Lords of the Kingdom

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Lords of the Kingdom Page 104

by Le Veque, Kathryn

  “Then we should take our time and make certain your need is satisfied.”

  As they neared the cottage he scooped her up in his arms and she laughed, throwing her arms around his neck. He shoved the door open with his shoulder and kicked it closed after they had entered. He went straight for the bed and they went down on it together.

  He pressed his forehead to hers and admitted, “I have no patience; my want overwhelms me.”

  She reached down, running her hand over the bulge beneath his tunic. “Then let us assuage your ache quickly.”

  “Once will not be enough,” he warned her as he began to kiss her with a demanding urgency.

  “Once is never enough,” she whispered and bit playfully at his lower lip as her hand moved beneath his tunic and cupped him with a roughness that had him moaning aloud.

  A hard knock at the door tore them apart just as Eric entered the cottage. “Colin, we need to talk,” he said and walked out, leaving the door open for Colin to follow.

  He stood and adjusted his garments. “We will finish this when I return.”

  She walked on her knees to the edge of the bed where he stood and ran one hand over the bulge that remained hard under his tunic. Her other hand drifted up around his neck while her lips went for his mouth.

  She kissed him with a fervor that left him breathless. “I will be waiting impatiently.”

  He shook his head, groaned, grumbled and reluctantly left the room.

  Chapter Thirty-Two

  Colin assumed Eric was worried about Faith, but it was not only Faith’s condition that disturbed him.

  “At first when she informed me that the babe may arrive early I grew concerned with our present situation. Faith alleviated my fears by making me realize she would have much experienced help here. I would, of course, prefer her to be at Shanekill where I know for certain she would be safe.”

  “Then there is naught for us to worry about,” Colin said with relief.

  It was a short-lived relief, however, for Eric said, “Nay, there is much for us to worry about.” Eric sat on a nearby fallen tree, Colin joining him. “Rath has just informed me that a lord from a neighboring land has a troop of his men out searching for him and that they draw dangerously close. He does not think it is safe to remain here much longer. A day or two at the most, he suggests.”

  Colin stood and paced before him. “Perhaps it would be best for us to leave immediately and return to the safety of your land. Rath and his people would find safe shelter there.”

  Eric grinned. “You do me proud by thinking as I do. That is why I trust you to lead many of the missions requested of me.”

  “You have taught me well, my lord.”

  “We are friends, Colin, friends long before I bought this fancy title.”

  “It is a title you earned and a title I respect. You are my lord and I will serve you well.”

  Eric stood and held his hand out to him. Colin took it. “Thank you, and it is glad I am to call you friend.”

  Colin nodded, feeling a strong bond with the Devil and knowing he would give his life for him and his wife. “Shall we make plans to leave immediately?”

  “Rath suggests that a day or two should not harm us. And I worry over Faith.”

  “I think we would be wise to move as quickly as possible,” Colin said. “There is no point in taking a chance, especially with Faith’s condition. The closer we are to Shanekill land the better it will be for her.”

  “I thought of this, but she grows tired much too often and I do not know if this journey will be too much for her.”

  “There is a cart here. We can make it comfortable for her and she can sleep when necessary. Hope will look after her.”

  “You grow fond of her,” Eric said, as if he declared it so.

  Colin felt at ease talking with Eric. “More than I expected. She is different from most women I have known. She intrigues me.”

  “That is a good start. For one so small in size she defends herself and others when necessary. I admire her courage and I am pleased that she is here now.”

  Colin laughed. “We are here now because of her.”

  “Faith is here because of her obstinacy and because she has a husband who cannot seem to deny her her way.”

  “Hope need not have run away again,” Colin said, feeling a sense of guilt for their dilemma.

  “I would have been surprised had she stayed and remained compliant.”

  Colin looked confused. “You expected her to run?”

  “She possesses too much courage to surrender without a fight. Remember that during your marriage. She will not retreat easily and she will defend herself endlessly. Her willful nature will not allow her to respond otherwise. Have you not learned this by now?”

  “It is easier to see when you stand outside the situation,” Colin said. “But when you are in the thick of things nothing is clear.”

  Eric nodded. “How true are your words. I could see nothing clearly when Faith and I first came together.”

  Colin grinned. “Aye, I remember.”

  “And enjoyed.”

  “That, too.”

  Eric returned his grin. “Now it is my turn to enjoy.”

  “Will you have no mercy, my lord?”

  “Not a lick,” Eric assured him.

  “At least have mercy on me now and allow me to return to Hope and finish what I had begun.”

  Eric laughed and slapped Colin on the back. “I disturbed you at an inopportune time?”

  “Most inopportune time.”

  “My regrets,” Eric offered. “Go enjoy.”

  “Thank you, my lord,” Colin said, and with a respectful nod walked away.

  The Devil called out to him and he turned. “First thing tomorrow we make plans and by the next sunrise we are gone.

  “A wise choice, my lord. I will see to it.” A nod and they both went their separate ways, returning to their women.

  Hope was naked beneath the soft wool blanket and sound asleep. Dusk was near to drifting into the night and the room’s only glow was the soft light from the moderate flames in the hearth.

