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Page 3

by Chloe Cole

  She raised her face to his, her pupils dilating, her eyes growing wide enough to drown in. Swaying forward, she pressed into him until her soft, round breasts were flush against his chest. And just like that, all chivalrous thoughts of a gentle introduction into the art of kissing fled as a bolt of hot need blasted through him, setting his nerve endings on fire.

  A low growl escaped him as he slanted his mouth over hers, intent on nothing less than total possession.

  Please don’t let me wake up.

  That was her last coherent thought as Beau pressed his mouth to hers. His kiss was pure sin, hot, demanding. Her lips parted and his tongue slipped between them, tasting the tender inside of her bottom lip. A quiver swept through her as his fingers tightened on her hip, urging her closer. Desperate to oblige him, she arched forward, moaning into his mouth as his hard cock nudged her soft stomach.

  Her hands crept up to circle his waist and lock them tighter together. He groaned his approval deep in his throat, then nipped her lower lip sharply with his teeth. She gasped and he pulled back.

  “I’m so sor—”

  “No, no, I like it. Don’t stop.” She rose to her tiptoes and smashed her mouth against his, kissing him with all her might.

  The hand that had been massaging the back of her neck slipped into her hair, knocking the clip to the floor. She thrust her tongue mindlessly against his, wishing she could be closer, wishing she could touch his skin.

  His breathing was harsh in her ears, and the rise and fall of his chest against her breasts was slowly driving her mad. Her nipples strained against her bra, poking through the thin cotton separating them. God, she wanted his hands on her so badly. Almost as if she’d said it out loud, he released the iron grip on her hip and trailed his fingers upward. Over her side, then her rib cage, before tracing lightly over her breast.

  She froze, breath suspended as he paused. Cupping her fullness, he ran a thumb over the throbbing nipple and she jerked forward as the touch blazed a path from her breast to her pussy. Moisture flooded between her thighs and she swallowed a cry.

  Her heart was like a drum, pounding out a primal beat. A saxophone blared in time. She stilled. What—?

  Beau dragged his mouth from hers. “Your pocket. It’s coming from your pocket.” His voice was low and thick with need.

  She swallowed and stepped back, letting her hands fall away from his waist as she recognized the sound. Some Like it Hot by Robert Palmer. Her ring tone.

  “I’ve got to get it,” she mumbled and turned away. She jammed a shaking hand into her pocket and yanked out the phone. Peering at the screen, she grimaced as the number flashed. Quinn.

  She cleared her throat, ran a hand through her hair and said a little prayer of thanks it wasn’t Skype. “Hey, Quinn.”

  “Hey, Gigi. I tried to call Beau but he didn’t pick up. What time will you guys be here tomorrow?”

  She turned to face Beau and her knees nearly buckled. His face was tense with want, the evidence of his need straining the zipper of his jeans. She pinched her eyes closed. “What time are we getting them tomorrow?”

  “We’re going to give Randy a few hours to sleep before he has to get back behind the wheel, but we’ll be back on the road by four. Tell her we should be in the city by nine at the latest.”

  She relayed the information to Quinn then disconnected.

  Beau walked around the table and sat back in his chair without a word. He picked up his fork and started to eat, and after a minute, she joined him.

  Might as well get it over with. She met his gaze and resisted the urge to look away. “I’m sorry, Beau. That was totally unprofessional. It won’t happen again.”

  “Don’t get all weird on me, Gigi. It was just a kiss.” Although the lines of his face were still harsh, his tone was casual. “Don’t worry, I’m not going to molest you or anything.”

  More’s the pity, she thought, but responded instead with a curt nod.

  As much as she wanted it to be otherwise, it couldn’t happen. She needed Hank Lemon and the Law to recommend her to everyone they knew. Her business depended on it. Fooling around with one of the band members was a recipe for disaster. Quinn would likely fire her on the spot, and Gigi wouldn’t blame her one bit.

