Dragon's Prize (Dragons Awaken Book 2)

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Dragon's Prize (Dragons Awaken Book 2) Page 31

by Maya Starling

  Olivia closed her eyes for a moment and sighed. “I feel like I’m going numb.”

  “Look at me, Olivia.” Kaden demanded and Olivia did as he said, her blue eyes lacking their usual joy as she peered into his dark worried ones. “You’ll have to let yourself feel it, only then will you be able to move on. I know it will hurt, that it will seem unbearable at times… but I’ll be with you every step of the way… you can do it.” He wiped away her tears with his thumbs.

  Olivia nodded. “I will let myself feel when I am with you.” She nuzzled her cheek into his palm. “But I cannot allow myself to fall apart in front of my people. I have to talk to them. I feel responsible for them now… They really are like my family, it is like… it is our own private little village here.”

  “How many people do you have?” Kaden asked, still coddling Olivia’s face in his hands.

  After thinking about it for a moment, Olivia answered, “Thirty three, well… thirty eight if you count the children. Although, I do not know how many got hurt… or… or…”

  “Don’t think about it now.” Kaden glanced over Olivia’s shoulder. “The sun is out. Let us get refreshed and eat.”

  “I need see how my father is doing, if he has gotten any sleep last night.” The thought of her father’s sorrow only increased the pain in her heart.

  Kaden nodded and pressed his lips against hers in a soft kiss. When he tried to pull back, Olivia grabbed the lapels of his shirt and drew him back, meshing their lips almost painfully as she deepened the kiss. She missed him, she needed more. Olivia wanted to forget and lose herself.

  Kaden indulged her as he entangled his right hand in her dark locks, and the other he wrapped around her waist. He pulled her flush against his body, giving her the kind of comfort she craved at that moment.

  When Olivia started unbuttoning his shirt, Kaden placed his hand over her deft fingers. He reluctantly broke the contact between their lips. “No, love… don’t. It won’t make you feel better now.”

  Olivia expelled a deep breath as she leaned her forehead against Kaden’s chest. “I just wanted to get my mind off of things for a bit… but, you are right.”

  “Come on. Let’s see how your father is doing.” Kaden took Olivia’s hand, intertwining their fingers as he led her out of the room.

  When they reached Connal’s quarters, Olivia knocked on the door, barely making a sound. “Father?” she called in a soft voice.

  “Olivia, my love. He probably didn’t hear you even if he is awake,” Kaden said from behind her.

  She turned her head to look at him. “I do not want to wake him up if he is asleep. And I do not want to just barge in. What if he is… ummm… not in a position to receive anyone at this moment?”

  Kaden sighed. “You’re overthinking it, Liv. Let me… It’ll save you the possible embarrassment you fear.”

  Olivia nodded and stood to the side, letting Kaden open the door a bit and peek inside.

  “He’s still asleep it seems. Do you want to go inside?”

  “Yes. I need to see how he is doing and ask him if he wants to eat something. He didn’t eat much last night and I know how much he enjoys food.”

  Once again, Kaden stayed by the door while Olivia walked to her father’s bed.

  Connal was very pale, beads of sweat rolling down the side of his cheek. Olivia could see his eyes moving frantically under his eyelids.

  “Father?” Olivia sat on the bed and touched Connal’s cheek, wishing to wake him up. When she felt the wetness and the heat under her palm she gasped. Her head snapped back towards Kaden. “He is burning up!”

  Kaden was at her side even before she turned to look at her father again. He placed his palm against Connal’s forehead, the bandage was wet from sweat. “He is. Quick, go get someone. You know your people better than I do.”

  When he saw the panic in Olivia’s eyes as she stood up, Kaden pulled her back. “You have to be strong now and clearheaded, alright?”

  Olivia nodded, breathing in a breath of courage.

  “Good. He will be fine. I promise you that. We’ll make sure he recovers.”

  Olivia nodded once more and ran out the door.

