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Page 8

by Nicki J Markus

  Her legs began to protest, muscles screaming as she forced them onwards. Her throat was dry, each breath a scrape of sandpaper. With every step, the night seemed to grow darker, closing in around her. She was running out of time.

  She reached a gravel path and was about to walk past it and continue up the road when something made her turn back and re-examine it. Nothing about it stood out, and yet, some instinct deep inside her yelled at her to take that path.

  She wavered, fidgeting from one foot to the other, until she finally set off over the gravel. The rocks hurt, pressing into her feet as they slipped through the holes in the sandals Will had bought her, but she pressed on. She was just starting to wonder if the path led anywhere at all when it suddenly widened out and she found herself looking up at a house. Not just any house either, the house.

  It rose, large and imposing. Most of the house was dark, lending it an air of abandonment. A light came on in a first floor room in the centre of the house, glowing eerily through the blinds.

  Darci walked slowly forward, her gaze flicking left and right, waiting for the attack that she was sure would come. To her surprise and growing suspicion, nothing happened, and she made it to the front door unhindered.

  It was only as she reached out to knock that someone appeared behind her. A hand clamped down on her mouth, and she was dragged backwards, pulled behind a row of bushes at the side of the house. She squirmed around, trying to get free, wriggling up and down.

  Her captor laughed. "Feel free to keep moving like that as long as you like; it is rather pleasant."

  Recognising Stefan's voice, Darci ceased struggling, and the hold on her slackened then disappeared. She rounded on him. "What are you doing here?"

  "Rescuing you, naturally. No need to thank me." He reached out and took her hand. "Time to go home, cherie."

  Darci snatched her hand back, taking a step away from him. "I'm not going anywhere without Will."

  Stefan sighed. "I thought you might say that."

  Darci didn't even see him move. The next thing she knew she was being lifted off the ground. She let out a little cry of protest as he swung her over his shoulder. He paid her no heed and simply patted her bottom, which was now up near his head. His arm lay across her legs, securing her in place, her own arms dangling helplessly down his back.

  "Put me down!" She punched his back with her fists, but he ignored the assault and started walking.

  To Darci's astonishment, instead of heading away from the house, he walked towards the front door, sauntering along as if he hadn't a care in the world.

  "Stefan, what are you doing?" she asked, jabbing him in the side.

  "Trust me." He gave her leg a little pat, letting his hand linger just a little longer than appropriate.

  Darci was just thinking he was enjoying this a little too much when she heard the sound of a catch being drawn back and the door opening. No one spoke, but she assumed some sort of silent exchange must have taken place, because a few seconds later, they were entering the house.

  Chapter 21

  Darci had no choice but to stay slumped across Stefan's shoulder as he carried her through the house. They climbed the stairs, and she assumed they were heading for the room where the light had come on a few minutes earlier. They paused, a door opened, and then they were moving again.

  She was fed up with being held like this. The blood rushing to her head made her dizzy and more than a little queasy, contributing to the vulnerability she felt being unable to see where they were going. Add to that the embarrassment of her undignified position, and she was just about ready to kill Stefan Koske. She only hoped he knew what he was doing.

  "Koske. To what do I owe this unexpected pleasure and who is it you have with you?"

  Darci recognised Draken's silken tones immediately, and she pushed against Stefan's back as she tried to look around to see what was happening. To her relief, he chose that moment to set her down.

  "My lord, I bring you the Day-Walker's woman. I understand you have him here, and I thought the presence of his human would aid his cooperation."

  "What!" Darci spun round. "How could you?"

  "Sorry, cherie, but it is every man for himself right now."

  Draken laughed and beckoned Stefan forward. Darci turned tail, dashing towards the door, but strong arms pulled her back, and she was frog-marched across the room to stand near Draken's throne.

  "You bring me a worthy gift, and I forgive your previous transgressions, Stefan Koske. There is no longer enmity between us." He turned to Darci. "I am so happy to see you again, my dear. I think I will drain him just enough so that he is still alive to watch you die first. Artur, bring him in. Stefan, you can go."

