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Dragon's Prize (Dragons Awaken Book 2)

Page 5

by Maya Starling

  “WHAT!?” Kaden’s eyes flashed amber-yellow, and his voice… his voice was once more possessed; as if two creatures were speaking at once. Fists balled up tight at his sides, he shook with fury. He even squeezed on his wound tighter, needing to feel the physical pain to keep himself grounded. The impulses inside him wanted to burst out. It felt like something wanted to break through, and out of his skin but couldn’t. It irritated, and angered him even more.

  The mercs gripped the hilts of their swords, ready to react. Silence ensued once more, the tension heavy in the air. Even the horses didn’t dare move, not wanting to provoke the predator.

  Kaden took a step forward and he roared again, “YOU LET THAT BAST – ”

  Mousse bit his thigh.

  “What the…?” He turned around, distracted.

  The mare eyed him, stomping her hoof into the ground while Pup lay on his back, showing his belly in deference. The scene made him laugh; the sight of mare challenging him and Pup submitting. The others probably thought he had gone mad. But it helped him pull himself back together.

  He took a deep breath before speaking again. “It’s still not too late… Where did they go?” Kaden looked back the stable master whose eyes were wide, his hands shaking, holding the reins.

  Even though the man had never been so afraid in his life, he somehow knew that Kaden would never hurt Olivia. There was fire in Kaden’s eyes; worry and love too. It took him a while to speak through the lump in his throat. “Remor… they went to Remor and would head for the Palace from there.”

  “C’mon Pup,” Kaden said as he approached Mousse. When she was sure he had cooled down, she let him get back up. “Thank you,” he said to the stable master.

  Before he pushed the mare onwards, the man spoke, “Pace that horse carefully and she will serve you well. She’s a good one… and… Take care of Livvie for us,” he whispered the last part to Kaden.

  Kaden nodded curtly before turning Mousse around and hurrying towards Remor, Pup barely keeping up the pace.

  The merchant, his men and the mercs were left flabbergasted, watching Kaden’s retreating form, wondering what exactly had just transpired.

  Chapter 8

  Through the fog in her mind, Olivia heard knocking. She groaned, got up and slowly made her way to the door, her head still heavy with sleep. Charlie stood on the other side, holding a tray with food and drinks.

  “May I come in? I presumed you’d rather eat your dinner here than in the common room.”

  Olivia left the door open as she turned and walked over to sit on her bed. She leaned against the headboard, fighting to stay awake. She had to squint at the onslaught of light. The walls were painted a soft yellow, and the rays of the setting sun peeking in through white, lacy curtains made the room that much brighter. A cool breeze brought in noise from the main street. With the furniture made of light colored oak, the overall feel of the room was very relaxing. Olivia averted her gaze, concentrating on a dark green carpet made of thick yarn until her eyes adjusted.

  She was anything but relaxed.

  Charlie followed her into the room, and pushed the door shut with her foot. She set the tray on Olivia’s bed, sat opposite her, and started dividing the food and pouring them the drinks.

  “I think Donovan put something in my medicine for the headache, to make me sleep.” Olivia frowned.

  Charlie handed Olivia a plate with food. “I wouldn’t put it past Magnus to order him to. I guess he fears you might run away or somethin’. I wouldn’t recommend it, though. I almost got away once, on Magnus’ own horse. Silly me…” Charlie shook her head.

  “What happened?” Olivia said.

  “He caught up with me. Reminded me we made a deal… and then proceeded to punish me for kidnapping his horse.”

  “What did he –”

  “Here’s your bread,” Charlie interrupted, keeping her head low, not meeting Olivia’s curious gaze.

  “Thank you,” Olivia said, dismissing the discussion as she started eating, earning a grateful smile from Charlie.

  After they finished, Charlie put the tray with the leftovers on the desk to the side.

  “So…” Charlie started as she sat back on the bed and crossed her legs, “How are you feeling?”

  “Tired, and my head still hurts a bit.” Olivia sighed. She pulled her shoes off and scooted higher up on the bed. She hugged her knees as if trying to protect herself from the wickedness of the world. “What will Magnus do to me?”

