2. Mirko Dondi, “Piazzale Loreto,” I luoghi della memoria: Miti e simboli dell’Italia unita, ed. Mario Isnenghi (Rome-Bari: Laterza, 1996), p. 491.
3. Italo Calvino, “I ritratti del Duce” (1983), Saggi 1945–1985, vol. 1 (Milan: Mondadori, 1995), p. 2891.
4. Luigi Meneghello, Bau-sète! (1988; rpt. Milan: Bompiani, 1996), p. 39.
5. Ibid., p. 40.
6. Norma Rangieri, “Combat film, rapsodia in nero,” Il Manifesto, April 7, 1994.
7. Franco Ferraresi, “La storia ‘sfregiata’ per sensazionalismo” Corriere della Sera, April 9, 1994.
8. Barbara Spinelli, “La TV e l’Italia malata,” La Stampa, April 8, 1994.
9. Interview with Stefano Levi della Torre, “Quando avanza la zona grigia,” Il Manifesto, April 13, 1994.
10. Guido Ceronetti, “Lo spettro funest,” La Stampa, April 7, 1994.
11. Giorgio Bocca, “I due falsi storici del 25 aprile,” La Repubblica, April 14, 1994.
12. Eugenio Scalfari, “Aria di Mussolini,” Il Venerdì (weekly magazine of La Repubblica), February 27, 1998, pp. 33–34.
13. Domenico Leccisi, “Ai lettori,” Alternative: Agenzia di informazione per la stampa, March 1995, p. 4.
14. From the guest book, crypt at San Casciano, January 1997.
Many people helped me during the years of research. My first thanks go to Ugo Berti Arnoaldi, whose generous advice was matched by his profound knowledge of the routes that link Italian history and memory during the twentieth century. I am equally indebted to Domenico Leccisi, one of the principal actors in Mussolini’s afterlife, who shared with me his archives and his store of memories. I am all the more grateful for his willingness to help given the great gulf in our political beliefs.
The children of two other prominent figures in this story offered help and information about their fathers; my thanks, therefore, to Giovan Battista Ansaldo and Roberta De Monticelli. Journalist Mario Proli supplied background on modern-day Predappio; it gives me pleasure to thank him and his mother, Rosanna Proli, who showed me around the relevant Mussolini sites. On the day I visited I was accompainied by Michele Bella, a photographer, who produced the images from Predappio and helped me choose material from the Publifoto archives. My thanks also go to those who made the American edition of this book possible. In the first place to Frederika Randall, who brought to the translation not only her literary talent but also a thorough knowledge of Italian society and culture, past and present. And to the staff of Metropolitan Books, in particular to Sara Bershtel, who believed in this project with contagious enthusiasm, and to Riva Hocherman, who edited the book with the greatest of skill and patience.
When I first set out to track the odyssey of Il Duce’s body, I was encouraged by the best historian in the field, Mario Isnenghi, whom I thank for our initial conversations and for his comments on the Italian edition. Antonio Gibelli not only offered a critical reading of the text but an ongoing dialogue about the book’s concerns. To Paolo Viola, finally, I owe more than thanks. I owe to him my methods and my motives for the study of history.
The index that appears in the print version of this title does not match the pages in your e-book. Please use the search function on your e-reading device to search for terms of interest. For your reference, the terms that appear in the print index are listed below.
Action Party
Agazio, Franco De
Agnese Goes to Die (Vigano)
Agnesina, Vincenzo
Agnoletti, Enzo Enriques
Almirante, Giorgio
Alvaro, Corrado
Amendola, Giorgio
Amendola, Giovanni
Amnesty for Fascists
Angelini, Armando
Angiolillo, Renato
Ansaldo, Giovanni
anti-Communist press
anti-Communist squads
anti-Fascists. See also Resistance; and specific parties
burial of Mussolini and
death of Mussolini and
display of bodies and
fall of Mussolini and
Fascism and post-Fascism and
Gadda and
health of Mussolini and
Matteotti murder and
Piazzale Loreto and
Predappio and
press and
protests and
repression of
revisionists and
trial for Mussolini and
Arditi (combat unit)
Arrigoni, Felice
Artieri, Giovanni
Audisio, Walter (Colonel Valerio)
August 10, 1944, martyrs
Badoglio, Pietro
Balabanov, Angelica
Balbo, Italo
Bandinelli, Ranuccio Bianchi
Bandini, Franco
Barlassina bell
Bauer, Riccardo
Begnac, Yvon De
Benito I, Emperor (Ramperti)
Benito Mussolini without Fascism (Cliandro)
Berlusconi, Silvio
Betrothed, The (Manzoni)
Biagi, Enzo
Bianchini, Giulio
Black Brigades
Bocca, Giorgio
Bocchini, Arturo
Borsa, Mario
Bottai, Giuseppe
Branca, Vittore
Brancati, Vitaliano
Brigata Nera Aldo Resega
Buried in Italy campaign
Cabella, Gian Gaetano
Calamandrei, Piero
Caliandro, Piero
Calvino, Italo
Campagnola mass graves
Candido (newspaper)
Cantacronache (singers)
Caporetto, defeat at
Carnevali, Ulderico
Carpi, Aldo, Sarabanda by
Carretta, Donato
Casimiro, Father
Casina mass graves
Casiraghi, Giulio
“Casket, The” (Questi)
Catholic Church
Cattabeni, Caio M.
