Waves of Passion (Kimani Romance)

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Waves of Passion (Kimani Romance) Page 5

by Linda Hudson-Smith

  * * *

  Gabrielle arrived at cabin 1063 in mere minutes. As a precautionary measure, the first thing Cameron had the patient do was place a nitroglycerine tablet under his tongue. For the third time, he put his stethoscope to the passenger’s bare chest and listened intently to his heart. He then rechecked his lungs. Both organs sounded distress free.

  Gabrielle administered the EKG. Once the test was completed, Cameron read the results.

  “Mr. Gates, what did you have for dinner?” Cameron asked. The man’s heart was healthy and Cameron had determined it wasn’t responsible for his chest discomfort.

  The older man rattled off what he’d eaten in the dining room. Without any prompting from Cameron, he went on to say what he’d had for breakfast, lunch and snacks.

  “I’m not a spring chicken, but I live an extremely active lifestyle. Overeating at every meal is pretty much the norm for me. I’m a big guy with a voracious appetite,” Mr. Gates said.

  Mrs. Gates hadn’t said a word since she’d said hello at the door. Cameron noticed how pinched her face looked. She appeared worried, anxious and tired. He wished he could reassure her about her husband’s health, but he couldn’t, not until he had final results.

  Cameron frowned. “Your fatty diet tells me a lot, sir. This problem may very well be a bad case of indigestion, but we can’t be certain. Gastritis can produce severe chest pains, mimicking signs of a heart attack. I’d like to take blood and urine samples to complete testing. We must err on the side of caution. Think you can give us a urine sample?”

  Mr. Gates shrugged. “I can.”

  Gabrielle stepped forth and handed him a plastic bag with a sample urine kit. “We’ll draw your blood when you return.”

  Mr. Gates looked closely at Gabrielle. “You look mighty young. In fact, you both do. But I hear that young doctors are up on the latest in medical research, so I don’t mind.”

  Cameron and Gabrielle smiled with understanding. They knew that young doctors were often questioned and challenged by older patients. Some elderly people preferred a well-seasoned physician, the older the better. Nevertheless, Cameron and Gabrielle were relieved that this patient felt comfortable.

  Cameron took time to pack up the testing supplies while he waited for Mr. Gates to return to the room, grateful that the crash cart hadn’t been necessary. Mrs. Gates still looked stressed out. He hoped he’d be able to speak with her soon to share good news.

  Out of earshot of Mrs. Gates, Gabrielle conferred with Cameron. “Do you think indigestion is more than likely our diagnosis?”

  He shrugged. “Too early to call, but it’s feasible. His heart rhythms are steady and strong. The EKG was negative and his blood pressure is only slightly elevated. We still have to go through all the motions to make sure we get it right. We’re far out at sea and the ship won’t dock for another full day.”

  Gabrielle briefly placed her hand on Cameron’s upper arm. “We’ve drawn the same conclusions. I noticed you didn’t order blood gases.”

  Cameron frowned. “I didn’t want to go to the extreme with a negative EKG and the absence of erratic heartbeats. Once his blood is drawn, we’ll do STAT testing in the clinic.”

  * * *

  Inside the clinic, Gabrielle brewed coffee while Cameron set up the equipment for testing the samples they’d collected. He truly believed indigestion was the culprit, but he had to be sure.

  This passenger needed to reduce his fat intake, regardless, but he’d gotten the impression that sound medical advice would simply fall on deaf ears.

  This man loved to eat and had proudly told how much and how often he ate. Cameron had already decided which medications he’d prescribe to treat Mr. Gates if a gastro diagnosis was confirmed.

  While Cameron waited for the test results, Gabrielle returned to the lab with two plastic cups of coffee. She set both cups on a nearby shelf. “There’s some coffee over here for you when you can take a break.”

  “I may as well drink it now while I’m waiting for the results. Is it black?”

  “I saw how you take your coffee. I pay close attention to detail, remember?”

  He grinned. “You’re good at that. You catch on easy. I like that about you, Gabrielle.”

  “Do you remember how I take mine?”

  “Two packets of artificial sweetener and a dry or liquid creamer.” Sure that he’d gotten it right, he looked proud of himself.

