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Lords of the Kingdom

Page 93

by Le Veque, Kathryn

  He raised his goblet and Colin followed suit, leaving her to do the same. “To finding Hope and a happy ending for her.”

  “Aye,” Colin agreed wholeheartedly. “A happy ending for her.”

  How could Hope not drink to that? It was what she wanted and the Devil had even added his own well wishes. She feared a happy ending was not in her future, however, but joined in the toast anyway. What harm would it do?

  Toast followed toast, goblets were refilled time and again and before Hope realized it the night grew late and she grew drunk. The Devil swayed on his feet—or was it Hope who swayed when she stood staring at him?

  Her swaying grew worse when Borg joined the Devil and Hope attempted to look up at his full height. He was a giant of a man and the more her eyes traveled up the length of him the dizzier she grew.

  Colin reached out for Hope just as she was about to topple over. “Easy, lad.”

  Hope rested gratefully against Colin, thinking that his solid weight would still her endless motion. She was mistaken. They swayed together.

  “The lad needs a bed to steady him,” Eric ordered. “See to it, Colin.”

  Hope attempted to gain a bit of clarity but her foggy mind would have none of it. She knew there was something of extreme importance she was to do this night but she could not make sense of her thoughts and a bed sounded like a good place to be at the moment.

  “Need help?” Borg offered and stepped forward.

  Eric placed a firm hand on the large man’s shoulder, stopping him. “Colin can see to the lad himself.”

  Hope thought she caught a strange and silent exchange between the two men before Borg stepped back. But then her mind was foggy… why not her sight as well?

  “Aye, the Devil is right,” Colin said, his charming smile surfacing. “I can handle a mere lad. It is an elusive, pint-sized woman who gives me the most trouble.”

  Borg laughed. “I cannot believe my ears. He admits there is a woman he cannot charm.”

  Hope came swiftly to his defense. “He can charm any woman. I know,” she insisted with a thump to her chest. “I have seen him work his charm.”

  “As have I,” Borg agreed. “But this woman he has yet to find, and somehow I think she would not submit so easily.”

  “Aye, she would,” Hope continued to insist, especially since she was the woman and had already succumbed to his charm, or was it his good soul that she favored?

  “Borg has a point,” Eric said. “Colin very well may have met his match.”

  “He has not,” Hope said indignantly and took a step forward. She swayed, the room spun and the floor rushed up to greet her.

  Colin grabbed for the falling lad and with little effort swung him over his shoulder. “He definitely needs a bed.”

  “It is late,” Eric said. “Find him a sleeping palette in the keep.”

  Faith listened from where she sat in her chair and waited.

  “He can share my quarters for the night.”

  “Good,” Eric said, as if pleased by his choice. “Then you can make certain Harold is with you to greet Shamus in the morning.”

  “We will be together.”

  Faith smiled and stroked her rounded belly, pleased with the news.

  Eric came to her side, his hand resting on her shoulder as they both watched a swaying Colin carry Hope out of the great hall.

  Lady moved lazily to follow her master but a sound command from Eric kept her beside Rook.

  Colin made his way to his quarters with little difficulty. Harold was barely a bundle, his weight was so light. He feared the lad would never gain the muscle he needed to defend himself, and that often worried Colin.

  He carefully placed Harold on the tapestry-draped chair while he went to the bed to roll the bed covers back and strip out of his own clothes before seeing to the lad.

  He discarded his own garments quickly, the wine fast catching up with him and knowing that shortly he would be able to help no one. He turned to see that Harold had wrapped himself up in the tapestry and slept contentedly, rolled up as he was.

  Colin thought it best to leave him and dropped naked into the bed, pulling the bed covers over himself and falling fast into a deep sleep.

  Hope stirred in the middle of the night, her head pounding and her neck sore from it, resting on the arm of the wooden chair in which she found herself. She stretched her cramped body, slowly attempting to focus her bleary sight.

  The fireplace was directly in front of her and she could make out a bed to her right. The room seemed familiar and she assumed with relief that it was the healing cottage. All she needed to do was make her way over to the bed and climb in. There was getting herself undressed first, though she could remain in her clothes.

  She shook her head at her own suggestion. She was much too warm from sleeping in front of the fireplace. She much preferred to slip her clothes off and crawl naked beneath the covers.

  Her spinning head and weak legs told her the task might prove difficult. Still she was determined, and with fumbling hands she attempted to undress herself. It took several attempts with much effort and deep breaths to boost her strength. Her leggings proved the most vexing for the hose refused to disconnect from her toes. The garment simply refused to let go of her toes. It tangled around them and hung on tight.

  It was with a heavy breath that she finally managed to free her imprisoned toes and cast the stubborn garment aside.

  Now she had to make it to the bed.

  She ran her hands through her hair and for some odd reason began to cry softly. Her hair, her beautiful long hair, was gone, the length now barely at her shoulders. Why had she been so foolish? Why had she cut her hair?

  She stopped crying as suddenly as she had started.

  She wiped at her wet cheeks and then at her bare chest where the teardrops had fallen. She remembered why. She had decided to go on an adventure. Not just any adventure, but a grand adventure.

