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Lords of the Kingdom

Page 106

by Le Veque, Kathryn

“Rook, find Faith!”

  Chapter Thirty-Four

  Hope jumped up.

  Eric’s men had arrived.

  Rook immediately obeyed the command. He barked once at Eric and once at Lady and then took off into the woods.

  “We follow?” Borg asked anxiously and Hope realized that he must have been informed of the situation for he wore a mixture of anger and worry.

  “Nay,” Eric said confidently. “Rook will return and take us where we need to go. I do not want to take a chance of alerting anyone to our arrival. I know not what waits for us.”

  “I do not think Rath means any harm to Faith,” Colin said, attempting to ease the tension filled air.

  “He took my wife,” Eric reminded angrily.

  “We do not know why,” Colin said. “Perhaps he thought to protect her.”

  “No one takes Faith from me for any reason,” Eric said through gritted teeth.

  “Could Faith have gone of her own volition?” Borg asked.

  Hope approached the men with Lady at her side and answered his question. “Faith would never have left her husband.”

  Eric nodded his appreciation. “You understand my wife well.”

  “I understand her strong love for you and that love would never have permitted her to leave your side in battle or any other time. She worried over you during the attack, asking me if you were all right each time I returned.”

  Eric tensed, his hand gripping the hilt of his sword until it turned pure white. “I will hold my wife in my arms by nightfall or there will be hell to pay.”

  “Aye, my lord,” Colin and Borg echoed in unison.

  “Lady Hope, I wish to speak with you,” Eric said sternly. “Borg, Colin, see to it that the men are prepared to leave and that the people here are given sufficient food and shelter until our return.”

  Colin moved to stand beside Hope.

  She placed a hand to his chest. “I will be fine.”

  Eric understood his concern. “You may remain if you wish.”

  Colin looked to Eric and smiled. “It is you I should be standing beside, my lord. Hope is a stubborn one to deal with.”

  For the first time since the attack, Eric smiled. “Then I will have no trouble handling her for she is exactly like my wife.”

  Hope smiled along with them. “From what I hear Faith handles the Devil quite nicely.”

  Colin and Borg roared with delight as they walked away and Eric simply shook his head.

  “Come join me,” he said to Hope, his mighty hand extended.

  She accepted his invitation and sat by the fire, Lady resting at her side.

  “Tell me of you and Colin. Have you settled things between you?”

  She had not expected this question from him and her surprise showed on her face.

  Eric understood. “Colin is a good friend and I will see him happy and I will not see you forced to wed. Now tell me, have you both finally realized you love each other?”

  She nodded. “You knew we loved each other?”

  “Only a fool could not see it. Colin worried incessantly about the lad. He cared for you from the start, in a different manner, of course, but he cared. Once he discovered you were a woman, he was angry and also intrigued. He had first thought you robbed him of a friend and then realized you were still that friend and could be so much more. You confused him and thrilled him and completely frustrated him. And it was a delight to watch.”

  “I sense he received the same pleasure from your relationship with Lady Faith.”

  “She led me on a merry chase, though it was of my own foolish choosing. Colin attempted to warn me of my rash actions but a fool in love listens to no one, which Colin has recently learned.”

  “Aye, he has and so have I.”

  “Then you both agree to wed?”

  She answered with a smile and without hesitation. “Aye, that we do.”

  “Good. Now that we have settled that, tell me of my wife.”

  “What do you wish to know?”

  The conversation took a serious tone. “Do you think the babe will arrive early?”

  Faith hesitated.

  Eric would not have it. “Be honest with me.”

  “Faith worried over the babe arriving early and I trust a woman’s instincts. I also worry that she was subject to the unexpected excitement of the attack. That cannot do well for her.”

  “Then you think there is a good chance the babe will arrive early?”

  “Births are unpredictable, but I would tend to believe your babe is impatient.”

  Eric rubbed at his jaw. “I wish to be with her when her time comes. I do not wish her to suffer alone.”

  Hope placed a comforting hand on his arm. “I am sure she thinks of you and knows in her heart that you come to rescue her.”

  “Do you think she needs rescuing?”

  “I do not believe Rath intends her harm.”

  “He seems like a good man, but he took her away from me. That I cannot forgive.”

  “As long as she is well, does it matter?”

  Eric needed no time for thought. “Aye, it matters. She is the Devil’s wife and no one touches what is mine.”

  Hope could understand why many feared the Devil’s wrath. His size alone would make one quake and his blue eyes looked as if they could reach down to one’s soul. Yet Hope sensed compassion, understanding and love in the depths of the Devil and that made him all the more human.

  “I should prepare for the journey,” she said, anxious to change from female attire to the lad’s durable garments.

  “Colin will be concerned with your safety. He may not allow you to go.”

  “Allow” was the wrong choice of word. Hope simply smiled at the Devil and stood. “I will soon be ready to join the men.”

  “I will leave it for you and Colin to settle.”

  “A wise choice, my lord.” She walked away, Lady following close by.

  “Lady Hope,” he called to her and she turned.

  “I would be pleased if you joined us.”