  Kaden was quick to open the window fully, pushing the curtains aside so the fresh morning air could cool the room. He then walked back to Connal and pulled all the covers off, leaving the man lying in his nightwear. Checking the closet, Kaden found a clean sheet and covered Olivia’s father with the thin material, shielding his modesty.

  Kaden’s quick steps carried him to the basin where he let a hand-towel soak and cool. Back at Connal’s bedside, he unwrapped the bandage from around the man’s head. He checked the stitches. The injury was small and appeared to be healing nicely. Kaden brought back the towel and wiped the wound clean of sweat. After washing the towel out, he put it on Connal’s heated forehead.

  Olivia burst back into the room with Cassiel, Bast and Charlie following, the animals banned from the room. George was peeking in from the doorway.

  “I’ve sent for a healer… How is he?” Olivia took the towel from Kaden’s hand so she could tend to her father.

  “Running quite a fever. The head wound looks clean, we should check his shoulder,” Kaden said, stepping back.

  “Let me have a look. I have some experience,” Bast said as she walked up to the bed, waiting for Olivia’s approval.

  “Any help is appreciated… What do you need?”

  “I need help in taking the wrappings off…” Bast trailed off looking at Kaden who nodded and went to the other side. “And some hot water just in case.” She didn’t want to say why, didn’t want people to panic without needing to just yet.

  Olivia’s eyes caught George’s who nodded in understanding. “I will bring the water.” He disappeared from the doorway, shooing onlookers from his path.

  Cassiel closed the door. People were already gathering to see what was wrong with their master, but an audience was unneeded. He stayed by the door, keeping guard.

  Olivia stood at the foot of the bed, watching Bast and Kaden bring her father up to a sitting position. She bit her lip, her eyes filled with fear, panic and tears.

  Charlie appeared at her side and took the towel from Olivia’s hands; she had been wringing it tightly. The redhead put an arm around Olivia’s shoulder, keeping her in a tight sideway hug. “It will be alright. You won’t lose him, too… That is why you have us.”

  Hearing her fears voiced, Olivia leaned into her friends embrace, letting the words provide comfort. As little as it was, she decided to cling to that hope.

  An ear-piercing scream of pain drew Olivia’s attention back to her father. “Daddy!” she yelled moving to the bed but Charlie held her back.

  Bast and Kaden had Connal in a sitting position and had just finished taking off his bandages. He screamed again when Bast brushed his wound with the towel. Olivia didn’t even notice when Bast had taken it from Charlie.

  “It’s infected,” Bast stated in a calm voice. “It needs to be washed and bled. I don’t know how good your healers are, but this wouldn’t be a problem in my village.”

  Olivia nodded, holding her hands to her mouth, preventing a scream from escaping past her lips. “Father? Are you…?”

  Connal was now wide awake. The pain had torn him away from his fever induced slumber and the cool air made his hot body shiver. His wide eyes were locked with Olivia’s. “I will… I… I’ll be alright.” His shallow pants of pain filled the room.

  He gave Olivia the words of comfort but she could hear the fear and pain in his voice.

  Kaden held him still as Bast scrubbed the wound clean. “This started festering yesterday I presume. It’s gone deep… there’s puss that needs to be drained.”

  “Did the healer see you yesterday?” Olivia asked.

  “Yes…” Connal hissed through gritted teeth as he tried to ignore what Bast was doing to him. “Morning… He… he cleaned it out.”

  “Not enough it seems. I’ll do all I can.
I’m no healer but I know enough.” Bast assured Olivia.

  “Please… please save him.” Olivia pleaded, not noticing looks of understanding being exchanged between Kaden and Cassiel.

  “Love?” Kaden drew Olivia’s attention to himself; her gaze reacted to his voice without hesitation. “Wait outside with Cassiel… you don’t need to see and hear this.”

  “No! I am not leaving.” Olivia shook her head for emphasis.

  “Violet, please do as Kaden says. I… I do not want you seeing me like this.” Connal begged, his tears flowing unrestrained.

  “But father… I want to –”

  “I know you want to help me and take…” Connal took a few shallow breaths, “to take care of me… but please… for me, unless you do not trust them.”

