The Kegelmeister [Dr. Love Shark 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)
Page 14
“She’s going right back to bed soon, Rae. I promise.”
Once again, Kona picked Tara up and held her in his arms.
She groaned. “For crying out loud, put me down! You keep treating me like a porcelain doll.”
“You are a porcelain doll, darlin’. Now shut up and let me hold you.”
Rae shook her head, one eyebrow rising.
“What’s going on? Murderers, romance, cops, paramedics, wounded victims—this sounds like a movie. Heck, I’ll write it down. Maybe I’ll get famous…again.” Rae laughed, then sobered.
Tara recalled that the last time Rae had been famous was for all the wrong reasons. Mateo and Piers had been videotaped making love to Rae. Because Mateo was the infamous Dr. Love Shark, the news went worldwide. They were exploited all across the globe.
“Rae, why don’t we go inside? We can talk about what happened here, as far as I know it.”
“Sounds like a plan. Is Moki here?”
“No, she went home hours ago before the stabbing.”
“Then I’ll make us a drink of something and meet you in Tara’s bedroom.”
“No way, Rae. She’s staying with Piers and me from now on.”
“Like I said, we have a lot to talk about,” Tara said, rolling her eyes. “Now, big boy, take me to our room.”
“It’s a deal. Man, Rae, it’s too bad you’re married to Mateo. I could have had an awesome ménage a trois with you girls.”
“Keep dreaming, Kona. I’m a one-man woman from now on.”
Tara smiled. It was good to have Rae back. Besides, Tara preferred to keep her two men to herself for what little time she had left on the island. Her shoulder hurt, and it was time for her painkillers, but she wanted to wait until she and Rae had a chance to talk before she slept the sleep of bliss.
While Rae went to the kitchen to mix up a smoothie, Kona took Tara back to the room and put her into bed.
“I’d prefer to stay with you, but I’ll let Rae babysit for an hour or so. You two can have girl talk, and I’ll check the house again just in case.”
“You are such a diligent protector, my friend. Now get out of here before I get a lickin’ stick out and beat you silly.”
“Nothing silly about that. I’m game if you are. Get it out and I’ll be back in a while for some spanking time. Grrrrr…”
Laughter bubbled up as Tara watched him leave. He winked at her and grabbed his crotch in a Michael Jackson imitation, then closed the door tight.
Alone at last, Tara thought over the things she was going to tell Rae. Finally, she started getting sleepy and dozed off.
The dream came to her then, making her heart race.
She was sure it was a woman in the dark, a shadow of one. A large kitchen knife glinted in her hand as she walked toward Tara, aiming for her heart. Tara screamed but the woman kept coming. “You’re going to die, Tara. I’m going to kill you slowly. He’s mine, do you hear me? Mine.”
Just as the knife was raised to strike, Tara woke up screaming.
The door burst open and Kona came rushing to the bed. He looked all around, ready to fight. Tara watched him, her heart beating like a drum.
“What are you looking for?” she asked, confused from the dream state she was in.
“I’m looking for your killer. You screamed.” He jumped up on the bed and began looking her over, pawing at her arms so he could view her body.
“I had a nightmare, that’s all.”
“That’s all? I had ten years scared out of me. Don’t do that again.”
“Kona, you’re being ridiculous. I’m fine now.”
Rae came into the room with both glasses, her eyes wide with apprehension.
“I heard you scream. What happened?”
“As I just explained to He-Man here, I had a terrifying dream.”
“This place is way too hyped up tonight. I need a stiff drink,” Kona said. “I’ll be back in one hour if you can keep your shrieks to yourself, woman.”
Once he left them, Rae jumped up on the bed and settled herself in front of Tara. It was time for girl talk. Rae looked blissfully happy. She had a glow about her that hadn’t been there for some time since she’d lost the child she’d been carrying. Pregnant again, she had a calm about her that made Tara envious.
“Now, what is going on between you and Kona?”