  “I… I don’t know.” Charlie shook her head. Her gaze dropped to her lap, rolling a strand of thread between her fingers. “He is unpredictable. One moment sweet, the next a monster.”

  “Well, I have only seen the monster side of him.” Olivia frowned.

  “And that’s the true side of him, don’t let him fool you… like he did me.”

  “Tell me about the other men. Or are they knights as Magnus calls them?”

  “Well,” Charlie said, “Good ones are Damien, Theo and Cassiel… Donovan is an alright kid but Magnus’ puppet. Cathal and Galor, the brothers, used to be alright, but after what happened with Kaden…” Charlie shook her head, “They’re both married back home, youngsters and all. Reed… Reed’s like Magnus a lot, they’re best friends, and if it weren’t for Cassiel to keep them in check…” Charlie shuddered, “I don’t even want to think about it.”

  “You service them all?” Olivia’s blue eyes widened.

  “Yeah…” Charlie suddenly found the loose thread of her dress interesting again, “Well, no.” She frowned. “There were also Lance and Colin, but they’re dead now. And Damien, Theo and Cassiel don’t… ummm… they don’t.”

  “Did you not say that the brothers were wedded?” Olivia said.

  “Oh, that doesn’t stop some men from seeking services from women like me.”

  “But that is adultery!” Olivia was outraged.

  “Well, that’s the way things are.” Charlie shrugged.

  Deciding that she had heard enough, Olivia changed the topic.

  “So, Damien and Theo, he is the red-haired one right? So they’re good ones, and Cassiel, too? At first glance, I thought that Theo was your brother. There is a resemblance. So how come the three of them do not…”

  “Yeah, Theo isn’t my brother, but feels like it more and more each day. Cassiel, he’s a real knight, the fairytale kind and respects women. He would never seek out women like me… well not for that purpose. His only fault is that he’s unfortunately very loyal to Magnus, something about it being a family tradition to be a personal guard to the royal family.” Olivia nodded for Charlie to continue. “As for Theo and Damien,” Charlie chuckled, “Well… this might be another shock for you, but they’re together.”

  “What do you mean together?”

  “Together as a couple…” Charlie waited for Olivia to realize what she meant.

  “I do not know what you mean… Oh! OH! You mean they?” Her eyes widened. “They... with each other? A man with a man? How? Why?”

  Charlie laughed at Olivia’s shocked expression. “Your face is so funny…” The statement made Olivia blush. “Yes, they’re together like that. They love each other just like a woman and a man would and they’re very loyal to each other. Just like any couple in love, really. Although, some don’t see it that way… some think it’s an abomination. As how they do it… You’d have to ask them about that.”

  Olivia blushed even more.

  “There’s nothing wrong about it,” Charlie persisted, “They’re really good people. They’re my best friends from the bunch. Please don’t judge them for it.”

  “It is just very… odd. I mean, it would be hypocritical of me to not like men liking men. I like men, so I know what they see in each other. If they are in love, and do no harm to others, who am I to judge? I would rather have them as friends than someone like Magnus.”

  Olivia’s answer brought a smile to Charlie’s face. “Good! And please don’t tell anyone I told you about them. I d
on’t think Magnus would react well. But they’re so cute together, you’ll see.” Charlie couldn’t help but gush.

  A knock on the door interrupted their conversation. Olivia tensed up, her gaze settling on the door.

  Charlie called out, “Who is it?”

  “It’s us.” They heard a familiar voice from the other side of the door. Charlie jumped up from the bed, and opened the door.

  “Hey guys, come on in. We were just talking about you.” She winked at Theo and Damien.

  “Charlie!” they exclaimed, and quickly closed and locked the door behind them.

  “It’s alright, she’s good people.” She walked back to Olivia’s bed and settled down.

  Theo and Damien both looked a bit uncomfortable, looking everywhere but at Olivia.

  “Please, do sit down. I really do not mind.” Olivia smiled, encouraging them, as she scooted a bit on the bed.

  Both Charlie and Theo were surprised to see Damien be the first to walk over and sit next to Olivia. Theo followed slowly, sitting next to Charlie bumping her to the side to make space for him.

