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Foretold Fate (Sisters of Danu Series Book 2)

Page 6

by Mia Pride

  The knocking became more persistent and she ran over to the entrance, quickly opening the door with a smile. Nothing could ruin her elated mood. As the door swung open, she was struck by the image of a beautiful young woman, no more than two or three summers younger than herself, but she seemed so much more elegant than Una with her finely combed curly blonde hair falling about her shoulders. She had a sophisticated slim face with pouty pink lips and appeared to be very well endowed in her strikingly fitted pale blue dress. The sun beamed in from behind the woman, silhouetting her profile and gleaming through her golden hair.

  Una stepped back at the sight of this striking woman and her face changed to curiosity. “Can I help you?” she tried to keep her smile from faltering as the woman’s pale blue eyes shot daggers at her in response.

  She pushed Una aside and strode in with confidence. “Where is Brocc? He was supposed to meet me an hour ago and failed to appear. I don’t like being made to wait.” She crossed her arms and started wandering down the left corridor toward Brocc’s chamber, clearly knowing the terrain of his house. “Brocc? Are you in here, mo chroí?” she poked her elegantly pointy nose into his chamber, grimaced at the destroyed lavender dress on the floor and spun on her heels, glaring at Una.

  “So, you are the new servant Brocc told me about. I see you are providing other services for him as well now, hmm?” She scrutinized Una’s appearance from head to toe and then laughed in her face. “You are a mess. Does Brocc know that his servant sleeps until mid-day and wanders about in her bed clothes? I have nothing to worry about, I see. But I should warn you to keep your paws off Brocc, he’s mine. We are to wed.”

  Una’s head felt suddenly dizzy listening to the spiteful words of this strange lass. All her new-found happiness was suddenly swept away into a void of despair and her throat constricted. “Brocc never mentioned your name…should I tell him who came by when he arrives home?” She attempted to sound confident and nonchalant, but her voice sounded weak even to her own ears.

  “My name is Mealla. He and my mother only just arranged our marriage this morn, so nay doubt he hasn’t had a chance to tell you. Remember me well, for I shall be your queen soon. And I assure you that when I am, there will be nay room for you in my husband’s home…perhaps not even within the tuath,” she threatened.

  Mealla stormed past Una with a ruffle of blue skirts and the scent of fresh lavender wafting off her shining gold hair. “Stay away from my man.” She stormed out of the house and left Una standing all alone, as usual. Always so alone. For one quick moment, Una had actually believed that Brocc meant to marry her, but it was all a ruse to get her into bed. Of course, it was. After all, Una was much too ordinary to keep his attentions, just as she had always believed.

  Before her mind could further process the arrival of Brocc’s intended bride, and apparent long time mistress, based on her familiar use of his name and knowledge of his bed chamber, there was another knock on the door.

  Una’s heart was already beating wildly. She could not handle another confrontation with his unpleasant future wife. Slowly walking over to the door with a shaky hand, she was relieved to see the smiling handsome face of Collin O’Leary. His brown hair was disheveled from being blown wildly in the cold breeze, but it added a certain amount of charm to his already handsome face. He smiled at her widely as his dark blue eyes took in her less than tidy appearance.

  He handed her a beautiful bundle of fresh white daisies and she took it with a shy smile, thankful that Collin did not comment on her state of undress. “I came to check in on you and make sure you were feeling all right. Also, to make sure Brocc had neither killed nor ravished you. He does have a reputation, you know. Which reminds me, I just saw Mealla storming away from here. She sure didn’t seem happy to see you…did you hear the news that they are to wed?”

  Una felt like she was going to be sick and she hunched over to hold her stomach, trying to suppress the roiling pain within. Fortunately, Collin associated her pains with the aftermath of over indulging on mead the previous night and held out a hand to steady her. “I told you to be careful with that mead, Una. I am sorry you are not feeling well today.”

