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Immortal of My Dreams

Page 8

by Alexis McNeil

  We stood on the first step leading down into the great hall glancing around, spotting serfs working hard at their chores and guards passing through. Grant pointed to a doorway at the far end of the room. “There he is.” My gaze followed to where Grant pointed. Cameron, along with a man and a young woman walked into the hall from a far doorway. They made their way over to one of the wood bench tables and taking a seat, continued their conversation. A loud booming laughter echoed throughout the hall from Cameron. He appeared well rested like he never even left this century. He fit perfectly in this place with a cream doublet, cream breeches, and brown leather boots. It was though he transformed into a happy man from the dark mysterious one I knew back in the twenty-first century.

  Grant took my hand leading me down the two steps and across the hall, stopping a few feet away from the small group talking. Grant cleared his throat as the conversation stopped and Cameron swiveled in his seat. Cameron’s forehead creased. “Jillian, is that you?” Cameron asked, his voice filled with confusion.

  “Ah…surprise,” I said looking down into his puzzled face. His face turned a furious shade of red and suddenly he looked very, very, angry.

  “Do you have any idea what you’ve done, Jillian!” Cameron roared as he stood up from the table and began to pace back and forth in front of me. At the moment, I wished only Cameron and I stood in the hall. As it were, serving maids, a handsome young man, Grant, and last but not least, a beautiful woman with blond hair and a blue gown filled the hall. They all watched as Cameron ranted and raved.

  I took a cautious step backwards noticing Grant stepped off to the side out of the warpath. “I just thought—“

  “No!” Cameron roared. “You didn’t think at all Jillian! You haven’t a clue what you’ve done! Oh, what the Guardians are thinking now, me bringing a mortal back in time.” Cameron paced in the opposite direction babbling to himself about how the Guardians would punish him.

  I took a step toward Cameron reaching out to him. “I-I’m sorry. Whatever I did, I’ll make it right. If you just tell me—“

  He swung around and grasped my shoulders giving me a hard shake. “You can’t make it right, Jillian! You broke the pact. Now we wait and see what happens. Blasted woman!” He pushed me away from him stomping out of the room. Slamming the door behind him caused an echo through the now, very silent hall. I wanted to crawl under a rock or become invisible, better yet, right now would be the prime time for me to be zapped back to the twenty-first century. I hung my head staring down at the rush covered stone floor wondering if anyone would stop me if I ran out.

  The handsome young man cleared his throat. “Back ta work!” he yelled in the direction of the serving girls. “Supper willna prepare itself.” Oh No! A soft thud of footsteps stopped in front of me. The tips of shiny brown leather boots stood a foot from my feet. “I’m Blake Murray, lass.” I peered up into the young man’s blue eyes, which towered above me. “Cameron’s a…cousin o’ sorts,” the young man said with a warm smile. His short blond hair had a slight wave and his blue eyes twinkled. He wore dark green breeches with a brocade doublet in emerald and gold paisley over his tall lean frame. “Cameron’s mostly roar. He seldom bites,” he said grinning. “Is it Jillian then?”

  “Jillian Murray,” I said softly. What would happen? Would Cameron throw me out? I guess I always had a home with the McDougals, at least until I found a way back to the twenty-first century.

  “Weel, Jillian Murray. I’m Blake as ye just discovered and I take it ye ken Grant….”

  Grant slid up next to me. “Aye, she knows me,” Grant said, lightly placing his hand on my lower back in an odd masculine way as if he marked his territory.

  Blake smiled. “Grant kens all the bonnie lasses.” The pretty blond haired woman stepped closer to Blake tugging on his shirt sleeve. “I almost forgot, this is Grant’s little sister and Cameron’s betrothed, Elise Connell.

  I smiled weakly. “I’m sorry, but I think I need some fresh air.” What had I gotten myself into?

  Blake nodded. “If ye go out the side door o’er there, ye’ll end up in the garden.” I rushed through the doorway ending up in a large garden. Heading down a stone path, I discovered a bench set off to the side. I couldn’t believe the monumental mistake I made. Why did I ever listen to that stupid little voice telling me to jump! Cameron didn’t want me here. What was I supposed to do now? Would I be able to get back home when I was ready? Maybe he’d let me use the belt without him.

