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The O Doctor

Page 11

by Brandy Ayers

  Finally, the last few people get off the elevator, and we have five floors alone before we reach the rooftop space. “I’m still not convinced there isn’t something wrong with us. This isn’t normal.”

  It’s something we’ve talked a lot about, Marci’s fear that we’ll burn out on each other and grow bored eventually. Not going to happen. I won’t let it. Thanks to my profession, I’m well aware of how much work a relationship requires. We’ve had struggles, hell, our whole beginning was a struggle. But we worked through things, and we continue to work through things. Planning the wedding has been especially stressful for Marci, and I can tell it is wearing on her. But I work hard to help her decompress and encourage her to vent whenever she needs it.

  The elevator car slows as we reach the floor, and I remove my hand from her panties. Keeping my eye contact with the love of my life, I lick my fingers clean, reassuring her between swipes of my tongue. “There is nothing wrong with us. We both love dirty sex. We both crave physical reassurance. But we talk too. Check in with each other. If we are always open and honest, we’ll be fine. I promise.”

  If it is possible for a woman to look both relieved and turned on, that is how Marci looks now. I give her one more scorching kiss before the doors slide open and the clapping begins.

  Whirling around in surprise, Marci’s jaw hits the floor as she takes in her parents. “Mom, Dad what are you doing here?”

  They don’t answer, just let her look around the room. She sees Pete next, then both our extended families. Friends from work, former students of mine, past interviews of hers. “But I thought this was a party for Travis and Elsie?”

  “All lies, honey.” Elsie pipes up from the middle of the crowd, Travis blushing behind her. Marci still calls him Virg occasionally, even though he lost his virginity just after his class with me ended. “But seriously, the sweetest lie ever.”

  “What’s going on, Micah?” She’s so confused, and rightfully so. I just hope she’s not going to be pissed.

  “You know how you’ve been saying for months that you wish we could just get to the being married part, skip the planning part? Well, we can. Tonight.” Yeah, I know throwing your fiancé a surprise wedding is a big fucking risk. But I have confidence she will love this.

  She’s let the stress of the whole thing get to her, and part of my job as her man is to take stress away. The complaining about planning wasn’t just lip service. She truly did hate it all. Hated how much we were spending on one day of our lives. Hated that she was expected to wear white or cream when she hates anything without color. So, I took matters into my own hands. Plus, she loves surprises.

  But still, this could go horribly wrong, and I can feel everyone holding their breath waiting to see which way she’ll go.

  “Babe, what do you think?” I squeeze her hand, reassuring her that I’m here no matter what.

  Marci looks around the room one more time, taking in the fifty or so people we care about most. The vases of peonies everywhere, her favorite flower. The boxes of my twenty questions game on each table, a reminder of when we first fell in love. The massive chandelier and the city lights laid out before us. “Thank God. If I had to go to one more tasting or planning session, I was going to murder my own mother.” She turns to me, the world's biggest smile on her face, while tears sparkle at the edge of her lower eyelids. “This is beautiful. I can’t believe you did all this.”

  Everyone is laughing and chatting, getting into place for the ceremony, giving us one more minute alone before becoming husband and wife. “I would do this and so much more for you.” Marci reaches up to kiss my cheek, and I take the moment to whisper in her ear. “Besides, I wanted to say our vows while my cum was still running out of you. If your mom had been in charge, that never would have happened.”

  I love that she still blushes when I say something dirty to her. It is one of the many things I love about Marci. “You’re right. I didn’t tell you, but she wanted me to move back home the week before the wedding. This is much better.”

  We both have a good chuckle over that nonsense. I’m never spending that long without her in my bed again. “Okay, ready to marry me?”

  She nods, still smiling so big, I’m sure her cheeks will hurt by the end of the night. So, will her ass cheeks when I get done with her after the ceremony.

  “Okay, I’ll meet you at the end of the aisle.” I make my way over to the large windows looking out over the city and stand next to the judge performing the ceremony. Pete stands beside me, looking sharp in a suit I had to force him to buy. Lacy stands on the other side as the maid of honor. Yeah, the bitchy, snobby ex-roommate is the maid of honor. But how they salvaged their friendship is a whole other story.

  Off to the side, one of my buddies from high school and lead guitarist for Malfeesance starts plucking at his instrument. It is a song he wrote for the love of his life but is also perfect for this occasion.

  Everyone has taken their seats around the tables scattered throughout the room, the lights have been lowered so that the city behind us and the candles flickering on the tables provide the illumination for the ceremony. I take the moment to soak it all in. My wedding day. I want to remember this forever.