  She looked surprised that he actually knew the answer. “You keep on impressing me.”

  “It’s not that big of a deal. Like you, I pride myself on paying attention.” He walked over to the shelf and picked up the cup of coffee and took one quick swig. “Not bad. Maybe we should make you the official coffeemaker.”

  “That’d be great if I went to school for eight years just to make coffee.”

  “Just kidding, Gabrielle.”

  Her smile was flirtatious. “Nothing to forgive, Cameron. I can take a joke or two.”

  The completion alarm sounded on one of the testing devices. Cameron set down his cup and went to retrieve the readout. Gabrielle followed along behind him.

  As Cameron took his time to decipher the urine result, he smiled knowingly. “The urine test is fine. If the blood comes back okay, I’ll treat him for a gastrointestinal problem and recommend he see a gastroenterologist when he gets home.”

  “Good idea. Are you going back to their cabin to give them the results?”

  “In this case, since it’s good news, a phone call will do. Then we can get out of here.”

  Gabrielle stifled a yawn. “If you don’t mind, I’d like to leave now. I’m pretty tired.”

  “Okay. I’ll see you in the morning. Are you sure you’ll be fine getting back alone?”

  She laughed at his remark. “I come to work by myself and I was alone when I retrieved the equipment and supplies. Don’t worry. I know how to get back to my cabin.”

  “You can’t fault a guy for trying.” Cameron chuckled. “Thanks for the help. Good night.”

  “Good night,” she said, as she rushed out of the door.

  Cameron hid his disappointment. He’d hoped they could continue their evening, but the emergency had interfered.

  * * *

  Gabrielle felt like kicking herself as she paced the floor in her cabin. It wasn’t even nine o’clock, yet she’d given up on extending their evening. The first part of it had gone so well. And what had he meant by saying ‘you couldn’t fault a guy for trying’? Trying what?

  Cameron’s earlier mention of a boyfriend had set her teeth on edge and it shouldn’t have. She hated talking about her heartbreaking experience because it just seemed plain crazy to keep rehashing the painful details.

  A man who was all into himself would never be able to give enough attention to anyone else. After it had all been said and done, she had eventually come to the realization that she hadn’t been in love with Jordan. In fact, she had disliked him and his deceitful ways immensely.

  She quickly made up her mind to just tell Cameron about the bad experience and get it out of the way. It wasn’t like they’d ever have a love connection anyway. An attraction, yes, but that was its final destination, no matter how hot the chemistry sizzling between them.

  The phone rang and Gabrielle just stared at it for several seconds, wondering who was on the other end of the line. She didn’t want to respond, but she had to. Although it wasn’t her on-call cell ringing, it still could be a call for help. She reached for the phone’s receiver and picked it up. “Hello.”

  A couple seconds of silence ensued. “It’s Cameron. Are you okay? You left the clinic so abruptly. Is something wrong?”

  The lump in her throat wouldn’t go away, no matter how hard she swallowed. Cameron sounded sincere and she had to find a way to let him know it wasn’t his fault.

  “I’m just tired. Don’t blame yourself for anything.” She thought about what she’d promised herself she’d do.

  Was now the right time?

>   She cleared her throat, hoping her voice didn’t sound weak. “Listen, Cameron, let me get a bit of my past out of the way. I was once hurt very badly by someone I thought cared about me, and it took me a long time to realize that I hadn’t really loved him. You asking me about a boyfriend made me revisit the past, and the memories upset me. But I’ll answer your question now. I’m not involved with anyone. Plain and simple, I don’t have a boyfriend.”

  It’s out. I’ve come clean. It’s up to him to believe me or not.

  “Sorry I upset you. I hope I can make it up to you. I’d love to hang out for another hour or so. No pressure, I promise. Is coming to your cabin right now bad timing?”

  Gabrielle smiled. “Your timing couldn’t be more perfect. I’ll be waiting.”

  Cameron smiled broadly. “Good. I’ll be there in a jiffy.”

  * * *

  With a big smile on her face, Gabrielle opened the door for Cameron. “I’m glad we’re continuing our evening. Sorry I almost ended it.”

