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Page 5

by Teresa Gabelman

  Gemma had jumped back, also shocked at what she’d just heard or thought she’d heard. Before being able to respond, Larry returned with the water. Alex took it quickly, looking embarrassed, his face fire-engine red as he took the water and placed it in front of the crate.

  After an hour of standing and waiting for the scared and possibly injured wolf to come out, Gemma knew it was time to start her rounds. She had noticed that Eric, even in wolf form, never once looked her way since Alex’s statement about mates. She knew all about the mating habits of wolves, as well as shifters. Was Alex saying she was Eric’s mate?

  Shaking her thoughts away, because there was no way she’d heard that right, Gemma turned toward Alex who had been deadly quiet. “I’m going to have to start making rounds. Keep me informed, okay?”

  “Ah, yeah.” Alex avoided eye contact. “I will.”

  She walked away, confused and a little afraid. What if they were mates and he left? She did feel an alarming dependency on Eric Jackson, and if she were his mate, why hadn’t he said something? With one last look, she focused on the wolf who held the man she was falling in love with, yes love. She felt it and knew it, but was too afraid to admit it. Who could love her, the wolf-woman that some had come to call her? Maybe a wolf-man? The little voice inside her head gave her hope, but then that hope was dashed when she realized she was probably losing her damn mind.

  Chapter 9

  Eric could have killed Alex, still wanted to kill him. He knew once he welcomed Alex into the pack their thoughts became as one. It was something that happened. How it happened who in the hell knew, but it did, and obviously his thoughts about Gemma had been wide open because he’d never said one word to Alex about his feelings for Gemma. Hell, he was having a hard time coming to terms with it himself.

  He had finally coaxed the wolf out of the crate and into the enclosure, but it had taken all damn day. The wolf wasn’t in too bad of shape, but his relationship with humans had been damaged, and it would take a lot of work to repair.

  It was close to midnight before he headed to the SUV to shift back and get dressed. As he made his way there, he looked around and realized he could be happy there. Very happy. But he had a pack to worry about. He couldn’t and wouldn’t turn his back on them, so what was he to do? Gemma was his mate, that much he knew for sure, and he knew she would never leave this place, and there was no way in hell he would live hours away from his mate.

  He glanced up at the full moon that lit his path and felt a restlessness only a mate could calm. Hell, he didn’t even know how she felt about him, at least by words. He could smell her attraction to him, but was that enough? Eager to shift, he picked up his pace. Once at the SUV, he shifted. Finally in his human form, Eric stretched out his muscles with a tired sigh.

  “I’ve never seen anyone shift before.” Gemma’s voice echoed in the darkness.

  Eric smiled, not caring he stood with his back turned and as naked as the day he was born. He wasn’t embarrassed by his body, shifters never were, but he kept his back turned toward her so not to embarrass her.

  “I have to say I’m happy you haven’t,” Eric replied, unsurprised by the low growl that ended that sentence. Even thinking of her seeing another man, shifter or not, naked pissed him off instantly.

  “Thank you again for what you did today.” Gemma’s voice was soft and unsure. “It seems like I’m always thanking you.”

  “You don’t need to thank me for something like that, Gemma.” Eric glanced back at the moon, wondering what she looked like under its mysterious light. He heard her moving, coming closer until she stood in front of him, her eyes staring straight up into his.

  “Is what Alex said true?” Gemma tilted her head slightly, the glow from the moon lighting her beautiful features, making him smile, and then his smile faded.

  “He had no right to say anything.” Eric’s tone turned serious.

  “Oh, well… I just wanted to say thank you.” She turned to leave, and Eric almost let her go, almost.


  Gemma had never felt like such a lonely loser than she did at that moment. Of course Alex didn’t know what the hell he was talking about. She was no one’s mate, especially someone like Eric Jackson. He needed a woman, not some chick who smelled like wolf shit most days, looked like total shit every day, and would rather be in the company of animals than people. She turned to leave, to go bury her head in her pillow until her humiliated pride recovered, which would be never!

