Dragon's Prize (Dragons Awaken Book 2)

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Dragon's Prize (Dragons Awaken Book 2) Page 32

by Maya Starling

  Olivia glanced at Bast.

  “Cassiel is right. It won’t be too late if we get your father there by then, even if his condition worsens… remember… Ma’ad healed your broken bones in a matter of hours. I have seen people in worse condition get well. I think it would be the best thing to do.”

  “Kaden?” Olivia looked to Kaden for guidance. Even though it all made sense and seemed like a good option, it was a big decision to make. What if something happened on the way? What if her father got worse and she wasn’t there? What if…

  “Liv,” Kaden’s soothing voice pushed her dark thoughts away. “Both Órva’ar and I agree. Better do it fast, though. Your father will make it there alive and will be healed by Ma’ad. You don’t have to worry about the trip. Cassiel is a capable fighter but I don’t believe they will have any problems. Two lone riders, on one horse, riding in haste. They won’t be interesting to bandits so don’t worry about that either.”

  “Why can’t you take him?” Charlie asked Kaden. “It would be faster.”

  “No!” Kaden and Olivia said in unison and then glanced at each other.

  “Why not?” the redhead inquired further, scrunching up her brows in confusion.

  Kaden nodded at Olivia to go first with her explanation.

  “I have flown with Kaden a few times. I know what it is like. I do not think my father could handle that kind of stress in his current condition.” Olivia started pacing.

  “No…” she continued, “Absolutely not… and it is colder up there, and it is harder to breathe. They would have to fly low. What if someone sees them? Attacks?... an arrow could hit my father! I think there could be too many complications. It might take longer with Cassiel but I think it is safer that way.”

  “Fortunately, the time your father has is not that short,” Bast said as she walked over to Olivia and put a hand on her shoulder to stop her worried pacing. “His breathing is fairly regular and his pulse is still strong… he only needs to fight off the infection. I think it will be easier for him in my village with the help of Ma’ad; your father would also be less stressed there. They could make him sleep. Once his body recovers enough, he would be awakened so he could then concentrate on healing his heart and mind.”

  “And I’m not leaving Olivia’s side,” Kaden added. “Not when that lunatic is out there seeking revenge, not when we just barely got together and with everything we’ve been through. It would take me about two days to get there and back, so no, I will not abandon Olivia when she needs me the most, especially since it’s not the only option.”

  “Alright.” Olivia sighed, it was all overwhelming. An ache bloomed in her head. “Let father rest, Cassiel you can ask George for the best and fastest horse –”

  “Tomorrow,” Connal croaked, surprising everyone in the room.

  Olivia went to her father’s side. “You are awake… Did you hear our discussion?”

  Connal nodded. “I will not fight you on it. Just…” he cleared his throat, “we will leave tomorrow, after the funeral.”

  Kaden gave Olivia a glass of water and she brought it to her father’s lips. He drank a few small sips, just enough to wash away the dryness in his throat.

  “Alright. I will take care of everything for you. You just rest.” Olivia handed the glass back to Kaden and kissed her father’s forehead. Connal’s eyes drifted shut again as he let out a sigh of relief. Olivia was glad that they managed to lower his fever, at least he was lucid enough to talk.

  “Cassiel, go talk to George. If you need anything, you can sort it out with him or Marie… or just come to me. Bast, Charlie… would you mind keeping an eye on my father… I mean, you don’t have to be here all the time –”

  “Don’t worry, Livvie. We’ve got it.” Charlie interrupted.

  “Alright. I have to go and prepare everything for the funeral… and write the letter for Lord Mykke. Tonight, we will sleep in the main house. I do not wish to impose on my people anymore. I will make sure there is a bath ready for you whenever you wish to use it, also –”

  “Livvie…” Charlie cut in again, “Don’t worry about us. We will find our way around. If you need us to do anything or take care of something, let us know.”

  Olivia nodded and hugged her friend tightly. “Thank you,” she whispered in Charlie’s ear.


  “I’ll be by your side the whole time.” Kaden offered Olivia his hand and she took it as they walked out of the room.

