Waves of Passion (Kimani Romance)

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Waves of Passion (Kimani Romance) Page 4

by Linda Hudson-Smith

  * * *

  Seated in the leather chair behind his desk, Cameron was alone in the clinic. He hadn’t eaten a full breakfast, yet it had completely satisfied him. He actually fasted one day a week, drinking only liquids. The ritual had nothing to do with religion but had just started in college, when he’d pledged a fraternity, and he carried it on during his U.S. Navy duty.

  Hearing a noise out front, Cameron stood. He quietly listened for more movement. It was a little early for the staff to report for duty, but it wasn’t overly unusual.

  With a bright smile on her face, Gabrielle popped into Cameron’s office and presented him with a colorful Thank you balloon.

  “Hi, Cameron. How’s it going?”

  “Great. Everything has been quiet. I wasn’t called a single time last night. I came in early to work on a special report. How was your evening?”

  “It was good. I ate first then stretched out on the balcony chaise and caught a few rays.” Her hand went up to her face. “Did I get any darker?”

  Cameron laughed heartily. “No visual changes, sorry. Come on in and have a seat.”

  Gabrielle grinned. “I think I will. Thank you.” She sat in a chair facing him.

  “I think you did great on your first day, Gabrielle. How do you think it went?”

  “Fantastic. I learned quite a lot. I know the sign-in process and where we get the paperwork for the patients to fill out. Learning the entire system may take me a while, but it’ll come with time.”

  “The hardest thing for me to get the hang of is the billing system, though it’s not a part of my job description,” said Cameron. “But as the man in charge, I like to know everything there is to know about running the clinic. I do feel bad, though, when passengers have to incur extra expenses for medical reasons, so I’m glad we don’t charge to treat nausea and seasickness.”

  “One hundred and fifty dollars to see a physician can really put a damper on vacation money,” Gabrielle said.

  Cameron nodded. “I hear you. Running the infirmary is expensive. It just can’t be done for free. There are items we don’t charge for, though.” He began to feel that his remarks may be inappropriate. “I probably shouldn’t be talking about this, but it does get under my skin.”

  Cameron thought about the number of patients he’d seen break down and cry when they were handed a large bill to sign, after being told the medical fees would be charged to their credit card.

  The conversation was halted between Gabrielle and Cameron when they heard the rest of the staff reporting for duty. The two doctors walked out into the reception area to let the others know they were there. As the crew stood around making small talk and working on their assigned tasks at the same time, patients began to walk through the doors.

  The clinic once again became a flurry of activity. Within minutes every staff member available was attending a patient.

  After taking the blood pressure of one passenger, Gabrielle frowned. “Have you been diagnosed with high blood pressure or hypertension? If so, how long ago was it?”

  “High blood pressure,” the older man responded. “I was diagnosed several years ago.”

  Gabrielle perused the name of his medicines from the medical history. “Have you been taking your blood pressure medication?”

  “I went off and left it at home,” he confessed with regret.

  Gabrielle held up one finger. “Give me a minute. I’ll be right back.”

  * * *

  She found Cameron in one of the treatment rooms and politely asked him to step out. Once he had followed her into the hall, she handed him the medical record and explained the medication issue.

  Cameron glanced over the chart. “It’s a regular stock item. Give him enough doses to last him the duration of the cruise. One of the nurses will issue him an invoice and receipt.” Cameron paused. “If you don’t have plans for dinner, I’d love to have you join me in my cabin.”

  Gabrielle managed not to blush. Should she or shouldn’t she?

  “I’d really like that.” She smiled softly. “Thanks, Cameron.” She popped her head into the treatment room and made eye contact with his patient. “Sorry for the interruption, ma’am.”

  After reaching the front desk, Gabrielle informed Morris and Candi of Cameron’s order. “He’ll need enough meds to last him through disembarkation. I’ll write up the medical chart, sign it and return it for billing.” Without further comment, she went back to her patient.

