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Waves of Passion (Kimani Romance)

Page 9

by Linda Hudson-Smith

  Gabrielle smiled thoughtfully. “It’s been interesting. I haven’t had any difficulties with my work, and I love meeting people.”

  Although I am having difficulty trying hard not to fall madly in love with the ship’s gorgeous medical commander.

  The wine was delivered and poured.

  Cameron lifted his glass in a toast. “A toast to each of us. I’d also like to propose a toast to Gabrielle on adjusting to sea life so quickly. Rarely does anyone find it easy, but you seem just fine with it. Cheers.”

  Everyone touched their glasses together.

  At Cameron’s suggestion, he and Gabrielle perused one menu together.

  Gabrielle looked over at Cameron and smiled. “I think I’ll go with the much lighter halibut. I’m sure it will be scrumptious.”

  Cameron nodded. “I think I’ll have something light too.” He looked at the other couple. “Have you guys chosen your meals yet?”

  Tristan nodded. “We have. If you two are ready to order, I’ll call the waiter.”

  Cameron gestured for him to be his guest.

  Thirty minutes had passed by the time the two couples had finished the last course of the meal then desserts, and everyone appeared full and satisfied. Now it was time to walk off a few of those extra calories.

  Cameron stood and held out his hand to Gabrielle, helping her out of the booth.

  She smiled softly. “I could use a little exercise.” She looked down at her watch. “The show won’t start for thirty or forty minutes. Do you guys want to walk with us?”

  “We’re going to hit the casino for a few minutes,” Tristan answered. “Save us a seat.”

  “You got it,” Cameron assured. “See you in the theater.”

  “Good luck at the casino,” Gabrielle said. “See you soon.”

  Cameron took Gabrielle by the hand and they strolled toward the exit. The admiring eyes watching Cameron and Gabrielle weren’t lost on him. Diners and crewmembers gave them knowing smiles, no doubt thinking they were an item. No one, not even them, really knew what was between them, but he wished the distance between them would disappear. His deep affection for her was continuing to grow.

  Five minutes outside the door, the ship’s photographer tried to entice them to pose for him.

  “It’s up to the lady. What do you think, Gabrielle?”

  “I’d love to have my picture taken with you. Are you okay with it?”

  Cameron’s response was to put his hand lightly on her back and guide her toward the beautiful beach setting the photographer was using as a backdrop.

  Gabrielle felt the heat on her bare back from Cameron’s hand. With him so close to her she could feel his breath. As his fingers drew circles on her back with the tips of his nails, the heat intensified, making her wish they were off alone, somewhere very private.

  The photographer was animated as he placed their hands and heads together. “You two are an amazing-looking pair.”

  Close enough to kiss Cameron full on the mouth, she took a deep breath. Instead of acting on her strong desire, Gabrielle used her imagination to execute the kiss.

  Moving back to his mark, the photographer flashed away with his camera, giving them instructions throughout the shoot. “On this last shot, sir, please look down into her eyes. And miss, please tilt your chin upward and look up at him as if he’s the only man in the world for you. That’s it. Beautiful! Smile like you just hit a big jackpot in the casino.”

  Their widened eyes locked together in an intense gaze, a private language all their own.

  The flaming fire in Gabrielle’s eyes had Cameron nearly hypnotized. Losing himself in their liquid beauty made him want to succumb to her every desire. He was so close to her face that he could actually see flecks of gold coloring in her eyes. The Gabrielle he’d come to know was an intelligent, compassionate, beautiful woman, with lovely eyes, a fabulous figure and the sweetest demeanor and engaging personality. Everything about her said she was a passionate woman, and he wanted to feel her brand of passion up close and personal.

  The photographer stopped snapping photos, which jarred them out of their intense connection.

  “Wow! This is one of the most natural photos I’ve taken this evening. You make a stunning pair. Be sure to look for your photos in the art gallery—they won’t be hard to find.”

  Cameron and Gabrielle thanked the photographer and stepped into the near empty theater.

  “Where do you want to sit?”

