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Redemption (The Reckless Rockwoods Book 4)

Page 33

by Monica Burns

  Percy caught her face in his hands and kissed her quickly before setting her off of him so he could dress. As beautiful as she looked half-dressed, they’d already tempted the fates far too much. In a few brief moments, he’d dressed, and raised his head to watch as Rhea buttoned her shirt-waist. When she’d finished adjusting the upper portion of her clothing, she shook out the skirts of her dress making a fuss over smoothing out the wrinkles. With an intuition that was growing by leaps and bounds where she was concerned, he released a grunt of exasperation.

  “Why are you doing your best to avoid looking at me?” At his question, Rhea’s head jerked up, and he frowned. “Out with it, Rhea.”

  “Your brother’s party is tonight.”

  “Yes,” said quietly. “But we’re not going.”

  “I don’t understand,” she said as she shook her head. “You have to go. The Rockwoods never miss any important family occasion.

  “True,” he said with a nod. “But I have no intention of feeding you to the wolves after what you’ve been through.”

  “But you need—”

  “No, my family knows you come first. I spoke to Sebastian earlier this morning, and he agreed with my decision whole-heartedly,” he said quietly as he pulled her into his arms.

  “You would do that for me?” she whispered with an expression of disbelief, wonder, and love on her face.

  “It’s a small sacrifice compared to the one you were willing to make the other night,” he said somberly.

  What she’d done the other night humbled him. She’d been willing to sacrifice herself to protect him and the children. The memory of how she’d clung to him when he’d carried her out of the Bull and Hare made his gut twist. It wasn’t a moment he ever wanted to relive again. Her fingers brushed against his cheek, and he focused his gaze on her.

  “I love you, Percy.”

  Tears shimmered in her eyes as she looked up at him. From that first moment in the museum when he’d looked into violet eyes filled with anguish, he’d known his destiny was tied to hers. His heart full, he kissed her again, sealing his devotion to her for the rest of his life.


  Rhea looked out the bedroom window at Callendar Abby. Below, she saw Julian and Patience strolling through the gardens with more than a dozen children walking and running around the couple. Alma and Fanny were walking together their heads together as if they were plotting something. Vincent was amusing Jamie and Theo with some wild story for his exaggerated hand gestures.

  Greer, her little legs making her gait awkward raced toward the couple. Julian swept her up in his arms and Patience turned toward the pair. Her belly had expanded in recent weeks, and Aunt Matilda was certain the baby would arrive any day now. The couple was ecstatic about the upcoming arrival. Percy had said Julian and Patience had believed she couldn’t have children, which made her understand her sister-in-law’s happy glow and excitement.

  It meant the family would have to wait for her news. She refused to take any attention away from Patience’s moment of happiness. Rhea smiled at the thought and pressed her hand to her own stomach. As she stood watching the happy scene, a warm hand slid around her waist, pulling her back into a solid wall of muscle. Rhea sighed with happiness at the strong touch.

  Life with Percy had swept away every bad memory of her old existence into the darkest corners of her mind where they had remained for the most part. There was the occasional nightmare, but Percy was always there to hold and soothe her afterward. She leaned her head back to rest it on his shoulder. His mouth brushed against her temple and she sighed softly.

  “Now that sounds like a happy sigh,” he murmured as his arms tightened around her waist.

  “It was,” she said with a smile as she reached up to touch his face. Her gaze focused on Peter, Harry, and Ginny darting back and forth in an impromptu game of tag. “Look at them, Percy. I never ever thought to see them so happy. I never thought I could be so happy.”

  “We are fortunate,” he said quietly as Louisa came into view. Rhea heard the contemplative note in his voice and quickly turned to face him.

  “No,” she said firmly.

  “What?” he asked with a slightly guilty look.

  “I know that look, Percy Rockwood. You’re not to interfere in Louisa’s affairs, and you’re most definitely not to encourage Constance or Patience to do so.”

  “It’s what the Rockwoods do, sweetheart,” he said in a cajoling voice. “We like our family to be happy.”

