Waves of Passion (Kimani Romance)

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Waves of Passion (Kimani Romance) Page 16

by Linda Hudson-Smith

  “Can you tell me what you’re thinking? Is it good or bad?”

  “It’s neither. I’m just making observations in my head.”

  “Cameron, you’re driving me crazy.”

  He sat up. “By thinking?”

  “By not telling me what you’re thinking,” she said in an exasperated tone.

  “Do you tell me everything you’re thinking?” He wasn’t surprised by her haughty voice. He’d heard it in the clinic when she’d confronted him about announcing their relationship.

  Gritting her teeth, she glared at him. “This isn’t funny.”

  “I don’t hear anyone laughing, Gabby.” Maybe this needed to happen, he thought. Perhaps he could get through to her if he could manage to break through the iceberg she’d freeze into when her insecurities hit.

  Cameron stiffened as Gabrielle tried to move off the bed. “Where are you off to in such a hurry?”

  She crossed her arms. “You’re the one who’s off to somewhere, commander. I’m home.”

  He smirked. “Are you asking or telling me to leave? But before you answer that, are you the same person who said you weren’t a little girl?”

  She didn’t like his tone. “Why are you asking me that now?”

  “Because you’re acting like a child, Gabby. And for no reason.”

  Gabrielle turned her head away from Cameron. She felt terrible but didn’t know how to put on the brakes to the crazy roller-coaster ride they were on.

  “Does the second in command give permission for the commander to leave?”

  “You’re the commander,” she shot back curtly.

  He busted up laughing. “Military service would’ve done your bad attitude some good. Now you got me acting childish, just like you.”

  Gabrielle turned over and pulled a face at him. “How’s that for childish?”

  “How’s this for manly? I’m the man, your man.”

  Cameron brought her head close to his. His lips burned a fiery path onto hers until he blazed a wildfire against her mouth. As she tried to push him away, he kissed her more passionately. Pinning her arms back to stop her flailing, he took full advantage of the lips he loved to taste and the woman he constantly craved. His tongue pushed its way past her clenched teeth and into her mouth. As he looped his tongue around hers, he kissed her deeper and deeper, hoping she’d give in to his endless desire for her.

  Unable to put up any more resistance, Gabrielle gave him what he wanted and what she couldn’t do without for another second. She kissed him back fiercely, hungrily, ravishing his mouth with hot, moist kisses. As he let go of her hands to wrap her tightly in his arms, she pushed her hand between them and toyed with the hair on his chest. She tweaked his hardened nipples between her two fingertips and heard his moans coming from deep within.

  He gently tilted her head. Wanting to capture her entire being, he kissed her neck and throat, delighted by the sweet taste of her soft, creamy skin. Perfume still lingered on her and he became enraptured by the scent of her heavenly fragrance.

  “If I tell you I’m sorry, will you forgive me?” Gabrielle whispered against his lips.

  “Try me.”

  “I’m sorry. I was a brat. Insecurities come at me unexpectedly, and I rarely fail to react.”

  He cupped her face. “You don’t have to be insecure around me. I’m a real man, baby, an extremely good one. I don’t do to people what I don’t want done to me.”

  “I was taught that and so were most people, but not everyone understands it.”

  He held her away from him and his eyes locked with hers. “That’s your problem. You confuse me with other men. I only know how to be me, the best me I can be. I’m no one else.”

  “I am confused a good bit of the time, but I know you’re a wonderful man. Still, I can’t help being scared. You’re the first man I’ve allowed in, and I want to be okay. Help me.”

  Leaning his head against hers, he kissed her tenderly. “I’m here, and only you can make me go away. I don’t want to go, Gabby. I want to stay.”

  She kissed his eyelids. “Then stay. Don’t let me send you away.”

  He grinned. “Did you really think I’d leave you alone in the mood you were in?”

  “Honestly?” She shrugged. “I wasn’t sure, but I want to be sure about you.”

  “A real man stays to help his lady through her struggles.”

  She laughed softly. “Don’t pinch me if this is a dream.”