  “Hello…” Olivia said shyly to Damien.

  “Hey. Starlite is doing well. I groomed her myself and I made sure she got the good feed.”

  “Thank you.”

  Theo and Charlie were even more surprised that Damien said so much, to someone who was practically a stranger. Olivia didn’t know what was wrong. Was it something she said? The silence made her uncomfortable so she cleared her throat and tried to get the conversation going.

  “Starlite is my horse. I got her for my sixteenth birthday,” she said.

  Damien and Theo were able to talk about animals for hours, so soon they relaxed. Olivia and Damien were the quieter ones. Olivia had so many questions, but she found the group’s playful bantering fun and welcomed it, though her thoughts never strayed too far from Kaden. As night fell and they lit the lamps, a chill crept into the room. A shiver ran through Olivia’s body. She wished Kaden was there, so she could snuggle up to him, protected from the cold under his silky wings. She wished she could run her hands over his scales again. He enjoyed that quite a bit. Olivia smiled at the memory. She knew she mattered to him.

  “So… a dragon?” The question brought Olivia out of her thoughts.


  “The dragon… how did that happen?” Theo repeated the question, his voice soft. He regretted it as soon as he saw the sadness enter her blue eyes. “I’m sorry… I shouldn’t have…”

  “No, it’s alright…” Olivia blinked away the tears which were suddenly threatening to fall. Damien wrapped his arm around her shoulder, pulling her into a sideways hug. She didn’t shy away, she needed a friend to comfort her.

  “I guess there is no harm in telling you the whole story. It just might be a bit embarrassing for me.” She shrugged, and then told them everything, from the fight with her father, running away, meeting Kaden, and gaining his friendship… everything. How Magnus had discovered her and Kaden in the forest, about how they got trapped in the cave and Kaden sacrificing himself so she could flee to safety. She even told them the part about Magnus threatening her parents’ life if she did not agree to be his wife. Olivia was relieved to finally let it all out. It felt good to tell someone the truth. It had been suffocating her, and she only realized it now. She didn’t cry this time, though. A few tears escaped, but she didn’t cry. She was proud of herself, ready to face the consequences of telling them the truth, in case one of them was on Magnus’ side after all. She just didn’t care.

  “Wow…” It was the first thing Charlie said.

  “You fell in love with a dragon?” Theo asked.

  “You fell in love with another man…” Olivia retorted.

  “Hey, I’m not judging, just stating… that’s so fucked up!”

  “Don’t swear in front of her, you idiot!” Charlie swatted at Theo’s shoulder when she saw Olivia shift uncomfortably.

  Olivia was bleary-eyed but she laughed, and leaned on Damien’s shoulder, soaking up the solace. “It is alright… I am a bit of a prude; I’ve led a sheltered life and I need to get used to the things of the world.”

  “What a shame to spoil such an innocent mind.” Charlie spoke dramatically and they all laughed.

  A knock on the door cut their mirth short. Olivia looked around at her new friends for guidance and with a nod from Charlie, she stood up to open the door. She stopped in her tracks, confused when Theo and Damien got up to hide behind the door. An encouraging nod from Damien pushed her forward. She opened the door and found herself face to face with Magnus.

  “Your majesty,” she said, and bowed her head.

  “No need to call me that, Princess. You can call me Magnus anytime. Or even better, My Prince.” He tilted her chin up so he could look into her eyes. “Are you alone?” Olivia shivered at the question and tone of his voice, smelling the slight tang of alcohol on his breath.

  Just before Olivia answered, Charlie appeared in Magnus’ line of sight.

  He let go of Olivia’s chin. “Ah, Charlie. Have you two become friends already?” Magnus said, seemingly amused, but simmering underneath.

  “Umm… yes. She has been very helpful, tending to my needs,” Olivia said.

  “Well, I’m going to have to borrow her for a few hours. It’s time for me and Charlie to have some fun, isn’t that right, Puppet?” Magnus’ icy blue eyes pierced through Charlie’s confidence, pinning in place.

  Olivia glanced over her shoulder and saw the terror in her new friend’s eyes. Behind the door, Damien was barely holding Theo back. Before she could think about it, Olivia said, “No.”