  He brought her hand to his lips and gave her a sympathetic look. “I stopped by to tell you that I enjoyed your company last night, but I should have supervised your intake closer.” He sighed and looked ashamed. “I hope you can trust me again and allow me to take you out for a walk? I can see now isn’t such a good time, but perhaps later this evening? Right before sunset? There is a beautiful hill not far from here that has an amazing view at dusk.”

  Una realized how very quickly circumstances could change in one’s life. Yesterday afternoon she was Brocc’s servant. By night she was his lover, by morning she had actually entertained the thought of marrying him, and within an hour she had met his true future wife and was suddenly being pursued by Collin.

  As her head spun and stomach soured, Una felt a desperate need to lie down. She hastily agreed to allow Collin to take her out for a walk that evening and shut the door as he walked away. Having no more strength to hold back her tears, she ran with full speed to her bedchamber, plopped on her fur covered mattress and released a wail that only enhanced the throbbing of her temples. She felt as if her insides might spill out. How could she have possibly believed Brocc’s lies?

  Chapter 4

  Several hours had passed since her encounter with Mealla and Una had taken her frustration out on the floors, harshly scrubbing the rough wood and cursing under her breath until her knuckles ached and blisters formed on her palm. She scrubbed with a desperation, as if she could wash away her own tarnished pride and the stain of his betrayal along with the dirt on the wood’s surface.

  “Och, you don’t go around frivolously asking women to marry you, do you?” she hissed through clenched teeth as she aggressively chopped up the vegetables to add to his stew. “Well, I can’t wait until he is married. Then I can get out of here and she can scrub his floors and prepare his food.” And share his bed, she thought with a sinking stomach. She threw a handful of rosemary and thyme into the cauldron, and then muttered, “Insufferable brute,” as the boiling water hissed with the addition of ingredients.

  The door flew open, letting blinding daylight pour into the room, and Brocc strode confidently in with a large smile on his face and a handful of freshly picked roses. “Where is the most beautiful woman in all of Darini?” Brocc chuckled as his eyes eagerly sought her out.

  His smile quickly faded as he found her wearing her old brown dress, sweating over the hot cauldron with tendrils of hair falling about her face as she shot daggers at him with her eyes from across the room. If looks could kill, Brocc would have dropped dead on the spot. “Una…I had hoped that after last night, you wouldn’t feel like it was necessary to be my servant. I—”

  “Oh, aye. Well, I’m afraid you missed ‘the most beautiful woman in all of Darini’ by a few hours. I met Mealla today. Lovely lass, that one. You are a lucky man. Tell me Brocc, when is the marriage ceremony to take place?” She whirled away from the cauldron with a flourish as she headed toward her private chamber. “I hope you two have a very happy life together.”

  She reached her chamber and prepared to yank the curtains shut with all her might, but his strong dark hand grabbed the flesh of her wrist tightly until his grip hurt enough to make her squeal. “Unhand me! You really are a brute!”

  “We’ve established that,” he forced through clenched teeth. “What’s all this madness about Mealla? What does she have to do with me and you?” His hazel eyes darkened and he ran his hand through his short black hair in wild frustration.

  “Me and you?” she scoffed. “I assure you, there is nay me and you. I do not have the time for this conversation just now, King Brocc. I have been very busy cleaning and cooking all day and I’m afraid I lost track of time. I’m expecting a visitor any moment for a sunset walk. It should be very pleasant.” She tried to pull away but he tightened his grip and threw th
e roses on the floor. She looked down at their soft fragrant petals, now bruised and strewn across the floor, and thought her heart must look very much the same.

  “And does this visitor of yours know that you spent last night in my bed?” he snarled like a wild animal preparing to protect his territory.

  “Nay, but Mealla does. Apparently, your mistress knows her way around your home, especially your bed chamber. She stormed in here today and found my torn dress crumpled on your floor. I suppose tis my fault, as your servant. I should have cleaned up the mess of our love making before your intended stopped by for a less than pleasant visit.” She tried to pull away, but his hand was like an iron band around her arm. “Brocc, you will bruise me if you do not release me!”

