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Work With Me (Office Love Book 1)

Page 6

by R S Burton

“Is the apartment up to standard?” Tobias asked glancing around.

  “Yes. It’s amazing. Thank you.” I replied instantly. The apartment was more than up to standard, and I still wasn’t comfortable not paying rent to live in it, but I’d also learnt not to argue with Tobias.

  “Good. Well. I should go then. See you at work tomorrow Ruby.” He walked over to the door and placed his fingers around the handle. A pain, a confusing pain filled my chest as I watched him prepare to leave. I didn’t want him to go...

  “Goodbye Tobias.” I whispered, struggling to hide my confusion.

  Tobias turned around and looked at me, his fingers slid off the door handle. His jaw was clenched and I could tell he was fighting something inside his head. His eyes betrayed the intensity in his face, they were soft, inviting and I couldn’t look away.

  I tried not to think of the other night in his office, the way the kiss had felt, and how I had felt ever since but as he stood there all I could think about was kissing him again.

  He stepped forward, closing the distance between us until we were almost touching.

  “I shouldn’t have come here.” He muttered, looking down to the side and away from me.

  “Why?” I found myself asking, even though I was pretty sure I knew the answer.

  His eyes trailed up my body until the rested on mine once more. He smiled slightly and lifted his hand to my face. “Because I’m no good for you.” he whispered sadly. “I’m no good for anyone.”

  I went to speak, to tell him that I would be the judge of that, but before I could he tore himself away from me and walked over to the door, leaving without saying another word.

  I was winded by his rejection, but none of that mattered when I could see him drowning in his own self doubt.

  Chapter Eight

  Tobias avoided me all week at work. Sending emails to arrange meetings rather than coming out and talking to me. I knew I hadn’t imagined the moment we’d shared in the office and in the apartment. I knew he felt something similar to me, even if it was just physical and I gathered it was that reason alone that was causing him to avoid me.

  I watched the time on the laptop turn from 4:59 pm to 5:00 pm. I instant messaged Tobias to ask if he needed anything else, but his reply was short.

  Tobias: No.

  I frowned and closed my computer down. Maybe he had changed his mind about tomorrow, maybe he wasn’t planning to take me anymore. He certainly hadn’t given me any details about the thing, maybe he had asked the supermodel. My insides pinched, I wanted to go and I wanted to go with him. I’d been trying to ignore my feelings, whatever they were, but it was getting harder and harder. I’d never been one to hide my heart.

  I lifted my handbag up off the ground and stood up. Tobias was going to talk to me, face to face before I left the office. I stalked over to his door and took a deep breath, I was about to knock when the door opened. I pulled my hand back and looked at a bemused Tobias.

  “I’ll be at your apartment tomorrow at 7:30pm. I had the apartment manager make an appointment for you with the inhouse spa ladies at 5:30pm.” He said blankly.

  “I’m still your date?” I whispered, sounding a little more demure than I would have liked.

  He frowned and shrugged dismissively. “Of course, why would you assume otherwise.” His eyes were dark and on me, but it was almost like he was looking through me, not at me.

  “You’ve been avoiding me.” I replied, my voice barely a whisper.

  “No. I haven’t.” He replied matter of factly. “I’ve been busy.”

  I smiled and nodded to cover my humiliation. “Of course you have. My mistake. Well I’ll see you tomorrow Sir.” I mused stepping back from the office door. I felt my cheeks heat up and embarrassment wash over me. I’d read too much into the situation, and it was becoming ever clearer that this was all one sided, whatever ‘this’ was. I turned to walk away and I was almost at the corridor when Tobias sighed. I didn’t stop, I didn’t need anymore embarrassment.

  When I got home I changed into my pajamas and ordered pizza. I was watching netflix and stuffing a pepperoni slice into my mouth when the fancy phone Tobias had bought me started ringing. I picked it up off the coffee table and stared at it. Of course it was him, he was the only one that had the number, not to mention I didn’t actually know anyone else. I swiped to answer, throwing the half eaten slice of pizza into the box.

  “Hello?” I murmured, mouth still half full of pizza

  “I was avoiding you.” Tobias replied, his own tone mirrored my own slightly tired voice.

