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Dragon's Prize (Dragons Awaken Book 2)

Page 36

by Maya Starling

She turned around in time to see Kaden bring fire to life in the hearth of the family room. The flames stretched up in mesmerizing waves and the soft yellow light caressed her beloved’s features. She went to him, her soft footsteps light but still gaining Kaden’s attention. His eyes sought her out, and when they met her own orbs of blue, he graced Olivia with a loving smile which she returned with one of her own.

  She passed Damien and Theo, snuggled up on a settee next to the couch, conversing in private. Charlie was dragging the low table, which usually sat in the middle, to the side.

  “Livvie, do you mind if Bast sits on the table?” Charlie asked as Olivia walked by.

  “Ummm, I… I guess not? I mean, it would be inappropriate, but it is only us here. Why?” Olivia halted her steps and quirked her head to the side.

  “She promised to braid my hair. The table is just the right height to make it easier for her.” Charlie was positively beaming as she spoke.

  Olivia shook her head and smiled. “Alright then, just this one time,” she consented, wanting to go to Kaden’s side as he paced nervously in front of the fireplace.

  “Are you alright?” Olivia said once she reached him. She put her hand on his shoulder, looking up, searching his eyes for the answer.

  “I’m perfect now.” He brushed a stray lock of hair away from Olivia’s face and captured her lips in a tender kiss. With great reluctance and a final nibble, Kaden pulled back. He glanced over Olivia’s shoulder and said, “Bast is here.”

  Olivia looked back and saw Bast discussing the seating arrangement with Charlie, the usual scowl marring her features.

  “We should join them,” Olivia responded and took Kaden’s hand, leading him to the couch. She chuckled when she overheard Charlie and Bast.

  “Please Bast?” Charlie fluttered her eyelashes.

  Bast glanced around and spoke in a soft, quiet voice. “I agreed to braid your hair when we’re alone.”

  “But…” Charlie bit her lip and thought for a second, before looking back up into Bast’s dark eyes. “You can do it now, and then next time it will be just you and me. My hair gets very tangled when it rains, it would really help and mean a lot. Didn’t I deserve it? I really tried hard today?” She lay her hand on Bast’s arm and took a step closer, not breaking eye contact.

  Damien and Theo watched the scene with amusement twinkling in their eyes, and smiles on their lips. “I think Charlie has no idea how much influence she already has on Bast,” Theo whispered. Damien nodded, smiling.

  Bast gazed down into Charlie’s green eyes, sparkling bright. A mischievous smile curved one side of Charlie’s lips. Bast found herself mesmerized again, nodding her agreement.

  “Thank you! Thank you!” Charlie threw herself at Bast, hugging her tight.

  Before Bast could respond to the sudden embrace, Charlie stepped back, never noticing the flash of disappointment crossing the face of her heart’s desire.

  “I have everything set up. You sit here on the table… Don’t worry, I already asked Olivia if it’s alright.” Charlie dragged Bast over to the table and pushed her down to sit. “And I’ll plop myself here… see? Perfect!” Charlie finished as she sat down on the floor between Bast’s legs. She beamed back at her friends Damien and Theo, sitting right across the two of them and Olivia snuggled up against Kaden on the couch facing the fireplace.

  Olivia smiled at Charlie’s antics. She put her legs over Kaden’s lap and snuggled into his side. He wrapped one hand around her shoulders, and the other he rested on her knees making soothing circles with his thumb.

  “So,” Olivia gained everyone’s attention, “tell us what happened.”

  Theo leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees. He felt Damien’s warm palm slide down his back, providing support. “When you left, things with Magnus spiraled downwards. Your… ummm… stab, did some serious damage… no… not life threatening, but, you see…”

  “What Theo is trying to say is that Magnus used to pride himself of his bedding prowess. It was the one place where he had absolute control and that… ability was taken away from him,” Damien said and Theo glanced back at him with a thankful smile. Kaden winced at the implication while Olivia’s cheeks flushed a deep red.

  “I wish Cass was around, he understood Magnus best. He’d know how to explain it. Where is he?” Theo asked.