  He put her hand up to his lips and kissed her fingertips. “I can be your dream man if you want, but I’m always for real.”

  Cameron’s on-call cell went off the moment the sweet words left his mouth. “We both know what that means. Looks like changing my schedule didn’t help.”

  He answered the cell phone and listened intently to what was said. “Get Philip to meet me there. I’m on my way.”

  Cameron hung up and stood quickly. “This one may take a while. Do you want me to come back?”

  “Let’s decide when you’re finished. Is there something I can do to help?”

  Nearly dressed, he leaned down and kissed her. “I’ll call if I need more help, but you’re not on call. Phillip is.”

  Cameron went to the door but came back and kissed Gabrielle three times before he had no choice but to leave. The emergency was in a cabin on the other side of the ship.

  Gabrielle had mixed emotions about Cameron leaving. On one hand, she’d miss him, but on the other hand, it’d keep them out of trouble awhile longer. Things had heated up again and she wasn’t sure how much longer her body could deny this crazy need for him.

  * * *

  There had been no word from Cameron since he’d kissed her goodbye after the emergency call. She felt out of sorts. She’d been pacing her cabin back and forth, in between the living room and bedroom alcove, and up and down the hallway leading to the front door. She looked at the clock for the umpteenth time. This was the longest emergency since she’d come aboard, and none of the other staff had any information on it.

  Where was Cameron? Was he okay? Why hadn’t he called to give her an update? He more than likely had his hands full. She assured herself that Cameron must be unable to call, otherwise she would’ve heard from him.

  Gabrielle opened the balcony door and went outside. The warm breeze engulfed her, and she leaned against the railing and watched the cresting waves. The sea wasn’t as calm as it had been earlier, but there was still no danger. She made it a point to keep up with the weather watch on the TV, where they gave updates on conditions every half hour. At least they weren’t in hurricane season—she’d lived under hurricane watches her entire life.

  Gabrielle sat down on the chaise lounge and tried to decide what she could do to keep busy. She’d already watched more television than she normally did, but just sitting around her cabin was driving her crazy. In the next instant she decided to change into running gear and jog on the uppermost deck of the ship.

  Jumping up from the chaise, she went back inside and headed straight to the dresser drawer, where she kept her jogging attire. She pulled out a pair of New Balance sneakers, which were comfortable to run in. She dressed in sleek black and gray spandex pants, a

  T-shirt and a hooded jacket. Once she tied her hair back with a scarf she was ready to go.

  She picked up her key card from the table and headed out the front door. Before leaving, she stepped back inside and left the hall light on. She’d come in to a darkened place too many times.

  Out the door now, she started out with an even stride and planned to break into a full jog once she got up on the track. Instead of taking the elevators to the top deck, she ran into the stairwell and took the first of five flights. She realized she’d forgotten her personal cell phone and thought about going back for it, but decided she didn’t need it.

  Coming through the stairwell doors on the top deck, she felt good enough to run around the track until she’d clocked a couple of miles. A relaxing soak in the on-deck Jacuzzi after
would keep her muscles from tightening up and further relax her and prep her for a good night’s sleep. She kept swimwear in a spa locker she had rented.

  “Hey, Gabrielle.”

  Gabrielle turned around and saw Marjorie and Tristan jogging right behind her. Instead of running back to them, she slowed her pace so they’d catch up with her.

  “Where’s the commander?” Tristan asked.

  Keeping up a good jogging pace, Gabrielle frowned. “He was on an emergency, but he’s been gone a long time. Am I worrying needlessly?”

  “No reason to worry.” Marjorie assured her. “We have emergencies on every cruise, some worse than others, but the emergency crew has always managed to get things under control.”

  “What are you and Tristan doing after jogging?”

  “We’re hanging out in the casino for a while. Want to join us?”

  “Thanks, I may do that. I want to soak in the Jacuzzi for a half hour or so, then I can go back to the cabin and get dressed.”

  Marjorie looked at her watch. “What about meeting us there at seven?”

  “I’ll see. If I don’t get there at seven, it’ll be soon after. Do you think I should call Cameron if he doesn’t call me?”