  She smiled. “I appreciate the invitation, my lord.”

  He nodded. “I thought you would.”

  “I do not care if the Devil invited you; you are not going,” Colin said for the third time, and shook his head at her. “I intend to burn those garments when we return to Shanekill.”

  Hope looked down at the worn but comfortable lad’s garments she wore. “Burn them if it pleases you but I will find others to wear if need be.”

  “More adventures?” he asked, his glance busy on the men who were making ready to depart the campsite.

  “Only if you join me.”

  He looked with surprise at her. “Perhaps I will have a set of male garments made for you.”

  “I would cherish them,” she said with delight.

  He leaned down and kissed her. “I cannot prevent you from coming with us, can I?”

  “Lady Faith may need me.”

  She need say no more. He nodded his permission, though she had all intentions of going regardless.

  “You will pay me heed and do as I direct.”

  “Must I?” she asked, her tone serious.

  He stared at her until a smile peeked at the corners of her mouth. “You will be a handful, I can see.”

  She stepped up to press against him. “A handful that will not disappoint you.”

  “Nay, never disappoint me.” He hugged her to him. “You will stay close to my side and follow my direction.”

  Hope gave his order thought.

  “You will heed me on this, Hope, or you will remain behind.”

  “The Devil invited me.”

  “And the Devil will uninvite you if I request it.”

  “That is not fair,” she said with an angry stamp of her foot.

  “Not all things in life are fair. You will do as I say.”

  She agreed with reluctance, knowing she had no choice. “Aye, I will.”

  The small troop of men and one lone woman who
resembled a young lad moved out of the camp. They traveled slowly, following the path of a lone dog, Lady heavy on Rook’s scent and helping to guide them, to everyone’s amazement.

  Hope rode beside Borg. Colin and Eric were at the lead, deep in conversation.

  “I thought the exchange of coins was to be at a designated spot by the river?” Hope asked.

  “Rook decided to travel ahead and he returned with Colin in tow,” Borg informed her. “Or else we would have continued to wait by the river.”

  She realized that Colin had gotten little sleep last night while she slumbered peacefully. But then he would wish to guard and protect her well.

  “You arrived earlier than planned.”

  Borg nodded. “Aye, I thought it wiser to be in the area before the designated time. One never knows what may happen or when one may be needed.”

  “Eric knew this,” she said with sudden realization.

  “He knew what to expect from his warriors. He had no doubt we would be near.”

  “That would explain why he did not rush to leave camp. He knew the longer he lingered the closer you would draw near.”

  “Aye, but not near enough. If I but knew of the danger to all of you I would never have remained by the river.”

  “Colin, Eric and you are close.”

  “We fought many battles together,” Borg said with pride.

  “And battles draw men together.”

  “You understand this?” he asked, surprised.

  “I learned from experience the truth about battles.”

  “Aye, you have faced two now… a remarkable feat for a woman.”

  “I am no ordinary woman,” Hope said with pride.

  “Nay, you are not; but then Colin could never wed an ordinary woman. He needs someone who will challenge him.”

  “I do that,” she smiled.

  “Aye, that and more.”

  She laughed. “That I do.”

  “A challenge you will be and a good one,” Borg said, joining in her laughter.

  Hope had thought of finding love but she had never dreamed that with that love would come a family who cared so very much for each other. These people had become an important part of her life. She worried about Faith as she would a dear sister. Never having had siblings, she cherished her newfound friends even more.

  The day wore on, a cloud covering turning the blue skies gray.

  The trail was difficult to follow as the clear path turned dense with bushes and trees. The horses were finally abandoned, two men left behind to guard them.

  Lady took the lead, sniffing frantically along the ground as she continued to follow Rook’s scent. Colin and Eric kept close behind Lady, and Hope trailed them with Borg beside her. She noticed that Colin kept a watch over her out of the corner of his eye and she was well aware that the three men had her safely pinned around them. They had no intention of any harming befalling her, and that knowledge warmed her heart.

  Hope was grateful that her legs were accustomed to such vigorous walking. Several hours had passed and they had not stopped once. To Hope’s surprise, Lady remained vigilant in her tracking. She wondered whether Lady missed Rook and was as intent in finding him as Eric was in finding Faith.

  Her mouth grew parched and a muscle caught in her calf but she ignored it. She would not slow the men down. She had insisted on joining them and she had no intention of delaying their mission.

  She forged on, keeping up with the brisk pace.

  Suddenly Lady stopped, bringing those around her to an abrupt halt. She waited, her head up and her nose sniffing the air.

  Silence reigned, each man ready and waiting.

  Lady’s head snapped to the right and within seconds Rook darted out from the bushes, ran up to her, gave her a quick lick and went straight to Eric, sitting down in front of him.

  Eric spoke just above a whisper. “He has found her.”

  The men stood ready for their orders.

  Eric turned to Colin. “You and I will go see what we face.” He looked to Borg and the waiting men. “Remain ready.”

  Rook took the lead with Colin and Eric close by. Lady decided she would not be left behind and joined Rook.

  Hope decided to do the same and hurried up behind Colin.