  “Of course I trust them…” Olivia nibbled on her fingernails. “Alright, I will do it for you.” The lack of control over the whole situation, over her own life was overwhelming. She could not dwell on that now, she couldn’t lose control over her emotions as well. She would do that later in privacy, only letting Kaden in.

  She saw the relief wash over her father’s features. She didn’t want to hinder his recovery, so Olivia let herself be led out by Cassiel and Charlie. Just as they were about to walk away, George bustled by them with another man helping him carry the water into the room.

  When George left the chamber her father was in, Olivia asked. “Where is everyone?”

  “In the common room, My Lady. Everyone is gathered there, worried about Master Moore.”

  “Good. I need to talk to everyone. I need to keep myself busy or I will go mad with worry.” Olivia led the way as Cassiel followed close by her side, with Charlie and George right behind them.

  When they entered the now crowded common room, the murmuring voices stopped. The people stood up in haste.

  “Please, do not bother standing up.” Olivia waved them off and her people obliged.

  She noticed an empty semi-circle in a corner where Disa and Pup were sprawled. Disa had been lazily cleaning Pup, but when he heard Olivia’s voice, he jumped to his paws and came bounding towards her.

  “Pup!” Olivia sunk to her knees as she hugged her wolf close. The familiarity of the wolf’s scent and fur gave Olivia comfort. She noticed how much he had grown. It’s been about two months… Olivia was surprised by how time flew by. Giving Pup one last scratch behind his ear, she let go and stood back up. “Go back to Disa.” The wolf listened to the command without reluctance.

  Olivia let out a deep breath and turned her attention back to her people.

  “I am glad to see that most of you are unharmed and I am sorry for the losses you have endured in the last few days. My family will take care of any expenses you might have. Those worries aside, you know you are all like a family to us and we care about the well-being of each and every one of you. I lost my mother…” Olivia’s throat seized up and her eyes drifted to the floor.

  “Oh Livvie… Come here, child.”

  Olivia heard the familiar voice of her childhood nanny, who had been her governess as well. She didn’t move, though, toward the woman’s welcoming arms.

  “I need to do this, Marie.” Olivia tried to soften her rejection and the older woman understood.

  Her eyes scanned the worried faces around her again. “And some of you have suffered losses of your own. I guess you already know why the attack occurred. At least our assumptions. You have been told about the prince?” Olivia saw Charlie nod, so she continued. “Unfortunately, I do not believe we are quite safe yet. We expect him to strike again. When? We do not know, but he will probably come in person. I cannot offer you protection, I do not know how. I can though, offer sanctuary elsewhere. I believe Lord Mykke would be willing to take some of you in… Do not get me wrong. I am not trying to get rid of anyone, I just want to give you the option of leaving if you wish.”

  Olivia waited until she received the nods and murmurs of understanding.

  “If you stay, life will have to continue as it has before. Fields need to be tended, the fruits and vegetables harvested and sold. So do the horses need to be trained. We need to continue as it was. My friends and I will do our best to provide the security. We do not know when the prince might come, but we want to be ready…. I am repeating myself…” Olivia shook her head.

  A hand on her shoulder, followed by a gentle squeeze, she looked up into Cassiel’s soft and warm brown eyes.

  “What Lady Olivia is trying to say is… You can stay and continue with your life as before, but keep looking over your shoulder until the threat is dealt with, or you can go and the family will try and provide you with a job and home elsewhere. I know for some of you going against Prince Magnus might seem unbelievable, but everything you heard is correct. I was his personal knight for years. It was my family’s tradition. But I could no longer serve him, for he is a foul, evil and bitter person. He cares not for others, only for himself.”

  When he finished his speech, Cassiel let his hand drop from Olivia’s shoulder.

  “What of Lord Moore?” a woman said.

  “His wound has become infected and we are dealing with it, the healer is on his way. He will make a full recovery,” Olivia said, surprised by the conviction in her voice for it was the opposite of the doubt in her heart.

