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Ruby the Red Fairy (9780545307833)

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by Meadows, Daisy; Ripper, Georgie (ILT)

  Cold winds blow and thick ice forms,

  I conjure up this fairy storm.

  To seven corners of the human world

  the Rainbow Fairies will be hurled!

  I curse every part of Fairyland,

  with a frosty wave of my icy hand.

  For now and always, from this day,

  Fairyland will be cold and gray!


  Title Page




  The End of the Rainbow

  A Tiny Surprise

  Fairy Magic

  Fairies in Danger

  Jack Frost’s Spell

  A Visit to Fairyland


  Also Available


  “Look, Dad!” said Rachel Walker. She pointed across the blue-green sea at the rocky island ahead of them. The ferry was sailing toward it, dipping up and down on the rolling waves. “Is that Rainspell Island?” she asked.

  Her dad nodded. “Yes, it is,” he said, smiling. “Our vacation is about to begin!”

  The waves slapped against the side of the ferry as it bobbed up and down on the water. Rachel felt her heart thump with excitement. She could see white cliffs and emerald-green fields on the island. Even golden sandy beaches, with tide pools here and there.

  Suddenly, a few fat raindrops plopped down onto Rachel’s head. “Oh!” she gasped, surprised. The sun was still shining.

  Rachel’s mom grabbed her hand. “Let’s get under cover,” she said, leading Rachel inside.

  “Isn’t that strange?” Rachel said. “Sunshine and rain!”

  “Let’s hope the rain stops before we get off the ferry,” said Mr. Walker. “Now, where did I put that map of the island?”

  Rachel looked out of the window. Her eyes opened wide.

  A girl was standing alone on the deck. Her dark hair was wet with raindrops, but she didn’t seem to care. She just stared up at the sky.

  Rachel looked over at her mom and dad. They were busy studying the map. So Rachel slipped back outside to see what was so interesting.

  And there it was.

  In the blue sky, high above them, was the most amazing rainbow that Rachel had ever seen. One end of the rainbow stretched far out to sea. The other seemed to fall somewhere on Rainspell Island. All of the colors were bright and clear.

  “Isn’t it perfect?” the dark-haired girl whispered to Rachel.

  “Yes, it is,” Rachel agreed. “Are you going to Rainspell on vacation?”

  The girl nodded. “We’re staying for a week,” she said. “I’m Kirsty Tate.”

  Rachel smiled as the rain began to stop. “I’m Rachel Walker. We’re staying at Mermaid Cottage,” she added.

  “Oh! We’re at Dolphin Cottage,” said Kirsty. “Do you think we might be close to each other?”

  “I hope so,” Rachel replied. She had a feeling she was going to like Kirsty.

  Kirsty leaned over the rail and looked down into the shimmering water. “The ocean looks really deep here, doesn’t it?” she said. “There might even be mermaids down there, watching us right now!”

  Rachel stared at the waves. She saw something that made her heart skip a beat. “Look!” she said. “Is that a mermaid’s hair?” Then she laughed when she saw that it was just seaweed.

  “It could be a mermaid’s necklace,” said Kirsty, smiling. “Maybe she lost it when she was trying to escape from a wild sea monster.”

  The ferry was now sailing into Rainspell’s tiny harbor. Seagulls flew around them, and fishing boats bobbed on the water.

  “Look at that big white cliff over there,” Kirsty said. She pointed it out to Rachel. “It looks a bit like a giant’s face, doesn’t it?”

  Rachel looked, and nodded. Kirsty seemed to see magic everywhere.

  “There you are, Rachel!” called Mrs. Walker. Rachel turned around and saw her mom and dad coming out onto the deck. “We’ll be getting off the ferry in a few minutes,” Mrs. Walker added.

  “Mom, Dad, this is Kirsty,” Rachel said. "She’s staying at Dolphin Cottage.”

  “That’s right next door to ours,” said Mr. Walker. “I remember seeing it on the map.”

  Rachel and Kirsty looked at each other and smiled.