  “No, you shouldn’t. Sometimes emergencies are complicated, and you can trust him to call you when he’s free. He told Tristan and me that he’s got it bad for you.”

  Gabrielle’s eyes widened. “Was he serious or joking around?”

  “My friend, he was as serious as I’ve ever seen him. You feel like that about him?”

  “I must admit that I do. Cameron is special, and I believe in him.”

  “He’s the man to believe in. I’ve known him for a while, and you’re the only woman he’s shown any interest in since I’ve been here. He rarely socialized around the ship until you came.”

  Gabrielle sighed. “He’s pretty much told me that too. I’m so into him. Still, I get scared. He promised to help me through the troubled waters.”

  “Lean on him, and he’ll hold you up until you can stand on your own two feet.” As Marjorie pulled Gabrielle out of the way of other joggers, they slowed their pace. “I have to tell you something. I don’t know if Cameron knows this or not, but I heard from the ship’s grapevine that Amanda Abraham is allegedly aboard this ship.”

  Gabrielle was stunned. “That is some news. Do you think she’s his emergency?”

  “Don’t take yourself there. If he knew she was here, he would’ve told you. I believe that wholeheartedly. Cameron wouldn’t sneak around behind your back.”

  Gabrielle felt like her skin had turned ashy. Fear was tearing away at her resolve. “Look, I’m skipping the Jacuzzi soak and getting back to my cabin in case he needs me. If I don’t show at the casino, it’s because he and I are together.”

  Marjorie nodded. “Go with Cameron, Gabrielle. Put every ounce of your trust in him.”

  * * *

  Gabrielle rushed into her cabin and stripped away her clothing as she made it to her bed. The red light on the phone wasn’t flashing, which meant she had no messages. She planned to take Marjorie’s advice and wait for Cameron to call her. It was hours since she’d last seen him. When he’d asked her if she’d wanted him to come back, why couldn’t she have just given him an honest response? Of course she wanted him to come back.

  “Are you with Amanda, Cameron? I hope that you don’t even know she’s here. And I hope it’s nothing more than a silly rumor.”

  She knew she couldn’t hear the phone in the shower but she had to bathe. She was sweaty from running, and the water from the shower would mingle with her tears and help disguise them.

  * * *

  There still was no message from Cameron when she came out of the shower, feeling refreshed. Gabrielle sat down on the bed and turned on her brand-new Apple computer then searched for the name Amanda Abraham, M.D. Getting a look at Cameron’s last love interest was either going to satisfy her curiosity or make her wish she hadn’t dared to make this silly search.

  She knew Amanda was Cameron’s past, just as Jordan was hers. Cameron had said that to her so many times, but here she was digging up the past.

  “Oh, my goodness,” Gabrielle gasped, staring wide-eyed at Cameron’s ex-girlfriend. She was an exotic beauty and appeared to be a mix of Asian and African-American. Her dark, almond-shaped eyes were expressively beautiful; gorgeous, long black hair framed her oval face like a satin curtain. Gabrielle speed-read Amanda’s bio and educational and professional standings. “Impressive.”

  Feeling even more dismayed than before, Gabrielle closed the site and shut down her laptop.

  She gasped at the sudden knock on her door. Her hands trembled as she put them up to her mouth. She walked into the hallway, not sure she wanted it to be Cameron. Her reaction had more than likely come out of guilt over looking into Amanda’s history. She’d never reacted that way when a knock came of the door.

  There was another knock and she flinched. She turned back to her bed, realizing she was in no state to see anyone right then. Several minutes later, all was quiet outside her door.

  If his ex-girlfriend was on this cruise, Gabrielle didn’t know if she could stand it if Cameron wanted to see her again. It would hurt like hell. She wondered if the boyfriend Amanda had gone back to, the one she’d chosen over Cameron, was sailing with her. That would be an interesting mix, but it’d also mean they were still together. She smiled at the thought.

  She laid down on her bed, and tears spilled from her eyes. Fear shook her very foundation. Cameron had said he was a real man, the one who would stay when his lady struggled.