  “Jillian…I owe you an apology,” Cameron said walking toward the wood bench I sat on. “I’m sorry I got so mad. It’s just…you aren’t supposed to exist here, this isn’t your time.” Cameron paused for a brief moment. “I don’t know how to get you back,” he said softly. “You broke one of the rules bound to the belt. Unless a human is a soul mate, they’re forbidden to use the belt with an Immortal.”

  “Maybe the Guardians will let me use the belt to go home,” I said sounding hopeful. “I’ll talk to them. I’ll tell them it was a mistake.”

  “That won’t work, Jilly,” Cameron said sounding frustrated. “The belt and daggers are, who-knows where. After an Immortal uses it, everything disperses over the land. It usually takes us centuries to find the belt with all the daggers.”

  “We can ask the Guardians to help, right?” I asked growing nervous.

  Cameron paused for a moment. “Jillian, if I were you, I’d stay as far away from the Guardians as I could and hope to God they’re unaware that you’re here.”

  I felt a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach. Was he implying these “Guardians” would hurt me? Was my life threatened because I was here? Was Cameron’s? My mouth opened a few more times ready to spill ideas, but no brilliant design came to me. I stood up bringing my hand to my throat. “I have to get home, Cameron,” I said almost sobbing thinking of my horrible fate that might befall me here in the fifteenth century. Why didn’t I listen to that stupid legend! If I really believed in the story at the time, I would’ve stayed home.

  “Jillian, the only way I think you might have a chance to return home is if the Immortals and I go to the Guardians and plead your case. I’d have to talk to the other Immortals and see what they think. It’s a long way to the Guardians lair.”

  “I can’t stay here,” I said growing nervous. Were they watching me as I spoke? “You have to go and soon, please?”

  His lips thinned. “Things won’t be so bad if I can’t get you back home. I’ll try everything I can think of, but you always have a home here with me. You’d be protected. You could still have an enjoyable life, Jilly. My home is not a conventional medieval castle, you’d fit in just fine.” I sunk back down onto the bench. Cameron knelt down in front of me and placed his finger under my chin tilting my face up so I looked at him. “This whole mess is partly my fault. I’m sorry, Jilly.”

  A short hysterical laugh escaped me. “It’s not your fault at all. I’m the one who jumped on to you. I made a mess of everything.”

  “I’ll find a way to get you home and keep you safe, I promise. Will you come back inside?”

  “I think I need a minute to clear my head.”

  “In that case, come in when you’re ready.” Cameron stood up and lightly kissed the top of my head before he walked back inside. I rubbed my hands over my eyes and my temples. What if I never made my way home?

  “Ye all right lass?” the young man named Blake asked walking over to me.

  “I’ll be fine…I hope,” I said sounding unconvincing even to my own ears.

  “Are all the lasses from ye’re time so bonnie, or are ye the only one resembling an angel?” I couldn’t help but to smile. Blake sat down next to me. “I’m no kiddin’ lass. When I saw ye talkin’ ta Cameron, me heart nearly stopped. Ye’re the most bonnie lass I’ve e’er seen.” He tucked a loose wavy strand of hair behind my ear.

  “I’m flattered, but I think I’m too old for you. How old are you anyway?”

  “A score,” Blake said defensiv
ely. “Old enough ta ken how ta treat a lass.” Blake stood up and held his hand out for me. “Come, Elise wants ta talk ta ye.” Hesitantly, I took his hand and we made our way inside. “Elise is the nicest lassie I ken,” Blake said. “She wants ta welcome ye into her home, er, weel, it will be hers after she marries Cameron. Och! Jillian,” Blake yelled stopping abruptly causing me to run into him, “ye’ll be here for all the festivities!”

  “Festivities?” I asked warily.

  “Aye, The Ceremony o’ Beginnings and Cameron and Elise’s vows.”