  Gabrielle smiled gently. “I like being down front where I can get a really good look at the details in the beautiful and colorful costume designs. When I was a teenager, I wanted to be a fashion designer.”

  Cameron grinned. “Well, you sure dress the part. I love what you’re wearing, and I’ve admired other outfits you’ve worn. People constantly check you out. It makes me proud to have you as my date.”

  Gabrielle smiled, but she had suddenly lost interest in the theater. “Would you be disappointed if we didn’t do the theater? I want to be free.”

  Cameron’s eyebrows shot up. “Free? What do you mean by free?” He hoped she didn’t want to be free from him. That would make him none too happy.

  “Instead of sitting in this theater for the next two hours, I’d like to continue our stroll around the ship. If we see something that catches our fantasy, we can do that. What do you think? I’ll send Marjorie a text about the change in plans.”

  He smiled, reaching for her hand. “I actually like spontaneity. Let’s get out of here!”

  Gabrielle always experienced a warm jolt of excitement when her hand was in his. The couple slowly walked the ship and she felt so at ease with him.

  As Gabrielle and Cameron came on the main deck, the calypso music, loud and funky, beckoned her. They took a couple more steps then she stopped and began dancing. She came out of her shoes and tossed them aside. Feeling the music flowing through her like liquid fire put her on a natural high, and the wild movements of her body caused her hair to fly like it was riding the tail of a kite.

  Gabrielle summoned Cameron with one hand. “Come on. How can you not feel this rhythm?”

  Cameron watched her tantalizing hip action for a couple of seconds more before he stripped off his shoes and socks, kicking them toward hers. His jacket came off a few seconds later then he undid a few buttons on his dress shirt. Pulling her toward him, he drew her close enough for their foreheads to touch. In the next second he twirled her away from him and spun her around and around. Their laughter rang out as they kept up with the fast pace of the music. Gabrielle circled him, shaking her hips like a hula dancer. She felt freer than ever before.

  Chapter 6

  Nearly two hours later Gabrielle still felt energized. She and Cameron had met back up with Marjorie and Tristan on the main deck just as their evening was winding down.

  Work was only several hours away for Gabrielle. No sooner would she get to sleep than the alarm clock would sound and send her off and running. However, she wouldn’t have given up this night for anything. The entire evening had been perfect so far, and her handsome date had had a huge hand in it. Cameron was as sincere and sweet as he was good-looking.

  Outside in the corridor, Marjorie pulled Gabrielle aside. “Tristan and I are going to the late-night buffet. Do you want to go? I’m asking you separately to keep from putting either of you on the spot.”

  Gabrielle shook her head. “I’m sorry, but all the vigorous activity has me nearing burnout, and my shoes probably won’t fit my swollen feet. I feel great, but I don’t want to get worn down completely.” Turning down the offer made Gabrielle feel bad, but she had to do what was best for her. Duty came first.

  Marjorie briefly took her hand. “Not a problem. We’ll have plenty of evenings to hang out. Tristan and I won’t be out too much longer.”

  Marjorie was also on duty tomorrow, so Gabrielle figured she probably had firsthand knowledge of how she felt. As the two women went their separate ways, they said good-night.

sp; Surprising Gabrielle, Cameron picked her up and carried her over to one of the deck chairs. He had retrieved her shoes. As his eyes deeply connected with hers, he slipped each shoe in place. “I can’t tell you how many trips I’ve sailed as the ship’s medical commander, but none has been this fun and exciting. I will carry the memory of this one until I’m too old to remember, and until then, I’m looking forward to recalling every minute. Thanks for bringing me stiff shots of wild and crazy thrills.”

  Gabrielle was speechless and slightly teary over how he’d bared his emotions. Her emotional state had to respond for her—and she hoped he knew the tears were happy ones. Cameron walked Gabrielle home. At the door, Cameron had to fight hard to hold back his desire to taste her inviting mouth. “Thanks for coming out with me. I really enjoyed your company.” Staring into her eyes was almost more than he could bear.