  He saw a tear running down her cheek and let go of her arm, pushing her into her chamber as he strode swiftly over to her. “This business with Mealla is all a mad mistake. I will clear it up as soon as possible. In the meantime, I refuse to allow you to play the role of my servant, or go on this ‘sunset walk’ with…whoever he is!”

  “Oh! You do, do you? You are neither my husband nor my master. I don’t have to obey a word you say! And, just so you are aware, the entire tuath knows about your plans to wed Mealla! Collin told me today as well.” She crossed her arms in a huff.

  “I am your king! And your guardian! You will obey me!” He walked away, but before he left, he turned around to shout some more. “Collin, you say? I suppose he is your mysterious guide for tonight’s walk? Well, not anymore!” He walked out and yanked the curtains closed behind him, leaving Una alone in her chamber. She screamed at him and threw her metal comb against the wall in an angry protest, but did not dare continue the argument. Brocc was, in fact, her guardian and she was dependent upon his hospitality.

  There was a knock at the front door within minutes and she distantly heard two muffled deep voices speaking in low argumentative tones before hearing the door slam and Brocc’s heavily booted feet stomping down the corridor in anger. She sighed and slumped back onto the bed in resignation. Most assuredly, that was Collin being dismissed by her captor. Would she be allotted no privacy or freedom?

  Brocc could marry another woman, but she would not be allowed a simple walk with another man? The brute! Deciding that sleep was her most likely escape from this disheartening day, she tore off her dirty wool dress and threw it onto the ground. She may not be allowed to see Collin, but she would absolutely refuse to share Brocc’s bed ever again and, just to spite him, she would continue to scrub his floors every day until she found a better, more permanent, occupation. She refused to sit quietly in her new dresses and play the role of his concubine until he married the deplorable Mealla.

  Chapter 5

  Three moons passed quickly and the spring season had arrived, bringing with it warmer, longer days filled with the soft floral scents of nature floating in the air. Una ventured outside daily now to go to the market to trade food and supplies for Brocc’s home. Creating scented lye soaps and tallow candles had become her specialty within the tuath. Her vast knowledge of floral scents had proven most popular. She spent her days cooking and cleaning as usual, but all her spare time was spent creating her special blends to use as trade for market days.

  On occasion, she would pass Collin in the crowd and she could see his sorrowful blue eyes tracking her as she walked past. She always cast him a warm, sympathetic smile, but she never dared to approach him. In truth, she had soon realized that Collin’s affections for her were much stronger than her own. He was a kind and attractive man, but he did nothing for her bruised heart. It was better to keep her distance to, not only to avoid a heated argument with Brocc, but also to avoid any confusion about her feelings toward Collin.

  Una maintained a strained relationship with Brocc and she knew it brought him to the brink of madness watching her roam his home daily, playing his servant, but she had to protect her heart. Staying busy and avoiding Brocc was best.

  Every time he tried to repair their relationship with his sweet words and imploring eyes, she ached to listen and believe he was sincere. Then the pain from the memory of first meeting Mealla would take hold all over again and she steeled herself against his advances. He was not to be trusted. The man would say anything to get what he wanted from a lass. He did not love her. Mayhap he desired her, but that was not enough to make her walls crumble.

  Eventually, he gave up his attempts to woe her. As she had suspected all along, his interest had waned. She should have felt relief when he stopped trying to plead his case, but all she felt was an emptiness inside and a frequent sickness gnawing at her gut.

  Mealla still showed up from time to time, looking as graceful as ever, glaring at Una as if she could simply wish her away with her penetrating gaze, but Una would simply stand aside unflinchingly as Brocc left the house, not to return until hours later. Una would be left alone all day to pretend her heart was not aching madly. That pain only worsened over time and she found herself often in turmoil, becoming sick to her stomach with stress and feeling dizzy when he was near. If this was love, she decided she was better off without it.