  “I’d better go and find my mom and dad,” said Kirsty. She looked around. “Oh, there they are.”

  Kirsty’s mom and dad came over to say hello to the Walkers. Then the ferry docked, and everyone began to leave the boat.

  “Our cottages are on the other side of the harbor,” said Rachel’s dad, looking at the map. “It’s not too far.”

  Mermaid Cottage and Dolphin Cottage were right next to the beach. Rachel loved her bedroom, which was high up in the attic. From the window, she could see the waves rolling onto the sand.

  A shout from outside made Rachel look down. It was Kirsty. She was standing under the window, waving.

  “Let’s go and explore the beach!” Kirsty called.

  Rachel dashed outside to join her.

  Piles of seaweed lay on the sand, and there were tiny pink-and-white shells sprinkled everywhere.

  “I love it here already!” Rachel shouted happily above the noise of the seagulls.

  “Me, too,” Kirsty said. She pointed up at the sky. “Look, the rainbow’s still there.”

  Rachel looked up. The rainbow glowed brightly among the fluffy white clouds.

  “Have you heard the story about the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow?” Kirsty asked.

  Rachel nodded. “Yes, but that’s just in fairy tales,” she said.

  Kirsty grinned. “Maybe. But let’s go and find out for ourselves!”

  “OK,” Rachel agreed. “And maybe we can explore the island at the same time.”

  They rushed back to tell their parents where they were going. Then Kirsty and Rachel set off along a road behind the cottages. It led them away from the beach, across green fields, and toward a small stretch of woods.

  Rachel kept looking up at the rainbow. She was worried that it would start to fade now that the rain had stopped. But the colors stayed clear and bright.

  “It looks like the end of the rainbow is over there,” Kirsty said. “Come on!” And she hurried toward the trees.

  The woods were cool and shady after being in the heat of the sun. Rachel and Kirsty followed a winding path until they came to a clearing. Then both girls stopped and stared.

  The rainbow shone down onto the grass through a gap in the trees. Its colors sparkled and twinkled brightly.

  And there, at the rainbow’s end, lay an old, black pot.

  “Look!” Kirsty whispered. “There really is a pot of gold!”

  “It could just be a cooking pot,” Rachel said doubtfully. “Some campers might have left it behind.”

  But Kirsty shook her head. “I don’t think so,” she said. “It looks really old.”

  Rachel stared at the pot. It was sitting on the grass, upside down.

  “Let’s have a closer look,” said Kirsty. She ran to the pot and tried to turn it over. “Oh, it’s heavy!” she gasped. She tried again, but the pot didn’t move.

  Rachel rushed to help her. They both pushed and pushed at the pot. This time it moved, but just a little.

  “Let’s try again.” Kirsty said. “Are you ready, Rachel?”

  Tap! Tap! Tap!

  Rachel and Kirsty stared at each other.

was that?” Rachel gasped.

  “I don’t know,” whispered Kirsty.

  Tap! Tap!

  “There it is again,” Kirsty said. She looked down at the pot lying on the grass. “You know what? I think it’s coming from inside this pot!”

  Rachel’s eyes opened wide. “Are you sure?” She bent down and put her ear to the pot. Tap! Tap! Then, to her amazement, Rachel heard a tiny voice.

  “Help!” it called. “Help me!”

  Rachel grabbed Kirsty’s arm. “Did you hear that?” she asked.

  Kirsty nodded. “Quick!” she said. “We have to turn the pot over, somehow!”

  Rachel and Kirsty pushed at the pot as hard as they could. It began to rock from side to side on the grass.

  “We’re almost there!” Rachel cried. “Keep pushing, Kirsty!”

  The girls pushed with all their might. Suddenly, the pot turned over and rolled onto its side. Rachel and Kirsty were taken by surprise. They both lost their balance and landed on the grass with a thump.

  “Look!” Kirsty whispered, breathing hard.

  A small shower of sparkling red dust had flown out of the pot. Rachel and Kirsty gasped with surprise. The dust hung in the air above them. And there, right in the middle of the glittering cloud, was a tiny, winged girl.