  My chest tightened and I bit my lip, almost choking the pizza down in shock. “Why?”

  “I can’t afford to be distracted.” He admitted.

  “And I distract you.” I laughed in disbelief. “Me?!”

  “Ruby, the fact I am calling you and telling you I lied is proof you distract me.” He said, his voice was tight. “I usually don’t care, I do what I want and people expect it of me, maybe even respect it.”

  There was a long pause before he spoke again, almost like he was composing himself. “But I can’t help caring about what you think…” He sounded annoyed, like the fact bothered him.

  “I’m sorry.” I replied, unsure what I was apologising for, but in the moment it seemed necessary all the same.

  “You have nothing to be sorry for.” He replied ruefully. “I should let you get back to your evening.”

  “You mean my highly extravagant PJ’s, Pizza and Netflix evening?” I laughed, I led such a wild life, Not. How the hell was I a distraction to anyone?

  “Sounds relaxing.” Tobias replied, surprising me. Did the iceman partake in movie binge watching when he wasn’t blocking out the world?

  “Well, if you need to relax, I have this gigantic couch.” I looked down at the pizza box. “And a pepperoni pizza. You’re more than welcome to join.” Tobias didn’t say anything for quite some time, and I began to wonder if my offer had been to far left field. I expected him to say know, but I still wanted him to let me in, at least a little bit.

  “You want to watch a movie with me.” He replied slowly, his voice was filled with disbelief.

  “Why not?” I replied pausing my film. Was it really that unbelievable?

  “Okay.” He replied, his voice quiet.

  My heart stopped and I suddenly felt like puking. I hadn’t expected him to say yes. I had expected some kind of lame excuse and a goodbye.

  “Okay?” I repeated.

  “I’ll bring uh.. Beer or something.” He said. “See you soon.”

  “Okay.” I said the words again, because I was too stunned to say anything else.

  The call ended without another word from either of us, but for some reason I still held the phone to my ear long after the call was over. He was coming over, here… by choice.

  Once I’d managed to compose myself, I placed the phone down put the pizza box on the coffee table in front of me. My heart raced, despite his forever closed off persona, I liked being around Tobias, more than I liked to admit. My reactions worried me though, I didn’t want to be one of those girls who always picked the wrong people to love.

  The guard buzzed my apartment twenty or so minutes later, and a few minutes after I’d given him the all clear there was a knock at my door. I took a deep breath, composing myself again before walking to the door and opening it. Tobias stood there, holding a six pack of beer and a fresh pizza.

  His mouth sat in a thin lipped smile, his expression was unreadable. I returned the smile warmly, to try and take the seemingly nervous edge out of the atmosphere surrounding us. I closed the door behind him, and watched as he walked toward the couch. He was dressed casual, though this time I could tell he was wearing designer jeans and a casual black button down shirt. I suddenly felt underdressed for my own apartment. My shorts covered too little, and my singlet was much the same. I folded my arms across my chest.

  “Uh, make yourself comfortable. I’ll just go grab a robe, I’m a little col
d.” I lied. The apartment automatically heated and cooled the apartment to comfortable levels. A fact I was sure as the owner Tobias was well aware of. Tobias didn’t speak, instead he put the beer and pizza down on the table, as he sat down on the couch. I smiled and walked down the hallway to my bedroom. My black silk robe hung over the chair by the bed, it was hardly fit to keep me warm, but it was enough to cover my bare skin. I grabbed it and slipped it on, then returned to the living room. Tobias looked up and his eyes softened he lifted up an open beer and held it out for me.

  “So what are we watching?” he asked.

  “I was watching reservoir dogs, but it had only just started, we can watch something else.” I replied. “Thank you.” I took the beer and lifted it by the neck to my mouth. I watched Tobias’ reaction to my movie choice, he smiled. “I didn’t pick you for a Tarantino fan.” he murmured sitting back on the couch.

  “Really?” I mused, I sat down beside him, but at least a foot away. “What did you pick me to like?”

