Dragon's Prize (Dragons Awaken Book 2)

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Dragon's Prize (Dragons Awaken Book 2) Page 30

by Maya Starling

  Kaden’s eyes sought out the frightened people. “I apologize for my lack of control. This is still very new to me, and it’s hard… I will not harm you, though. I promise that.” He raised his hands as an offering of peace.

  The kitchen door swung open and the plump man appeared holding a tray filled with food and steaming cups of tea.

  “I know you wouldn’t hurt us,” Charlie said. She stepped forward but Bast stopped her. “He wouldn’t!” she repeated. She grabbed Bast’s hand off her shoulder and kissed Bast’s knuckles, surprising and distracting her goddess.

  Charlie used the opportunity to approach Kaden. “I know you wouldn’t hurt us, but sometimes you just look so scary it’s hard not to flinch, ya know?” She pushed the locks that had escaped her braid behind her ear.

  Kaden nodded and was surprised when Charlie wrapped her arms around him. He tensed, his posture stiffening. He didn’t know what to do. Then, he almost laughed at the expression on Bast’s face: a mix of shock, disbelief, anger and… jealousy?

  “Now I’m not afraid of you anymore.”

  He heard the smile in Charlie’s voice and patted her back awkwardly.

  “I… umm… I better take the food to them. I need to see Olivia.”

  Charlie unwound herself and stepped back. She gave Kaden a small, despairing smile. “Tell her we’re here for her as well?”

  Kaden could see that she wanted to be there for Olivia, she wanted and needed to comfort her friend. He pressed his palm against Charlie’s cheek. “I will.”

  He walked towards the plump man who still stood frozen on the spot. Taking the tray, he thanked the man, turned and left.

  “Charlie! Don’t you ever do that again…” Kaden heard Bast scold as he rounded the corner.

  He balanced the tray in one hand and knocked on the door.

  Chapter 33

  After Kaden left, Olivia sat on her father’s bed.

  “Everything he spoke of was truth?” He took one of her fidgeting hands in his own.

  “Yes. Even though I did not hear all he said, I know he spoke only the truth. Kaden would not lie to you.”

  “And you know him that well? You trust him?” Connal said in a soft voice, not accusing.

  “Yes.” Olivia nodded. “We have been through a lot together. Not to mention he died for me and came back for me. That is why…” she sniffled, “why I keep expecting mother to come back.” She wouldn’t cry. If she did, her father would cry as well, or bottle it up. Olivia didn’t like either of those solutions.

  “So do I.”

  “How did she… was it…?” Olivia couldn’t form the whole question, it was just too hard to ask. Her gaze dropped onto her father’s hand grasping her small one.

  “It was quick. I am grateful for at least that bit of mercy death had for her.” Connal squeezed his daughter’s hand in gentle comfort as he held back the tears. He didn’t want to tell her he saw it happen. He dreamt of it every time he closed his eyes. It would haunt him forever.

  Olivia nodded.

  After a few moments of quiet, Olivia spoke, “What do we do now?”

  Connal sighed. “We deal… I do not really know. It is hard, it hurts, but your mother would not want us to wither. She would want us to get back up on our feet and repair the damage done, physically and emotionally. She would want us to be there for each other and for our people… My Caroline was such a beautiful soul… and we will remember her as such.” He let go of Olivia’s hand and lifted her chin up so he could look into her blue, glazed eyes.

  “At moments, I still feel like she is here, alive, not believing it happened… and then, when the truth reaches my mind, my heart shatters. It is a struggle. I still hope to wake up from the nightmare… It will be hard, but we have each other still. I love you, my dear, dear Violet. You have so much of your mother in you… I believe she will live on through you.”

  Connal wiped away Olivia’s tears and pulled her closer, kissing her forehead.

  “I love you too, father.” Olivia kissed his cheek. “I guess I am in my disbelieving moment… How are you though?”