  “The Ceremony of…“

  “Beginnings,” he said finishing my sentence. Excitedly, Blake told me all about the “festivities”. “Ye see, when an Immortal finds his soul mate, he needs ta take his own life in order ta reawake as a mortal man. ‘Tis verra exciting! They ha’ a mock battle with all the immortal men and some of the men who ha’ already changed into humans. After Cameron changes o’er to a human man, only four Immortals will remain.

  “The immortal who is going ta die, picks one of his closest immortal friends ta thrust The Sword o’ Divinity—-which is the ceremonial sword--into his chest, in this case, Cameron’s. While Cameron’s wounds heal for the last time, Elise will come down onto the battlefield and give him the kiss o’ life. ‘Tis called the kiss o’ life because if the so called soul mate doesna love the immortal with all her heart, then he’ll stay immortal for eternity. But, if she does love him wholeheartedly, the immortal will awaken a mortal man.

  “So, ye see, ye’ll witness the ceremony and the vows that will bind Cameron and Elise as husband and wife,” he said flashing a smile.

  Cameron walked over to us with Elise holding the crook of his arm. “Welcome ta ye’re new home,” Elise said in a young sing song voice. She smiled as her cheeks blushed. “Cameron told me ye havna place ta go. I’m so excited ta ha’ ye here. I’ve always wanted a sister.” I couldn’t help but to smile in return. Elise appeared to be in her late teens. I’d be surprised if she was any older. She had wheat colored blond hair and a perfect complexion. No wonder Cameron wanted to get back so badly. She was a very beautiful, sweet girl.

  “My love,” Cameron interrupted, “give Jillian a chance to get settled in.” Elise blushed some more and lowered her long dark lashes.

  Clearing his throat, Grant stepped forward. “Shall I escort ye ta ye’re room, Jillian? Ye must be tired from our long journey.”

  I nodded. “A nap does sound refreshing. Nice meeting you, Elise.” Grant placed a hand on the small of my back as he gestured toward the far doorway.

  “We’ll see you in a while for dinner, Jillian,” Cameron said to my retreating back.

  Grant led me to my bedchamber which resided on the fourth floor. “If ye be needin’ anything at all, just yell. There are always servants up here, or ye can come find me. I’ll escort ye down for dinner.”

  “Thank you for everything, Grant,” I said.

  A triumphant smile lit up Grant’s face. “My pleasure, Jillian.” He nodded and closed the door behind him. I turned in a circle taking a good look around my room. Everything was so beautiful. A small stone fireplace sat on one wall with a doorway leading into a dressing room occupied with a settee and two huge empty armoires, too bad I didn’t have anything to put in them.

  Satin rose colored curtains enclosed a four poster bed and matching comforter with a massive headboard displaying a carved hunting scene. Ornately scrolled night stands with candelabras adorned each side of the bed. The candles weren’t lit since light filled the room with the late afternoon sun pouring in through the one arched window.

  I leaned against the stone windowsill looking out at the huge storm clouds in the distance. The forest and valley I traveled through earlier sat on the horizon and right below my window men sparred with broadswords in a dirt practice area. I leaned out the window a little more to get a better look realizing the men below practicing were the four men I saw on horses earlier.

  Two sat on a bench to the side laughing and shouting encouragement along with obscenities. A brown-haired man whipped his broadsword around at a dark-haired man only wearing leather breeches. The bare-chested man struck back, again and again with his broadsword. Wheeling a sword around appeared effortless for the two men and it rather appeared as if they enjoyed what they were doing as they laughed and goaded each other.

  After a quick trip of the feet and one hard pat on the brown-haired man’s side with the flat edge the sword, the man fell to the dirt landing on his back. The bare-chested man held the tip of his sword to his opponent’s throat. Instantly, he pulled back and helped the man up. The bare-chested man said something in which both men laughed as he slapped the defeated man’s back in a friendly smack leaving him to the others who unmercifully made fun of him.

  The bare-chested man walked over to a bench on the far side of the practice ring with his bronze skin glistening in the sun. He reached down, picking up a pail of water which sat next to the bench. Bringing the pail up and over his head, he let the water trickle down over his sculpted torso. He shook his head of unruly black hair causing water droplets to splatter everywhere. I licked my dry lips. I’ve never seen a man before who screamed raw masculine potency like he did. Suddenly, he gazed straight up at my window with a feral smile across his face. I quickly ducked down out of the window crouching below the sill. Shit! He knew I had watched him.