  As she took a step, he grasped her arm, turning her back toward him, but she kept her eyes toward the ground. Okay, she peeked at his package because hell, he was naked, and when would she ever get a chance like this again? God, she wished she hadn’t because it made her want him more. She actually had to press her legs together to calm the painful yet oh so pleasant tingling. Pleasure and pain did have its place, that was for sure.

  Eric lifted her face to his by cupping her chin. Then he sniffed the air as a pleased look crossed his face. “You want me.”

  Duh was what she wanted to say, but she didn’t open her mouth. She just stared at him. No way was she going to answer that question. Then again, it wasn’t really stated as a question, but a fact, one he had totally right. Dammit.

  “You are my mate, Gemma.” Eric’s thumb rubbed her cheek. “It just wasn’t Alex who needed to tell you. That was my job. And I had planned on telling you before the new wolf came in.”

  Gemma bit her lip to keep control of her excitement. She was his mate. She belonged to someone.

  “Can you at least say something?” Eric smirked down at her. “I mean, I know you want me as I can smell your arousal, but how do you feel about me, about being my mate?”

  Doing something that was so not Gemma-like, she removed his hand from her face and took a step back. Under the full moon, she removed her shirt, slipped out of her bra, and stepped out of her jeans until she stood in front of him naked and exposed. “You’re right. I do want you, but I want so much more.” Gemma shivered as his eyes roamed her body. “And I would be honored to be your mate, Eric Jackson.”

  Eric took her in his arms. Their mouths met for the first time as did their bodies. It felt right, and it felt like what they had was forever. His hands and mouth were everywhere, as were hers. They were frantic, like two starved people searching for what their souls needed and finally found.

  He gently laid her on a patch of grass, his body poised over hers. “You are mine, Gemma Stone, now and forever.” He lifted her ass with one hand while he guided into her wet opening, but stopped before he entered. “Are you sure?”

  Gemma briefly wanted to kill him, but then fell deeper in love with him for even asking that question. “I’ve never been more sure of anything in my life.”

  His masculine moan as he sank into her almost sent her over the edge, but she regained control, making sure she gave him as much pleasure as he was giving her. He was gentle at first, almost too gentle, making her want to scream for more, but soon her frustration turned into total bliss as he pounded inside her, above her and all around her, making her his.

  Gemma had never felt like this with a man before. She had dated men seemingly forever before even letting them cop a feel, yet with Eric, she had given herself freely so quickly. She finally understood what it meant to be mated. It was right, pure, and it was something she had longed for without realizing it. She felt complete.

  Her moans escaped into the night until he finally brought her to release, with his following quickly behind.

  Eric stayed on top of her for a long time, resting on his own arms to keep his weight off her. He just stared down at her without saying a word, and then his mouth opened. “You will never want for anything, Gemma. That I promise you.”

  “I hope I don’t disappoint you.” Her deepest fear slipped out of her mouth and seeing the swift anger that crossed his face before it disappeared made her regret speaking it out loud.

  “You could never disappoint me,” Eric growled d
own at her. He then kissed her deep and hard. “And that is the last time I ever want to hear you say that.”

  Gemma nodded before grabbing his neck and bringing him close, praying that he was right and she never disappointed him.

  Chapter 10

  Eric hated having to leave, and he tried his hardest to talk Gemma into going with him, but he knew that was a lost cause. If he were honest with himself, it was better that she stayed at the sanctuary. He still had to find the bastard he was looking for because no one hurt his pack. He also needed to figure out how her living there and him being the alpha of his pack hours away was going to work. He did know that one way or another, it would because she was his world. He would make it work.

  He stood back, watching her with the wolf in Luna’s old enclosure. He was nervous about her being in there but knew this was her job as well as her passion; plus, she was pretty smart about it. She did like to take chances he didn’t approve of though, but Gemma was a strong, independent woman, and he refused to crush that. It was something he respected and loved about her.