  “A lot has happened with us as well. I guess you heard about my…” Olivia breathed in courage and Kaden squeezed her shoulder and kissed her temple in comfort, “… about my mother’s death?” Theo and Damien nodded. “My father was hurt in the same attack. His wound became infected, so Cassiel took him back to the forest people for healing.”

  “Forest people?” Damien asked as he pulled Theo back, hugging his lover to his side.

  “We will get to that and explain everything. Finish your story first.” Olivia suggested.

  “So, Magnus and his self-esteem are a bit bruised, huh? Well, he deserves worse and more,” Charlie said in a terse voice, her eyes closed as Bast’s deft fingers wove the red tresses into an elaborate braid.

  “Anything worse than he already is, would be better off with him dead.” Theo shook his head. “As I said, his behavior got more violent and erratic.” Theo’s light brown eyes narrowed as he thought back to what happened. “It all culminated one day in a village near the forest. Remember that little girl and that big man, called Giant, who carried her on his shoulder as we approached you when we arrived?”

  Everyone nodded. It was hard to miss the two, the Giant and the little girl.

  “Her name is Aimee, and it all started when she stood up to Magnus.”

  Olivia’s head shot up in surprise. “She stood up to Magnus? What happened?”

  Theo and Damien recounted the events of that fateful day. About what the prince had done to Aimee’s sister Millie, how Aimee had found her sister bruised and violated and then gone out to confront Magnus in public, even going as far as to spit into Magnus’ face. Both Olivia and Charlie held their breaths when Theo told them about the prince almost strangling the young girl, and how Giant had intervened to save her.

  “You know what the most ironic part of it was?” Theo said as he finished recounting what happened in that village.

  “What?” Charlie piped in.

  “Giant, however big, strong and intimidating he looks… that’s actually all there is to him. Only looks.” Theo chuckled and Damien joined him, hiding his face in Theo’s ginger hair.

  “What do you mean?” Olivia asked.

  “He doesn’t know how to fight. Despite the fact that he wields that big axe of his like no one I have ever seen, and even knows a few very entertaining tricks, when it comes to using it as a weapon… he’s clueless. We tried training him a bit on the way here, but he just seems too awkward doing it. That man is no warrior. He never did need to learn how to fight. People usually just looked at him, the sheer size of him, and he’d just scowl at them and they’d scatter.”

  Charlie and Olivia giggled at the same time. They glanced at each other and chuckled at their perfect timing.

  “What happened when Magnus left?” Kaden brought them back to the main story.

  Damien spoke up. “Since Magnus threatened to destroy the village and everyone in it, and we knew his threats had merit, we discussed the options with the people and came to the only solution we could think of in that moment. They abandoned their village… dispersed. The people were, of course, very displeased they had to leave their homes behind but they didn’t hold it against Aimee. They’re all like a big family, similar to what you have here on the estate. Some of the people had family elsewhere and went there for the time being, they’ll probably return to their homes once things settle down. Also, they promised to spread word about Magnus’ behavior. It might cause him some problems.”

  “What about the people that came with you? How come you came here? Did you have any problems on your way?” Olivia fired off the questions.

  “They had nowhere to go
,” Theo explained. “Damien and I had a plan of settling down somewhere, after parting ways with Magnus, but… we couldn’t leave them to fend for themselves. I guess we felt responsible for Aimee and Millie after what Magnus put them through. We somehow knew you would take in anyone who was once a victim of Magnus’ wrath,” Olivia readily nodded, “but at the same time, we couldn’t have known you were back. We had no idea where you were and what happened to you in the forest. You cannot comprehend how glad we are to have found you in good health. So, by bringing the people here, we took a chance. We hoped you’d be here and be able to help us with finding work for them so they could move on with their lives.”

  “It is good that you brought them here. I will take care of them,” Olivia said and was rewarded by a tender kiss on the head from Kaden. “But what if we were not here? You still have not answered about your trip and how come you stayed with Magnus for that long?”

  “Does she ever run out of questions?” Theo teased and Olivia narrowed her eyes at him.

  “Now you’re in trouble, Theo… you got the glare!” Charlie said and laughed when Olivia shot her the same warning look.