  “I… I need some air,” Olivia said as her eyes welled up with tears.

  Kaden led her outside to the garden they had seen from the window that morning. Sitting on the bench, he pulled her onto his lap, just in time as the first tear rolled down her face.

  Olivia cried out her fears, worries and pain. Kaden could feel the tension leave her body as he held her close, whispering words of love. When her sobs subsided, her breathing evening out, he wiped away her tears and kissed her lips.

  “How many gardens did you mother grow?”

  The smile on Olivia’s tear stained face was warm and full of love. “Six, there are six gardens, including this one.”

  “Tell me about them.”

  After spending some time with Kaden, Olivia’s burden lightened and her inner strength grew. She didn’t expect that talking about her mother would help. She thought it would make it harder, but it made her want to be a better and stronger person so her mother would be proud. Her father, too.

  When they returned to the house, Kaden made Olivia eat before he allowed her to take care of her responsibilities.

  The rest of the day was spent in organizing the funeral for her mother and the remaining dead. She visited the injured servants and gave condolences to the families of those who had died protecting the estate and her parents.

  Olivia made sure to check on her father every chance she had, and before she realized, night descended.

  After making sure her father was as well as he could be, Olivia left for the main house where she spent the night with Kaden in her own room. Charlie, Bast and Cassiel slept in the main house as well, as did Pup and Disa. All the rooms were on the second floor where no damage was done.

  The funerals took place early the next morning so that Cassiel and Connal could leave as soon as possible. The sun was shining brightly, trying to fight away the gloom and sadness which had settled over the estate. It was a small and humble procession.

  The people who lost had their lives fighting to protect the Moore family were buried alongside Lady Caroline as a sign of utmost respect.

  Connal cried. Olivia didn’t, as she stood by her father’s side, offering her strength to him. She knew Kaden would be there for her when the time came to mourn. Only then would she deal with the loss that was slowly settling deep in her heart. Her mother really was gone.

  When the burial was over, they wasted no time in sending Connal away to safety. Olivia hugged her father tight, mindful of his injury, and asked Cassiel to take care of him, to keep him protected but to also take care of himself.

  Before the sun reached its highest peak, Olivia watched Cassiel ride away with her father. She stood surrounded by friends, finding strength and comfort in them.

  A couple of hours had passed since Olivia’s father left with Cassiel. It was Olivia’s day for mourning, but she couldn’t be still. She needed to be moving and doing things, she had to keep her mind occupied, because otherwise she would cry all the time. Not wanting to give into the gloom and depression, Olivia set out to clear the area around the main building from all the broken glass and debris.

  Kaden helped her, as did Bast and Charlie, while Pup and Disa played around. Some people joined her in rebuilding their lives from the catastrophe that had hit them by working the fields or helping with the repairs, while those who wanted to rest and mourn did so.

  After a while, the sounds of hooves beating on the cobbled road, accompanied by those of the carriage being pulled along, reached them. Everyone was alert in an instant,
huddling closer, eyeing the approaching visitors with nervousness and apprehension. Kaden tensed, his eyes flashing to amber a few times before he brought his emotions under control. He placed himself in front of Olivia, arms loose at his side, seemingly relaxed but ready to react swiftly if needed.

  The crowd in front of the main house was unmoving, waiting with bated breath to see who had come.

  The coach driver opened the door to the carriage. A tall, lanky man stepped out. He was dressed in fine gentlemen’s clothing, his gaze quick to seek out Olivia.

  A warm smile appeared on Olivia’s face when she noticed the familiar hazel eyes land upon her.

  “Sebastian!” Olivia called out, and before Kaden could react she ran past him and into Lord Mykke’s arms. She didn’t know she had missed him that much until she saw him then.

  When Sebastian laughed and wrapped his arms around her in return, Olivia couldn’t hold back the tears that forced their way out. The realization of her mother’s death hit her again, adding to that her father’s injury and fear for his life as well, and a gut-wrenching sob escaped her. Sebastian knew her mother… knew her father, he would understand.