  She forked up a mouthful of corn and chewed slowly. Time to reassess. Business first, pleasure…well, never, she thought bitterly. At least not with Beau Trudeau. Tomorrow they’d meet up with the rest of the band and this forced intimacy would be a thing of the past. The groupies would be out in full force and Beau would probably forget he’d ever been attracted to her, which was exactly how she wanted it.

  Wasn’t it?

  Chapter Four

  “So, how are things going with you two?”

  Gigi was bent over, rooting around in a cabinet for a saucepan, when Quinn spoke. “What do you mean?” she asked, opting not to turn around so that Quinn wouldn’t see the guilt on her face.

  “Just, you know, how are you getting on? Does he like having someone cook for him? Is he leaving his dirty socks everywhere? I warned him to be on his best behavior.”

  Gigi and Beau had picked up the others that morning at their hotel in New York. She’d managed to avoid Beau for most of the day by taking a tour of Times Square then doing some produce shopping, but there was no avoiding Quinn, who had insisted on keeping her company while she cooked.

  She took a long, calming breath. “Oh yeah, he’s been great.” She found the pan she needed and stood to face her boss. “He’s my favorite kind of guy to feed. Love a man who appreciates a good meal.”

  Quinn’s sharp gaze drilled into her and she fought the urge to look away.

  “He said he thinks you’re great. Feels really comfortable around you already, like you’ve known each other a long time.”

  “He’s so open and friendly. Hard not to like him, you know?”

  “I do know. What I don’t know is how much you like him.”

  Gigi’s pulse pounded, blood rushing to the tips of her ears. Her “poker face” had always been more of a “go-fish face” and Quinn chuckled.


  Gigi tried to make light of it. “Of course, he’s a handsome guy, but you already knew that. He’s also charismatic, and it’s hard not to notice. Don’t worry though,” she assured her, “it won’t get in the way of my work. I would never get involved with a client that way, even if he did feel the same about me. Which he doesn’t. But even if he did, I wouldn’t—” She bit her lip to stop the babbling.

  Quinn’s face fell. “Wait, what do you mean? You can’t date a client?”

  “I can, I guess,” she explained. “It just seems like bad business to do it in a situation like this, especially during the job. I’m here to work. I want to do a good job for you.”

  “It’s your life. I’m totally fine with you dating or whatever you want to do with your free time, Gigi. You’re here to cook one good meal a day for us. The rest of the time is your own. We agreed on that from the get-go. Beau is a great guy, and I liked you from the second I saw you at the fundraiser. I think you’d be…good for him. Not only that, technically speaking, I’m your client, not Beau.” Quinn held out her little finger. “And I pinky swear not to try and get in your pants. At least until this is all over.”

  Gigi let out a snort of laughter and slumped into the chair next to Quinn. She was relieved the other woman wasn’t mad at her, but it was also embarrassing to be caught lusting after someone who was so obviously out of her league. “Do you think he knows I have a crush on him?”

  “He didn’t mention it, but he pretty much assumes everyone does, so probably,” Quinn said with a grin that slipped away as fast as it came. “I kid around a lot, but seriously, deep down Beau is one of the most sensitive, sweetest guys I know. I think even the confidence is part of a persona. It’s like a shield in a way. He’s had to keep it up for a long time now. He’s been playing music for a living since he was seventeen. It’s tough sometimes because you never know w
ho’s around for the right reasons.”

  Gigi nodded. She’d never thought of it that way.

  “I’ll tell you this though,” Quinn continued, “when he finally finds the woman he loves, watch out. He is going to love her hard, like no other.”

  Quinn’s dark gaze met hers, unflinchingly.

  “Quinn, I’m not looking for love. I’m trying to start a business. Besides, he doesn’t have any interest in—”

  “I know what you think, and I know what I know. You are exactly the right kind of girl for Beau. And you don’t have to decide anything long-term now. Just test the waters, you know? Have you thought about making a move?”

  “Only, like, every waking moment. Then I think of the beautiful women he’s probably been with and that brings me back down to earth. I can’t compete.”

  “The groupies that follow him around? They’re like fireflies. Beautiful at night, but in the harsh light of day, they’re just another fucking bug. He needs a woman with substance.”