  Magnus quickly snapped his eyes back to Olivia, “What did you just say?”

  Everyone in the room was shocked to silence. Olivia was surprised by her continuous defiance. But she wasn’t about to back down. Me and my troublesome mouth!

  “I said no. I need her help.”

  “Help with what exactly?” Magnus’ voice was now cold, a deep frown on his face.

  “Everything… taking off my clothes, since my ribs still hurt. My hand is broken and my head is throbbing. I need help cleaning myself up and preparing for bed. I still have not recovered and you want us to be on the move again tomorrow. I am exhausted and need her assistance. If you want to have your fun with her, you will wait. Come back in an hour or two. In the meantime, she is my lady's maid.” Once the words were out Olivia couldn’t believe she had just said that to Magnus, and in such a commanding tone. She was afraid, but wouldn’t show him, so she tried to keep her composure as best as she could.

  Hand covering her mouth, Charlie stood still. She expected Magnus to strike at Olivia. She glanced slyly at Theo and Damien. They were just as shocked, and Damien’s face showed a pained kind of worry.

  “I’m going to have so much fun breaking you, Puppet.” Magnus’ eyes were ablaze with cold fury, and his hand snapped forward to grab Olivia’s neck. His grip was firm, but not so tight to choke her. Olivia held her breath. Her heart beat wildly, hammering into her head.

  Behind the door, it was now Theo barely holding Damien back, since they had a clear and close up view of Magnus’ hand wrapped around Olivia’s neck.

  “You never… ever… command me again or so help me I will—” Olivia sneezed into Magnus’ face.

  Tension stretched around them, thick as mud, waiting to suck down an unsuspecting victim. Olivia watched with horror some of her snot glisten on Magnus’ face.

  “Why you little…” Magnus raised his hand, ready to strike, but yet again she stopped him by raising her finger in front of his face. She turned her head sideways and sneezed twice more.

  Magnus took a surprised step back.

  Olivia lifted her gaze back to him. “I apologize. It seems I am coming down with a cold.”

  Magnus blinked. Once, twice, then he wiped his face with the sleeve of his shirt. He threw an angry glare at Olivia before stomping away without a word.

  Olivia closed
the door and leaned her forehead against it. She waited for her heartbeat to slow, eyes tightly shut against the pain in her head.

  “Oh…” said Damien.

  “My…” said Theo.

  “God!” finished Charlie, quiet laughter overtaking her. “That was the funniest thing I have ever witnessed in my life!”

  Olivia smiled as her new friends shared their mirth. It was easier to laugh at the situation, even though they were all worried.

  “You’re something else, Olivia.” Theo wrapped a hand around her shoulder and guided her back to the bed.

  Damien noticed Olivia’s wince, her eyebrows scrunch. “Are you alright?”

  “Other than my head throbbing?”

  “Theo, my love, it’s time for us to let the ladies get their sleep,” Damien said as he took Theo’s hand. Olivia smiled at the endearment for Theo. One more reminder of Kaden.

  The following day found them on the road again, traveling towards Asil, the next big town on their way to the crown city. A couple of hours later, they stopped at a crossroad. Olivia peeked her head out to see what the holdup was. She saw Magnus, Theo and Cassiel looking at a map. After a quick consultation, they were moving again, taking the road on the left. Olivia wondered if her fate had changed direction as well.

  Chapter 9

  Once in Remor, it didn’t take Kaden long to gather the information he needed. Everyone was very forthcoming, telling him about the Prince’s visit the day before, and the introduction of his timid betrothed. He also picked up on the story of the Prince killing the dragon despite his men being wounded, and how the future queen was saved by her Prince himself. It was quite a romantic story. It made Kaden feel sick.

  The sun was gradually setting. It would be night soon and not safe for him to travel alone, though he had a suspicion he could handle anything the road had to throw at him. He pondered trading Mousse for a better-rested horse, but his aching and protesting muscles, and the look that she’d given him, as if reading his thoughts, made him reconsider. He would be able to catch up to them if he left early the next day, if they were indeed traveling as slowly as he was told they would be.


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