  His forefinger briefly caressed her cheek. “Don’t sweat it. We all have history that causes pain or a past we’re not proud of. I’ve been involved in an emotional breakup, so I know what it’s like.” He handed her a foil-wrapped package. “It’s the desserts we didn’t eat earlier.”

  “Thanks.” Gabrielle put the baked goods on the kitchen counter then came back and sat on the sofa. She wanted to ask him more about his breakup, but she quickly decided not to. Just as his query had caused her to reflect on her painful past, he could experience the same emotions.

  He took a seat next to her. This time he didn’t make an issue of distance. “Your expression tells me you have a lot of questions. I bet you’re too polite to ask me about my bad breakup, so I’ll just tell you the story.”

  Cameron was quiet for several seconds, then he sighed hard.

  “Falling for Amanda Abraham was one of the biggest mistakes of my life,” he confessed. “She’s a physician I worked in the same medical group with.”

  Cameron went on to tell Gabrielle that Amanda was a beautiful woman who loved to openly flirt with men. Even after they’d supposedly become exclusive, her appetite for male attention didn’t diminish. He had eventually learned from her that she’d been on the rebound when they’d first met. Amanda had lived with another doctor for three years prior to dating Cameron—and then she’d gone back to her ex-boyfriend without bothering to tell him.

  “Amanda’s ex showed her no respect whatsoever. He constantly cheated on her and they’d had issues with domestic violence. I tried to help her, but I couldn’t. I finally figured out she was into bad boys, the superbad ones.” He shrugged. “I simply didn’t fit the description.”

  Gabrielle’s eyes filled with empathy. “Of course you didn’t. Both women and men can get caught up in relationships with cheating and abusive tendencies. I don’t get it, but they obviously do.”

  “I’d never mistreat anyone. I don’t have a mean bone in my body. I’d rather walk away from someone than stay and hurt them.”

  Even though she felt the same as he did on the subject of dating, his words hit her like a ton of bricks. “You’re very sweet. I picked that up about you right away. I’m sorry you were hurt.”

  “Thank you for saying that. But if anything, I’m too caring.”

  Gabrielle shook her head. “You’re fine, just the way you are. Any woman who earns your respect and love should consider herself extremely lucky.”

  “Thanks again.” Cameron smiled weakly. “You said that you really didn’t love him. What’s his name and why did you think you were in love?”

  Gabrielle bit down on her lower lip to stop its trembling. “Dr. Jordan Jacobs did everything he could to get me to trust him. Once I did, he gave me every reason not to.”

  As she explained to Cameron what a jerk Jordan had turned out to be, she surprisingly released some things she didn’t know she still held inside. Anger was an emotion she had a hard time dealing with. She’d been taught to never carry rage to bed or into the next day. Her parents had taught her to work through her pain reasonably and to never let it fester within.

  “Your parents sound wise. Anger isn’t something I give in to easily, either. It takes a lot to get me there. My back has to be literally against the wall,” Cameron said.

  “I’m not an angry person, either, but Jordan could make my blood boil. Unlike Amanda, I didn’t allow anyone to disrespect me. At least, I thought I didn’t. My biggest problem is that I’m a sore loser. And I’m not a quitter. I stayed around as long as I did because I didn’t want to concede defeat. I hate feeling like a failure, but it was Jordan who had failed.”

  Cameron fought the desire to take her hand. She looked so vulnerable and about ready to cry. “What eventually made you get out of the relationship?”

  “It’s hard to be with a guy who puts himself first all the time, yet I stayed. I got out because I realized I didn’t love him. More than that, I didn’t even like him. Still, I let him trample me.”

  Cameron’s eyebrows lifted. “Trample you? I can’t imagine it.”

  “Try to imagine people stomping grapes to make wine. Jordan stomped on me and everyone else in his path.”

  “But you won in the end. You kicked him hard to the curb, right?”

  Gabrielle couldn’t help laughing. “I embedded him in it, like it was wet concrete. Jordan realized too late that no one gets away with stomping on me. Before I’d treat him like he did me, I chose to get out.”

  “What did your brothers think of how you were treated?”