  “Sit still Charlie, I’m almost done.” Bast chided.

  “Leave Livvie alone, you two.” Damien defended Olivia and Kaden’s eyes snapped toward him as his hold on Olivia’s shoulders tightened.

  Damien noticed the rising tension so he kissed Theo’s head and winked at Kaden whose eyes widened in surprise, unsure how to respond.

  “Alright, alright…” Theo smiled. “First, if we hadn’t found you here, we probably would have gone to Remor and helped the people settle there. Second, the trip was very uneventful, just long and exhausting. And as for your last answer, I don’t know… the time never felt right until I saw Magnus’ hand wrapped around Aimee’s throat.”

  “Things have changed so much,” Damien added, “We have changed so much since we first started working for Magnus. The things we’ve seen… it changes your perspective of the world, you know? I guess neither one of us is the same selfish man that started this journey. Charlie changed Theo a lot.” It was unusual, hearing Damien speak so much.

  Charlie opened her eyes when she heard Damien’s praise and looked at Theo.

  “Damien’s right.” Theo put his hand on his lover’s thigh, eyes trained on Charlie. “You’ve changed me for the better, and you, Olivia… You opened both of our eyes. Being around Magnus for so long, exposed to all that darkness,” Theo shook his head, “It seeps into your soul. You brought the light back.” Theo smiled at a blushing Olivia.

  “There was always something preventing us from leaving. First Charlie, and taking care of her, then Olivia came and we tried to protect her as well. When you left, we wanted to divert Magnus’ attention from the real trail. I think everything led us to this moment. It was meant to be this way. I have a feeling something will happen that is bigger than all of us will happen, we’ll only be a part of it. I’m rambling now.” Theo shook off the shiver and goosebumps spreading through his body.

  “No, you’re not. Your instincts have never failed us,” Damien said. “We had plans to take some time to ourselves, but we’ve discussed it, and if you need us to stay until we find out what Magnus’ plans are, we’ll stay. We really could use a break from everything and everyone, anyway.”

  “You are both always welcome to stay here, for however long you want. You are my family now, too, and I would really appreciate if you would stay, at least until Cassiel returns.” Olivia said.

  “Of course we will,” said Damien.

  “Now, tell us what happened with all of you,” Theo said.

  Olivia took a deep breath and started recounting their own journey. By the time Kaden was explaining about the amulet, Órva’ar and being able to shift into a dragon, Bast had finished braiding Charlie’s hair. Much to Charlie’s delight, Bast slid down from the table and sat behind her. She wrapped her arms around Charlie’s waist and pulled her closer, resting her chin on a grinning Charlie’s shoulder. They both added bits of information here and there.

  While Kaden talked, Olivia rested her head on his chest; the sound of his voice, the beat of his heart, being enveloped in his arms eased her worries and lessened the tension which had coiled its branches around her form. As her body relaxed, so did her mind, and her eyes fluttered shut.

  Olivia dreamt of flying with Kaden, gliding through the air over green treetops as she breathed in a lungful of fresh air when something tickled her cheek. She groaned in irritation, swatting away the pesky intruder. A rumble under her ear woke Olivia and she felt like she really was floating.

  “Shh, go back to sleep.” Kaden spoke and his breath moved the stray strands of hair on her face. “Everyone’s fine and gone to bed.” He carried Olivia in his arms, her head resting against his chest.

  Olivia mumbled incoherently, making Kaden chuckle again. He kissed her forehead and she cuddled closer, nuzzling into his neck, drifting into deep sleep.

  Chapter 41

  “What are you doing?” Kaden’s deep morning rumble surprised Olivia, as she sat on bed, lacing up her leather boots. His arm snaked around her waist and he pulled her closer, molding her back into his chest.

  “I’m getting up.”

  Kaden nuzzled his nose into Olivia’s messy curls. “No.”

  Olivia yawned but didn’t succumb. “I cannot sleep anymore.” She rested her hands over Kaden’s wrapped around her. “You stay… I want to take a walk in the gardens before everyone wakes up.”

  Kaden placed a few kisses on her head. “Alright. I’ll come find you once I’m fully awake.”