“Trust you to jump right in, my friend. It’s not just Kona. It’s Piers and Kona. We took a page from your book and are ménaging it. I’ve never been so fascinated in my life. Now I know why you did it.”
“It certainly has its benefits, but be careful you don’t step over the line and hurt either one of them.”
Tara didn’t say a word, sitting there with her lips pressed together and afraid to tell Rae the whole story, but Rae saw right through her.
“You already have, haven’t you?”
When Tara took in a deep breath and sighed it out, Rae took her hand.
“Talk to me.”
“Well, I was trying to get close to Piers to help him out, but he’s so…alluring, handsome, gorgeous, hunky, and handsome…”
“You said that twice.”
“I know. He’s also a deep person, his emotions run far beneath the surface, but he can be so tender it makes me cry for joy.”
“Tara, honey, Piers is a loving and kind man. He’s well worth the effort.”
“Tell me about it. Rae, I found out something else today. Last year I had cancer of the ovaries.”
“Tara, why didn’t you tell me?”
“I’m telling you now. I’m good so far since I’ve finished the chemo and radiation. I’d told the boys that I didn’t want a full-time relationship because I was scared to death the cancer would come back, but now I want something more.”
Rae leaned over and hugged her.
“But that’s a problem too. I can’t have children. Piers deserves to have a real family.”
“Why don’t you let Piers decide what he wants? There is always the option of adoption.”
“I don’t know, Rae. I’m so confused. I always thought I was the dominant one, but Piers and Kona taught me otherwise. I kind of like being a submissive. They treat me so well when I behave.”
Rae threw back her head and laughed.
“Oh, Tara, I never thought I’d see the day when you weren’t the one in charge. If I were only a fly on the wall watching.”
“The thing is that Piers doesn’t participate as much as I’d like. Sure, he has sex with me, but it’s not making love. He acts like he’s got something to prove.”
“He’s guarding his heart, but from what I see, the walls are tumbling down. Listen, why don’t you lie down and get some rest? I’ve got to unpack and get ready for my new husband. Doesn’t that sound wonderful? ‘My husband.’”
She looked down at her ring finger and stared at the ring for a long moment, smiling as though lost in thought. While Tara watched, she found she wanted more from Piers. Kona was kind and sweet and also dominant, but it was Piers she felt drawn to.
“What am I going to do, Rae? I love him, but I’ve screwed up any chance I might have had with him.”
“I said lie down, young lady, and I mean business.”
“My my, aren’t you the task mistress?”
“I’ve learned from the best, my dear. Now, do as I tell you or I’ll call Piers.”
“I wish you would,” Tara quipped. “I’d love to have him spank me.”
“You really are in love with him, aren’t you?” Rae said.
“Yes, she is, and he’s in love with her as well, but neither of them will admit it to each other.” Kona came into the room carrying a tray. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to eavesdrop, but I adore you both and it’s time you accept the fact that you and Piers are in love.”
“Kona, you’re going to get it when I get well. I can’t wait to punish your impudence, slave boy!”
“Huh, you are in the wrong room for that. Wait until I t
ell Piers how you misbehave.”
“You wouldn’t.”
“Oh, yes, he would.”
Piers stood in the doorway, a slight smile on his face. He looked tired and run-down. Tara thought he seemed to have the weight of the world resting on his shoulders. With Mateo home, she hoped things would get better for him. Then again, Rae was another issue altogether. He stared at her for a long, breathless moment, as though he were absorbing her essence, but then his eyes lit upon Tara and she knew that he was okay. There was warmth and tenderness in his gaze.
“Piers, come over here with us.”
Tara reached out her hand to him and he came forward.
“Hello, Rae,” he said, then climbed up on the bed and lay down beside Tara.
“You look exhausted, Piers.”
“Four hours of driving and tracking down a killer does take a lot out of a guy.”
“Why don’t you close your eyes for a while?”
“Do the police have any suspects, Piers?”