  Finally, after much longer than I thought it would take them to get set, I look up. And damn near lose my breath. Marci’s mom had whisked her off to make a few touch ups before the ceremony. But it appears my future mother-in-law had a surprise for me, too.

  Because Marci no longer wears the cocktail dress we arrived in. Now she is wearing a floor length, ice blue gown. The bottom is covered in crystals, some silver and some dark blue, at her thighs they begin to taper off, until her waist where they disappear, and it is just the light blue fabric against her skin. Her hair is down in waves around her bare shoulders, and they added a little more makeup as well.

  My heart swells in my chest. I don’t deserve this woman. She’s everything. But I am going to keep her anyway. And never let her go.

  Marci’s parents walk her up the aisle, then they stop halfway, kiss their daughter on the cheek, and she walks the rest of the way to me alone.

  As the judge starts the ceremony, I grip Marci’s hands in mine, wanting to kiss her so bad it hurts. But apparently, I have to wait for that.

  “Micah, I understand you have written your own vows.” The judge takes a step back, and I clear my throat, honestly a little nervous for this part.

  “Marci, looking at you now, it is hard to believe there was a time I thought you were a judgmental brat.” Everyone around us giggles, including Marci. “Thankfully, I was wrong, and you kept pushing to make me see you. To hear you. The past year of our lives hasn’t always been easy, but it has been perfect for us. I wake up every morning looking for you as soon as my eyes open. And I fall asleep every night with you in my arms. If we lose everything else in our lives, but still have that, I will consider myself the luckiest man alive. I promise to cherish you, to hug you when you’ve had a bad day. To tickle you when things get too serious. To appreciate you. To talk to you. To make every decision with you in mind. But most of all, I promise to love you for the rest of our lives.”

  By the time I finish, tears are winding their way down Marci’s cheeks. I wipe one away, then lean in to kiss her forehead, tradition be damned.

  “Now, Marci, would you like to say the traditional vows?” The judge has stepped back up and looks expectantly at Marci.

  She smiles kindly at him, then shakes her head. “I’m a writer. I had these things figured out the minute he got down on one knee.” That gets a good laugh as well. “Micah, I didn’t want to do the story on you. I went into that first meeting assuming you would be the world’s biggest douchebag. But you turned out to be the world’s biggest teddy bear. I will never get tired of your brain, your warmth, and your fantastic ass.”

  Everyone laughs once again, and I admit, I’m blushing.

  “But our rough start makes me appreciate the man you are even more. You had several opportunit
ies to walk away and not look back. But that isn’t you. You give second and third chances. You look beyond the surface. You see the best in those around you. And you give the best of yourself, every time. I promise to cherish you. To make you watch bad nineties RomComs, to suffer through your buddy action films. I promise to always give you the truth. But most of all, I promise to love you for the rest of our lives.”

  Now I’m the one crying, and I don’t even care. I can’t wait a second longer to kiss this woman. Pulling her to me, I wrap my arms around her waist and pick her up off the floor, so she is on my level. Then I kiss her with everything I have.

  Around us everyone applauds, getting to their feet and whistling for good measure. Beside us, I vaguely hear the judge chuckling as he pronounces us husband and wife. And damn if that proclamation doesn’t make me want her even more.

  The End

  Thanks for reading everyone! If you enjoyed this book, please swing by and sign up for my newsletter. I only send it out when I have news to share, usually when a new book is coming out, and it is always full of fun, exclusive content, and giveaways! Click here to sign up!

  Also By Brandy Ayers

  Stand Alones:

  The Arrangement

  Piece by Piece: A Modern Retelling of Jack and the Beanstalk

  Wanted: No Strings

  Taking Over

  The O Doctor

  Protecting His Brat – Coming Soon!

  WQUZ News Series:



  In-Depth – Coming 2019!

  Blue Line Series:

  Reckless Conduct



  Disturbing the Peace

  Surprisingly Safe:

  Only Us

  Only You

  Only Me – Coming 2019!

  About Brandy

  Brandy Ayers is a writer of erotic romance. Or romantic erotica, depending on how you look at it. She has been telling stories in one form or another since she was a child and decided her English / Irish heritage was boring. Instead, for a 4th grade class genealogy assignment, she weaved a tale of mystery and intrigue about her great, great grandpa chief of the Navajo tribe. No one bought it. Brandy lives in Pennsylvania with her husband, son, daughter, neurotic boxer, and Satan worshipping cat.

  Find her:


  Twitter: @BrandyWritesSex





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