  Gabrielle gently put her hand on Cameron’s arm. “Thanks for asking me out. And you’re welcome. This evening was fantastic from beginning to end. I hope you never forget one moment of any of the time we’ve shared. I know I won’t. See you in the morning.”

  “I wish this night didn’t have to end. But all good things must come to an end, or so they say.”

  “I’m not sure I agree. I know all about endings. We’re only ending the evening, but we’re just beginning to build something fantastic between us, Cameron.” She shrugged. “I don’t know, but it seems like we have no control over what’s taken on a life of its own.”

  Cameron smiled broadly. “I love losing control in this instance. Only you could have been the one to put the fun and joy back in my intense life. On that note, I’ll say good-night.” His eyes showed his desire to spend the rest of the night holding Gabrielle in his arms.

  On tiptoes, Gabrielle pressed her lips against his right cheek then left, wishing she had the nerve to kiss his mouth instead. Friends now, but soon to be lovers clicked inside her head. Without further thought, she slipped her key card into the slot and went inside.

  Cameron stood in the hallway for several seconds before he moved next door.

  * * *

  Finished hanging up her formal attire, Gabrielle slipped on a black lacy nightgown. The sexy gown was perfect for the waves of desire she was experiencing. The simple kisses to Cameron’s cheeks had left her physically aroused. She felt incredibly sexy and desirable every time she was with him, and these wonderful feelings hadn’t happened to her in a long while.

  As she lay on the bed, she looked up at the ceiling and watched the fan go round and round. The slight whirring of the blades was hypnotic and lulled her into a peaceful state. It was hard to believe she felt this serene when her emotions were still getting roughed up pretty darn good. Her heart yearned madly for the man next door. The same man she should consider only her friend was much more than that to her. And that same man was also her boss. His attentiveness when he had slipped on her shoes had blown her mind.

  Tears slipped from her eyes. Coming aboard this ship might’ve been a huge mistake. Keeping herself from mixing love and labor was getting harder and harder by the second. She had to work with Cameron, but staying away from him after work hours would be painful and difficult. How could she ignore her feelings for the very person who’d led her back to hope and passion?

  Gabrielle hated the situation she found herself in, but she was not a quitter. Leaving the job was not an option. She would stay on until the end of her commitment, and her love for everything about the job would keep her strong. She saw how cruising could become addictive, but much more than cruising had her strung out. She was highly addicted to Commander Quinn.

  * * *

  Early the next morning, dressed only in undergarments, Gabrielle rushed out of the bathroom and picked up the phone. “Hello, Gabrielle here.”

  “Good morning.” It was Marjorie. “I know I’ll see you in the clinic, but the last couple of days before disembarkation can get crazy. There’s a private party tonight, and I’d like you to come.”

  “Where and when?” Gabrielle asked.

  “It hasn’t been finalized, but I’ll let you know before the end of the day. Is that okay?”

  “It is, but I’ll only be able to go for a short while. There are some personal things I’d like to do before we disembark and set sail for the new itinerary.”

  “Not a problem. I’ll see you in the clinic.”

  Gabrielle hung up the phone. After returning to the bathroom to finish getting ready for work, she thought about the party. She wasn’t much of a partygoer, but she had promised to open herself up to all sorts of new things since the first day of the cruise. She didn’t want to seem standoffish, and mingling with her coworkers would be a blast. It was the same way in private practice. The majority of the folks she hung out with were just like her: medical professionals.

  Finished with brushing her teeth and applying moisturizer to her face, Gabrielle left the bathroom and went into the alcove, where she put on makeup and sprayed on a light perfume. After slipping on her starched white uniform, she took a last glance in the mirror.

  She was now prepared for work, both mentally and physically.

  * * *

  By the time Gabrielle got to the clinic, the other staff members were present and accounted for. Even Joseph was there, which meant he’d gotten there ahead of the scheduled time.