“No, Rae. It’s a mystery to all of us, but we do believe it’s a guest, and from what Tara saw, it was a woman. How is Mark doing?”
Kona spoke up, “He’s going to be fine. It’s a concussion caused by a blow to the head. That’s why the police think it’s a woman. The bump was low down, near his ear, and the blow wasn’t as hard as it could have been if it were a man wielding the weapon. Head injuries tend to bleed heavily. The doctor said the person who attacked him would have had to be shorter than Mark, and he’s only five feet eight inches tall. Why don’t we leave Piers and Tara so they can get some rest, Rae? I’ll pour you a drink in the office.”
“No drinks for me, Kona. I’m expecting.”
“You are? How awesome is that?”
Taking her hand, Kona walked Rae out of the bedroom.
Tara watched Piers as he struggled to stay awake. She brushed back his thick black hair and kissed his forehead, watching his eyes. She’d seen so many expressions in them over the past week that she’d begun to know him well.
When he stripped down to his boxers, he said, “Lie down with me. I’m so tired I can’t keep my eyes open.”
“Piers, you don’t have to. I’ll watch over you.”
As she lay on her back beside him, he turned into her and placed his arm across her stomach, then curled his body closer. He soon fell asleep. Tara watched him for a while, then dozed off herself.
Chapter 16:
Ground Rules
Awakened by something tickling his nose, Piers opened his eyes to find Tara using the tip of her braid to wake him up. She had a mischievous smile on her face, her grey-green eyes filled with laughter. Piers tightened his arm around her.
“I have to get up, but you wouldn’t let me go. Every time I moved, you held onto me tighter.”
Piers laughed.
“You can go, but I expect you to come right back. I know a good thing when I see it.”
“For your information, mister, I’m not a ‘thing.’” She turned and climbed out of bed, then walked, swaying her hips all the way to the bathroom.
“You’re playing with fire, girlfriend!” he called after her.
He couldn’t believe how badly he wanted her, but with her shoulder damaged, he was hesitant to make love to her. Make love. Not “have sex,” but make love to her. I don’t know if she’ll notice the difference, but I will.
When she came back to bed, Piers slipped his arm around her once again and seized her lips, kissing her like she was leaving him. She melted beneath him, offering herself and more.
“Piers, make love to me.”
He wondered if she knew what she was asking, because the last time she’d simply wanted sex and lots of it. He kissed her tender skin, trailing down her neck to her collarbone, nipping and licking, driving her wild until her fingers tightened in his hair, holding him in place.
“That’s what I’m talking about. I love that. Oh, Piers, give me more, so much more.”
“Greedy little one, I’ll give you whatever you want today. When you’re well enough, you’ll be my submissive again, but for now, I’ll be your willing slave to do with what you will. That’s what I call a compromise.”
“Compromise me all you want. I love what you’re doing to me. Let me kiss you some more.”
As though under her command, he complied, kissing her until he became impatient to continue to explore her body, but when he felt he was losing control of the situation, he forced himself to hold back.
“Piers, I command you to make love to me, right now.”
“Not so quick, my sweet. I’m not ready yet.”
“You are if I say you are. It’s my ball game this time, remember.”
“Yes, Mistress. Today is your day. Tell me what you want.”
“I want you…in me…now!”
He rolled on top of her and lifted her legs over his shoulders. Cautious of hurting her, he inserted one finger inside her pussy. Immediately she moaned and dropped her head back on the pillow, closing her eyes. She squirmed when he inserted another finger and searched for her G−spot just inside. She shrieked when he hit it, lifting her hips as an orgasm rocked her body. Her pussy clenched around his fingers.
“Piers, I want you to fuck me right now! No more teasing.” Tara was panting hard now, grabbing at his arm with her good hand. “I said now!”
“Yes, Mistress. As you wish.”
Aching to be within her, he slipped on a condom and entered without pausing. She bucked, then sucked in a harsh breath, moaning as she begged for more.
