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Immortal of My Dreams

Page 20

by Alexis McNeil

  She pointed a long slender finger at me. “You!” she yelled as her cold voice echoed through the great hall. Suddenly, she raised her arms, slamming all doors to the great hall shut. Grant, who stood over by the far door, held a cowering Elise close to him as a couple servants huddled in the opposite corner.

  Rowena’s eyes narrowed and she floated over the floor toward Merrick and me. “So, you decided to betray me,” she sneered. Her hand rose as if to reach out to me, when Merrick slid over, blocking her path. Rowena froze, glancing up at Merrick with an evil grin. With a flick of her wrist, Merrick flew across the room slamming up against the far stone wall.

  I went to take a step toward him. “No, Merrick!”

  “I think not,” the guardian said immobilizing me once again, an all too familiar feeling.

  “I didn’t betray you,” I yelled frantically glancing over at Merrick who slumped motionless on the floor.

  “He’s fine. I hardly touched him,” Rowena said with a sneer. “Now, where was I…oh, yes, you betrayed me, mortal. The child you carry is a girl!”

  “What! You can’t seriously think I can pick the gender of my child.” I wrapped my arms around my middle, when out of the corner of my eye I saw movement. I turned and found Grant, tight lipped with his hands in fists by his sides. He glared at me for a moment and then hastily grabbed Elise’s hand, only to storm out of the great hall opening the doors and slamming them shut with a loud bang.

  Rowena smiled wickedly as she watched Grant leave the hall. “Another admirer? I don’t think he likes the fact you carry Merrick’s child. Maybe I can help him out.” Suddenly, Rowena spread her hands over my stomach as surges of ice flew through me.

  “Leave her alone!” Merrick roared struggling to sit up and rubbing his head.

  “I guess I didn’t make my point before.” She directed one hand toward Merrick and opened her palm. Instantly, Merrick flew halfway up the wall. His head cracked against the stones falling into a heap on the floor once again. “I despise interruptions.”

  “Please, stop!” I screamed. Tears stung my eyes as I stared over at Merrick’s lifeless form while Rowena’s chill consumed my body. She laughed a cruel laugh and peered up into my eyes as hers began to storm and rage. At that moment, I knew she’d kill my child and me. I looked back over at Merrick. He let out a growl shaking his head side to side while he slowly sat up. The Guardian’s smile grew bigger.

  Suddenly, the big arched doors flew open and another icy gust flew in. A tall shape emerged. An elderly man walked forward with a blue cape identical to Rowena’s. His long, gray beard hung half-way down his torso. Rowena suddenly pulled her hands away from my stomach turning to look at the intruder giving me a moment of relief. “Baltzar?” she asked in a tone of disbelief.

  The elderly man glided forward as he glanced around the great hall. Stopping right next to Rowena, he glanced into my eyes with a hard look, but somehow it didn’t frighten me as much as Rowena’s. His eyes appeared old and full of wisdom. “Enough, Rowena,” he said in a low gravely voice. “This mortal has done nothing to you. It is time for you to go.”

  Rowena got a bewildered look on her face. “You don’t know what you’re saying,” she said through clenched teeth. “This mortal,” she spat pointing a finger at me, “will steal away another of our warriors!” She stepped closer to the man named Baltzar and softly said, “We’ll only have three Immortals left if she gets her greedy claws on Merrick.”

  “Then we will only have three,” Baltzar said sternly. Rowena was about to protest when Baltzar held up his hand. “There is no arguing this, Rowena.” Rowena turned and glared at me.

  “We can’t let her go unpunished,” she said almost whining.

  “I agree,” said Baltzar, “but we can’t hurt her. We made a pact with her God or have you forgotten our oath when we became what we are.”

  All our heads turned as Merrick stumbled to his feet and slowly made his way over to me. He pulled me to his side when I realized my legs were no longer paralyzed in place. “Leave her alone,” Merrick said coldly to the two Guardians. “I willna let ye harm her or our babe.”

  Baltzar’s mouth turned up at one end ever so slightly. I would’ve missed the smile if I blinked. “We will not harm your mortal or the child she carries.” Merrick and I both let out our breath. “But,” Baltzar continued, “we will let your mortal decide your future. I will ask you to make a choice, mortal,” Baltzar said looking into my eyes. He reached behind his back and seconds later, revealed the golden belt with all slots filled with the serpent head daggers. All except one.