  “Then I suggest you start with your own family first.”

  “Our children aren’t old enough for romantic affairs.” His words expanded her heart as she was forced to blink back a sudden flood of tears.

  “Say that again?”

  “What? Our children aren’t old enough?”

  “Yes, our children,” she whispered as she wrapped her arms around him and pressed her body into him as far as she could.

  Their lives at Green Hill House over the past eight months been almost too idyllic. Percy had honored his words to her and had adopted the children with his whole heart. The boys worshiped him, while Ginny and Fanny had him wrapped around their fingers. He was every bit the father he’d told her he would be. He had become Sebastian’s estate manager when the old manager had retired, and it was obvious he enjoyed his work. He often took the boys with him. Their life together was richer and fuller than anything she could have ever hoped for. She sucked in a sharp breath as the past darted out to jab at her. Percy tightened his arms around her.

  “What is it, Rhea? You’ve been moody for the past weeks,” he said with something resembling alarm.

  “Yes, I suppose I have,” she said with a smile as she raised her head to look up at him. “I don’t suppose you’d be willing to take in another child.”

  “Another child,” he said as he arched his eyebrows in amused exasperation. “Six isn’t enough for you?”

  “Well, this particular child is quite needy. They’ll require a great deal of care. Possibly late nights and early mornings.”

  “Why do I think you’ve found a baby in need of—” Percy abruptly stopped speaking as his jaw sagged, and he stared at her in disbelief. His befuddled expression made her laugh, and she pulled his head down to kiss him.

  “Yes, a new Rockwood will join the fold in a few months.”

  “A baby,” he murmured with a look of amazed happiness on his face. Percy pressed his forehead against hers.

  “Then I take it you’re pleased,” Rhea asked with just a hint of worry.

  “Pleased? I’m overjoyed, my love.”

  “Now, you’re not to say a word to anyone, not even the children.”

  “Why the devil not?”

  “Because Patience and Julian have waited so long to have a child, and I don’t want to take away from their happiness. We can tell the family the news after the baby arrives.”

  “Knowing my sister, I doubt it would trouble her if we were to make the announcement,” he paused as she narrowed her gaze at him.


  “Very well, I’ll let you have your way as you always do.”

  “You know good and well that’s not true,” she huffed. “If anyone is indulged it’s—”

  “The children,” he said with a chuckle. As she met his gaze her heart skipped a beat.

  “Oh Percy, do you really think I put the children before you,” she gasped in dismay.

  “What? No,” he said with a shake of his head. “I was teasing you, my love. I have never been happier in my life. You and the children have given me more than a man could hope to have.”

  As he kissed her, Rhea experienced a rush of happiness unlike anything she’d ever known. She’d been redeemed time and again by a man who loved her with all his heart. She’d been adopted into a family who had accepted her for who she was, not what she had been, and in a few months she would have one more heart to cherish and love. Redemption had come at a price, but not the one she’d expected. It had
been the price of happiness, and she accepted it gladly with all her heart.


  Special Preview of OBSESSION

  Book 1 in the Reckless Rockwoods series

  Chapter 1

  London, 1888

  The inside of Chantrel’s was quiet as a tomb as Sebastian Rockwood, Earl of Melton stepped through the establishment’s front door. Popular among men of the peerage, the exclusive brothel’s unique offerings were well known. Chantrel, the establishment’s sole proprietor, trained her girls to speak and act like women of nobility, except in the bedroom. There, her pupils performed with an enthusiasm that was often lacking in the lives of most noblemen.

  Sebastian handed his top hat and cane to the footman on duty. Beside him, his friend Devin Morehouse, Viscount Westbrook did the same. The servant quickly accepted their belongings then hurried off to fetch Chantrel as Sebastian had instructed. When the man disappeared, Sebastian turned to survey the empty parlor opening off the foyer. It seemed quite odd the brothel would be so quiet at this time of night. His friend cleared his throat.

  “Where the devil is everyone?” Devin muttered as he stepped toward the vacant drawing room. “Are you sure this is the place?”