  * * *

  Back in her suite, seated on the sofa, Gabrielle couldn’t get her shoes off quickly enough. As comfortable as her sneakers were, her feet still ached. She was used to standing for hours on end, but all the rapid moving about she’d done inside the clinic had aggravated the soles of her feet. It was nothing that a good soak wouldn’t take care of.

  She felt extremely good about her first and second workday. Everything had run rather smoothly for her. She hadn’t encountered a single problem that she hadn’t handled easily.

  Cameron had paid her a high compliment after closing hours. He had sincerely praised her on a job well done and it had made her smile. The other new crewmembers had also received votes of confidence—he was clearly pleased with their admirable job performances.

  Dr. Quinn was a boss who made sure his staff’s morale was up. However, Gabrielle was kind of surprised that he hadn’t already tackled the issue of Joseph’s lateness. Wondering why he’d put it off for so long, she planned to ask him about it.

  Gabrielle was delighted that Cameron had invited her to have dinner with him in his cabin. Perhaps he wanted them to become better acquainted as coworkers. To think he had any romantic notions about her was probably a bit premature and even arrogant. She now knew that he was indeed her next-door neighbor. With their balconies side by side, Gabrielle had an idea it could get pretty interesting under certain circumstances. Romantic notions or not, she couldn’t have been more excited about dining with Cameron in his cabin. The evening would be very stimulating any way she looked at it.

  Chapter 3

  Gabrielle had dressed very carefully for the evening. She wore a curve-hugging navy dress and strappy sandals. Her hair hung loose again, but this time she pinned one side back with a decorative pin. She caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror inside Cameron’s suite, but she was more focused on how he looked.

  It was always hard for her to keep her eyes off him. He looked amazing in a pair of Calvin Klein jeans. The short-sleeved black polo shirt he wore was trimmed in white on the sleeves and collar and fitted to a tee his broad chest and ironclad muscles. On his feet he wore a pair of casual leather sandals in black.

  The furnishings in his suite were very different from hers. Not only was the room much larger, Gabrielle considered his quarters to be more plush. As he was the commander, she understood why his accommodations were well above standard.

  Cameron opened a bottle of red wine and set it on the beautifully decorated table. Besides the Wedgwood place settings and crystal stemware, colorful silk flowers nested in a wicker basket. Several unscented votive candles burned in frosted, square-shaped holders. Soft music drifted from overhead speakers. She couldn’t help but be affected by the cozy, romantic atmosphere he had created.

  Right after he’d entered his cabin from a hard day’s work, Cameron had called guest services, which handled all special requests from employees who held key positions. Crewmembers in high profile positions received special treatment.

  Cameron had placed an order for a couple of different pasta entrées, along with fresh garden salads and a variety of hot dinner rolls. It was just a matter of minutes before delivery time.

  Gabrielle looked impressed with his skills. “The table looks lovely. I love the silk flower centerpiece and the votive candles.”

  “Thank you. My mother made the centerpiece. She’s very creative with her hands and loves dabbling in arts and crafts. She and my father indulge in lots of fun classes and outings, and they also sign up for group trips for

  “Mrs. Quinn knows her stuff when it comes to arranging flowers. It’s good for couples to take creative classes together and socialize with folks they have something in common with. It tends to spice up the marriage. I remember when my mom and dad enrolled in Pilates at a local spa.”

  There was a knock on the door, and Cameron excused himself.

  As he scurried across the room, Gabrielle trained her eyes on his fine physique, wondering what it’d be like to be wrapped up in his strong arms. Just imagining herself in his arms had her gulping hard.

  Cameron opened the door and warmly greeted the waiter. He then stepped aside to allow him to push through the doorway a table with two trays on it and an array of other items.

  The waiter busied himself setting out the food, including desserts, which consisted of thick wedges of chocolate cake with double fudge icing and two slices of baked apple pie. Once the waiter transferred everything to Cameron’s table, he wished the couple a good evening and rapidly departed.

  Cameron pulled out a chair for Gabrielle, which was to the left of the head of the table. “Let’s eat while everything is piping hot.” He smiled knowingly, hoping she’d approve of another surprise he’d arranged for her.