  Her fumbling hand drifted once again to her hair but this time it was to rub her head. There was something about this adventure she should remember. Something important.

  She shook her head briefly, the action causing both her head and the room to spin. She would remember in the morning, she promised herself. After all, it was important.

  “Very important,” she whispered as she made her way slowly to the bed.

  She climbed beneath the covers and as her head hit the pillow she drifted off to sleep, she remembered. She was to leave Shanekill tonight. It was important. Very important.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Loud, shouting voices penetrated Colin’s sleep and his aching head. He did not know who was arguing outside his bedchamber door but when he found out there would be hell to pay.

  He told himself to open his eyes but somehow the thought of bright morning sunlight kept his eyes firmly shut. He had entertained himself with much too much drink the previous night and from the feel of the warm feminine body next to his, drink was not the only entertainment in which he had indulged.

  Usually he never forgot taking a woman to his bed. Actually, he had never forgotten a night of lovemaking no matter how much drink he had consumed. But at the moment he could not recall who he had invited to his bed and stranger still was the fact that he never brought a woman to his bedchambers. He always went to their quarters, enabling himself to take his leave when he chose.

  From the feel of her cuddled against him she was a small one in height and weight. Not that size mattered to him. He had had his share of women of all sizes and discovered fast enough that it was the woman’s character that attracted him the most and made her a good lover. So it troubled him that he could not recall anything about the sleeping woman beside him.

  The voices grew louder and if his head had not hurt so badly he would have yelled back at them for disturbing him.

  He was about to peek beneath the covers where she was curled with her back against him when a sudden pounding shook his door. He was about to jump out of bed an
d pound on the person who dared disturb him when his door flew open and slammed against the wall.

  A short man, rotund and balding and with thick fists, entered followed by Eric and Faith.

  “Where is she?” the man demanded, shaking his fist at no one in particular. “Where is my Hope?”

  Colin realized then that the man was Hope’s uncle Shamus, but why did he think his niece was here?

  He ran his fingers through his hair and pushed himself up to sit with the bed covers slipping down to below his waist. He decided to address Eric since the short man obviously was not making sense, and Colin himself felt a faint tickle of apprehension rush down his spine. “What is this about, my lord?”

  “Where is Harold?” Eric asked.

  Last evening came flooding back and he realized then that the slender figure asleep beside him must be Harold, though he could have sworn it was feminine curves that rested at his side. “Right here beside me.”

  “He admits it, he admits it,” Shamus shouted, his full face turning a bright red.

  Colin held his tongue and waited. Something was amiss, seriously amiss.

  Eric approached the side of the bed where Harold slept and lifted the covers just enough for Colin to see who slept beside him.

  He jumped out of bed when his eyes caught sight of a small woman just rousing from a deep sleep. When he realized he stood naked before Faith he hurried back beneath the bed covers but kept a safe distance from the mysterious woman.

  “He will do right by her,” Shamus demanded with a mighty shake of his fist toward Eric.

  Eric glared at the small man and his fist fell slowly to his side. “I will see to this matter.”

  “I have no doubt you will,” Shamus said more calmly. “I am told you are an honorable man.”

  Hope peeked from beneath the covers, her sleepy state leaving her confused. “Uncle Shamus?”

  Colin turned chilling eyes on the woman he had thought a lad. “You are Hope?”

  Hope stared at him speechless. She could not find the words to offer a reasonable explanation, one that would make any kind of sense. She remained silent.

  His look turned furious, his tone was icy. “Answer me.”

  “Do as he says, Hope,” Shamus ordered firmly. “You owe the man that much.”

  Hope owed him much more but she realized he would never listen to her now or understand. She decided to rely on her own strength and brave the consequences of her foolishness.

  She sat up, pressing the covers against her chest to conceal her nakedness. She held her head high and spoke with a confidence that surprised everyone. “Hope and Harold are one.”

  Colin stared at her in complete silence. He had no words to express his shock. How had he ever missed the fact that Harold was a woman? Hope had played the role well. He had never once doubted the validity of the lad’s tales.

  Now, looking at her sitting there bold and confident, he saw signs he had never noticed before. Her eyes were wide and curious and fringed with long lashes, her lips were a pale pink and plump though slim and her neck was slender and looked soft to the touch. He could only imagine how she would look when her hair grew in, for now it fell to her shoulders, though slight waves here and there gave it a gentle softness that spoke of femininity.

  He shook his head at his own stupidity, running a hand over his face in frustration. How could he have been so blind?

  “We need to talk, Colin,” Eric said and though it did not sound like a command there was no doubt it was.

  Shamus spoke with impatience. “I will hear him say now that he will do right and wed my niece.”

  Hope saw the fury rise in Colin’s eyes, sending a shiver through her. Her fear had been realized. Her deception weighed heavy on him and he felt the fool. There would be no love between them, and she would not wed him without it.

  “I will not wed him,” Hope declared adamantly with a defiant toss of her head.

  “You have no choice,” her uncle said just as adamantly and he looked to Colin. “Give me an answer, son.”

  “I gave you my answer,” Hope said with a sharp insistence that drew all eyes to her. “His answer is not necessary.”