  “Yes,” said Sebastian. “Caleb was quite explicit as to the young lady’s whereabouts.”

  “What did he say the girl’s name was?”

  “Georgina Bainbridge.”

  “Well, if she is here, the next question is whether or not she’s been harmed already.”

  Devin’s concern was one Sebastian had already considered. For the girl’s sake, he could only hope she was untouched. With a sharp nod of agreement at his friend’s observation, Sebastian frowned as he studied his surroundings. The occasional mistress easily addressed his needs, and his knowledge of Chantrel’s was by reputation only. In fact, the only reason he’d even agreed to visit the place tonight was to keep his younger brother from doing something rash.

  Earlier this afternoon, in typical Rockwood fashion, Caleb had burst into Sebastian’s office like a man possessed. Rash, impetuous behavior was a common family trait. The Rockwoods were well known for their impulsive natures and their daring escapades with the exception of Sebastian. He’d learned a long time ago to control his emotions. He could only wish his siblings would do the same.

  “Caleb was quite certain she was here, so let us hope she’s not been compromised,” Sebastian said quietly.

  “Couldn’t you have contacted Inspector McBride? As I recall, he resolved Percy’s small problem last year quite admirably.”

  “I suggested that, but Caleb said he’d already been to Scotland Yard and the man wasn’t available. The sergeant on duty said they had more serious cases to pursue.”

  “The murders in Whitechapel, I’d imagine,” Devin said with a note of disgust in his voice. “Bad business that.”

  “Quite.” Sebastian took a couple steps into the empty parlor, his gaze surveying the room for any clue that might explain its barren state. “From the lurid details in the newspaper this morning, the Chapman woman’s body was eviscerated.”

  “Bloody hell,” Devin exclaimed quietly. “What sort of bastard would do such a thing?”

  “A madman I expect.” Sebastian turned to face his friend. “However, my biggest concern at the moment is Caleb. The last thing I want him to do is complicate matters. I’m fortunate he was willing to listen to reason and allow me the opportunity to investigate the girl’s disappearance. Like the rest of the family, he’s far too impetuous.”

  “Unlike his older brother’s controlled, more methodical manner, of course.” Wry amusement threaded his friend’s words, and Sebastian arched his eyebrow in response to the jibe.

  “There’s a great deal to be said for exercising restraint in all matters. The girl should have never tried to investigate the matter herself.”

  “Headstrong women are quite often the bane of a man’s existence.” There was a rueful note in Devin’s voice that made Sebastian turn his head to eye his friend with curiosity. The Viscount immediately looked away to survey their surroundings. “Why is Caleb convinced his ladylove is here?”

  “Apparently, the girl uncovered evidence of brothels kidnapping innocent young women and selling them against their will. Caleb said the last time she was seen, she was entering this establishment.”

  With several turns of his head, Sebastian studied his surroundings closely. The silence in the brothel wasn’t just unusual it made him uneasy. Something about this place set his teeth on edge, and for the first time since Caleb had burst into his study, he realized his brother’s worst fears might well be true. It was quite possible his brother’s young lady was in grave danger. Leaning toward his friend, Sebastian tipped his head in the direction of the blue and gold salon adjacent to the foyer.

  “At this point, I’m beginning to wonder if we’re even in a brothel given the decidedly nonexistent selection.”

  “I agree,” Devin murmured with a nod. “Usually a fellow can expect at least one or two birds available for the unexpected customer. Is it possible the murder in Whitechapel, yesterday, is affecting business?”

  Sebastian considered the possibility. Although the murder of the Nichols woman had been more brutal, he found it unlikely the slaying would threaten Chantrel’s daily business. If this were any other house of ill repute, he might think business was bad, but this wasn’t just any brothel. The exclusivity of it set the house apart from any other of its kind. There had to be another reason why the parlor was empty.

  He shrugged then turned his head at the sound of a door opening. A statuesque woman appeared in the hallway and walked toward them with a quick, confident stride. She sailed into the entryway reminding Sebastian of a ship and its figurehead. Swathed in red taffeta, her gown brazenly proclaimed her for the madame she was with its gold fringe trimming, decadent sleeves, and low cut bodice. The gown’s material rustled softly as she moved toward them.