  “I want our Immortal to stay immortal,” Baltzar said to me, “but we made a binding promise with these fine warriors and I will keep my word. This belt is filled with the daggers, all except the one you hold on your person. All you have to do is place your dagger in the slot and this belt will take you home.”

  I felt Merrick tense at my side. I turned to him and placed my hand on his arm. “Merrick, I wouldn’t. I’m carrying your child—“

  “Ah, but here is the catch my dear,” Baltzar continued. “If you choose to go home, you will have no memory of Merrick, the fifteenth century, or the babe you carry.”

  I slowly placed my hands over the small bump protruding from my stomach. Could I give this all up? I slowly shook my head. “No, I could never—“

  Baltzar raised his hand. “Hear me out. Go back to your home and you will have your mother, father, and grandparents back. They will be healthy, happy and have many more years left in their lives. Enough to see you find a good husband, have grandchildren, and make many more memories together. If you choose to stay here…then you must make Merrick mortal.”

  * * * * *


  Merrick took a step toward Baltzar. “Ye dinna play fair! Ye ken Jillian wants me ta stay immortal!” he yelled.

  Rowena quickly raised her hand and Merrick flew back crashing into the dais. Before I ran over to Merrick, I caught Baltzar’s frustrated glare toward Rowena. I knelt down and cradled Merrick’s face in my hands. “Are you all right?” I asked in a shaky voice.

  Merrick’s eyes slowly opened. He peered up at me with a sad smile on his face. “I ken ye dinna want me ta be mortal, Jillian,” he said softly. “Go…go home ta ye’re family where ye belong.” He gently ran his knuckles down the side of my face. “I ken what ye want ta do, lass. I’ll forgive ye,” he said sadly.

  Baltzar walked up in front of me holding the belt out before me. “Take it. You will remember nothing. You only have everything to gain.” Baltzar waited patiently for me to take the belt.

  As I stared at the shiny gold belt before me, I thought about my home, which could very easily turn into a reality. I could see my mom again, laugh with my dad once more, hear stories and legends from my grandda, and have many more picnics with my gram by Dornoch Firth, or I could give all that up for one man who told me he doesn’t know how to love. If I went home, I’d never know what I lost, never know the grief that had consumed most of my life, or that I could be so happy here in the fifteenth century with a man, I had no doubt was my soul mate.

  But to see my parents again! How could I pass that up? My life would be simple once more. I’d be back in New York, back in my cozy apartment going to work everyday…knowing what to expect. I thought I knew what I wanted. This was an offer I couldn’t refuse, but was my home really in the twenty-first century anymore?

  I reached out and lightly ran my fingers over the shiny belt and daggers. It was sad to think the Guardians could make this all disappear so easily. They would make me forget every wonderful and horrible moment I’ve had since I first laid eyes on this belt. I let out a long sigh glancing over at Merrick. He made a tight smile and lowered his head avoiding my gaze. Was he so sure I’d leave him? As I scrutinized him, I thought about the life I could have with him, the child growing inside me every day, the family we’d become. I knew what I had to do for myself and for Merrick as hard as it would be.
br />   “Make your decision, mortal,” Rowena snapped.

  I looked up at Baltzar and slowly pushed the belt back toward him. “Thanks, but no thanks,” I said staring at the belt as it glowed and reflected the light from the fire. “My home is here. My parents and grandparents were meant to move on when they did. As much as I would like to change that…I-I don’t have the authority to make that decision…and neither do you.”

  After refusing Baltzar’s offer, Merrick’s head jerked up at me as Rowena snarled and curled her lips baring her teeth.

  “Now, now Rowena, she has made her decision,” Baltzar said. He considered me. “That is your final decision? There will be no going back. You will be stuck here in the fifteenth century to live out the rest of your days with your mate.”

  I gazed over at Merrick and smiled. “I know. This is where I need to be.”