Cattaneo, Carlo
Ceronetti, Guido
Cerro Maggiore convent
Certosa di Pavia
Cesare, Dr. Mario De
Chain, The (Lussu)
Chiaie, Stefano Delle
Christian Democrats
neo-Fascists and
Christ Stopped at Eboli (Levi)
Ciano, Edda Mussolini (daughter)
Ciano, Galeazzo (son-in-law)
Ciarlantini, Franco
Civiltà cattolica
civil war
Civitella massacre (1944)
Cold War
collective guilt
Colombi, Alfredo
“Combat Film” (TV show)
Committee of National Liberation
Communist Party
Corriere della Sera
Corriere lombardo
Costa, Vincenzo
Croce, Benedetto
Dead Man Among Us, A (Longanesi)
death penalty
Delcroix, Carlo
De Meis, Marco
Democratic Fascist Party
Dewey, John
Ducci, Roberto
Dumini, Amerigo
Dunn, James C.
Dux (Sarfatti)
Einaudi publishing house
of 1919
of 1946
of 1948
of 1953
of 1958
of 1994
referendum on republic of 1946
Eros and Priapus (Gadda)
Eusebio, Father
Fabbri, Giacomo
Falco, Giac
Farinacci, Roberto
Fasci (combat groups)
anti-Fascism and post-Fascism and
body and theatricality of
death and
disease and
embodied, in Mussolini
fall of
genital history of
honor and
origins of
pilgrimage to Predappio and
Fascist Party. See also Italian Social Republic of Salò; neo-Fascists
dead, battle over
Federzoni, Luigi
Felice, Renzo De
Fellini, Federico
Fenoglio, Beppe
Ferreira, Pedro
Festa dell’Unità, (1947)
Festival of Fraternity (1945)
Filippo, Eduardo De
First Book of Fairy Tales (Gadda)
Flaiano, Ennio
“For the Martyrs in Piazzale Loreto” (Gatto)
Fortini, Franco
Fosse Ardeatine massacre
French Foreign Legion
Freud, Sigmund
Friends of the People
Gadda, Carlo Emilio
Galimberti, Duccio
Garibaldi, Anita, ashes of
Garibaldi, Giuseppe
Garibaldi, Peppino
Garibaldi, Ricciotti
Garibaldi, Sante
Garibaldi Brigades
Gasparini, Fausto
Gasperi, Alcide De
Gatto, Alfonso
Genoa protests (1960)
Gentile, Giovanni
Germans (Nazis)
Giannini, Guglielmo
Gibson, Violet
Gide, André
Giglio, Tommaso
Giolitti, Giovanni
Giovannini, Alberto
“Giovinezza” (Fascist hymn)
Giuliano, Salvatore
“Globetrotter” articles
Gorreri, Dante
Govoni, Corrado
Gramsci, Antonio
Gramsci, Delio
Gramsci, Giuliano
Greppi, Antonio
Grigorian, Vagan G.
Guareschi, Giovanni
Guidi, Guido Buffarini
Handsome Priest, The (Parise)
Here They Do Not Rest (Montanelli)
Hero of Our Time, A (Pratolini)
Himmler, Heinrich
death of
House on the Hill, The (Pavese)
Huizinga, Johan
Il Becco giallo
Il Borghese
Il Cantachiaro
Il Meridiano d’Italia
Il Mondo
Il Nuovo Mondo
Il Politecnico
Il Ponte
Il Popolo
Il Popolo d’Italia
Il Pubblico
Il Risorgimento
Il Secolo d’Italia
International Brigades
international war crimes court
Invisible Cities (Calvino)
I Stole Mussolini’s Body (Leccisi)
Italian Chamber of Deputies
Italian constitution
Italian Liberation Army
Italian Social Movement
Italian Social Republic of Salò
corpses displayed by
dead of
veterans of
Italian Social Republic Veterans Association
Italy. See also civil war
“bad conscience” of
grief and
north, vs. south
republic founded
strength in defeat and
I Vespri d’Italia (newspaper)
Johnny the Partisan (Fenoglio)
Justice and Liberty
Ladies and Gentlemen, the Court Is in Session (radio program)
La Dolce Vita (film)
Lampredi, Aldo (“Guido”)
La Repubblica fascista
“Laude, 29 April, 1945” (Quasimodo)
Leccisi, Domenico
left. See also anti-Fascists; and specific parties
Le Monde
Leto, Guido
Letters from Resistance Fighters Condemned to Death
Levi, Carlo
Liberty Volunteers Corps
L’Illustrazione italiana
L’Italia libera
Lombardi, Riccardo
Longanesi, Leo
Longo, Luigi
Lotta d’Italia
Lotta fascista
Luca, Don Giuseppe De
Lucetti, Gino
Lussu, Emilio
Magi, Renato
Maistre, Joseph de
Malaparte, Curzio
Manchester Guardian
Mann, Thomas
Manzoni, Alessandro
March on Rome
Marrocco, Dr.