  “Is that a fat joke?”

  Quinn’s eyes widened in horror. “Jesus, no, I—”

  She held up a hand. “Kidding, totally kidding. I think I know what you mean. Basically, I’m supposed to win him over with my personality, right? I just don’t know that it’ll work. He’s still a red-blooded male.”

  Quinn was already shaking her head in exasperation. “No, you got it all wrong. The personality is just part of it. He likes the way you look too. I saw him eyeballing you the day we hired you. You just have to make it a little harder for him to ignore.”

  “How am I supposed to do that?”

  “I’m going to help you.” Quinn eyed her up and down and gave her a wicked grin as she rubbed her hands together.

  “I’m scared.”

  “Don’t be. I’m the best project manager in the world and you’re my new project. We’re going shopping, and you’re coming to the show tonight. I’ll get you front row. This is going to be so much fun!”

  Gigi tried not to get swept up in Quinn’s enthusiasm, but already her heart had started thumping faster. She’d spent her whole life working for one thing. Over the next year or two, she had nothing to look forward to but more of the same. She was trying to get a business off the ground and fussing around with men wasn’t going to get her where she needed to be.

  But for the remainder of this trip, things would be different. There would be no fifteen-hour days. This was as close to a vacation as she’d ever had. Not only that, she also had Quinn’s blessing. Maybe it was time to let loose and live a little. Just this once, then straight back to the grindstone.

  A warm, syrupy feeling settled in her stomach as she thought about Beau. He’d definitely flirted with her over the past couple days, but that didn’t mean anything to a guy like him. Still, if she promised him no-strings-attached fun, would he sleep with her?

  She thought back to the feel of those strong, slow hands as he’d massaged her neck and hip, then shivered. It would be good between them, she felt it deep in her bones. Then, when it was over, her curiosity would be satisfied and she’d able to focus on her career more fully. Have sex with Beau so she could stop thinking and wondering about sex with Beau. Now she just had to convince him.

  “Okay, I’m in.”

  * * * * *

  Six hours later, Gigi stood in line with her ticket and backstage pass. She was trembling from head to elegantly clad foot. God, she must have been out of her frigging mind to let Quinn talk her into this. She looked really stupid and felt even stupider. The G-string underwear rode a solid inch up her butt crack, her shoes were deathtraps strapped to her feet and the dress clung to her like hollandaise on asparagus. She would’ve complained about the bra too, but she wasn’t wearing one. Quinn had said it would ruin the line of her new halter dress.

  She cringed and quelled the urge to run. She was not going to chicken out. Her mission wasn’t complete, and besides, if she ran in these heels she’d break her face.

  The line moved quickly and a few minutes later she handed her ticket to the usher. His gaze swept over her and he smiled. She worked up a trembling smile in return. Okay, maybe this wasn’t going to be so bad after all.

  He leaned close and whispered, “Your skirt is tucked into your underwear.”

  Of course it is.

  She righted herself with a few tugs and scurried through the double doors, anxious to fade into the crowd. The music was in full swing and as she entered the second set of doors, the sound of Beau’s violin rang out. She grinned instantly, charmed by the lilting ditty he was playing. Quinn and Rex harmonized, singing about the cure for a hangover being more of the same. They all gelled so well, and Gigi realized with a start that it wouldn’t take much for her to become a real fan.

  She purposely kept her eyes averted from the stage as she trekked down the dark aisle, flashing her ticket to security then making her way to the front of the crowd. If she caught sight of Beau, or vice versa, before she sat down, she might chicken out and keep walking.

  The song wound down as she found her seat and laid her purse on it. The crowd around her erupted into wild applause and she looked up at the band. Beau’s face was alight with pure joy and she just stared for a moment.

  “Ladies and gentlemen, I want to give a quick shout-out to the best chef east of the Mississippi, Ms. Gigi Somerville. She’s on tour with us, so give her a warm welcome, won’t you?” Quinn motioned for her to wave and take a bow, but she was frozen in place.