  “You really don’t want to know. My brothers possess iron fists like lethal weapons. I did Jordan one last favor. I kept my brothers off him.”

  Cameron and Gabrielle laughed.

  Finally Gabrielle blew out a breath of relief. “I’m ready for dessert. What about you?”

  “You bet. I worked up an appetite just by opening up to you then hearing your own story. If you don’t mind, I’d like a slice of pie and cake.”

  “Coming right up.” Gabrielle got to her feet. “Coffee?”

  “The mug I had in the lab was the last coffee of the night for me. I rarely drink anything with caffeine this late. Do you have milk?”

  Gabrielle smiled. “I’ll bring you a glass. Be right back.”

  She placed two slices of apple pie and a wedge of chocolate cake onto a dessert plate, poured a glass of milk, then placed everything on a plastic tray and carried it over to the coffee table.

  Cameron stood and took the tray from her. “Mind if we eat out on the balcony?”

  “That’s a great idea.”

  Gabrielle followed Cameron out the door and onto the balcony. She sat down on one of two chairs. The swirling trade winds were warm. It was a balmy night, a perfect evening for enjoying the outdoors. Romance was in the air, but she couldn’t go there, not even in her thoughts. She had to take seriously their rules about dating coworkers. Yet thoughts of him kissing her had a near-tangible impact on her. It was as if she could feel his lips on hers.

  Good luck controlling your constant, torrid thoughts of Cameron.

  Taking a lighter from his pants pocket, Cameron picked up a tall candleholder from the table and lit the pillar candle inside. The yellowish-orange flame came to life, glowing brightly. He couldn’t help noticing how the light had settled on her lovely face, causing it to glow also. Her angelic expression made him think she appreciated the candlelit atmosphere he’d created.

  Reining in his thoughts, Cameron served the dessert dishes.

  The first bite of cake tasted scrumptious to Gabrielle. “Wow! I can’t help but sing praises to the pastry chef. This cake is so fresh and moist, and the fudge icing is just right.”

  “Glad I chose the right desserts.” After taking a forkful of pie and putting it into his mouth, he moaned with pleasure. “You should try the apple pie. It’s delicious.”

  Without thinking about it, he put more pie on his fork and held it up to Gabrielle’s mouth.
  The intimate gesture surprised her. Their eyes met and locked and an unexpected moment of intense passion flared between them. Cameron and Gabrielle found it difficult to break the trance they’d fallen into.

  She took a bite of the offered dessert—to do otherwise might’ve hurt his feelings. “It’s every bit as good as the cake. The crust is so light and flaky. I’ll eat my slice of pie for lunch tomorrow, unless you’d like to have it. I’m more than willing to give it up. “ Gabrielle bit down on her lip, wishing she could take the suggestive words back.

  “One slice of pie is enough for me. I don’t normally eat sweets this late,” Cameron said. “But I occasionally eat a piece of fruit before I go to bed.”

  “I’m not a late-night eater, either,” said Gabrielle.

  A wild night of making love with you could change all of that, Dr. Quinn. I’d probably be ravenous for something sweet…and not just food.

  Gabrielle ate the last bite of her cake. Then she felt a bit of chocolate icing lingering on her lips. As she discreetly licked it off, an immediate image of Cameron’s tongue sensuously removing the frosting made her blush. She felt fiery sensations down to the tip of her toes. Turning off intimate thoughts about him wasn’t easy.

  Cameron picked up the glass of milk and downed it. “That hit the spot.” He wiped his mouth with a napkin. “The milk was good and cold.”

  “I’m glad you enjoyed it. I enjoyed the dessert, but I can’t do this too often. All this gourmet food at my disposal 24/7 is kind of daunting. I’ll have to control my willpower.”

  Cameron laughed. “Or just get in plenty of exercise. The fitness center is fully equipped and has the most modern exercise equipment available. And there are times when you may be too busy to eat. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve missed meals.”

  “You can always call room service,” Gabrielle countered.

  “Not when I’m in the middle of a case and bone tired. Once the patient is stable, all I want to do is shower and fall into bed. Ask the veteran staff. They’ll tell you. Food is never a priority for us when our passengers are in need of medical care. They come first.”


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