  I couldn’t get the image of the man out of my mind while I tried to slow my heartbeat. The way his ripped stomach muscles moved with each graceful lunge, or when his arms swung powerful blows, or even when the water caressed his skin as it glided down his chest. I poked my head back over the sill. Nothing remained except the blasted pail.

  I went over and sat on the edge of the bed trying to occupy my mind with something other than the super hot warrior out my window. My home and friends back in the twenty-first century painfully ripped into my thoughts. Did they miss me? Did the days carry on in another dimension? Tears stung my eyes as I thought about Gerdie, Cassie, and Walter.

  “Jillian, are ye in there?” I heard Elise ask from the other side of the door. I quickly wiped the beginning of tears from my eyes with the back of my hands.

  “One second.” I walked over and opened the door to a bright smiling Elise.

  “I wanted ta bring ye some gowns o’ mine,” she said walking into my room with an armful of colorful dresses. “I think if we let the hem out they’ll fit ye. We look about the same size, ye’re just taller.”

  “Thank you, but this really isn’t necessary. I don’t know how long I’ll be here. Cameron might find a way home for me at any time.”

  “Oh,” she said sadly.

  I let out a sigh. I knew I wasn’t going anywhere tonight. I might as well placate her. After all, she did seem like a sweet girl. “Okay, only two dresses and I promise I’ll have a good time tonight and leave thinking about home for tomorrow.”

  Elise glanced up at me smiling. “Oh, ye’re the best, Jillian.” She threw the armful of gowns on the bed. “Ye better try on these dresses so we can decide which one ye’ll be wearin’ tonight!”

  * * * * *

  A knock sounded on my door as I stared out the window watching the sky grow darker and darker. How did my life get so off track? I needed to go home. I picked up my dagger which rested on the bed and hid it under my pillow for safe keeping. As I walked over to open the door, I smoothed my deep v-neck dress of dark burgundy. Elise had insisted on this dress and that she let her maid fix my hair. The quiet but talented maid placed half my hair up on my head and left the remaining hang in long auburn curls down my back.

  As much as I felt like an intruder, Elise had made me feel welcomed. As she had sewn the hem on the dress, I learned about her life and how her and Grant had lost their parents when she was only eight. I was right in my assumption that she wasn’t very old. She was only nineteen.

  “Sweet Mary Mother of God! Jillian, ye look beautiful,” Grant said when I opened the door.

A smile crept across my face from the look of Grant’s stunned expression. “Thank you.” Grant took my hand and weaved my arm through his, holding it in place with his warm hand leading me downstairs. As we neared the great hall, I heard voices mumbling and music playing.

  “Ah…there she is,” Cameron said spotting Grant and I.

  “Jillian, ye look ravishing,” Elise said as she stood hand in hand with Cameron. “I kenned that dress would fit ye perfectly!”

  “She is rather breathtaking,” Grant said in a husky baritone. I smiled weakly as I took a small inconspicuous step away from Grant. He seemed genuinely nice, and I was grateful for all his help, but I could tell he wouldn’t hesitate to push our acquaintance to a more intimate level. It was evident he was already leading in that direction.

  “Cameron, the guards are complainin’ about rotations again,” Blake said as he joined our small group in the middle of the great hall.

  Cameron glanced over at me. “I must go see what the problem is. I’ll leave you in these fine men’s capable hands, Jillian.”

  “He’ll make everything all right,” Elise said with a smile watching Cameron’s retreating back. “He always does. Excuse me, I must make sure the servants are ready ta serve the feast.”

  I smiled standing between Blake and Grant soaking in the medieval atmosphere until four large men walked through the far door leading into the great hall. The man that had caught me ogling from my window laughed as he strode in wearing black breeches, a white tunic, and his broadsword belted around his trim waist. I knew I needed to find out one thing, who that ruggedly handsome warrior was!

  * * * * *


  My heart raced with excitement and curiosity as I watched the handsome men cross the room. “Who are they?” I asked breathlessly.


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