you doing up here?” Madison asked as she snuck her head into the room Bevy walked out of.

  “Come with me.” Bevy dragged Madison by her hand into the bathroom. They both stood over the pile of hair mixed with shaving cream. Madison pointed down at the pile. “Amy? Jeremy?”

  Bevy nodded as she bit down on her lip attempting to hold back her laughter, but Madison made it impossible. Madison bent over clutching her stomach as she laughed uncontrollably. Bevy followed Madison’s infectious laugh. “Oh, Bevy, this is too funny.”

  Bevy was too far gone to speak. She covered her distorted face as she shook her head in agreement.

  “He shaved her.” Madison looked in shock as she eyed the messy pile of black hair and deflated white foam. “Damn, the girl did have a lot of hair! Did you talk to Amy?”

  Bevy nodded as she tried to rein in her laughter. “She’s thrilled. Tears in her eyes, thrilled.” Bevy wiped her own tears from her eyes.

  “Wow! I wonder how he approached her?” Madison asked as she considered how Jeremy could have pulled this off without insulting Amy. Madison thought back to the first shower with Jeremy when he swiped the sponge between her legs front to back without warning. Jeremy had a way of making a woman feel comfortable with every part of her body.

  “I don’t know, but I’m going to have to ask.” Bevy’s laughter slowed. “I’m sure all that charm that oozes from him had something to do with it.” She let out a long exhale.

  “Jeremy brings it in the moment. The man has a way about him that few can pull off. He's the first I met that’s perfected such easy charm.” Madison contemplated the substance that was Jeremy.

  “Come, let’s get out of here before the cleaning crew comes in and sees that pile of hair, and us standing here. They’ll think I was shaving your pussy.”

  “Why are you making me the hairy one? They might think I was shaving yours.” Madison walked out of the bathroom.

  “They’d never believe it. My girl comes here to wax me. They see my garbage.”

  “Whatever… Just let me know when you find out how he accomplished such a task without insulting her.”


  Bevy never got around to asking Jeremy anything about that night. She ran into Amy multiple times, and the girl seemed different. Bevy eventually found out from a fellow member and confidant of Amy’s what occurred during her evening with Jeremy. She said that Amy’s sex life with her husband improved after Jeremy took the razor to her pussy. It seems Amy’s husband liked the hairless version of her pussy and now pays extra attention to it.

  Word got out about Jeremy after his night with Amy. Bevy noticed he wasn’t getting booked for group sex because the girls packed his schedule with Room One bookings. Just Jeremy, the girl, and no props allowed. Bevy also noticed that all the girls shut the curtain during their nights with Jeremy so that no one could watch. She kept a close eye on the girls after their time with Jeremy. They all looked more than satisfied, and they all seemed to take a fancy to Jeremy outside the room. They smiled coyly at him, they were more touchy feely with him, and they turned into a bunch of damsels in distress when he was around.

  Bevy had to break the spell somehow. Though she had happy members, she didn’t like when one Essential became a favorite. She needed to talk to Jeremy, but she also needed to ask a favor from Madison. A favor Madison might refuse since she enjoyed multiple partners at once and because she seemed to be avoiding Jeremy after the night she invited him to her room with Luke and Timothy.

  At dinner, Bevy decided to broach the subject. “You know I never got around to asking Jeremy about his night with Amy.”

  “No, I didn’t know.” Madison looked up from her meal and glanced across the bar at Jeremy. Three girls hung all over him. “The girls like him.” The scene playing out in front of her annoyed Madison more than she liked to admit.

  “I’ve noticed. I’m concerned.”

  “Should you be?” Madison picked up her wine glass and took a sip as she continued to watch Jeremy.

  “I never like when the ladies monopolize one of my boys.”

  “Have the other Essentials complained?”

  “No, the guy's schedules are packed, but Jeremy is booked in Room One all the time.” Bevy placed her fork and knife down on either side of her plate. She leaned in and whispered though no one was close enough to listen to their conversation. “Madison, book him in your room alone.”

  “Bevy, have one of the members do it and report back to you.” She forked a piece of her chicken with capers.

  “Technically that’s why I’m asking you to do it.”

  “I’m an Exclusive.” Madison put down her fork and picked up her wine glass.

  “And that makes you a member.” Bevy reminded her.

  “I also own sixty percent of this company and shouldn’t have to do favors,” Madison whispered between clenched teeth.

  “Yes, but you’re my friend, and I need to know what Jeremy does when alone with the girls that makes them enamored by him.” Bevy paused as a thought surfaced. “I never asked you about all the time you spent with him while you were injured. Did anything happen that seemed out of the ordinary?”

  “He was a perfect gentleman. He never tried anything, and he had plenty of opportunities.” Madison loved the time she spent with Jeremy. She got to know him and liked him, and now, she missed him.

  Madison huffed as she took another sip of wine and looked across the restaurant at Jeremy. He sat at the bar but with a new group of women swarming around him. She knew why the women liked Jeremy. Madison got a taste of it while mending her broken foot. And the night with Jeremy, Luke and Timothy confirmed just how good Jeremy was. She didn’t want to kick him out, but she had to establish necessary lines. An Essential was not allowed to dictate how a member’s fantasy played out, especially in front of two other Essentials. Jeremy crossed a line, and Madison had to push him back behind it.