  Colin at first thought not to disturb her. His immediate second thought was that her nakedness was a sure sign that her intention was the same as his. And she would not at all mind if he woke her.

  He stripped out of his garments with haste and slipped carefully beneath the covers. She was turned on her side, her back to him, and he nestled himself gently up against her, his hand drifting slowly down her waist, over her hip, splaying along her belly until his fingers tickled at the triangular mound of dark hair.

  She responded to his familiar touch though asleep, a soft, sensual sigh spilling from her lips.

  That sigh encouraged him and he went to work at her neck, raining endless, provocative kisses along the sensitive skin. His hand worked its own magic, tempting her with a flicker of a touch here and there until he had her moving to the rhythm his hand finally set.

  Her eyes drifted open and her voice was heavy with sleep and desire. “Why did you not wake me?”

  “I have,” he said on a laugh and bit playfully at her neck.

  She shivered and when she did, his fingers entered her with a force and rhythm that had her climaxing in seconds, her cries of pleasure filling the room.

  “Not fair,” she said when she regained her breathing.

  “I do not play fair with you,” he whispered in her ear.

  The thought that he made love differently to her excited her. “Why?”

  He was honest. “I lose control and think naught but of my need for you.” His fingers began to move inside her again, and again she responded.

  “You need me now?” she asked, her sighs beginning to rise with the tempo he set.

  He moved his swelled manhood against her. “Do you doubt my need?” She rubbed against him, a laugh mingling with her moans. “Nay, I am glad for your need.”

  His hand drifted away from her and he turned her on her back, slippi
ng over and into her in one skillful stroke.

  She welcomed him with a deep sigh and he moved in and out of her with strong purposeful strokes. His mouth came down on her aching nipples and he soothed them with his lips and tongue, paying each much needed attention.

  “I never imagined …” Her words drifted off on a pleasurable moan.

  He finished them for her. “That it could feel so good.”

  She nodded and ran her hands over his broad shoulders. “Aye,” she said on a sigh that grew as he hastened the tempo. She wrapped her legs around him and took him deeper inside her, feeling the strength of him and relishing in the exquisite sensation.

  His lips left her tingling breasts and moved to capture her lips swollen with the want of him. She eagerly responded to his kiss and her movements grew more demanding, more needy. Her moans turned to a frantic ache and he made certain to satisfy her every need, giving her what she craved with an intense craving of his own.

  They came together in a fast and furious climax that neither expected. They clung to each other like lovers drowning in the aftermath of a rich sexual encounter and not yet realizing its ramifications. They drifted listlessly, letting the ripples of pleasure ride through them and forgetting everything but the passion they had just shared.

  They came apart out of need for air and lay sprawled on their backs, their arms stretched above their heads and holding hands to keep them connected.

  Their breathing slowed and their senses returned and with it they turned on their sides facing each other. He kissed her gently. She kissed him back. He touched her here and there and she did the same. They could not keep their hands off each other.

  It was a gentle intimacy they shared, a bonding of lovers.

  “I like the feel of you,” he said. She smiled softly. “And I you. I do not think I will ever grow tired of touching you.”

  “That is good,” he said with a kiss. “For I will be the only man you ever touch.”

  She looked at him strangely. “Why would I ever wish to touch another man? I want only you. I love you.” The words came easily to her, for they were truthful and spoken from the heart. And she could be no less than honest with him. No matter how he felt.

  His fingers teased at her nipples, his mouth fed on hers and he demonstrated his feelings as only he could at the moment, through touch.

  She enjoyed his inquisitive fingers and relaxed with every stroke.

  They talked, they kissed, they touched and they loved into the night until finally exhaustion claimed them and they fell asleep in each other’s arms.

  Dawn brought a new day and Hope woke with a promise of a new beginning. She grew excited at the challenge and was eager to begin the day. It was delayed with a brief but satisfying bout of lovemaking and then she was up, hungry for food and for the new day.

  Eggs, bread and cheese were served to them for breakfast and Colin decided while they ate that it was best to be honest with her about their circumstances. He told her of his conversation with Eric.

  She finished eating a chunk of cheese. “Do you feel we are in danger?”

  “Not immediate danger, but close enough. Lord Eric wants us gone from here by sunrise tomorrow. A wise choice.”

  “Then there is much to do, especially making certain that Lady Faith’s comfort is seen to for the journey.”

  “You are a lady yourself, born of a respected lineage, and yet you demand no pampering or special treatment.”

  She reached for a small piece of cheese. I am proud of the courageous bloodline that I am a descendent of but my heritage also possesses a strong sense of independence. I need no special treatment nor do I want it. I enjoy doing for myself and have done so since I was a young girl.”

  “I would guess that your uncle is disappointed that you were caught in a compromising situation that forced him to agree to a marriage he would never have sanctioned.”

  “Are you saying that my uncle is disappointed that his niece did not have a better choice of a marriage partner?”

  He shrugged. “You did not have a choice. I am sure he would have preferred someone with a richer lineage than mine.”

  She laughed, pressing her fingers to her mouth to contain her laughter.