  Gabrielle sniffed the air, appreciating the delicious smell. “I’m all for that.”

  For the first few minutes the couple ate in silence, each savoring the delicious taste of spaghetti simmered in marinara sauce, mixed with thin slices of zucchini and asparagus cuts. Each entrée had been cooked to perfection.

  Gabrielle lifted her head and looked at Cameron. “This is the best pasta I’ve ever eaten. The marinara sauce is divine. I can’t believe it comes from room service.”

  Cameron grinned. “I made a special request to guest services, which is a different department. Have you read up on all the amenities available to you?”

  Gabrielle shook her head. “Not really. There’s so much stuff to read and very little time to get it done. Can you share some of what you know?”

  “I’d love to,” he said. “There are some wonderful amenities, such as free spa treatments and membership in the athletic club. As doctors, we get many special entitlements, but they vary depending on the status of your position. Since I’m a medical commander, my civilian ranking is higher than that of a staff physician. And your position as a senior physician is also higher than a staff physician, but not quite the same as mine. But the ranking is mostly based on work experience.”

  Gabrielle laughed. “I’d better get back to reading my manuals. The way these standings are handled can create a bit of controversy. Holding one position in higher esteem than another doesn’t seem fair.”

  Cameron shrugged. “I don’t make the policies, Gabrielle. I merely use the ones most beneficial to me. After you’re on staff for a while, you’ll understand the method to the madness. Let’s face it, our jobs require more out of us than most.”

  “I can agree with that,” she conceded.

  “We sure as hell worked hard enough to get where we are. Just try to enjoy the perks you’ve earned. Practicing medicine can also be a thankless job. Some patients have no compunction about giving us hell.”

  She shrugged. “Maybe I’m a little too defensive.”

  Gabrielle continued eating, but she couldn’t stop thinking about what he’d said. It seemed hypocritical to pit employees against each other based on professions.

  With his eyes riveted on Gabrielle, Cameron took a sip of wine, which wouldn’t have much effect on him, since he was already intoxicated by the beauty of the woman seated at his table. “You’ll have a few hours free when we dock in Nassau. Do you plan to get off the ship?”

  She lifted an eyebrow. “I sure hope to. I’ve read brochures on the ports we’ll make and I’d like to check them out. Are you going ashore?”

  Cameron relaxed back in his seat. “It depends on what’s happening in the clinic at the time. There are a lot of great shops close to the dock, so I normally run around the area and pick up whatever I need during lunch. I’ve already explored the Parisian Paradise’s ports of call.”

  Her eyes widened with excitement. “I bet they’re fascinating! I want to see the white beaches and sorbet-colored buildings I read about. And I’d love to sample the local food.”

  “Good choices. If I can swap a couple of hours with someone else, I’ll show you around. We’ll hire a cab because we won’t have time for full tours. If I get the opportunity to go ashore, we can’t go too far afield.”

  “Understood.” She giggled. “I’m excited. I just might have my own personal tour guide, the amazing Dr. Cameron Quinn. Can it get any better than this?”

  Cameron laughed at her teasing remarks. “Go ahead and have your fun at my expense. I have pretty thick skin, Dr. Grinage.” He liked seeing her enjoying herself.

  When Gabrielle had giggled like a schoolgirl, he’d found it enchanting. Her sparkling personality made him wish he could spend more time in her company. If spending time with her wasn’t so dangerous… He purposely killed further thoughts. He simply couldn’t afford to indulge in fantasies. Having her invading his dreams was bad enough.

  * * *

  As soon as dinner was finished, Cameron got to his feet. “Why don’t you have a seat on the sofa? I’ll clear the table then join you. We can eat our dessert whenever you’re ready.”

  Gabrielle nodded. “That’s fine with me.” She pushed her chair back and got up. Helping him clear the table crossed her mind, but she thought better of it. He hadn’t asked for assistance.

  Instead of taking a seat, Gabrielle walked over to the balcony door and just stood there, peering out into the darkness. The only thing that could be seen was the brilliant show of lights in the sky. As she thought about the length of time she’d be away from home, she realized how much she would miss her family.