  Gabrielle’s forehead creased with worry when she realized that the large group of patients was crewmembers. Had something bad happened? Perhaps they were there to get checked out before the ship sailed its next itinerary. It could be standard practice. If it was, she hadn’t read about it in the manual, nor had anyone mentioned it. She sighed, knowing she’d find out shortly. They were in Key West, which was the last stop. The ship wouldn’t be in port for long before heading back to sea for the trip back home.

  Cameron rapidly came down the hallway and turned the corner. Just as Gabrielle turned the same corner, the two doctors collided.

  As he reached out to keep her from falling, his tenderness caused her heart to race. The scent of his cologne brushed by her nose, and she inhaled it as if it was a part of him.

  Once Gabrielle was on solid footing, Cameron released his hold on her, wishing he didn’t have to. “Good morning. It’s great to see you. How’d you sleep last night?”

  Gabrielle chuckled. “I had to be in a deep one. It was the first time I didn’t wake up in the wee hours of the morning. I think I’m getting used to my new home.” The way I desperately want to get used to you being at my side.

  “Glad to hear it.” Slipping his hand under her elbow, he guided her down the hallway then directed her into his office and shut the door. He appeared somewhat disturbed. “We may have a real problem on our hands. I’m sure you saw the number of male crewmembers waiting to be seen.”

  Gabrielle put her hand under her chin. “How could I not see? What’s up?”

  “The two crewmembers I’ve spoken with have flulike symptoms, but it could also be an outbreak of something more serious. I’m waiting on blood results.”

  Gabrielle’s eyes widened. “Something that’s highly contagious?”

  Cameron shrugged. “It’s possible, but I wouldn’t say that to anyone but you until I had proof of it. It’s not terribly unusual for a foreign or domestic crewmember to bring TB on board. It always amazes me when it happens. The strict pre-employment physical includes lab work, X-rays and checking and updating inoculations. It’s no joke. But it stumps me how those infected manage to slide by. We’ve already picked up new crewmembers for the return home.”

  Gabrielle swiped her hand across her forehead. “I know we don’t want to spread panic, not without just cause. I hope it’s only the flu. It can spread quickly, but it’s the lesser of two evils. What should we do in the meantime?”

  He faced her and firmly placed his hands on her arms. “I don’t want you to do anything. Go into your office and stay there until I call you. We have to stay protected, but I don’t want to resort to masks
and sterile cover-ups and alarm everyone.”

  Gabrielle’s eyes thundered. “Please don’t ask me to do that. I’m a doctor, and I’ve taken the same oath as you. My place is with anyone who comes in for help. I’ll be up front in a minute.” Without waiting for Cameron to comment, she turned and walked away.

  Cameron stared after her. He was annoyed at her but not angry. He respected her and the position she’d taken. She was right—her allegiance was to the patient. Asking her to hide away in an office had been worse than insensitive. Cameron made a quiet promise to apologize before day’s end.

  * * *

  Although Gabrielle was offended by Cameron’s command, she wouldn’t let it interfere with her duty or their relationship. She had handled it the right way and had firmly stood her ground. As far as she was concerned, it was over and done with. She put her things away, slipped on a lab coat, and headed straight for the front nurses’ station.

  Her smile was as bright as a sunny day as she swung into the reception area. There was plenty of pep in her step, and her engine was revved up and ready to handle overdrive.

  The nurses had already taken vital signs of all the patients, including some new ones who’d showed up. Gabrielle checked the sign-in sheet and called the name of the next person. A young guy got to his feet.

  Gabrielle quickly ushered him into a treatment cubicle and onto the padded table. “Want to tell me your symptoms?”

  “I had a fever last night, but it’s even higher this morning. One minute I’m hot then I get cold chills.”

  Gabrielle looked up from writing in the medical record. “Do you have any coughing, runny nose, nausea, vomiting or sore throat?”

  “Dinner didn’t stay down last evening, but my chest is what I’m worried about. It’s tight and it’s hard for me to breathe at times. Every muscle is aching.”

  Gabrielle added more notes to the chart. “Your temperature is elevated. Blood pressure is fine. With your permission, we want to draw your blood for testing. Is that okay?”


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