  "May I stay, my lord? I have always been a keen voyeur as you well know."

  Draken looked at Stefan for a moment. "Very well. You may drain the girl when the time comes."

  It seemed barely seconds had passed before Artur returned. Another guard was with him, and Will was wedged in between them, his hands manacled with silver chains. He stood up straight, defiant, until his eyes passed over the room and focused on her, then all the fire seemed to leave him and his shoulders slumped forward.

  She wanted to run to him, hold him one last time at least, but her own guard held her back, his grip so tight she gave up her futile struggles.

  "The rest of you leave!"

  The other vampires in the room had been standing so still and quiet Darci hadn't even noticed them until they glided away, their cloaked figures passing silently through the doorway. She looked around. Now it was only her, Will, and five other vampires. Even so, the odds were not looking good.

  A strange silence had fallen over the room, and Darci looked up to see that Will and Draken were staring at each other. Both seemed to be mulling something over in their minds, although neither spoke. Draken recovered first, his nonplussed expression melting into amusement.

  "Who would have believed it possible after all these years?"

  "Drusus, still looking for a Day-Walker, I see."

  "Not anymore. To think I had you all those years ago and never knew. When I found you gone, I searched the city, but there was no sign of you, and I assumed you had perished."

  For a moment, Darci was confused by the exchange then she remembered the story Will had shown her. So, Draken was actually Drusus, the vampire who had turned Will back in revolutionary France. Why the name change? She wasn't sure if she had spoken the question out loud or if Draken was just reading her mind; either way he turned and looked at her.

  "After centuries, one name can get so boring, my dear. Your friend here is no exception; he was Guillaume Desmoulins when first we met."

  "Why don't you let her go?" Will suggested in a level voice, betraying no emotion. "You have me now, so she is of no use to you. Let her go."

  "I'm afraid her part in tonight's entertainment has already been scripted," Draken answered, "and I do not believe in rewrites."

  Draken laughed, and Stefan joined in. Darci could feel the disgust rising like bile in the back of her throat. To think she had believed Stefan Koske could have an ounce of goodness in him when it was clear he was a selfish monster, just like Draken. She thought of Liza and hoped the girl would wake up and get out of there while she could.

  "Soon your blood will make me invincible," Draken announced grandly, returning his attention to Will. "With sunlight no longer a barrier, there will be nothing to stop me and I will be able to do anything. Anything."

  What happened next happened at such speed it was no more than a blur of movement before her eyes. The vampire who had been standing behind Will was down, a wooden stake embedded in his chest. Then Will's hands were free, the silver chains falling into a heap at his feet.

  Darci's own captor released her, running forward to help his fallen colleague. She squinted, trying to make out what was happening amidst the rush of movement then something slammed into her, toppling her to the ground.

  She fell sideways an
d hands turned her over onto her back. She found herself looking into Draken's glaring eyes. His fangs had extended, protruding from beneath lips curled back in rage. She tried to push at him, but his chest was a cold, hard rock. He bent his head, and his teeth grazed her neck. She closed her eyes, knowing there was nothing she could do, hoping death would find her quickly.

  There was sudden howl of pain, and the weight on top of her vanished. She struggled into a sitting position, her gaze flashing across the room, looking for Draken. He was staggering backwards, clutching at his chest. Smoke poured out from beneath his hand, and when he finally moved it, she could see the shape of a Celtic cross burnt into his skin. She looked down at the pendant that hung from her neck and silently thanked Liza; the girl's gift had probably just saved her life.

  Arms moved below her own, scooping her onto her feet. She whirled around, ready to fight if necessary, but it was Stefan. His cheeks had a rosy glow, his eyes shone with excitement, and there was a smear of blood on his upper lip. Will. She found him across the room, battling Artur. He clearly had the upper hand, and Artur's body soon fell at his feet.

