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Trails Merge

Page 19

by Rachel Spangler

  “Oh, God.” Parker panted and let her head drop onto Campbell’s shoulder.

  Campbell continued to stroke her, bearing her weight on her own weakening knees. It was as if a dam had broken inside her. During all the months of pretending she didn’t want this, refusing to let herself even wish for it, her quiet energy had gathered. Now she allowed all the storm of her need to rumble to the surface. She couldn’t even hope to temper it. She could only ride the wave of passion. Blind with lust, she barely registered the feel of Parker’s nails digging into her back. Parker grew hard under her fingertips. “Come for me, baby,” she whispered, barely able to speak because of her desire.

  “Inside me,” Parker begged between ragged breaths. “Please…need you…inside.”

  The raw intensity of the request almost made Campbell come without being touched, but she held on to her composure and pushed into Parker with a single thrust. Parker hooked one leg over Campbell’s hip and rode her erratic movements, rocking forward and pushing back each time Campbell lunged into her.

  Campbell leaned her weight into Parker, pinning them both to the wall. Parker contracted around her fingers, then shook. She called out, an undistinguishable sound muffled by the press of Parker’s mouth against her shoulder. Campbell lifted her completely off the ground with one final push, and Parker went limp in her arms.

  Campbell held Parker steady while she regained her composure. She kissed the top of her head and stroked her thick, dark hair, wishing she could touch every inch of her at once. It felt wonderful to hold her, and Campbell wanted to soak up every sensation she could. She knew they were most likely headed for disaster. Their avoidance of any serious discussion regarding what they were doing, where they were headed, and how it would ultimately affect their lives only delayed the inevitable. The consequences of their actions would catch up to them eventually, but until they did, Campbell was content to enjoy what little reprieve they’d been given.

  Chapter Eighteen

  “It must be nice to spend the busiest day of your year staring out the window.” Alexis chuckled.

  “Alexis.” Parker jumped out of her chair to hug her. “You’re early.”

  “Not really, darling. It’s after three o’clock.” Alexis did a fine job of hiding her surprise at the outdated and underwhelming décor of Parker’s office. In her cream silk blouse, navy slacks, and matching blazer, with her platinum blond hair clipped loosely in the back before cascading down across her shoulders, she stood out against the dingy office decor. “I expected you to have a scotch on the rocks for me.”

  “I planned on it,” Parker admitted with a yawn. “I lost track of time.” She opened her desk drawer and produced a bottle of Crown Royal. “How about straight up?”

  “How rustic.” Alexis took the offered glass, then pointed to the bottle of liquor. “You must have needed that every day.”

  Parker laughed. “No, I don’t drink at work. I picked it up for you.”

  “Whatever you need to tell yourself, darling.” Alexis laughed softly as she took a seat across from Parker and kicked her Manolos onto the desk. “Now tell me what’s made you look as though you might nod off any minute. I know that it isn’t too much sex or—” Something must have flickered across Parker’s face to make Alexis stop in mid-sentence like that. She regarded Parker carefully and took a sip of her scotch. After a long pause she said, “Your mountain dyke, I assume?”

  She wasn’t sure how Alexis figured it out without her saying a word. Was it that easy to see the effect Campbell had on her? “It just happened.”

  “I’m waiting.” Alexis motioned for her to continue.

  “On New Year’s Eve,” Parker started, then smiled. “And New Year’s morning, and last night.”

  Alexis raised an eyebrow.

  “Okay, and this morning, too.” Parker buried her face in her hands. “God, Alexis, I don’t know what’s come over me. We’re like teenagers. She makes me crazy. She can be wonderfully tender, then at other times the urge is overpowering. I mean, last night she took me right up against the wall.”

  Alexis held up a hand to cut her off. She drained her scotch, then grabbed the bottle and poured herself another glass. Seeming to read Parker’s surprise at the move, she said, “Why not? Apparently we’ve thrown moderation out the window.”

  “I know. This isn’t like me, but I can’t help myself,” Parker gushed.

  “What are we talking about?” Alexis asked seriously. “Fucking? An affair? Friends with benefits?”

  “Alexis, I think I might be falling in—”

  “Christ. You’d better not have been about to say what I think you were.”

  “I’m not sure, but it feels real, unlike anything I’ve ever felt before.”

  “Come off it. You’re a serial monogamist. You’re indulging your lesbian urge to merge. It’ll pass.”

  “I don’t think so. This is more than good sex and polite conversations. She makes me feel like I’ll come unglued, like she knows what I need and exactly how to give it to me.” Alexis cracked a wicked grin, prompting Parker to clarify herself. “I’m not talking about the sex here. That’s only part of it. She’s easy to talk to and sensitive to my moods. She can see through all the walls I put up, and she understands what drives me, and she doesn’t think I’m silly for believing in the things I believe in.”

  “What ever happened to your independence? Taking it easy for a while? Clearing your head and getting back on your feet again? Remember all those reasons you came here?”

  “She’s not inhibiting that. She’s helped make it all happen for me. When I’m with her, I’m comfortable in my own skin. I’m relaxed. I have fun. You’d hardly recognize me.”

  “If that’s true, I’m happy for you, darling. You know I am,” Alexis said. The teasing was gone from her voice, but the skepticism remained.