  “Very well, Rowena, let’s go.” Rowena glared at me for a brief moment, and then abruptly spun around following Baltzar. Baltzar stopped after a few steps glancing back at Merrick with a smile across his lips. “May the rest of your life treat you well…son.” Merrick and I watched quietly as they went to leave through the great hall doors just as Alexander, Cain, Gideon, and Cameron rushed in ready for battle. They came to an abrupt halt. “Ah, we were just leaving,” Baltzar said to the Immortals. “Don’t worry. Merrick and his mate are fine.”

  Rowena halted next to Baltzar’s side and glared at Cain. A wicked smile crossed Rowena’s face as she raised her hands. “Just try,” Cain said smoothly. “I’m stronger than ye think.” Rowena clenched her teeth waving her hands at Cain. I could see the air slightly shift in between them, but Cain didn’t budge. He just stood in a lazy stance smirking.

  “Come,” Baltzar said tugging at Rowena’s elbow. “That battle is for another day.”

  “I’ll be seeing you again,” Rowena ground out through clenched teeth.

  “I’m looking forward to it,” Cain said grinning.

  The two Guardians nodded to Alexander as he nodded back and the cloaked beings disappeared into the fog outside the doorway.

  I ran my hand through Merrick’s hair. “Are you all right?” I asked. I knew he was immortal, but it scared me so much when he was tossed through the air like a rag doll.

  Merrick gave my hand a reassuring squeeze. “I’m fine lass.”

  “Merrick, why did Baltzar call you son?” I asked quietly.

  Merrick sighed. “He was the one Guardian who added his own special parts ta me, what makes me original. All o’ us Immortals ha’ only one Guardian who added something special.” My shoulders relaxed at his words, but swiftly tensed up again. “Don’t be fooled,” Merrick said seriously. “Baltzer is just as mean as Rowena, but I think he showed a little more compassion for me because there’s a little bit of him in here,” he said tapping his chest with his fist.

  “Well, I’m just glad it’s over,” I said.

  Merrick put a few of my stray hairs behind my ear. “Thank you, lass,” Merrick whispered by my ear. “You saved my life.”

  “And you mine.”

  * * * * *

  Merrick and I, along with twenty others headed out to the field. We decided against having a mock battle for Merrick’s Ceremony of Beginnings. It had been a week since Baltzar and Rowena had made me choose my fate. I didn’t want anything to happen to Merrick, but I knew now, that he being Immortal would be no way to have a life and a family. The Guardians could hurt him just as easily when he was immortal…or take his life too if they so chose.

  For the ceremony, Merrick planned to stand in the center of the field with the small intimate group of friends in a circle around him. Elise stood next to me holding my hand tightly while Alexander stood across from me. He didn’t glance up at me once. Cain had disappeared the day after Rowena had confronted him. No one knew where he disappeared to, or that he visited with me that day long ago in the library.

  With everyone in place, Merrick knelt down in the center of the small circle with his shirt open, baring his chest. Alexander stood before Merrick with the Sword of Divinity and with Gideon and Cameron flanking his sides. Merrick nodded at Alexander and turned his gaze upon me. Merrick’s intense stare never wavered from mine as Alexander thrust the blade into Merrick’s chest. A sharp intake of breath filled the close circle. Alexander pulled the blade out and stood aside as Merrick fell over sideways onto the ground. Elise let go of my hand as I made my way over the few steps to Merrick and kneeled down beside him. I leaned over him, brushing his thick dark hair out of his eyes, when he turned his head and peered up into my face. I smiled in return and crushed my lips to his in a soul-shattering kiss. Merrick’s caress turned more and more urgent as he began sitting up and wrapping his arms around my thickened middle.

  Shouts of joy and laughter filled the silence. We both stood up and Merrick put his arm around me, hugging me close to his side. He pulled the ruby eyed dagger from inside his boot and scratched the blade across his palm, leaving a bloody line in its wake. Everyone’s gaze focused on the scratch. No one breathed. Merrick wiped the cut on his breeches and brought it up revealing a steady flow of blood from the wound. Sighs of relief were let out and hugs were given as we proceeded inside to have dinner and celebrate. As we walked toward the castle, I caught Alexander’s gaze. He made a tight nod at me before hurrying forward. A small private smile crossed my face knowing I just conquered one tiny battle.