  Lord Moore shrugged, then winced from the movement. “Do not worry about my head. Just a few stitches, no worse than you had. It is my shoulder that bothers me. I was hit by an arrow and when I stumbled and fell, the arrow went all the way out the back. I think a bone is broken. The doctor cleaned it out and stitched me up. I will be fine, nothing I cannot recover from.”

  “If you need anything let me know… Herbs for the pain?” Olivia started fussing about her father. She wanted to keep her mind busy.

  “Settle down. You know I am not afraid to ask if I need something.” He patted the spot where she had been sitting.

  Olivia obliged and sat back.

  “I have heard a lot about your Kaden and I know how you feel about him. It is obvious he returns your feelings, but… tell me about the others that have travelled with you.”

  Olivia’s eyes lit up a bit and a small, sincere smile graced her features.

  “You will meet them shortly. Charlie, her name is Charlotte but everyone calls her Charlie. She’s become my best friend and my sister. She helped me through a lot and protected me from the prince’s unwanted… um… physical advances. We were there for each other and when the time came, when she could not protect me anymore, I stood up for myself and took her with me.”

  Connal swallowed down his growing anger towards the prince. “Did you really stab the prince as Kaden said?” he asked instead.

  “Yes! I stabbed him… between his… legs. I do not know what damage I have caused; I just took the chance and ran with Charlie. Theo and Damien helped us. I will tell you about them later, but Cassiel, he came after us. He changed his allegiance and he swore an oath to serve me instead.” Olivia was still humbled by the fact.

  “You have your own sworn knight?” Connal couldn’t help but seek confirmation.

  “Yes, and that is not all. Bast is from the Forbidden Forest. They have many tribes, and she is the daughter of one of the tribe leaders. She will take over someday and she is a well-respected warrior. I know… I know… I was surprised as well. They are not the barbarians we thought them to be. Oh! and when Pup and Disa come do not be afraid.”

  “Why?” Connal was by now afraid to even ask.

  “Pup is a wolf cub… I do not know if Kaden spoke about him... and Disa is a mountain lion. Bast considers Disa to be her feline sister.”

  “That is too much information…” Olivia’s father shook his head, “I think my headache is coming back.

  “I know. I am sorry for not easing you into it. You know I get easily excited.” She graced her father with a sheepish smile.

  “That you do.” Connal patted Olivia’s hand. “I am glad you have such good friends and people by your side. At least I know you are safe… and loved.” His eyes brimmed with tears again and he pushed back the memories of sweet moments with his wife. He would remember them in his solitude.

  A soft knock on the door drew their attention.

  “Come in,” Lord Moore called.

  The door was pushed open and Kaden walked in with a tray filled with food. Olivia was quick to help him. They served her father first, setting his plate and tea on the lap tray. He refused Olivia’s offer to help him eat.

  Kaden was very quiet and Olivia could feel the waves of tension flowing from him. Once her father started eating, she approached him.

  “Kaden? What happened?” She laid a gentle hand on his chest, looking up at his scowl.

  “Nothi... Everything.” Kaden pulled Olivia into a hug. He wrapped his arms around her in a tight embrace and inhaled the scent of her hair. It comforted him. “I have talked with your people about what happened.” He felt Olivia stiffen, so he caressed her back in soothing circles. “You don’t need to know the details just now. I was… overwhelmed with the emotions because of Órva’ar. Cassiel interfered and calmed him… and me down. I just need to hold you for a bit.”

ia nodded against Kaden’s chest and she pressed her ear against his heartbeat. It was a soothing sound and soon she relaxed again.

  “You need to eat,” Kaden said when he heard her stomach protest. He kissed Olivia’s forehead and helped serve her food.

  “I have already eaten.” Kaden ushered Olivia to take her meal.

  The sun was setting and darkness crept into the room. While Olivia and her father ate in silence, Kaden lit the lamps, illuminating the room with a soft yellow light.

  Once done, he gathered the tray and the plates so he could return them to the kitchen.

  “Would you please tell Charlie, Bast and Cassiel to come in? I want them to meet father before we go to sleep,” Olivia said as she opened the door for Kaden.

  “Of course, love.” Kaden brushed his lips softly against Olivia’s and left.