Marsanich, Augusto De
Marx, Karl
Matteotti, Giacomo
Mazzantini, Carlo
Memoirs of Mussolini’s Manservant (Montanelli and Longanesi)
Men and Not Men (Vittorini)
Meneghello, Luigi
Michelini, Arturo
Michels, Roberto
Mila, Massimo
Misèfari, Bruno, tomb of
Mondadori, Alberto
Monelli, Paolo
Montanelli, Indro
Monticelli, Roberto De
Moon and the Bonfires, The (Pavese)
Morality of Mussolini
Moravia, Alberto
Morfini, Elda
Moscatelli, Cino
Muggiani, Giorgio
Musocco cemetery
Mussolini, Benito
assassination of, plotted
autopsy of
body of, as symbol
burial of, at Predappio
burial of, battle over
calls for death of
complete works of
death of, events and legends of
death of, lack of honor in
executioner of, revealed
fall of
forgiveness and
health of
hidden burial site and
“hidden king” and
images of
Italian republic and
last days of
Leccisi meets
literature on
masses for, secret
Matteotti murder and
memorabilia of
metamorphoses of
Piazzale Loreto display of
Piazzale Loreto editorial by
Piazza Venezia rallies
power and charisma of
relationship of Italian people with
Salò and
“secret daughter” of
social ideals of
survival vs. sacrifice and
theft of body of
trial of, regret over lack of
TV and
Web site of
WWI and
WWII and
Mussolini, Edvige (sister)
Mussolini, Petit Bourgeois (Monelli)
Mussolini, Rachele (wife)
Mussolini, the Traitor (Balabanov)
Mussolini Action Squads
Mussolini in the Imagination (Ciarlantini)
Mussolini Remembered: X-rays of the Former Dictator (Rossi)
Mussolini’s Last Five Seconds (Pisanò)
Mussolini’s Political Testament (Cabella)
Mussolini: The Story of a Corpse (Vacirca)
Muti (militia)
My Good Man Mussolini (Montanelli)
My Life with Benito (Mussolini and Pini)
National Alliance
National Association of Injured Veterans
National Association of Partisans
National Corporative Party
National Fascist Party
ational Patriotic Party
Nenni, Pietro
Nenni, Vittoria
neo-Fascists. See also specific parties
body stolen by
Christian Democrats and
Church and
elections and
Predappio burial and
Ojetti, Ugo
Olive Tree coalition
Omodeo, Adolfo
Open City (film)
OVRA (secret police)
Paggi, Dr. Gastone
Pajetta, Giancarlo
Palazzeschi, Aldo
Pallante, Antonio
Parini, Alberto
Parini, Piero
Parise, Goffredo
Parozzi, Antonio
Parri, Ferruccio
Paul VI, Pope
Pavese, Cesare
Pavone, Claudio
Pertini, Sandro
Petacci, Clara (Claretta)
Piazza Venezia rallies
Piccole Italiane
Pini, Giorgio
Pintor, Giaimi
Poggio Bustone battle (1944)
Pontifical Committee on Welfare
Popolo d’Alessandria
Popular Party
“Portraits of Il Duce” (Calvino)
Poviglio mass graves
Pratolini, Vasco
cemetery guest book
pilgrimages to
remains transferred to
Proli, Mario
qualunquista movement
Quasimodo, Salvatore
Questi, Giulio
Racial Laws
Radio Bari
Radio Milano
Ramperti, Marco
Rana, Mauro
Reggio Emilia demonstrations (1960)
Resistance (partisans). See also anti-Fascists; and specific parties
dead, vs. Fascist dead
death of Mussolini and
Predappio burial and
Ricci, Berto
Ricci, Umberto
Rienzo, Cola di
Risiera di San Sabba concentration camp
Risorgimento liberale
Roma 1943 (Monelli)
Romita, Giuseppe
Roncoroni, Mario
Roosevelt, Franklin D.
Rossi, Cesare
Rossi, Ernesto
Saba, Umberto
St. Petersburg Dialogues (de Maistre)
Salierno, Giulio
Salò. See Italian Social Republic of Salò
Salvalaggio, Nantas
Salvemini, Gaetano
San Casciano cemetery. See Predappio
San Maurizio Canavese corpses
Santa Libera rebellion (1946)
Sant’Angelo convent
Sant’Anna di Stazzema massacre
Santillo, Dr. Emilio
Saragat, Giuseppe
Sarfatti, Margherita
Satta, Salvatore
Sbardellotto, Angelo
Scalfari, Eugenio
Scelba, Mario
The Body of Il Duce Page 24