  “Hey, hey… Livvie… What’s wrong, dear?” Sebastian cooed to her as he stroked her hair gently. She hadn’t specified the nature of the emergency in her letter of invitation.

  Kaden, on the other hand, didn’t like what he was seeing, but he understood. She had told him about Lord Mykke. He was the reason she’d come stumbling into his cave in the first place.

  Órva’ar, though, neither liked it nor understood. How dare someone else comfort her! It was Kaden’s duty… and his own. He was furious that Kaden just stood there and let another man ease her pain. Órva’ar felt Kaden’s internal struggle and he felt Kaden trying to sooth him despite it. But he would have none of it. These human feelings were new to him and he couldn’t help but act on them.

  Bast noticed Kaden stiffen; his body rigid and hands fisted at his sides as his nose flared. “Charlie… stand back… get everyone away from Kaden,” she whispered, and when the redhead noticed Kaden’s posture she did as she was told.

  In that moment, Bast regretted sending Cassiel away, for he would know how to calm down the dragon. She had to try at least. Taking the risk, she put her hand on Kaden’s shoulder and spoke in, what she hoped was, a soothing voice, “Breathe Kaden… Relax.” That was what everyone told her when she was upset. It never worked though, but she didn’t know what else to say.

  When he looked at her over his shoulder, she knew Órva’ar was in control. The fury in his amber eyes matched the waves of irritation and danger radiating off of him. The people Charlie was trying to usher away, consequently obeyed much faster.

  “Órva’ar,” Bast held back her gasp. The dragon brought her unease like no one before, but she was never one to back out, always facing her fears with a challenging bravado. “Retreat back,” she snapped. She would have him back down.

  Órva’ar merely raised an eyebrow at her in obvious amusement. “Or what?” he spat back.

  “You’ll regret it!” The threat escaped Bast before she could think. She wanted to say that Olivia would be very displeased with him, but those words didn’t come to the fore.

  He smirked. His response was cut short, however, when he heard the man murmur sweet, encouraging words to Olivia.

  Órva’ar drew in a sharp breath and snapped. A gust of smoke surged from his nostrils and he let his real form show. The force of the change sent Bast flying back, stopping when she crashed into the outer wall of the house.

  Charlie’s scream of alarm gained Olivia’s attention. She turned her watery eyes towards the dragon stomping her mother’s front garden in rage and jealousy.

  “What is – ?” Sebastian’s eyes widened. “Eliza stay inside!” he commanded into the carriage without taking his eyes of the beast in front of him. He had heard the tale of the dragon’s attack on Olivia. He grabbed Olivia by her shoulders and pushed her behind himself. “Get into the carriage, Livvie!”

  The action didn’t go unnoticed by Órva’ar as the dragon made slow and deliberate steps towards Lord Mykke. His eyes were those of a predator locking onto his most prized prey.

  Olivia sighed. “Why now!” She threw her hands up in exasperation. “He has to make a scene now?”

  “Huh?” Sebastian wondered; his eyes now narrowed in confusion as he glanced back at Olivia. He felt the dragon near them and he couldn’t suppress the shiver of terror running down his spine.

  “Just let me handle him,” Olivia said with such confidence as she stormed past him that Sebastian didn’t know how to respond or react.

  “What’s going on, Bastian?” a soft, scared voice asked from inside the coach, but Sebastian couldn’t answer as he watched Olivia march up to the dragon.

  “Sebastian!” the same voice repeated in a frightened squeak. “Is… is… is… that?”

  “I told you to stay inside, Eliza.” Sebastian pried his eyes off of Olivia and turned to his beloved, fear and confusion evident in his eyes.

  “You didn’t tell me there was a dragon here.” Eliza didn’t go back inside but stepped out, close to him.

  “You never listen.” Sebastian took a protective stance next to her as they both looked at Olivia and dragon.

  “Thought you’d get used to it by now.” She scoffed but couldn’t help taking a step back when the dragon looked in their direction.

  Olivia’s raised voice carried her words to them. “Órva’ar! Stop it right now! Do not even look at them like that… do not even think about it.” She had her hands on hips as she narrowed her eyes up at the dragon having temper issues.