  He returned shortly with the entourage.

  Connal composed his features, straightened his back and squared his shoulders. His eyes followed and studied each person that entered. The animals, he was wary of.

  Olivia offered her friends an encouraging smile. “I wanted you to meet my father before we settle down for the night. This is Lord Connal Moore.”

  Connal bowed his head in a slight nod.

  “Father,” Olivia continued with the introduction, “This is Charlotte.” She walked over and stood next to her fiery haired friend.

  Charlie did a little dip which made Olivia chuckle and amusement brightened Connal’s eyes. “It is a pleasure to meet you, my Lord.”

  “You too, my dear. Olivia has told me many good things about you. Thank you for looking after my daughter,” Connal said.

  Charlie blushed. “Oh… Thank you.”

  “This is Cassiel, my knight.” The pride in Olivia’s voice humbled the knight as he bowed his head in respect.

  “And this is Bast, of the people of the forest.”

  Connal scrutinized the warrior woman, never had he seen one before. She appeared to be a capable and seasoned fighter. Bast only nodded in return.

  “And these are Pup and Disa.” Olivia introduced their animal companions the last.

  “It is a pleasure to meet you all. I am glad Olivia has such good, loyal friends. You are welcome in my house as if you were family of our own.”

  The introductions were over with quickly. Olivia didn’t want to burden her father any more than necessary. He needed to sleep and recuperate. They would have plenty of time to get to know each other in the coming days. Charlie, Cassiel and Bast wished Lord Connal swift recovery as they bid him good night.

  Olivia tucked her father in. “Will you be alright sleeping alone?”

  “Of course I will, dear. Leave the window open, it’s a bit warm.” Connal requested as he lowered himself deeper into the bed.

  Kaden cracked the window open and Olivia left a cup filled with water next to her father’s bed. She pressed a palm to his forehead. “You are a bit warm.” Her eyes narrowed.

  “I just need some fresh air. It has been a long day and I am exhausted. The doctor will be back tomorrow to tend to my injuries.”

  “Very well, father. But, if you feel unwell or worse, please call for someone. Maybe I should sleep here with you…” Olivia looked around the room, as if planning where to sleep.

  “Nonsense!” Connal argued. “I will not let my pride get in the way of my health. Worry not. You go and rest, you need it too.”

  Kaden though, understood that Connal needed his privacy, he needed to mourn.

  “Your father is right. There are plenty of people around to help if needed. You must rest. It has been a long day and tomorrow will be an even longer one.” Kaden placed a hand against the small of her back.

  “Alright…” Olivia conceded and kissed her father’s bandaged forehead. “Good night, father.”

  “Good night, my dear daughter… Good night, Kaden.”

  “Good night.”

  Olivia dimmed the lamps and they left the room. When they closed the doors, Olivia rested against it for a moment and then heard sounds from the other side. She went to open the door again but Kaden stopped her.

  “Don’t.” He shook his head. “He needs to mourn on his own.”

  Olivia understood then, that the muffled sounds coming from the room were her father’s soft sobs. Her heart broke again.

  My mother is dead. The thought registered in her mind and Kaden caught her before she crumbled to the floor.

  He scooped her into his arms and she wept into his chest. A woman approached them. Noticing Olivia in Kaden’s embrace, she indicated for Kaden to follow her. She led him to a room where he settled on the bed with Olivia in his arms.

  The woman didn’t linger and she softly closed the door as she left.

  “Oh, Olivia.” Kaden kissed her head and held her until she fell asleep.

  Chapter 34

  Magnus paced his room, eyeing the letter the witch had given him today, a grimace of contempt stuck on his face. He snorted. The witch said she had forgotten to give it to him yesterday, but he figured she wanted to strike a deal first.

  “Might as well read it,” he said to Reed who was standing by the fireplace with a glass of spirits in his hand.

  Magnus tore the seal and snatched out the letter.

  My prince,

  I hope this letter reaches you fast and in good health. Your father, King Magnar, is not well. The illness that befallen him has him bedbound. It does not bode well, his cough worsens daily.