  Olivia turned around and noticed Kaden hadn’t even opened his eyes yet. She kissed both of his eyelids, making him grin and then she kissed the smile on his lips. “I love you…”

  “Love you too, my sweet.” Kaden mumbled, letting go of Olivia and burying his head back into the pillow.

  Olivia’s heart swelled with love for Kaden. At these moments, when he seemed carefree and looked so adorable, she couldn’t help but enjoy the sight even more, and smile at the man she loved. This was the Kaden no one but she knew, and Olivia cherished that fact. She scooted back to the edge of the bed, donned her boots and left the room with a last loving look at Kaden. She went outside to the back garden, the largest one and the first grown by her mother.

  A few servants scurried about, taking care of their morning duties. The grey clouds persisted and the slight morning fog added to the gloominess of the day. With a scarf wrapped tightly around her shoulder, Olivia strode deeper into the garden. She passed the blood red roses, then the sunset colored ones and when she reached the bright yellows, Olivia stopped. There, among the white roses was a young woman, tending them and plucking out the weeds.

  Olivia could almost see her mother doing the same. The sight tugged at the strings of her heart, but at the same time she felt relief that someone had taken it upon themselves to mind the garden. Olivia couldn’t do it, not yet, even though it made her feel closer to her mother, it still hurt too much.

  She wondered who the girl was, because none of the servants dared touch the gardens without Olivia’s permission, even the gardener himself.

  Olivia watched as the young woman talked with the flowers, brushing her fingers over the velvet petals in a comforting caress, almost as if the roses were alive and her closest friends.

  The sound of footsteps approaching from behind didn’t sway Olivia’s eyes from the sight.

  “Ummm… Good morning, my lady.”

  Olivia turned her head toward the sound of the child’s voice. A small girl curtsied and then gazed at her with her big brown eyes.

  “Is Millie bothering you? I can go fetch her. I’m sorry… she sometimes wanders off. You see, she loves gardens, both flowers and vegetables –” The girl rambled and Olivia couldn’t help but chuckle.

  “It is alright. I do not mind.” Olivia glanced at Millie again. “Wait…” her eyes snapped to the girl again, “You are Aimee,

  “Yes, my lady.”

  “Call me Olivia.”

  “You’re the one who stabbed the prince, right?” Aimee asked.

  “Yes, and you are the one who spit in his face. I apologize if what I did brought trouble to you and your family.”

  “Oh no… I’m only sorry you didn’t kill him.”

  Olivia’s eyebrows rose.

  “What? He full well deserves it… Are you sure Millie is –”

  “Yes. It was my mother’s garden and I am glad to see someone taking care of it,” Olivia said. “Your sister seems to have the nature touch.”

  “She gets along better with plants than with people. You see… she’s very special. Sissy is kind and nice to everyone, although shy. And very naïve. She can’t see the bad in people. That’s why I have to take care of her, as mother is always out.” Aimee shrugged.

  “How old are you?” Olivia asked.

  “I’ll be thirteen soon. I stopped being a child long time ago… when father left us.”

  Olivia nodded in understanding and then a thought came to her.

  “Would you like to live here? You, Millie and your mother? Your sister could tend to the gardens and I believe we could find work for your mother as well.”

  “What would I do?” Aimee asked, curious about her place in it all.

  “First, I would make sure you get your schooling.” Olivia smiled at the astonished look on Aimee’s face.

  “You mean, teach me how to read and all?” The girl’s eyes were wide, mouth left agape. “Yes!” she exclaimed after Olivia nodded. “If we stay here, maybe Millie will get better…”

  “What do you mean?”

  “After what the prince did to her,” Aimee spoke in a soft, dejected voice, “She… she avoids company, besides me and Giant. Oh! Can Giant stay as well?”

  “Of course,” Olivia said and then jumped in fright when arms wound themselves around her waist. Aimee squeaked as well at Olivia’s alarm and stumbled back.

  “Kaden! Do not do that!” Olivia scolded once she recognized Kaden’s hands on her waist. Her heart pounded and she closed her eyes to regain her composure, leaning back into him.


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