  A feast fit for a king filled the tables. After eating until I was stuffed, I danced one slow dance with Merrick and sat back to watch everyone else the remainder of the night, letting my throbbing feet rest. Merrick never left my side. He was mortal now. It’s all I thought about. We’d grow old together, have a family. I placed my hands over the large bump in my stomach. Merrick must have seen, because he covered his hand over mine. “Everything is all right now.” He kissed my temple while lightly squeezing my hand. “No one will hurt us now.”

  I squeezed Merrick’s hand in return as he brought my hand up to his lips. After lightly kissing my palm, he turned, resuming his conversation with Cameron. Glancing past Merrick’s shoulder, I caught Grant’s cold stare aimed straight at me from across the room. As the night continued, the scowl never left Grant’s face.

  I had searched for him this morning at the ceremony, but he never showed up. I wasn’t sure why he was so mad. I’d have to talk to him and get things back the way they were between us. I still wanted to keep our friendship if possible; after all, he had helped me the most when I had first arrived in the fifteenth century.

  I covered my mouth when a yawn escaped. “Are ye ready ta retire, lass? I dinna want ye ta fall asleep so soon on our wedding night,” Merrick said in a husky voice.

  I couldn’t help but to smile. “I think I can stay awake a while longer if you want to head up to our chamber now.” With out a second to lose, Merrick excused us from Cameron and Elise and led me up to my bed chamber, which was now both of ours.

  Once inside, Merrick gently pushed me up against the door. “I promise, ye willna want ta move when I’m done with ye.” He slowly kissed me and began to make good on his promise.

  * * * * *

  “You’re leaving so soon?” I asked rolling to my side, watching Merrick’s nude body flex and stretch as he began to dress.

  “Ye should still be asleep. I thought I wore ye out pretty good last night…and in the wee light o’ the morning too,” Merrick said stopping after he pulled his breeches up, letting his gaze rove over my exposed body.

  I let out a dramatic sigh. “I guess you weren’t thorough.”

  Merrick leaned onto the bed and lightly ran his knuckles down the side of my face, over my collarbone, past my breasts, stopping with his hand on the side of my thigh. “Ye’re a feisty, lass. I’d stay, but Dante’ needs ta be ridden and tended ta. But when I return….” Merrick pressed his lips onto my thigh which took the place of his hand. He caressed the skin up my side stopping at my breast briefly, before ending at my mouth with a te
nder kiss. “Be ready when I return, lass. I’ll make it worth ye’re while.” Merrick placed one more quick kiss on my forehead, finished dressing, and reluctantly left our chamber.

  After taking a long hot bath and eating the breakfast Merrick had sent up to me, I looked out my window while I combed my damp hair. Below, in the snow covered practice area, Gideon was teaching hand-to-hand combat moves to a guard. I smiled thinking of how Merrick told me Gideon pulled his sword on him when he tried convincing Merrick to believe me. I had to thank him for his efforts. I pulled on a white fur-lined cloak and made my way down to the practice area. Gideon was just finishing with the guard and giving him some parting advice.

  Gideon turned to me and smiled. “Hello, Jillian. How are ye this morn?”

  “I’m doing great, thanks to you!” I said giving him a big smile. “I wanted to tell you thank you for persuading Merrick to think about the circumstances. Without you, I might never have seen him again.”

  “Och, I did what any friend would do. Besides, Merrick needed ye. He was in bad shape when we traveled. I ne’er seen him so grumpy.” We both laughed as I wrapped the cloak tighter around me from the frosty morning air.

  “So, those were pretty impressive moves I saw you teaching that guard.”

  “Och, those are just basic. Dinna tell Cameron, but his guards are no too smart. I canna get too complicated or they’d ne’er understand. Anyone could do those in a fight if they think of it.”

  “Maybe anyone without a huge pregnant belly,” I said smiling and wrapping my arms under the so called huge protrusion.

  “Nonsense,” Gideon said stepping forward. “Here, do ye mind, I’ll show ye a move ye can even do with ye’re ‘big belly’.” I nodded and Gideon came up behind me and wrapped one arm around my neck and the other below my stomach. “All ye ha’ ta do is hit ye’re head back into the assailant’s nose, or ye can kick back as hard as ye can into his knee caps. That should make him let go, at least for a second for ye ta get away and get help. Go ahead, try it.”


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