  Órva’ar’s eyes shifted back down at her. “He had his arms around you… you let him comfort you, not us!”

  Olivia took in a long, deep breath. “I cannot do this now! I have enough to deal with, I do not need to deal with you as well. You are scaring everyone! Look at my people… just when I thought they would be staying you will make them flee away. I need them. I need you to cooperate… arrgghh!” She threw her hands up in the air while Órva’ar only tilted his head to the side as he studied Olivia. She was as fiery as his murderous breath.

  Glancing around her, Olivia could see the petrified expressions on the people’s faces. She could see Charlie kneeling next Bast who was holding onto her shoulder. She had hit the house hard. It was only luck nobody was in her way as she had soared through the air.

  “Out!” Olivia hissed through gritted teeth as she pointed towards the riding field.

  “What?” Órva’ar still had his head slanted to the side, his brows furrowed in confusion.

  “I am not having this discussion with you here. I need you away from these people. So go out to the field and I will come and talk to you then. Please, if you would let Kaden come to the fore.” Her voice softened toward the end.

  “No! He had his chance to do something when you were –”

  “Órva’ar,” Olivia cut him off, her voice barely above a whisper. Her shoulders slumped in defeat. “You are trampling my mother’s flowers…”

  The dragon’s eyes snapped down and he saw that he had indeed squished a few flowerbeds. The guilt and shame that washed over him, had him hang his head. He knew how much Olivia loved her mother and the gardens, he had hurt her now.

  Órva’ar nodded, moved back with a few careful steps and with one flick of his wing, he jumped into the air and glided only a couple of feet of the ground and over to the riding field.

  Olivia knew to brace herself against the gust of wind and was grateful he didn’t take full flight, for it would have been much worse. She turned to her people. “I apologize for that… for him.” Olivia ran a hand through her hair. “I cannot promise it will not happen again, but I can give you my word he will not hurt you.”

  Charlie scoffed as she helped Bast back on her feet.

  “Charlie…” Bast scolded. “It was my own fault. I provoked him… I probably made things worse. I’m no
t Cassiel.”

  “No, Bast. It’s not your fault.” Olivia was quick to add. “He just needs to rein in his feelings. I know it is hard for them as well. I just… I will talk to him and explain some things.” She turned back to the frightened men and women, “I understand it was one thing listening to the stories about Kaden having a dragon within and another seeing the dragon with your own eyes… I will understand if you leave –”

  “Nay…” Marie spoke up. “Yes, we are frightened. Who wouldn’t be! Look at the size of him. A dragon no less… but we see you have him under control. Just make him stay away.”

  Olivia nodded. “You really have nothing to worry about. He really is a sweetheart.” She glanced back over her shoulder and saw Órva’ar stomping back and forth, throwing murderous glances towards Sebastian, who was rooted in spot with his arms around a woman. The dragon even went as far as to let smoke billow out of his nostrils.

  “Órva’ar! I told you to stop it!” Olivia shouted but her voice softened when she turned her attention back to Marie who was now giggling. “What is funny?”

  “Watching you scold a dragon.” The older woman shook her head in bewilderment and even some people behind her snickered. “Go send Lord Mykke our way and we will host him while you take care of the… dragon problem.”

  “Thank you, Marie.” Olivia kissed the older woman’s cheek and walked back toward Sebastian. She made sure to throw a warning glare toward Órva’ar and she could hear people murmur and move again behind her.

  “I apologize, Sebastian. I know this is a lot to take in, but I will explain everything. Would you please go with Marie while I sort this out? Unfortunately neither father nor… nor mother are here to greet you. Most unfortunate events have happened, but… everything will be explained.” Olivia implored and hoped her friend wouldn’t leave her as well.

  “Of course, Livvie.” Sebastian’s response was a bit uncertain as he glanced at the dragon pacing the field. “Will you be –?”

  “Yes. I will be alright. That is my Kaden, or in this case... it is Órva’ar.” Olivia noticed the still confused and bewildered expressions on their faces. “As I said, all will be explained.”


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