“Tara, if you don’t go easy, I’ll have to stop. Your shoulder has a lot of healing to do. Do you understand? You are more important than this. Maybe I should pull out?”
“No! Piers, I’m fine. Please keep going.”
“All right, but if you hurt yourself, we end this. Let me lead.”
“Okay, okay. I’ll do anything you want. Now move it!” she growled, her fingers digging into his bicep. She was a warrior woman at that moment, all softness gone as she commanded him.
Piers didn’t want to rush. He wanted to go slow and make sweet love with her. She didn’t want a relationship, but it was there, it was all there in her eyes, in every move she made with him.
Slow and easy, he moved, easing in and out, his thick cock throbbing as he sought release, yet he held back and watched her. She was using her Kegel muscles, milking him, teasing him, working him. He gasped as he tried to hold back, but she wouldn’t let him. When she reached around and cupped his sac, he cried out.
Close, so close was he that he held his breath. Her eyes were dazed with need as he shifted his hips, delving deeper as her the walls of her pussy pulled him even farther. She panted, cried out, and began her climax. Then, and only then would he allow himself to join her, thrusting faster, harder, still withholding for fear of hurting her.
When he came, she shouted, “Yes! Oh, yes, Piers. Come to me.”
Exhausted, he lay down beside her, studying her face to see if she was in pain. She looked back at him and laughed low in her throat.
“Piers, you are too gentle sometimes, but that…that was spectacular.”
“Spectacular? What kind of word is that to describe what we did?”
Kona started clapping as he stood leaning against the door. He’d stepped inside the room without them noticing. “I think it’s a perfect word, Piers. You two make beautiful sex together. I’m to call you to come to dinner. You slept through lunch. Now, have a shower and I’ll keep Moki from coming to get you.”
“Come with me, Mistress. I’ll shower you.”
“No way. You’d take forever and I’m starving.”
There was something strange about the way she was suddenly acting. It was almost like she was afraid to acknowledge that what they’d done had come from the heart, not just the body. Piers lifted her up and carried her to the bathroom.
“I’m going to shower you because you can’t get the sutures wet. No arguments.”
looked up at him and sighed.
“All right, Piers. I’m really hungry, though, so let’s make it fast.”
“Pushy, pushy, isn’t she?”
“Kona, you have no idea just how pushy she is. We’ll be out in ten minutes.”
“Okay, but Moki will come get you if you aren’t.”
After Kona left, Piers started the shower and cleaned himself up. He took her hand and tugged her inside the shower stall, protecting her shoulder from the spray.
“Stand back here and I’ll wash you by hand. I don’t want to have to take you back to the hospital.”
“Yes, Master,” she said teasingly. “I’d like to wash you, too.”
“Oh, no you don’t. We’d be in here forever if you did that.”
“Piers? What will you do when I’m gone? I mean, will you have more ménages with different women?”
“If you’re asking if you’re just a number on my belt buckle, the answer is no. I cherish the time we have together. You’re not like any other woman I’ve ever met.”
“But Rae–"
“—is out of my league now. I’ve accepted that and will move on. It’s just you, me, and Kona from now on. If you leave, I’ll have to do without you, but I won’t like it.”
“What do you mean by if? Shouldn’t that be when I leave?”
Without answering, he soaped up her body, taking special care to wash around the wound, and he tenderly rubbed her entrance. He took a moment to work her nub until she was distracted enough to forget what he’d said. He’d almost given away what he wanted, and that wasn’t meant to be. He hadn’t forgotten that she didn’t want him permanently, and she’d never know, if he had his way about it.
Turning off the shower, he kissed her sweetly.
“Let’s get you dried off and dressed. I’m hungry, too.”
He was hungry all right, but for her again. Never before had he wanted someone so badly, not even with Rae. He turned off the water and dried every inch of her body gently. When he was done he quickly dried himself, then walked her back to the bed and had her sit on the edge of the mattress while he pulled out a tank top and shorts for her.
“I need some underwear and a bra, Piers.”