  Rachel and Kirsty watched in wonder as the tiny girl fluttered in the sunlight. Her delicate wings sparkled with all the colors of the rainbow.

  “Oh, Rachel!” Kirsty whispered. “It’s a fairy. . . .”

  The fairy flew over Rachel’s and Kirsty’s head. Her short, silky dress was the color of ripe strawberries. Red crystal earrings glowed in her ears. Her golden hair was braided with tiny red roses, and she wore crimson slippers on her little feet.

  The fairy waved her scarlet wand, and a shower of sparkling red fairy dust floated softly down to the ground. Where the dust landed, all kinds of red flowers appeared with a pop!

  Rachel and Kirsty watched, openmouthed. This really and truly was a fairy.

  “This is like a dream,” Rachel said.

  “I always believed in fairies,” Kirsty whispered back. “But I never thought I’d ever see one!”

  The fairy flew toward them. “Oh, thank you so much!” she called in a tiny voice. “I’m free at last!” She glided down and landed on Kirsty’s hand.

  Kirsty gasped. The fairy felt lighter and softer than a butterfly.

  “I was beginning to think I’d never get out of that pot!” the fairy said.

  Kirsty wanted to ask the fairy so many things. But she didn’t know where to start.

  “Tell me your names, quickly,” said the fairy. She fluttered up into the air again. “There’s so much to be done, and we must get started right away.”

  Rachel wondered what the fairy meant. “I’m Rachel,” she said.

  “And I’m Kirsty,” said Kirsty. “But who are you?”

  “I’m the Red Rainbow Fairy — but you can call me Ruby,” the fairy replied.

  “Ruby . . .” Kirsty breathed. “A Rainbow Fairy . . .” She and Rachel stared at each other in excitement. This really was magic!

  “Yes,” said Ruby. “And I have six sisters: Amber, Sunny, Fern, Sky, Inky, and Heather. One for each color of the rainbow, you see.”

  “What do Rainbow Fairies do?” Rachel asked.

  Ruby flew over and landed lightly on Rachel’s hand. “It’s our job to put all the different colors into Fairyland,” she explained.

  “So why were you shut up inside that old pot?” asked Rachel.

  “And where are your sisters?” Kirsty added.

  Ruby’s golden wings drooped. Her eyes filled with tiny, sparkling tears. “I don’t know,” she said. “Something terrible has happened in Fairyland. We really need your help!”

  Kirsty stared down at Ruby, sitting sadly on Rachel’s hand. “Of course we’ll help you!” she said.

  “Just tell us how,” added Rachel.

  Ruby wiped the tears from her eyes. “Thank you!” she said. “But first I must show you the terrible thing that has happened. Follow me — as quickly as you can!” She flew into the air, her wings shimmering in the sunshine.

  Rachel and Kirsty followed Ruby across the clearing. The fairy danced ahead of them, glowing like a crimson flame. She stopped at a small pond under a weeping willow tree. “Look! I can show you what happened yesterday,” she said.

  Ruby flew over the pond and scattered another shower of sparkling fairy dust with her tiny, red wand. All at once, the water lit up with a strange, silver light. It bubbled and fizzed, and then became still. With wide eyes, Rachel and Kirsty watched as a picture appeared in the water. It was like looking through a window into another land! “Oh, Rachel, look!” said Kirsty.

  A river of the brightest blue ran swiftly past hills of the greenest green. Scattered on the hillsides were red-and-white toadstool houses. And on top of the highest hill stood a silver palace with four pink towers.

  The towers were so high, their points were almost hidden by the fluffy white clouds that floated past.

  Hundreds of fairies were making their way toward the palace. Some were walking and others were flying. Rachel and Kirsty could see goblins, elves, and pixies, too. Everyone seemed very excited.

  “Yesterday was the day of the Fairyland Midsummer Ball,” Ruby explained. She flew over the pond and pointed with her wand at a spot in the middle of the scene. “There I am, with my Rainbow sisters.”