  Darci wondered why reinforcements hadn't come. Where were the other vampires Draken had sent away? Then it occurred to her this whole scene had probably taken place in less than a minute, despite how long the moment had seemed to her. The only real noise that might have alerted anyone was Draken's cry a few seconds ago.

  Draken still stood by the wall, glaring at each of them in turn, nursing his wound, which showed no signs of healing. Stefan put his hands on her shoulders, holding her back as Will advanced towards his maker. Like Stefan, he looked healthier following the fight, yet Draken was so much older and more powerful, and Darci found herself biting her lower lip, her body a tightly wound ball of tension as she watched the gap between the two vampires slowly shrinking.

  "You will never beat me in a fight, Guillaume. You are committing suicide."

  Darci felt Stefan squeeze her arm as he started to manoeuvre her behind him, all the while keeping his eyes fixed on Will and Draken, who were now just metres apart. She realised Stefan was planning something and resisted the urge to run to Will's side. Stefan had come through for them in the end in spite of everything, so she had to trust him now. She tried to clear her mind of thoughts in case Draken was still listening in, although she did not sense his presence and thought he had forgotten her for the moment.

  "What you say is true, Drusus, however, there are forces more powerful than I you have not taken into account."

  "Enough of this nonsense," Draken snarled, leaping at Will.

  The two of them grappled, a mass of limbs and snapping teeth. For a moment, both seemed equally matched, but then Will began to visibly tire, crumpling to his knees. Draken released his hold on Will's arms in order to grab him by the hair, shoving his head back and exposing the throat.

  Darci grew frantic, She couldn't stay still, hopping from one foot to the other, desperate to do something, anything. But Stefan's hand, resting gently on her hip, kept her in check.

  Draken bit down, and Will groaned, the wild, pitiful sound of a dying animal. Even at a distance, Darci could see the blood pouring down his chest. Then the pressure on her hip vanished, and Stefan dashed forward. Darci didn't even notice the stake in his hand until he stepped back again and she saw it protruding from Draken's back.

  Draken dropped Will and stretched his arm round behind him, clawing at his back, trying to dislodge the wood, which remained just out of reach. It was the first time she had seen panic on the fiend's face.

  "Sorry, my mistake," Stefan said, without the slightest hint of contrition. Then he aimed a blow with the palm of his hand that plunged the stake farther into Draken's torso, forcing it out through the vampire ruler's chest.

  Draken collapsed face down onto the floor and lay there immobile. Stefan approached cautiously, staring down at him as he fished in his pocket and withdrew a lighter. He flicked open the lid and struck a flame.

  "You had better help him out before I light this," Stefan said, gazing into the flame. "I'll be right behind you."

  Darci ran to Will's side. His wound gaped, red and raw. It was much worse than the one from the previous fight, but his eyes were open and focused on her without difficulty, so at least he was conscious and should be able to walk with support.

  "Come on, we have to go," Darci said, trying to keep her voice level and her hands steady as she worked an arm behind his back and helped him sit up.

  He didn't speak, but with her aid, he struggled to his feet and they staggered towards the door. Behind her, Darci heard the crackle of flames bursting into life and a sulphurous smoke filled the air, but she didn't want to look back. The vampires in the corridor paid her no heed. Most seemed to be trying to leave the building in a panic, so Darci could only assume they were aware of their leader's demise. She trudged on, dragging Will with her, towards the front door. He was getting heavier and heavier, and it took all her willpower not to let go.

  Outside, the fresh night air had never felt so good or so vital. Darci took a deep breath, thinking they were safe now. Her assumptions were wrong. Out of nowhere, a hand grabbed hold of her top, yanking her backwards. She had no choice but to let go of Will, who slumped down in a heap by the door, and she found herself back in the hallway, being held in a tight bear-hug that made breathing difficult.

  "You'll pay for what you have done to my maker!" a male voice snarled into her ear before teeth punctured her neck.