  The only downfall… Madison wanted Jeremy to cross that line over and over again. The desire generated by their kiss and all the sexual tension that existed during the time he helped her, lingered with her. She needed him more than she ever needed a man and it scared her.

  She had to remember who she was. She was the owner of RAW, and the long established rules stated a member was not allowed to fall in love or pursue a relationship with an Essential. She was also a divorce attorney with a difficult life because of it. A life she would never want to subject a man to. Unfortunately, Madison knew she fell in love with Jeremy and wanted him all to herself but she could never act on it. Jeremy deserved better.

  “Please Madison. I rarely ask you for a favor. I can’t ask another member to do this. They’d get suspicious and possibly run and tell Jeremy.” Bevy pleaded one last time.

  “Book him with me next time I’m here. But book him in Room One; I don’t want to be alone with him in my private room. The boys will talk if they see him heading towards my wing of the mansion.” Madison had yet to invite an Essential to her private room alone for sex and she couldn’t start with Jeremy. The other Essentials would assume her relationship with Jeremy was something more and she
didn’t want that. Inviting an Essential alone felt too intimate, and she wanted no Essential getting the idea that he was special. It was the only reason Madison always invited two or three men to her room. She didn’t want intimacy, and in a group setting intimacy was impossible.

  Though Jeremy had first-hand knowledge of Madison’s real life, the life she hid from the world, she could not let him think that the time they shared changed their relationship. He was an Essential, and she was a member.

  “I knew I could count on you.” Bevy rested her hand on top of Madison’s hand and gave a little squeeze while Madison glanced at her sideways. “I don’t know why you’re looking at me like that. You would think I was asking you to have sex with an ugly, greasy pervert. It’s Jeremy, the hottest guy we ever had working at RAW.”

  “Now you sound enamored.”

  “I was from the day of his interview. What’s that cheesy line?” Bevy asked.

  “He had you at hello.”

  “Yeah, something like that.”

  Bevy and Madison both turned to take one last peek at Jeremy but this time he caught them and gave them one of his crooked smiles. They both involuntarily swooned.


  Jeremy looked twice at his schedule. He thought for sure it was a mistake or that there was another member named Madison. Madison wouldn’t be in Room One; she had her own room.

  Jeremy walked to the bar and took a seat next to Big Mike. The ladies always booked Big Mike, and he was always the first at the bar. He liked to make sure he had a good meal before he exerted himself. Even after six months, it still surprised Jeremy how many women liked the overweight guy. Granted he was a big teddy bear, but the man was fifty pounds overweight surrounded by men with little to no body fat. Big Mike was proof that there were different strokes for different folks.

  ”How are you doing, Big Mike?”

  “Hey Jeremy, I’m good, real good, just waiting for my wings.”

  Jeremy grabbed the menu off the bar. He scanned it, and when Mason walked over, he ordered the calamari and a vodka martini.

  He looked around at the dozens of tables filled with beautiful women enjoying a meal like it was any other night. “Where are you going tonight?” Jeremy asked Big Mike.

  “Room Six, it will be an easy night.”

  “I hate Room Six” Jeremy took a sip of his drink that Mason placed in front of him. “I spent enough time in Room Six during my probation period.”

  “Yeah, but it’s easy. I like not having to do all the work.”

  “I hear you’re in Room One with Madison.” Mason chimed in on the conversation.

  Jeremy considered Mason, a good friend. They started golfing together on their days off. Mason was the only one that knew Jeremy had a thing for Madison. And not because it was a secret, but the Essentials never talked about shit like that with each other.

  “Yeah, but is it Madison the Exclusive or is there another Madison?” Jeremy asked.

  “It’s Madison the Exclusive. There is no other Madison.” Big Mike clarified while he picked up a chicken wing dripping in buffalo sauce. “I heard Bevy talking about it with skinny Mike this morning.”

  “What did she say?” Mason leaned his forearms on the bar.

  “Bevy’s sending Madison in as a spy to find out why the women are swooning over you after they spend a night in Room One with you.” Big Mike dunked his chicken wing in the vat of blue cheese dressing next to his plate.

  “Spying?” Jeremy couldn’t believe what he heard.

  Mason leaned over the bar and patted his friend's shoulder. “Man, five months and you’re a legend.”

  “No, I’m not, but I’m going to make sure I use this information to my advantage.”

  Jeremy and Big Mike finished up at the bar. It was almost ten o’clock, and Madison and Bevy never showed for dinner. Jeremy assumed Madison would be waiting in the room when he got there, but he still thought it was odd that they didn’t show for dinner. Jeremy had a feeling it was because Madison was angry that she had to waste her night with him rather than what she wanted to be doing… Three on one.

  Observing Madison over the past couple of months gave Jeremy insight to what she liked. Madison wanted to be groped by multiple men as she dictated their every move. There was no room for a man to take charge with Madison or get close to her but tonight would be different. Room One allowed for both parties to be active participants in creating the fantasy and this was the one opportunity for Jeremy to have things his way without Madison kicking him out of the room.