  It truly is a serious matter this time and your immediate return is required.

  The people need to be led and not let loose. There is much unrest already. You need to return and take over your princely duties until your father recovers, or if it comes to the worst, to assume the throne.

  I shall wait for the response regarding your arrival eagerly.

  Sincerely humbled,

  Your faithful servant and acting regent

  Rostcol Bainard

  Magnus crumpled the letter in his hand and threw it into the fire. “I thought as much,” he hissed through clenched teeth.

  “Let me guess… he is ill?” Reed said, eyebrow raised.

  “Of course he is. He needs me there so he can blame his mistakes on me, yet again.” Magnus paused and looked at Reed pointedly. “I need more time, so the letter has not yet reached me.”

  “It has not,” the knight agreed with his prince.

  “When the witch and her daughter go to fetch the herbs, you will go with them.” Magnus marched to his chair, sat down and started taking off his boots.

  “I’m not their bloody bodyguard!” Reed protested as he downed the drink.

  “Watch it, Reed. I don’t have time for your tantrums. You will do as I said… Besides, I saw you eyeing the witch, she might give you a good ride,” Magnus said as he took of his other boot as well.

  An eerie smile stretched across Reed’s face. “Aye… I can do that.”

  “You will also find me more men… but go now… I need to sleep. We will discuss things tomorrow.” Magnus waved Reed away and the knight left.

  Chapter 35

  Lying in bed, Kaden watched Olivia as she stood in front of the window, looking out, lost in thought. The first rays of the sun flitted across her face, her features tense and her blue eyes narrowed in worry. Her dark curls were unruly and she pushed a lock behind her ear. Kaden could see the tear stains on her pale cheek, mirroring the cracks of her mourning heart.

  Pushing off the quilt, Kaden slid out of the bed. He made no noise as he approached Olivia, his bare feet soundless on the cold, wooden floor.

  A shiver quaked her body and she wrapped her arms around herself. Not wanting to scare her, Kaden first put his hand on her arm. Olivia glanced up, over her shoulder, even though she already knew it was him.

  When her eyes shifted toward the window again, Kaden wrapped his own arms around her waist. He pulled her close into his embrace, her back pressed snug against his chest.

  He kissed the
crown of her head before resting his cheek against the side of it. “Couldn’t sleep, love?” Kaden said in a soft whisper.

  “I did, but not much.” Olivia sighed.

  Kaden looked through the window at what had caught Olivia’s attention. It was a beautiful flower garden, a sea of green with hundreds of small colorful islands dotted about. A narrow cobbled path led to the fountain and around it. A stone bench kept an ever watchful eye on the decorative basin where a statue of a smiling little girl stood proud, her hand reaching out as if she was trying to catch something barely out of her grasp.

  “Mother planted this part of the garden when I was three. She said that the pansies reminded her of me, so… this is Garden Olivia Violet, as she would call it. Of course, the statute of the girl is also a reminder of me. I used to enjoy chasing butterflies.” Olivia leaned her head back against Kaden’s shoulder.

  He kissed her temple and said, “It’s beautiful.” Kaden observed the flowers’ details. It wasn’t hard to discern why pansies had reminded Olivia’s mother of her daughter. They seemed a fragile plant, but he remembered they were actually quite resilient, just like Olivia. At first, one would think her delicate and breakable, when in reality she was much stronger than even she thought herself to be. It was the petals, though, that reminded him of his Olivia the most. Their warm pastel colors of violet merging into white then bursting into bright yellow, spoke of Olivia’s tender spirit, innocent nature and bright personality.

  “You know… pansies meant you were always in her thoughts.” Kaden spoke in a soft, soothing voice.

  Olivia tightened her grip on Kaden’s hands resting on her stomach. “I know. I still cannot believe she is gone.”

  Kaden turned Olivia around and took her face in his hands. Her dolorous eyes brought sorrow to his heart. He leaned in, pressing his lips against her forehead, lingering there. “You will be alright. It will take time but I’ll help you heal. Just… just don’t stop feeling.”


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