Scelba Act
Schirru, Michele
Schuster, Cardinal Ildefonso
Sciascia, Leonardo
Secchia, Pietro
Segni, Antonio
Segre, Renzo
Seravezza protests (1997)
Settimana Incom
Skin, The (Malaparte)
Skorzeny, Otto
Socialist Party
Socialist Unity
Sogno, Edgardo
Sorrentino, Dr. Ugo
Soviet Union
Spagnuolo, Pasquale
Spanish civil war
special tribunal for crimes against the state
Spinelli, Giuseppe
Spini, Giorgio
Steiner, Albe
Story of a Year, The (Mussolini)
Strehler, Giorgio
Susmel, Duilio
Swamp (novel)
Tambroni, Fernando
Tempo (weekly)
Teodorani, Vanni
That Awful Mess on Via Merulana (Gadda)
Thermidor mercy
Three Unconquered Empires (Palazzeschi)
Togliatti, Palmiro
Toscani, Fedele
“Totem and Taboo” (Saba)
“To the Fifteen of Piazzale Loreto” (Quasimodo)
Tremaglia, Mirko
Trial of Socrates on the Banks of Lake Como (De Begnac)
Trizzino, Antonino
Troilo, Ettore
Truman, Harry S.
Tumiati, Gaetano
Turati, Filippo
Turin, Cardinal of
Turin strike (1962)
Twenty Years and a Day (Bottai)
Ugolini, Guiseppe
Umberto, Prince of Savoy
United States
Unknown Soldier
Un morto fra noi (A Dead Man Among Us, Longanesi)
Uomo qualunque
Vacirca, Vincenzo
“Valerio.” See Audisio, Walter
Valiani, Leo
Vassalli, Fabrizio
Verano cemetery
Vergani, Orio
Vespasiano, Emperor of Rome
Victor Emanuel III, King of Italy
Vigano, Renata
Vittorini, Elio
Vittorio Veneto battle
Volante Rosso (ex-partisans)
Volpi, Albino
“What to Do with Italy?” (Salvemini)
World War I
World War II. See also civil war; Germans; Italian Social Republic of Salò
Zachariae, Dr. Georg
Zamboni, Anteo
Zamboni, Sisto
Zaniboni, Tito
Zatterin, Ugo
Zingales, General Leone
Zoli, Adone
Zoli, Don Pietro
Zucca, Father Enrico
Zucconi, Vittorio
About the Author
SERGIO LUZZATTO is a professor of modern history at the University of Turin, Italy. He is the author of four works of history and is a regular contributor to the leading Italian dailies La Stampa and Corriere della Sera.
Metropolitan Books
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Copyright © 1998 by Sergio Luzzatto
Translation copyright © 2005 by Metropolitan Books
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Originally published in Italy in 1998 under the title Il corpo del duce by Giulio Einaudi editore s.p.a., Torino.
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First U.S. Edition 2005
eISBN 9781466883604
First eBook edition: September 2014
The Body of Il Duce Page 25