  His pseudo relationship with Madison meant nothing within the confines of RAW especially Wednesday through Sunday. Whatever he did for her, or whatever lingered between them was in the past, non-existent during the working hours at RAW. Tonight she was a member and he an Essential.

  He walked out of the restaurant and up the wide staircase. Once at the top he stopped, turned left and stared down the hallway at the door to Room One. He ambled over to it and knocked before he entered. The room was dimly lit by a small lamp on the nightstand on the far side of the bed. Madison was not there. He looked around the room. Nothing was out of order, but he noticed the curtains pulled covering the two-way mirror. The curtains stayed open unless the member closed them. Not even the Essentials could close the curtains. Madison must be in the bathroom.

  He tapped on the bathroom door. “Madison,” he called out before he turned the doorknob.

  He opened the door and peeked in. Madison stood in the shower as the water streamed down her skin. She piled her hair on top of her head as she soaped up her body using a sea sponge. Steam covered the glass enclosure, but Jeremy still had a clear view of her entire profile. Madison noticed him as he walked closer to her. She stopped what she was doing and stared at him.

  She spoke no words but let her eyes drift over the length of his body. Jeremy removed his glasses and placed them on the marble countertop then he undressed. He opened the shower door and stood in front of her. Their eyes met, but they still spoke no words. Jeremy took the sea sponge from her hands and continued where she left off. He trailed the soapy sponge over her skin as she rested her hands on his chest. Madison refused to make eye contact as his hands touching her naked body made it hard for her to breathe.

  In silence, Jeremy continued bathing Madison. When he finished, he guided her under the spray of the shower and watched the soapy bubbles run down her perfect skin. Madison still refused to look Jeremy in the eye, but that didn’t deter him. He lifted her chin and brought his mouth to hers. He plunged his tongue deep into her mouth, and he listened to Madison release a soft purr. She slid her hands around his neck and raked her fingers through his damp hair.

  Their wet bodies pressed against each other and his cock hardened against her stomach. Jeremy’s hands roamed her body exploring every curve all while anticipating her refusal of him but it never came. He glided his hands over the sides of her face and brushed kisses along her jaw up to ear. “Madison, I need you tonight. Please don’t push me away.”

  Madison dropped her head back but didn’t respond.

  Jeremy wanted Madison in bed, now. He needed Madison to offer her body to him. He shut off the shower and stepped back. He reached for the fluffy white towel that hung over the glass door. He wrapped it around Madison and lifted her from her feet. She nuzzled her face into his neck and pressed her lips to his skin drinking in the drops of water left behind from the shower.

  Outside the shower, he placed Madison on her feet. Jeremy gently patted her skin, and then used the same towel to dry himself. Madison still didn’t speak. A bottle of body oil stood on the counter near a toiletry bag. Madison stared at Jeremy in the mirror as he poured oil over her shoulders and watched it drip down over her breasts. He stood behind her spreading the oil over her skin. He slid his hand down over her stomach and between her legs. Madison dropped her head back resting it on his chest as he circled his fingers over her clit. With his other hand, he moved her hair off her shoulder and began kiss
ing the skin below her ear. Madison was quickly losing it. She pushed her behind back and pressed into his erection.

  Jeremy in one quick movement swept Madison off her feet and carried her into the bedroom. He placed her on the bed and crawled over her dropping his weight to one side of her.

  He gazed over the length of her body, leaned in and whispered in her ear. “I want to cover every part of you with my mouth, and I want you to do nothing until I tell you. Shake your head if you understand.”

  Madison nodded her head as she bit down on her lip.

  “Good girl.” Jeremy brushed his hand over her stomach and trailed it up along the side of her body until he rested it along the side of her breast. He leaned down and softly kissed her mouth slipping his tongue inside and feeling satisfaction when she offered her tongue in response. Finally, the woman was going to let Jeremy do what he wanted to do the moment he met her. Madison was relinquishing her control to him.

  She moaned and purred as Jeremy covered every inch of her skin with his mouth and tongue. She let his hands explore. When he glided his fingers between her legs and separated her warm wet folds, she whispered his name. He slipped his fingers inside of her and brought her juices out covering her clit while he nuzzled into her ear kissing the side of her neck.

  Jeremy continued circling her clitoris with his fingers as Madison’s legs quivered. Madison rolled her head from side to side begging Jeremy to stop. Madison grabbed his hand and pulled it away. Jeremy stopped everything and sat up as he looked down on her. “Why are you stopping me?”

  “I’m not. I want you to put on a condom and fuck me.”

  “I was planning on it after you orgasm.”

  “No, just fuck me.”

  Jeremy shifted his body and sat on the edge of the bed staring across the room but noticing nothing. He couldn’t believe what was happening. Madison was on the edge of her orgasm, and she stopped him. Why would any woman do that?

  He looked back at her. There was something in her expression that he didn’t recognize at first, but the more he stared at her, the more he thought about the time he spent with her and her sexual preferences, the more he realized what it was. “You’ve never had an orgasm.”


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