  He grew annoyed. “You think it funny?”

  “Aye,” she admitted, and bit at her lip to keep from laughing out loud.

  “Why?” His curt query sounded stern.

  She tempered her laughter and took a deep breath so that she could explain. “My uncle wished me to be happy. He had all intentions of presenting me with a list of potential husbands and allowing me to make my own choice.”

  “You were to choose your husband?”

  She nodded. “Uncle Shamus would never have forced me to many a complete stranger. He wanted me happy; therefore, when he found us in bed together he was actually more relieved than angry.”

  “Relieved?” he asked, confused.

  She nodded again. “Aye, he assumed since I slept with you that you would be the husband of my choice and he no longer needed to worry about finding me someone. I had seen to finding my own husband.”

  Colin shook his head. “I do not understand.”

  “But I have explained it.”

  “Nay,” he said, shaking his head again. “I do not understand why you ran away if your uncle intended for you to choose your own husband. Could you not have found one to love?”

  She looked directly at him, raising her chin a notch. “I was looking for a special man. I searched for someone who would not only love me but understand my willful ways, my need to explore, my need for a sense of freedom.”

  “Some would think that was much to ask of a husband.”

  “That is why I searched for a special man, for only a kindred spirit would understand my needs and be able to meet them.”

  Colin leaned across the small table and tapped her playfully on the nose. “As I told you, Hope, I will be a good husband.” He stood and held his hand out to her. “Come, there is much work to do before our departure tomorrow.”

  She took his hand, wondering over his remark.

  The day was beautiful, the sun bright and the air warm. Everyone in the village was busy running about gathering, packing and preparing for tomorrow.

  Hope immediately went to work helping a few of the women prepare a small cart for Faith. Colin joined Eric and Rath who were deep in discussion.

  Faith sat on a blanket complaining that she should be helping along with everyone else.

  “Be sensible,” one of the women said. “You need to see to the safety of your babe. Rest and do not worry. All will be seen to.”

  Faith rested a hand to her stomach as if realizing the wisdom of the woman’s words, and remained silent as preparations continued.

  Early in the afternoon Hope joined Faith on the blanket for a light meal while the men continued to talk. It was not surprising to see that weapons had been dispersed amongst the villagers. Even a few of the women carried knives.

  But the impending danger came to full realization when Colin and Eric’s swords were returned to them.

  “I will be glad when we are home,” Faith said, her eyes on her husband in the near distance but her remark directed to Hope.

  “Do not worry,” Hope said, laying a comforting hand on hers. “We are well protected.”

  “I know. Eric and Colin are fierce warriors and will guard us well, but I am a cumbersome lot in my present condition and fear I will slow us down on the journey.”

  “Are you not feeling well?” Hope asked with concern.

  Faith shook her head. “It is nothing I can say for sure and since I cannot I do not speak of it to Eric, but …”

  “You think the babe will arrive early.”

  “It is only a feeling.”

  “One that needs to be paid attention to,” Hope insisted. “And I will be by your side the whole return trip. I will see to your every need.”

  “Nonsense, you need not—”

  Hope in
terrupted. “I want to do this for you, and besides, I am too stubborn to take nay for an answer. I will do as I please.”

  Faith took hold of her hand. “I am glad you are here with me.”

  Hope thought a change of topic wise. “And glad I am that you will be with me on my wedding day.”

  Faith smiled and hugged Hope. “You have decided to wed Colin.”

  “Aye, I have,” she admitted and felt good that she had made the choice that had so haunted her.

  “It is a wise choice you have made,” Faith assured her. “And when we return to the keep we will begin immediate plans for your wedding. Bridget can stitch a dress for you. Mary will cook a grand feast. There will be music and merriment.” Tears gathered in her eyes. “I love weddings, especially when two people are in love.”

  Hope looked at her strangely. “Colin does not love me. He weds me out of duty.”

  Faith stared at her oddly. “Colin would only wed for love. He does not marry you out of duty.”

  “You believe this?” Hope asked incredulously.

  Faith shook her head. “I know this. He is as willful as you are, and would do nothing if it was not his choice.”

  “Aye, he chooses to wed me out of duty.”

  “Nay,” Faith insisted. “Duty has nothing to do with why he weds you. And Eric himself told him he would not force him to wed you if it was not what he wished.”

  “He did?” Hope asked in disbelief.

  Faith nodded. “He did and Colin did not hesitate in his decision. He may not have realized his love for you immediately but he felt something strong enough that made him wish to wed you.”

  “He was confused, thinking me the lad, and probably felt sorry for me and my foolishness.”

  Faith smiled. “Nay, he admired your foolishness, for he is often foolish himself.”

  Kindred spirit. Was he more like her than she thought? Could he truly understand her? Could he truly love her?

  “Give him time,” Faith said, yawning.

  Time. They had much of that to share together and perhaps time would prove to be their friend.

  “You should nap,” Hope said and stood, reaching her hand down to her.

  “You are right. I wish to be strong for the journey tomorrow.” Faith took her hand and Hope easily helped her up. “You are strong for one so small.”


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