  Spring was a time of renewal and Una was determined to start her life anew, as well. The weather became less frigid, as did her mood. Una welcomed the warm breeze with open arms. The cerulean sky stretched as far as the eye could see with intermittent fluffy white clouds lazily floating above. Plenty of sunshine shone through the sparse clouds and it sent a ray of delightful heat down onto Una’s upturned face as she walked through the graveled streets of Darini. Her trips to market always lifted her spirits. Not only was she becoming familiar with the friendly faces of wives and vendors, but it was the only time Una wore the beautiful dresses Brocc insistently had made for her. It seemed that every fortnight she would open her chest and find a lovely new dress awaiting her.

  It always struck her as odd, considering she spent most the day in her old brown wool dress. They were nothing more than Brocc’s weak attempt at gaining her affections again…as if she were shallow enough to be won over simply by the gift of clothing! If anything, they only made her resolve to continue wearing her dingy old wool dress out of spite.

  However, on market days, those dresses did prove to lighten her mood and she felt lovely on this splendid day as the birds chirped in the oak trees above and butterflies fluttered from bud to bud. Her newest dress was a beautiful shade of soft yellow that felt as cheery as the atmosphere around her. Her bosom looked particularly full and she felt an extra surge of confidence as she waved at the familiar faces around her tuath. It felt wonderful to finally feel like she was an important part of her tribe.

  Enjoying herself for the first time in what felt like ages, her spirit soared and she swore that nothing could drag her down. She lifted her face up once more to the sky, feeling her cheeks warming in the sun’s afternoon glow. “Oh!” She collided abruptly with something solid and fell backward onto her rump, landing in a small puddle. Scrambling to push the hair out of her eyes as she looked up in shock, she saw Brocc towering over her with concern as he put a hand out to help her up.

  “Una! Are you alright? I didn’t see you!” As she reached up to grab his outstretched hand, he ran his other hand slowly over her stomach before sliding around to her waist. Una flinched at his intimate touch and gave him a reprimanding look. A new emotion, one she had not ever seen before, flashed in his eyes. The air left her lungs and she took a quick step back. His gaze was one of ownership tinged with pride and determination. Its intensity was enough to steal her breath. She had to remember to breathe.

  This is precisely why I avoid him, she told herself. The impact of his simple touch was potent, disarming all her better senses. As she pulled her eyes away from his to examine the damage to her new dress, she let out a sigh, drooping her shoulders in defeat. “Oh! But this was my favorite dress!”

  He smirked and pulled her closer, one strong hand resting on her hip as her chest crashed against his. She looked around anxiously at the curio
us people staring at them as he held her much closer and longer than necessary. His other hand came up and brushed her cheek lightly. “I will have a new dress made for you,” he said with a grin.

  She pulled back abruptly and scoffed. “As you always do. Is that your way of buying my affections?”

  “A simple ‘thank you’ would suffice, Una,” he said dryly as he released his grip from around her waist.

  “I do appreciate them, Brocc. But I don’t think your intended wife would.” She wrinkled her nose in disdain as she thought of Mealla, then turned away from him before he saw just how much it cost her to say those words aloud. Clearing her throat, she inhaled a fortifying breath and changed the subject. “Tis midday already and I must continue my errands.”

  He grabbed her arm gently, stopping her in her tracks. She could not remember a time when he had ever been so gentle with her. He was usually quite rough and she turned to look at his pleading eyes. Assuming it was the watchful crowd causing him to take care to be gentle, she decided to play along and put on a sweet smile. “Anything else I can do for you, my king?”

  “Aye.” He nodded. “Just today I have learned some wonderful news, news that I have been awaiting confirmation on. I’m feeling festive and I would like to celebrate tonight. Could you gather the necessary ingredients to make your delicious rabbit stew? I would be most grateful.” He began to walk away and then paused to turn once more, his hazel eyes boring into hers, the green of his tunic making them even more piercing. “I shall not be dining alone tonight.” He confidently strode off toward his home with his usual smug smile playing across his face.


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