  All the moisture in her mouth evaporated as panic gripped her. She tried to smile, but it just wouldn’t come. Until she shifted her gaze to Beau. His eyes locked with hers, and the shock and heat pouring out of him melted away the icy terror.

  Chapter Five

  Jesus Christ, the pistol wasn’t just loaded, it was loaded for bear.

  Gigi’s tawny hair tumbled around her shoulders in soft, shiny waves. She had on a dress, green and loose-fitting on top but held up by nothing more than a thin strap around her neck and her magnificent breasts. Beau found himself craning his neck, rising to the balls of his feet to get a look at the bottom half, but some guy blocked his view.

  He let his gaze slide back to her pretty face with those pink cheeks and glossy lips until finally her eyes snagged him. God, how he wanted her. Their kiss had turned him inside out and he couldn’t get the taste of her out of his head.

  Gigi grinned and then broke their stare to turn and wave to the crowd as they clapped and called her name. He got a long look at her back and his cock twitched as he noted the way the silky material caressed her plump ass. Shit, he was onstage in front of thousands of people, it was so not the time to sport a woody.

  Behind him, Rex broke the spell as he led off with a four count then let loose with a familiar roll. Beau snapped his eyes closed and let the music ground him. That was better. He and Gigi were DOA. She didn’t want a man in her life and there was no point in daydreaming about what he couldn’t have.

  For the next forty-five minutes, he managed to only look at her twice. Both times it was a mistake. The guy in front of her had moved away and his view of her was unobstructed. Her arms were high in the air as she swayed to the beat. The movement jacked her dress up to mid-thigh and he nearly fell off the stage trying to get a closer look.

  The second time she had pressed her way to the stage and he looked down at her, only to get an eyeful of the most spectacular cleavage he’d ever seen. It didn’t help his situation at all. Lucky for him, it was the last song, and a few minutes later the band was back in their dressing room.

  Some of the crew was already there, sipping bottled water or beer, waiting for the people with passes to come back, take pictures and chat with the band.

  “Good show, guys,” Quinn said, still panting from her onstage antics.

  “You’re going to need to stop hopping around soon, love. Stresses me out,” Rex said. His tone was light, but the worry beneath was evident.

  “The doctor said I’m doing everythin
g right, babe. I’m listening to my body and when it tells me to slow down, I will.”

  Rex pulled her close for a hug, then met Beau’s gaze over her head. “You okay, man? You were acting…weird.”

  Quinn struggled in Rex’s arms until he released her, the she turned to face Beau. “Yeah, Beau. What’s up?”

  The innocent expression on her face was so out of character, the suspicions he’d held regarding the catalyst for Gigi’s new, edgier look solidified.

  “So it was you.”

  Rex and Tai both turned to stare at Quinn. She puffed up like a biscuit in the oven and nodded. “She looks awesome, right?”

  “Wait, you did that to Gigi? When?” Rex asked.

  “This afternoon, when you and Tai were shopping at MusicMax.”

  “She looks great,” Tai said with a low whistle, holding up a hand for Quinn to high-five.

  She obliged him but kept her eyes on Beau. “What did you think?”

  “I thought she was pretty before.” He hadn’t realized that was true until he’d said it. He did like being able to see more of her, but if she walked around in her apron and jeans with her hair up every day from this point forward, he was pretty sure he’d be just as hard-up for her. Not that it mattered any. Still, what was Quinn playing at?

  She gave him an assessing look before a wide grin split her face. “She was. I just wasn’t sure if you noticed.”

  “Hey, guys.”

  They all swung their gazes to the doorway. Gigi hovered there, her cheeks lit up like the tip of Rudolph’s nose. How much had she heard?

  “Did you like the show?” Quinn asked, drawing her into the room.

  “Yeah, you were all great.” She was talking to Quinn but her gaze never left his. She shifted from foot to foot and offered him a shaky smile. The delicate scent of her perfume crept up on him, and he resisted the urge to bury his face in her neck.

  “Thanks. You want a beer or something?” he asked.

  “No thanks. If you have a minute, can I talk to you? Alone.”


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