  “Go back,” he ordered on a whisper.

  “Nay, I stay with you and Lady.”

  Colin delivered a more firm demand. “Go back.”

  She simply ignored him.

  He mumbled beneath his breath, halted in his tracks and grabbed her arm. “Return now.”

  She understood his concern, saw it in his eyes, but her own concern shined just as strongly in her eyes. “I cannot leave your side. Please, Colin, do not make me.”

  The Devil solved the problem. “No time to argue, let her be.”

  “Stay close,” Colin commanded, and she nodded.

  The trio continued on.

  It took longer than Hope had thought to reach the campsite. They remained hidden in the bushes a safe distance away. Faith was not spotted but several men guarded the perimeter of the camp with drawn weapons and it could be certain that men also patrolled the surrounding woods.

  With a hand signal Eric directed them to retreat.

  Once a safe distance away he turned to Colin. “They look ready for the soldiers’ men, and I fear that since we remained behind they may think us part of them or else I would simply walk into camp and demand my wife.” He shook his head. “I cannot take a chance with her safety so we will place our men strategically around the camp and overpower them with little difficulty.”

  Colin nodded and the three of them along with Lady and Rook made their way back with haste to the waiting men.

  Eric explained the plan, cautioning the men to use limited force and to take no lives. He detailed the ragtag group and their fear that it might be the soldiers attacking once again. The men instantly understood.

  Borg was directed to lead the men in circling the camp. Colin was to remain at Eric’s side and Hope was to remain concealed in the safety of the woods.

  That was not to her liking and she made her objection known. “I could enter the camp without a problem and locate Faith.”

  “Nay,” Colin and Eric said in unison.

  She was more insistent. “I wish to help.”

  “Then do not make us worry needlessly over your safety when we have Faith to concern us,” Colin said adamantly.

  Her chin went up. “I can take care of myself.”

  Colin walked up to her and tapped at her defiant chin. “Not any longer. I take care of you now and you will obey me on this one, Hope.”

  She opened her mouth and Colin pressed a firm finger to her lips. “Not a word.”

  One more attempt and it was no longer his finger that silenced her lips but a solid kiss.

  His tactic worked. She remained silent when he drew away, though it was his whispered words that had her holding her tongue. “I love you too much to lose you.”

  Eric warned his men once again to be cautious with their weapons. He did not feel that Rath’s group was a threat, but he would take no chances. A good warrior never did.

  Silence followed them as they made their way to rescue Faith.

  Eric’s skilled warriors had no trouble circling the camp without anyone’s knowledge and lying in wait ready for a signal from the Devil.

  Hope watched with Lady from the bushes as Colin, Eric and Rook approached the campsite. Their steps were sure and steady, their hands grasped the hilts of their swords and their eyes bore the look of seasoned warriors ready for battle.

  She shivered, feeling sorry for those who glanced into their chilling eyes for they would surely freeze with fear.

  Another step and the two would be ready to signal the men.

  That is when it happened.

  An anguished scream ripped through the warm air and sent a shiver racing through Hope. There was no doubt who had unleashed the tortured scream.

  It was Faith.

  Chapter Thirty-Five

  The Devil roared his rage.

  Rook growled.

  The two charged the camp.

  Colin was fast on the Devil’s heels and Hope fast on his along with Lady.

  Eric broke from the woods into camp and stared in disbelief at the sight that caught his eyes near the fire. His wife lay prone and writhing on the ground, her knees bent and her legs spread wide, and in between hovered Rath.

  Eric roared his rage so loudly that everyone scurried out of his path as he descended in fury on Rath.

  Rook ran alongside him, teeth bared and ready for attack.

  Hope was small and agile, and when she realized the situation she raced past Colin and shouted, “The babe!”

  He realized what she attempted to tell him and hurried his steps toward Eric.

  The Devil was too enraged to listen to reason and Hope feared the consequences of his rash actions. Though her steps were quick they were not quick enough.

  The Devil’s mighty hands reached out to grab Rath from behind and Rook was ready to join in the attack.

  Faith screamed her husband’s name when she saw his intention and then yelled to Rook. “Eric, nay! Rook, stay!”

  Rath made no move… he remained as he was, busy delivering the Devil’s child.

  Eric halted and after a quick assessment of the situation, he dropped down on his knees beside Faith and grabbed her hand.

  Rook kept a respectful distance but remained close by, ready to protect his master.

  Faith released another anguished scream that tore at Eric’s heart and she gripped his hand tightly.

  Hope joined Rath, and Colin went down by Faith opposite the Devil.

  “What is wrong?” Eric demanded and caught a quick glimpse of Borg, who looked to have everything in the camp under control.

  “The babe—is not turned—the right way,” Faith said on a labored breath.

  “He must be turned,” Rath said and looked around. “You frightened the women away who were helping me.”

  Hope spoke up. “I will help you.”

  “What can I do?” Eric asked, feeling helpless.

  Rath answered honestly. “Hold her hand and pray.”

  Eric turned pure white and Faith attempted to ease his concern. “It is all right.”

  “It is not,” Rath argued. “The babe will not turn.”


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