  Five months was a long time not to see her loved ones, but being away would be longer and lonelier without a significant other. After Jordan, she hadn’t dated seriously. Although she was a survivor and quickly adapted to new circumstances, she hated loneliness.

  Gabrielle gave thought to Cameron’s balcony right next to hers. The solid wall between the two spaces kept prying eyes at bay, but she wondered how he’d react if he somehow saw her sunning in the nude. The balconies were private enough to accommodate nude sunbathing, and her body loved to drink in the sun.

  Cameron walked up behind her but kept a fair amount of space between them. “What are you thinking?”

  Gabrielle decided to shock him with the truth. “How much I love to sunbathe naked.”

  “Me, too.” He swallowed hard, fighting off an image of her naked body. “I like feeling the sun on my body, but I’m careful not to overdo it.”

  “The sun feels awesome, though.” She felt hot color rise in her cheeks, relieved that she wasn’t facing him. Her expression would’ve shown her embarrassment even though she was the one who’d picked the intimate topic.

  “I guess I can take that to mean you indulge in sunbathing in your birthday suit?”

  “You guessed right.” She tossed her head back and looked up at him.

  Cameron inched his way a little closer to her. He would have liked nothing better than to wrap his arms around her from behind and rest his chin atop her head. Catching a whiff of her scent, he inhaled deeply. She smelled like the sweet, exhilarating perfume from gardenia blossoms.

  To keep from backing up into him and guiding his arms around her waist, she moved away and sat down on the sofa. The strong chemistry between them felt almost flammable. As sweat formed between Gabrielle’s breasts, she became hot and bothered. A cold shower would do nothing to calm the singeing heat she felt.

  If he touched her, she knew her body would melt from the fiery contact. As he’d pointed out things to her in the clinic, she’d noticed his hands. He had long, lean fingers—and she was positive they knew their way around a woman’s body.

  Cameron took a seat on the sofa, but he aga
in didn’t get too close. Fighting his physical desire for Gabrielle was more than a battle. She had more sex appeal than any one woman should lay claim to. Keeping his distance was the only way to counter his strong desire for her. “Are you missing your family?”

  Gabrielle pursed her lips. “Of course I do, but not to the point of misery. My family has always lived in the same city, but I’ve been away from home plenty of times.”

  “Mom and Dad wish I’d put down roots in one place. They hope I’ll return to Houston for good, but I haven’t been able to promise that. I’m like a nomad. I love to wander to distant places and foreign lands.”

  Gabrielle sighed. “Your bio said that you love world travel. I’ll eventually go back to Galveston and practice medicine in the same communities my parents once worked in.”

  “What does your boyfriend think of you taking a medical post on a cruise ship?”

  “He doesn’t.” Gabrielle hoped he didn’t delve any deeper into the subject of a boyfriend; she was content to just leave it at that. She had no desire to talk about the nonexistence of a man in her life. Discussing her previous relationships would no doubt evoke some degree of pain.

  Gabrielle could tell by Cameron’s expression that her reluctance to talk about her love life hadn’t been lost on him. Thinking it was best for her to go, she stood. She didn’t want things to get too personal. Leaving was a good way to avoid it.

  Cameron’s on-call cell phone rang and he rapidly removed it from his belt. “Dr. Quinn.”

  To give him privacy, Gabrielle got up and wandered back to the balcony door.

  “Cabin 1063, right away,” he assured the caller, his brow furrowed with concern.

  He put his phone away and walked over to her. “Gabrielle, there’s an emergency. Chest pains. I need you to assist me. Please get the crash cart and portable EKG machine from the clinic and meet me in cabin 1063, tenth deck, starboard side. Bring supplies for blood and urine samples and also bring several nitroglycerine tabs.”

  “Right away,” Gabrielle responded.

  Glad she had transferred the clinic keys to her evening purse, Gabrielle rushed from Cameron’s cabin and headed for the elevators. This was her first shipboard emergency and she hoped it’d go well.


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