  What if his ex-lady was struggling and she needed him to stay and help her out? Would he consider helping her through it?

  You’re being such a fool, Gabrielle. You don’t have to fight for Cameron because he’s fighting for you and him. He’s also fighting for you to sever the past. You’re about to botch this relationship big time. And you don’t even know if Amanda’s really on this ship.

  Still, Gabrielle wasn’t quite ready to face him. Not in this chaotic state. Her nerves were raw, and there was no way she could hide her vulnerabilities from him. He would pick up on her fear and insecurities immediately. One look into her eyes would reveal to him that she was lost.

  Gabrielle got up from the bed in a hurry and ran into the bathroom, where she stripped out of her robe and hung it. She zoomed through the few steps back to the bedroom and got dressed in haste, then put on her makeup quicker than ever before. Then she grabbed an oversized white patent-leather bag and key card and left her suite. She couldn’t get out of her cabin fast enough. Being with other people would hopefully fill her mind with more pleasant things. Thinking about Cameron constantly wasn’t helping her to keep her mind off his past love.

  If they’d somehow gotten together, she’d die of a broken heart the moment she found out.

  * * *

  Gabrielle gracefully strolled into the casino, and the ringing bells and excited yelps instantly put her in a totally different mind-set. She checked around for Marjorie. Unable to find her, she continued to stroll through the room.

  “Hey, beautiful, what are you doing alone?” asked a hunky older gentleman with massive muscles. “You can hang out with me. I can teach you how to win big at the poker table.”

  She smiled softly. “I’m meeting friends. Thanks for the offer.”

  “Enjoy yourself, sweet cheeks,” he said, giving her a big, toothy grin before walking off.

  Gabrielle chuckled inwardly, wondering what she’d done to deserve the icky nickname.

  A colorful machine caught Gabrielle’s eye. It had a bunch of sevens decorated in red, white and blue stars and stripes. She looked around, as though she was checking out who was in the vicinity, then she plopped down on the stool. She pulled a hundred-dollar bill from her purse, and stared at it.

  Gabrielle couldn’t remember a thing Cameron had told her about how these games were played. She looked around again. The mus
cled guy just happened to pass by again, and she summoned him with a wave of her hand. “Can you help me?”

  “Of course I can. What you need? By the way, I’m Barry Cohen. What’s your name?”

  “I’m Gabrielle Grinage, and I need a real quick lesson in understanding how this slot machine works.”

  “If you’re not going to play all the pay-lines, it could turn out to be a waste of time. I suggest you pay all three lines. That’s seventy-five cents a pop.”

  Barry then told Gabrielle she could pull the arm down or just press in two small buttons to make one or two bets. The large button was for betting all pay-lines.

  “Go ahead and give it a whirl. I’ll stay here to see if you got it.”

  She held up the hundred-dollar bill. “If I put this in there, do I have to use it all?”

  “When you want to stop, just push the payout button.”

  “Thanks. You were a big help.”

  “Glad to oblige. You remind me of my beautiful daughter. She’s about your age and is just as pretty as you are. There’s a lucky man out there somewhere for both of you.” He threw up his hand and gave her a cheery farewell.

  Gabrielle was a fast learner, though she wished she had a ten or twenty to start out with. But this was a onetime deal, so she didn’t let it worry her. “Win or lose,” she said, chuckling.

  She played all three pay-lines. The screen told her how much money she’d lose or win. Three identical sevens came up draped in fancy sequined stars and stripes. Each seven stopped on the pay-line, and she knew she’d won but she had no idea how much. Then the bells started ringing, rapidly racking up her winnings.

  A woman came over to her and smiled. “You just won big. Congratulations! You’re looking at eighteen hundred greenbacks.”

  Gabrielle was astounded. “You’re kidding. Eighteen hundred dollars?”

  “Exactly right. If I were you, I’d take my money and fly this coop, sugar.”

  “I think I’ll take your advice.” Gabrielle noticed a light red ball on top of the machine. “What does that mean?”

  “Take your card over to the cage and someone will help you get your money loaded.”


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