  She understood now what Will had told her earlier. This time there were no pleasant idyllic scenes, no sense of peace. This time there was only pain and fear and horror.

  At first, she couldn't see at all; she was engulfed in complete darkness. Then she began to make out shapes and wished for the darkness again. She saw people covered in blood, wasting away, clad in rags and chained to walls in medieval dungeons. The sound of their wails was deafening, and she wanted to clamp her hands over her ears so as not to hear them, but she couldn't move. When she looked down, she noticed she was not just an observer to the scene; her own feet and hands were manacled and covered in blood. She wished she could scream too, but she was too weak, and with each passing moment, her strength ebbed away. She was aware that she was dying; she hoped it would not take too long. Then the images vanished and welcome darkness came once more.

  Chapter 22

  Darci became aware again. She wasn't sure if it had happened suddenly or if it had been a gradual process, but as she lay there in the darkness, she suddenly realised she could open her eyes. She peered out through the slits, unsure if she was going to want to see again when she found out where she was. To her surprise, she recognised her surroundings. She was in the room in Stefan's house where she had woken the night she had first learnt Will was a vampire.

  She decided to sit up. She expected to feel pain but was confused when she found she could move about quite easily, as if she had just awoken from a peaceful night's sleep and the events of the previous evening had only been a bad dream. She put a hand to her neck. There was no bandage, and the skin felt smooth and cool. Maybe she had dreamed it all. Perhaps Stefan had stopped her from going in, brought her here, and Draken's death and Will's rescue were a figment of her imagination. Where is Will? She needed to know what was real and what wasn't, and she wouldn't find that out sitting here.

  She pushed back the covers and swung her legs over the side of the bed. At some point, she had been dressed in a dusky-pink silk negligee. She hoped Stefan hadn't leered too much if he'd been responsible for her change in attire. Her bare feet did not feel cold on the wooden floor; instead, there was a tingling sensation as if she could feel all the tiny fragments of the wood. She made her way over to the window, pulled back the curtains, and looked out. The sky was fully dark, not a star in sight, and yet she had no trouble making out the trees, the cars and a couple walking away in the distance.

  Happy that Stefan would definitely be up, she made her way to the door and ou
t into the corridor. She remembered the way well enough from before, and soon she could hear the murmur of voices ahead. They sounded angry; an argument was in progress. She followed the sound until she reached a door. It was slightly ajar, and a thin strip of pale yellow light fell through the gap, illuminating the floor. She pushed the door open, and the beam of light widened, encasing her in its glow as she stood in the doorway.

  Looking into the room, she saw Liza and Stefan sitting before the fire. The conversation had hushed. They were both regarding her in an odd way, wary and uncertain. Eventually, Stefan stood up and walked towards her.

  "You are up, cherie." He paused and looked her up and down. "How much do you remember of last night?"

  "I'm not sure," Darci answered. "It seems I remember a fight at Draken's house; you killed him. After that, I was helping Will out when someone grabbed me. How I got here, well, that's a blank. Was that real? Is Will okay? Where is he?"

  "I am here." Will's voice came from near the fireplace. When he stood, she saw he had been sitting in a chair facing away from her.

  "Will!" She ran to his side, throwing her arms around him in a fierce hug. "I am so glad you're okay."

  It wasn't long before she realised Will wasn't returning her embrace, and she stepped back, keeping her hands on his shoulders as she looked into his eyes. "What's the matter? Draken's dead, isn't he? We're safe now and everything can be as it was before."

  "Nothing can be as it was before!" Will roared, pulling away from her. "I never wanted this for you, don't you see that?"

  "What do you mean?" Darci asked, frowning. "You aren't making any sense, Will."

  "Come over here, cherie," Stefan said, beckoning to her. "You were attacked and badly hurt; do you remember?"

  "Yes, of course. But here I am, fit and healthy again."

  "Sit down, Darci, please."


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