  She had named the wolf Baron, which she stated meant free warrior. And that right there was another reason Eric loved her. She named the animals with such care, ensuring each name fit each wolf. Who did that? Gemma Stone did that, a beautiful, selfless human who absolutely loved what she did. And that was why he didn’t press her to leave with him. This was what she did. It was who she was, and if he even hinted for her to leave it all behind, he was afraid she would. It would break her spirit, and that was something he never ever wanted to do.

  As he stood there, Gemma noticed him and backed out of the enclosure. Her sad face told him that she knew he was packed up and ready to go, but instead of begging him to stay, she walked up and plastered a fake smile on her face. Damn, she was one hell of a woman who made him proud every second he was in her presence.

  “Baron is coming along.” Gemma’s eyes shifted from his. “Maybe by the time you get back, we’ll be besties.”

  With just a short period of time of knowing her, he could read her like a book. “I’m coming back, Gemma.”

  Her eyes shot to his with relief. “I know, I mean….” He watched as she thought about what she was going to say. “Okay, I’m just going to lay this out there because if I don’t, I won’t be able to focus and I just need to so well—”

  “Whatever it is just say it.” Eric tried not to chuckle at her expense, but she was so damn proud that he knew what she was about to say was not going to be easy for her, but he honestly didn’t care what she had to say. Nothing would change his feelings for her.

  “Why me?” Gemma blurted. “Seriously, Eric. Look at me. Are you sure you want to be mated to someone who smells like dog most of the time and has dog crap caked to her boots? I honestly think you can do much better.”

  “I’ve looked at you plenty, and believe me when I say I’ve never found another woman more beautiful than you in my life.” Eric pulled her to him. “Never doubt my devotion and loyalty to you, Gemma. I know as a human it’s hard for you to understand—”

  “Actually, I do understand more than you probably know.” Gemma sighed. “I guess I understand the mating thing so well that I just need to know if you’re disappointed that it’s me you’re mated to.”

  Stunned, Eric didn’t answer right away, which was a mistake because her crestfallen face just about killed him.

  She pushed away from him with a half grin and a nod. “Got it,” Gemma said and then cleared her throat. “Be safe and have a nice trip.”

  Grabbing her a little more roughly than he meant, he grasped her face to force it toward him. “Never doubt my feelings for you again.” Eric let go of her face to take her hand, placing it on his hard cock beneath his jeans. “If this tells you anything at all, it should tell you how I have been walking around since seeing you that first time. If I could live buried inside you, believe me, I would. You own my heart, my body, and soul.”

  With a needy sigh, Gemma clasped his neck and held him tight. “Please hurry back.”

  Leaving her was the hardest thing he had ever done, and honestly, it pissed him off. Not knowing if her asshole neighbor would show back up was driving him insane. Leaving her unprotected didn’t sit well with him, and he swore this would be the last time it ever happened. At least Alex and Larry were with her, but it wasn’t him. Eric’s need to turn around was strong, but he couldn’t. He needed to take care of things before he could start anew. He watched as she stood alone as he drove away. Once she was out of sight, he grabbed his phone.

  “Yo, bro!” his other brother Kile answered.

  “I’ll be there in two hours. I want everyone ready for a meeting, and I mean everyone,” Eric ordered, knowing his tone was harsh, but he couldn’t help it. His heart was somewhere else, and so was his mind.

  “Sounds serious,” Kile replied, his voice changing in tune with his alpha’s.

  “Very,” was all Eric said before he hung up, already wanting to be back with Gemma, his mate.


  “Come on, Baron,” Gemma pleaded, her heart just not into what she was doing. She knew the wolf sensed it. “I’m trying here, can’t you?”

  The wolf just paced in the corner of the enclosure. Some days Baron seemed better, but then others, he retreated to when he first came there.

  It was going to be dark soon, and she still hadn’t heard anything from Eric. It was driving her crazy. My God, she had just met the man, was now mated to him, and she couldn’t even go a day without talking to him.