  Tobias turned to look at me, his smile was still there. He lifted his own drink to his mouth and swallowed back a gulp. “Romance, you know. Boy meets girl. They fall in love. Something happens, but ultimately they end up happy.”

  “I’m not opposed to romantic comedies.” I admitted. “But I have a soft spot for Tarantino, so you’re not completely wrong.”

  Tobias nodded then pointed to the screen. “Tarantino suits me.”

  We started the movie from the start and ate the pizza while watching. I started feeling tired about halfway through, my eyes kept closing involuntarily and no amount of Tarantino style violence was enough to rouse me completely. I woke as the credits rolled, Tobias was putting a blanket on me, the one off my bed. He smiled down at me and ran his fingers through my hair.

  “I’ll let you sleep.” he said, standing up. He dug his hands into his pockets and pulled out his keys. He was leaving. Suddenly, I was very awake.

  I sat up. “Tobias.” I called out, his footsteps stopped.

  “Ruby?” he replied.

  “I’m sorry I fell asleep.”

  “Don’t be.”

  “Don’t leave just yet.” I whispered. Stay.

  Tobias began to walk again, and I sighed, thinking he had continued walking to the door, but then the weight shift on the couch, he was next to me. I turned my head to face him, his eyes met mine. “I don’t know what I’m doing.” he said, his voice was pained.

  “Hanging out.” I offered.

  He nodded and looked away. Breaking the eye contact. “Would it surprise you if I said I’d never just done this before.”

  I nodded and sat forward. Sure, he was closed off and sure he could be harsh, but surely he had friends growing up. He hadn’t always been this way had he?

  “I should go home.” he whispered.

  I nodded again, i could sense the discomfort in his voice and the last thing I wanted was to make him feel uncomfortable. He stood up and so did I. I walked him over to the front door and opened it.

  “Thank you for the beer and pizza.” I smiled. “And the company.”

  “I think I got the better end of the deal. Your company was much more appealing I’m sure.”

  “Don’t undersell yourself Tobias.”

  His eyes flickered and he clenched his jaw. “You think I’m a good person. You might be the only one who thinks that.” he chuckled sardonically.

  I shook my head. “I don’t think you’re a good person.” I said softly. “I know you are.”

  “You sure about that?” he replied.

  “No one is perfect Tobias Clarke, you have faults just like I do… But underneath it all, you’re a good per-”

  Tobias cut me off with his mouth, pressing his soft lips against mine. Instantly I curved into him, allowing him the access he was asking for. His tongue brushed mine causing sparks to fly off all around us. His hands caught my back and he lifted me up, my legs wrapped around his waist and with a soft thud, we crashed against the wall of my apartment by the door. One of his hands left my back, gliding up over my thigh and under my robe. I let out a moan and ran my fingers through his hair, aching to connect with him in any way possible. This kiss was filled with emotion, and unlike the one in the office Tobias almost let go. Almost.

  Until he tore his lips from mine and settled me on the ground. “I’ll see you tomorrow.” He whispered.

  “Tobias?” I mumbled, my lips burned from his kiss, and my legs almost buckled beneath my jellified body. I stayed against the door to steady myself. He didn’t look back up at me, but he stayed nonetheless.

  “Ruby, I’m your boss. We should respect those boundaries.” he straightened up, finally lifting his head up, our eyes met once more. All warmth had drained from his face and the iceman was back. I frowned.

  “If that is what you want sir.” I replied softly.

  He nodded, then walked out the door, leaving me alone, completely and utterly confused.

  Chapter Nine

  After a fractured sleep I woke the next morning still confused about what had happened before Tobias had left my apartment. I had wanted more, I had wanted him to stay, but he had made his position perfectly clear. We had to respect boundaries.

  He hadn’t called to change tonight's plans however, which meant I was in for several awkward hours with him tonight. More than once during the day I picked up my phone and contemplated calling with some kind of health complaint to get out of the evening. In the end though, couldn’t bring myself to bail on him. He had always attended these things dateless, but he’d never been to a function completely alone. I knew what being alone felt like and I couldn’t do it to him.