  “Lord Melton, you honor me with your presence. What may I do for you this evening?”

  Madame Chantrel greeted them with a pleasant smile, but Sebastian saw the guarded look in her eyes. Accepting the hand she extended to him, Sebastian’s lips brushed the air over Chantrel’s knuckles.

  “My friend and I were hoping for some special entertainment this evening. Naturally, I thought of you and your ability to offer us something…unusual?”

  As he straightened, he watched the woman’s face. Hesitation and avarice flitted across her features. Avarice won out as her eyes narrowed slightly. The hesitation was enough to increase his concerns. Damnation, if Caleb were correct, it would not be easy finding the girl or proving the brothel was involved in selling women against their will.

  “Actually, my lord, we have a most unusual form of entertainment tonight.” Chantrel smoothed the taffeta wrapped snugly around her waist. “My guests this evening are my most select patrons, but there is always room for fine gentlemen such as the two of you. Won’t you come this way?”

  With a practiced sweep of her hand and the skill of any noblewoman, Chantrel ushered them into a large salon. Red and gold couches, divans, and chairs littered the room serving as seating for the twenty some men lounging about. Dark cherry walls, trimmed with gold molding, gave the room a heavy, decadent air.

  Studying the room’s occupants, Sebastian only recognized two or three men. The others were strangers to him. To his disgust, he noticed the Marquess of Templeton standing in one corner of the room. A notorious gambler and womanizer, the man’s luck was exceeded only by his bad temper.

  The last time Sebastian had met the man, it had been across the card table. It had been a pleasurable experience beating the man at cards, but he’d made an enemy as the result. The marquess hated to lose.

  “Templeton,” he muttered to Devin who stood at his side. “If he’s here, we can expect something perverted.”

  The brothel owner had excused herself and moved to st
and at the foot of a small dais shrouded by a burgundy velvet curtain. Clapping her hands, the woman smiled at her patrons.

  “Gentlemen, my lords, if you please. I’m delighted you could join us this evening as we have something highly unusual and quite special for your enjoyment.” The woman turned and nodded her head at a tall, slender man standing at a nearby door who immediately tugged on a gold rope. A smile on her face, Chantrel turned back to the men in the room. “Tonight, I’d like to offer up for auction a virginal flower, ripe for the picking.”

  As the brothel owner spoke, the curtain behind her slowly parted to reveal a woman seated on a gilded chair of immense proportions. A flowing, white silk chemise barely covered the woman’s lush body. To Sebastian’s surprise, his cock stiffened at the sight of her.

  Seated in the chair with her legs slanted to one side, her figure was luxuriant, exotic, and tempting. The delicate chemise, deliberately cut to reveal a long expanse of leg, hinted of more treasures beneath. Even from a distance, the woman’s enticing legs looked soft as silk.

  Red color heightened the fullness of her mouth, and it tugged at him, filling his head with images of her pleasuring him with those delectable lips. Lustrous locks, the color of uncut wheat, tumbled down over creamy shoulders in soft curls. The thought of entwining his hand in her hair, while his other hand traced the sensuous curve of her thigh, was more than just a pleasurable thought. It excited him. The prospect of being the first to introduce this siren to the decadent and erotic delights of sex was intoxicating. His thoughts only served to make every muscle in his body taut with need.

  He swallowed hard. What the devil was wrong with him? He’d come here in search of Caleb’s woman, and he certainly wasn’t so jaded as to buy a woman simply to be the first to bed her. Despite reminding himself of his reasons for being in the brothel, it was impossible not to notice the succulent fullness of her body.

  The white, almost transparent, chemise she wore barely hid her lovely breasts, and his palm itched to cup her. The thought of suckling on those dusky peaks produced a knot in his throat, which he immediately tried to swallow. Once again, his cock stirred in his trousers. Damnation, he was hard as rock. It had been a long time since he’d been this aroused simply by looking at a woman.


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