  He had been gone a week, and she was snippy with Alex and Larry, which she had apologized profusely for. She was pathetically in love with a man who lived two hours away from her. “Not a smart move,” she said to no one.

  Baron kept glancing at the entrance to the sanctuary and then started pacing again. He had been that way all day.

  “I think he misses Eric too,” Larry said from behind her.

  “I think you’re right.” Gemma frowned; he wasn’t the only one.

  “Eric talked to me before he left. He told me everything.” Larry leaned up against the enclosure to look at her. “Question is, why didn’t you trust me enough to tell me?”

  She really wasn’t shocked that Eric told Larry. Eric had a good sense of reading people, and he must totally trust Larry, which she also did, to tell him what he was and what she did there in the down low. “Because I promised my grandfather.” Gemma gave him an apologetic frown. “I’m sorry, Larry, but I’ve never broken a promise to my grandfather.”

  “It’s okay, but I’m glad I know.” Larry gave her an understanding nod. “It explains so much.”

  Gemma laughed the first laugh since Eric left. “I bet it does.”

  The wolves began howling, Baron being the loudest. Her heart began beating hard as she, along with Baron, stared at the long drive to her property. Eric’s SUV came into sight, and she swore her heart skipped a beat. She saw other vehicles following him, but she was too excited to really question it. He was back and that was all that mattered. “He’s back!” She hugged Larry, an excited laugh erupting.

  “You had doubts?” Larry snorted but hugged her back.

  In fact, she was guilty of that, because she did have doubts, especially today when she hadn’t heard from him. She started to head that way but stopped and looked down at herself. She had wanted to look nice when he came back, not the same Gemma who he’d left.

  “He fell in love with you, this Gemma,” Larry scolded her as if knowing her thoughts and, in fact, he was right on. “Not one who doesn’t smell like wolf shit.”

  Gemma gave him a glare before a grin slipped across her face as she took off at a run. Larry was right. This was who she truly was, and she was damn proud of it.

  Eric was out of the SUV and heading her way. She didn’t even slow down as she plowed into his arms, almost knocking him down. The kiss they shared was hard and deep with the passion of not seeing each other for a week.

�Damn, woman, I’ve missed you.” Eric set her down and stared at her, a relieved smile spreading across his face. “And you’re in one piece. I’ve never been more worried about anyone in my entire life.” He bent and kissed her hard.

  “Well, are you going to introduce her or not?” a man’s voice came from behind Eric. “Watch out.” Eric was pushed out of the way.

  Gemma stared up at a handsome, younger version of Eric. “I’m Cole, Eric’s younger brother.” He grabbed Gemma in a tight hug. “Welcome to the family.”

  To say she was shocked was an understatement, but she couldn’t think about it too much before she was pulled into someone else’s arms. “I’m the better looking of the three.” Gemma pulled away to look at yet an even younger version of the other two. “I’m Kile, and I’ll be giving you all the good gossip on our big bro.”

  “The hell you will.” Eric pulled Gemma back to his side. “Gemma, this is my family.”

  Gemma stared at not only Eric’s two brothers but fifteen to twenty other men and women, who all stared back at her. “Your pack?” She wasn’t really a people person, but this felt right, so right.

  “Yes, my family.” Eric chuckled. “Now your family. We’re here to make Stone’s Wolf Sanctuary one of the best sanctuaries in the country.”

  “Hell yeah!” one man shouted, and others followed. Children jumped out of cars also, heading toward the enclosures.

  “Thank you for what you do,” one woman, whose name she didn’t catch because she was too stunned, said as she gave her a quick hug.

  Once everyone spread out introducing themselves to Alex and Larry, Gemma felt tears building. “What did you do?” She stared up at him, watching as he looked among his pack with pride. When he finally peered down at her, she had never seen a more handsome man in her life. He was a strong, proud man and she thanked God he came into her life.

  “I combined my families.” Eric pulled her to him and kissed the top of her head. “It’s what any alpha would do. They’re so excited to be here and start their lives helping your cause. During the vote, not one person voted against relocating.”


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