  “You do not have to decide now. We should be safe for the time being.” At least I hope so, Olivia thought but continued, “Take a day or two to think about it, and in the meantime I will write a letter of invitation for Lord Mykke and I will need someone deliver it to him. Tomorrow, we shall bury our dead and mourn. The day after, we need to live on.”

  Chapter 36

  By the time Olivia was done taking a quick bath, Kaden and Bast had finished treating her father, so she was allowed to return to the room. The healer was there, discussing and arguing with Bast, trying to hold his own against the intimidating woman.

  “How is he?”

  When they heard Olivia’s voice everyone quieted down.

  Olivia went to her father’s side. His eyes were closed and his breathing was slow and steady. His sleep seemed peaceful, sweat or tears no more on his face. New bandages were wrapped around his shoulder and torso, the bedding changed.

  “The fever has lessened now and he is asleep… it was exhausting for him,” Kaden said as he went to wrap his arms around Olivia. “How are you doing, love?”

  “I am as well as can be expected. I told the people what they needed to know and took a bath.” Olivia responded, relaxing into her beloved’s embrace.

  “Did you eat?” Kaden prodded further.

  “No… I could not. I needed to see him first.”

  “Alright. We will go and break our fast together then.” Kaden kissed the top of her head.

  “Lady Olivia?” a male voice said.

  “Yes?” Olivia turned and faced the man. He was a new healer and she had not met him before. “How is my father doing?”

  “To be honest? The infection settled deep. They did a good job of cleaning it … but… I cannot guarantee his recovery. The next few days will be critical. He needs to fight it off; if he doesn’t… it’ll get worse. His depression is not helping him heal.” The man’s voice was full of regret and guilt. He was afraid to voice his opinion, but Olivia admired his honesty, no matter how hard it was to hear it.

  “Nonsense!” Bast’s voice boomed. “It is completely treatable!” she argued.

  The man shot her an exasperated look. “You don’t know what you’re talking about… you’re… you’re… you don’t know!”

  “I know full well –” Bast approached the man, her fists clenched.

  “Bast. Please.” Olivia’s soft voice stopped Bast and Charlie was quickly at Bast’s side, holding her back.

  Olivia turned her attention back to the healer. “I apologize for not minding my manners. I hope you understand.”

  “Oh… I understand. I forgot mine as well. My name is Philip Mark.” The healer took Olivia’s hand i
nto his, pressing a moist kiss to the back of her hand.

  Olivia forced a polite smile, resisting the urge to wipe it on her dress. She didn’t know why but the image of Magnus appeared in her mind. Taking a step back, she bumped into Kaden. She felt his arm wrap around her waist, a quiet proclamation that she was taken.

  “Lady Olivia Violet Moore. It is a pleasure to meet you, but… could you give us a few moments please,” Olivia asked in a firm but polite tone.

  “Of course, my Lady.” The healer bowed his head. “I will take the time to tend to your people’s needs then.”

  “Yes, please, thank you. Treat them as if they were my own family.”

  Philip nodded, excused himself and left.

  Olivia took in a deep breath. “Alright, now, Bast?”

  “It is treatable!” Bast said, short-tempered. Charlie’s hand squeezed her shoulder, so lowered her voice and continued, “If done by our shamans, he would heal better than on his own and it would take only two or three days to be rid of the infection. After that… we let our bodies heal naturally unless needed otherwise.”

  “We do not have shamans here.” Olivia now wished they lived closer to the forest. “I do not know how good Philip is, this is the first time I have met him…”

  “Lady Olivia? I may have a solution.” Cassiel said, gaining everyone’s attention.

  “Please continue…”

  “Give me a good horse and I will take your father to the shamans. I can go two or three days without sleep. I could switch horses along the way and I believe I can get there on the fourth day. I know the trip would be very tiring for your father, but… I would take care of him along the way, clean his wound and get him there as fast as I can. And before anyone argues why not Bast… it is because I am a much better and faster rider. Your father would be healed then, you know that Ma’ad will do his best and that chief Marok will welcome him as one of his own. Also, it would be good for your father to stay there, heal and be safe until we deal with whatever comes our way,” Cassiel said.


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