  Kirsty and Rachel looked closely at where Ruby was pointing. They saw seven fairies, each dressed prettily in her own rainbow color. Wherever they flew, they left a trail of fairy dust behind them.

  “The Midsummer Ball is very special,” Ruby went on. “And my sisters and I are always in charge of sending out invitations.”

  The front doors of the palace slowly opened to the sound of tinkling music.

  “Here come King Oberon and Queen Titania,” said Ruby. “The Fairy King and Queen. They are about to begin the ball.”

  Kirsty and Rachel watched as the king and queen stepped through the doors. The king wore a splendid golden coat and crown. His queen wore a silver dress and a tiara that sparkled with diamonds. Everyone cheered loudly. After a while, the king signaled for quiet. “Fairies and friends,” he began. "We are very glad to see you all here. Welcome to the Midsummer Ball!”

  The fairies clapped their hands and cheered again. A band of green frogs in purple suits started to play their instruments, and the dancing began.

  Suddenly, a gray mist filled the room. Kirsty and Rachel watched in alarm as all the fairies started to shiver. Then a loud, chilly voice shouted out, "Stop the music!”

  The band fell silent. Everyone looked scared. A tall, bony figure was pushing his way through the crowd. He was dressed all in white, and there were tiny icicles on his white hair and beard. But his face was red and angry.

  “Who’s that?” Rachel asked with a shiver. Ice had begun to form around the edge of the pond.

  “It’s Jack Frost,” said Ruby. She shivered, too.

  In the watery picture Jack Frost glared at the seven Rainbow Fairies. “Why wasn’t I invited to the Midsummer Ball?” he asked coldly.

  The Rainbow Fairies gasped in horror. . . .

  Ruby looked up and smiled sadly at Rachel and Kirsty. “Yes, we forgot to invite Jack Frost,” she said, and looked back at the pond.

  They watched as the Fairy Queen stepped forward. “You are more than welcome, Jack Frost,” she said. “Please stay and enjoy the ball.”

  But Jack Frost looked even more angry. "Too late!” he hissed. “You forgot to invite me!” He turned and pointed a thin, icy finger at the Rainbow Fairies.

  “You will not forget this!” he went on. “My spell will banish the Rainbow Fairies to the seven corners of the human world
. From this day on, Fairyland will be without color — forever!”

  As Rachel and Kirsty kept watching the pond’s surface, they saw Jack Frost cast his spell. A great, icy wind began to blow. It picked up the seven Rainbow Fairies and spun them up into the darkening sky. The other fairies could only watch in dismay.

  Jack Frost turned to the king and queen. “Your Rainbow Fairies will be trapped far away. They will be all alone, and they will never return.” With that, he walked away, leaving only a trail of icy footprints behind.

  Quickly, the Fairy Queen stepped forward and lifted her silver wand. “Jack Frost’s magic is very powerful. I cannot undo it completely,” she shouted, as the wind howled and rushed around her. “But I can guide the Rainbow Fairies to a place where they will be safe until they are rescued!”

  The queen pointed her wand at the gray sky overhead. A black pot came spinning through the stormy clouds. It flew toward the Rainbow Fairies. One by one, the Rainbow Fairies tumbled into the pot.

  “May this pot at the end of the rainbow keep our Rainbow Fairies together and safe,” the queen called. “And take them to Rainspell Island!”

  As Rachel, Kirsty, and Ruby watched, the pot flew out of sight. It disappeared behind a dark cloud. And the bright colors of Fairyland began to fade, until the beautiful land looked like an old black-and-white photograph.

  “Oh, no!” Kirsty gasped. “All the color is gone.” Then the image in the pond vanished.

  “So the Fairy Queen cast her own spell!” Rachel said. She was bursting with questions. “She put you and your sisters in the pot, and sent you to Rainspell Island?”

  Ruby nodded. “Our queen knew that we would be safe here,” she said. “We know Rainspell well. It is a place full of magic.”

  “But where are your sisters?” Kirsty asked. “They were in the pot, too.”


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