  As if stressing out about the awkwardness wasn’t enough to strike fear into my heart, I researched the ball we were meant to be attending and let my mouth open in shock. The guest list was impressive, A list celebrities, billionaire business men, supermodels and then right at the bottom of the food chain was me… a plus one. Compared to the beautiful rich list I was a no one, I was the insignificant one. Why the hell had he picked me?

  The guard called when my appointment with the in house spa came. He sent them up to my apartment and a few minutes later I opened my door. Two immaculate women walked in and smiled. “We’re here to get you ready doll. Mr Clarke has given us two hours.” One of the women walked over to me and brushed a perfectly manicured hand over my brow line. “Looks like we’ll need it. How about you go take a shower. We’ll set up.”

  I frowned, slightly insulted.

  “Uh, alright.” I drawled walking through the apartment to the bathroom.

  I closed the door and rolled my eyes. Sure, I wasn’t exquisite, and I didn’t have the money to keep myself preened, but I still did alright. I showered anyway, I wanted to look the part and if that meant combating a jumped up beauticians insults, then so be it.

  I dried myself and walked out of the bathroom wearing a robe over my strapless bra and panties. The women sat me down, one worked on my brows, while the other focused on my nails. The one who done my brows stood back after a few minutes and nodded. “Much better, you know you’re lucky you have such a perfect natural line, you just needed a little tweak.”

  “Thank you.” I replied confused. One minute she had made me sound like a hot mess, now I had a perfect brow line.

  “I think we’ll go for natural makeup. You’ll be wearing a mask after all, and you have such a clear face. Seems a shame to cover that all with a padding of makeup.”

  “I’ll leave that up to you. I know how to apply the bare minimum for work and that's about it.” I smiled.

  “Well that's that then.” She smiled. “Betty, when you’ve finished there, you can start on her hair. I think down, but with a curl?

  “Of course.” Betty replied, not looking up from my hands.

  By 7pm they were done, The only thing left to do was put on my dress and shoes. Once I was dressed the three of us walked to the elevators after locking my apartment. The two women got out on
the third floor while I continued down to the ground floor. I waited in the foyer for Tobias to pick me up. My nerves were on the verge of consuming me whole until 7:30pm on the dot when a black limo pulled up outside. The doorman nodded in my direction.

  “Ma’am I believe your date is here.” He murmured opening the door.

  “Uh thanks.” I replied, my mind was caught up on the word date . That wasn’t what this was, Tobias had made it clear we weren’t to be anything other than the status quo. I was accompanying him to a formal function… I wasn’t his date, this was business.

  I walked out the door, the setting sun meant that the streets were bathed in an orange glow. The back door of the Limo opened and Tobias stepped out. He looked amazing, dressed in a black designer suit, with a black shirt and tie. He walked toward me and smiled, his eyes dropped down before slowly moving back up.

  “I half expected you to cancel on me.” Tobias murmured, holding out his hand. “But I’m glad you didn’t. You look amazing by the way.”

  I slipped my hand in his and walked with him toward the limo. “I’m not going anywhere. I told you that. You can rely on me.”

  Tobias didn’t say anything, but his grip on my hand tightened. I climbed into the car and sat down. The door closed and the car began to move.

  “Champagne?” He asked, lifting a bottle out of a small refrigerator. I nodded and he proceeded to pour us both a glass.

  “Thank you.” I smiled taking the glass. I sipped on the sweet bubbly alcohol and willed it to fill me with courage. Tonight I was sure as heck going to need it.

  “Oh, I almost forgot.” Tobias said suddenly. He grabbed a small black box from the seat across from me and slid it open. “Your mask.”

  I leant forward and looked in the box. The mask matched my dress, it was pale pink, with lace detailings. With small diamond like diamantes encrusted around the top of it. “It’s beautiful.” I whispered.

  Tobias whispered something before draining his glass and placing it down. He lifted the mask from the box and placed it over my face. His thumb stroked my cheek and our eyes locked. Every part of my being ached for him to kiss me again, but before anything could come of the moment the limo stopped. The dividing wall dropped down and the driver said. “We’re here.” before closing the window again. I looked back at Tobias who had slipped his own plain black mask on.


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