  “Your own foolishness has brought this down upon you,” her uncle said with a shake of his fist at her. “You will do what is right, as will he.”

  “I will not marry him,” Hope repeated with a calmness that chilled, and she looked with imploring eyes to Faith.

  Faith understood her silent request and walked over to her, holding out the warm white wool shawl she wore. Hope took it and slipped it beneath the covers to drape around her. She then moved the covers and stood up wearing the shawl, safely concealing her nakedness.

  She walked to Faith’s side, needing the support of a friend. Faith slipped her arm around her and together they approached the door.

  “You will marry him,” her uncle said as if he had not a doubt.

  She stopped and with tear-filled eyes said, “Nay, I will wed no one.”

  Colin’s curt, firm voice stopped her. “You will wed me.”

  “It is settled,” Shamus said with a sigh. “We celebrate.”

  Hope shook her head at them all and left the room.

  Faith held her closely as she cried. Between sobs she attempted to express herself. “I did not”—she choked on her words—“want this.”

  Faith had wrapped her in a warm robe and they sat huddled together before the fireplace in the Devil’s bedchamber. “You have not given it a chance.”

  “Chance?” Hope looked at her with incredulous eyes. “There is no chance for us. I deceived him. How will he ever trust me?”

  “You did not purposely deceive Colin. Your deception was for your own protection.”

  “I kept my identity from him.” She hiccupped.

  “You felt the need for autonomy. He will come to understand this.”

  Hope shook her head and allowed pooled tears to flow freely. “He will never understand. He will always think I tricked him and he will hate me.”

  Faith hugged her. “When he calms down he will begin to question and begin to realize and he will attempt to make sense of it all. That is when he will begin to talk with you and understand you.”

  “Uncle Shamus says that I make sense to no one and that it is because of my heritage that I will not bow or submit to any man no matter the reason or fault.”

  “Then hold fast to such courage and give Colin a chance.”

  Hope rested her weary head on Faith’s shoulder. “You did not let me leave last night, did you?”

  Faith shut her eyes as she answered. “A chance, Hope, if not taken it, you would always have wondered and possibly always regretted.”

  “What if I regret now?”

  “Then you know it and can go on, but if you did not learn that, then every day of your life you would think what might have been and never ever fully live your life. I am sorry if I hurt you and perhaps I had no right, but it is for the best. You will see that.”

  Hope sighed and hiccupped again. “I forgive you. You did what you thought best. And you are right—I would have forever wondered. But,” she said with the obstinacy of Harold, I will not enter into a forced marriage. Colin must have time to consider whether he wishes to wed me or not.”

  “I do not think your uncle will agree to such conditions.”

  “I will have it no other way,” Hope insisted.

  “You are as stubborn as your uncle,” Faith said with a smile.

  “Aye, that I am, but it is I who will have my way, not my uncle.”

  Somehow Faith had no doubt she would.

  “A week’s time?” Shamus shouted, though it was unnecessary to raise his voice. Eric and Colin were the only ones present in Eric’s solar and could clearly hear him. “Not acceptable.”

  Colin chose silence so he could listen.

  “This is not an ordinary situation,” Eric attempted to explain calmly.

  “It matters not how it came about that my n
iece was in his bed naked. It only matters that he wed her and as fast as possible.”

  “A week’s time is hasty enough,” Eric insisted.

  “Not for me.” Shamus was just as insistent. “Two days’ time.”

  “A week,” Eric countered, refusing to rush Colin into anything without giving him sufficient time to think it over.

  Shamus was stubborn. “Two and he is lucky I give him that.”

  Colin decided to speak up. “Four days and I will marry her.”

  Shamus wasted not a moment. “Agreed.” He extended his hand to Colin to seal the agreement.

  Colin did not hesitate; he shook the man’s hand, sealing his fate.

  “Now we only need to see that Hope obeys my orders to wed you,” Shamus said, a weary smile warning that it would not be an easy task. “She is determined to do as she pleases and has the intelligence to accomplish it.”

  “She fooled all of us,” Eric said with admiration.

  Shamus’s smile turned to one of pride. “She shares the blood of courageous kings; I should expect no less of her. And you should know, Colin, that marriage to her will forever be eventful.”

  Colin had to smile at the challenging prospect. “We will come to understand each other in time.”

  “Good,” Shamus said, pleased, and rubbed at his rotund tummy. “Now I hear that your cook is greatly skilled.”

  “She works magic,” Eric said with pride.

  “Good, then I am ready to taste magic.”

  Eric summoned a servant to escort Shamus to the great hall, requesting a few moments alone with Colin. He did not object and took his leave when the servant arrived.

  The two men sat in the broad wooden seats in front of the fireplace. While the warm spring weather filled the meadows and hills, the castle itself held a chill, so fires burned in the many hearths.

  “Do you wish this marriage?” Eric asked directly.

  “Are you telling me I have a choice in the matter?”

  “We have been friends far too long for you even to ask that of me.”

  Colin nodded, knowing Eric’s words were all too true. I remember when your wife thought you were forced to wed her. Until she truly came to know her husband, she did not realize you married her because you wished to.”


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