  “But?” Parker asked.

  “I don’t want you to get hurt again. You tend to jump into these things too quickly, and I saw what happened last time. I’m worried about you, and don’t tell me not to. As your best friend that’s my right.”

  Parker didn’t know what to say. Alexis had a point. She was the only person who knew what Mia’s betrayal had cost her. She couldn’t blame Alexis for being suspicious of Campbell, but she also wanted to convey to her how different Campbell was from anyone in their social or business circles. She was searching for some way to reassure Alexis when someone knocked on the door.

  Campbell peeked into the office, beaming with unguarded affection at Parker. Her smile faded when she glanced at Alexis with her feet up and a drink in her hand. “I’m sorry. I didn’t know you had company.”

  Alexis immediately rose to greet her. “Please tell me this is the divine creature who’s kept you up all night.”

  Campbell was in her usual winter attire, ski pants and snow boots, but she’d removed her coat to reveal a tight black turtleneck that showcased her lean torso and the subtle curve of her breast. Alexis’s eyes flickered over Campbell in a blatant appraisal of her features. She made no secret of her approval as she extended both her hand and smile. “Alexis Reynolds.”

  A brief flicker of recognition flashed over Campbell’s face as she took Alexis’s hand and shook it firmly. “Campbell Carson. Welcome to the black hole of civilization.”

  Alexis threw back her head and laughed. “I like a woman who doesn’t pull any punches. Come have a drink with us.”

  Campbell glanced at Parker as if trying to gauge her welcome. Parker was once again reminded how attuned Campbell was to her moods. “Please,” she said. “I’ve missed you today.”

  The corners of Campbell’s mouth hinted at a grin, but she didn’t break into a full smile. Parker remembered how guarded Campbell could be around someone new, especially someone like Alexis, whose background and demeanor were likely to remind her of Lynn. The smiles that lit up Campbell’s entire face appeared only in the presence of people she trusted. Parker felt honored to have received so many of t
hem over the past few days.

  “So, Campbell, you’re a ski instructor?” Alexis poured her a drink.

  Alexis was probing for more information and Parker was sure Campbell knew it, too, but they acted as though the conversation was simply small talk between two new acquaintances.

  “I am. Do you ski?” Campbell’s tone was level, conversational.

  Alexis nodded. “I have a time or two.”

  “Forgive me if I’m a little skeptical. I’ve heard that from other people in this room.”

  Alexis chuckled, and Parker gave Campbell a light shove. “Geez, you tell one little white lie and can never live it down.”

  “Perhaps I should lie and say I’m a first-timer to get some free individual instruction,” Alexis said coyly. “Are you in the habit of doing such things?”

  “Only once.” Campbell leaned against Parker’s desk, her arms folded loosely across her chest. The gently defiant stance was tremendously sexy. Parker’s worries had been unwarranted. Campbell could obviously hold her own.

  “Then you don’t usually seduce women on the slopes?” Alexis pushed further, but Campbell didn’t even flinch.

  “Actually, I haven’t seduced her on the slopes yet, but if she gives me a little more time, I’ll make sure to do so.”

  Parker flushed. “I’m right here.”

  “I see that, darling,” Alexis said. “I was trying to discern if your paramour would be interested in giving me some private instruction tomorrow, and if so what that would entail.”

  “I thought you were trying to discern if I was worthy of your best friend’s affections.” A flicker of mischief flashed in Campbell’s eyes.

  “Your directness is endearing. Parker and I don’t get that often in our line of work.”

  “Actually, Parker gets it plenty in her new job,” Campbell answered quickly. “I believe that’s one of the reasons she took it.”

  Alexis pursed her lips, but there was still amusement in her eyes. “I forget sometimes that Parker has defected. I think of her as merely being on sabbatical.”

  A muscle in Campbell’s jaw twitched and Parker knew Alexis had struck a nerve. Alexis had certainly seen it, too, but before she could jump in, Alexis continued. “Anyway, what do you say, Campbell? Interested in assessing my skills, maybe offer me a few pointers?”

  Parker felt a twinge of jealousy at the thought of Campbell giving lessons to Alexis while she was stuck in her office.

  “I’d love to, Alexis,” Campbell said jovially, then turned to Parker. “Why don’t you come, too?”

  “Well played,” Alexis mumbled.

  Parker kissed Campbell on the cheek. “I’d love to hit the slopes with my two favorite people.”

  “Good.” Campbell kissed her back, this time on the lips. Parker liked the possessiveness of the move. “I’d better get back to work.”

  “Will you come over tonight?” Parker asked.

  “I wouldn’t miss it,” Campbell replied.

  “Wow,” Alexis said once Campbell was out of earshot. She pretended to fan herself with her hand. “She’s hot enough to make your teeth sweat.”

  Parker laughed, but didn’t disagree.

  “And oh so taken with you.”

  “Do you think so?” The idea made Parker giddy.

  Alexis regarded her over the rim of the scotch class she had raised to her lips. “Don’t tell me you haven’t noticed that she looks at you like you’re the only woman she can see. I know she melts that romantic little heart of yours.”

  Parker noted the grudging acceptance in Alexis’s voice. “Does this mean she passed muster?”

  “It pains me to admit it, but I do think she’s everything you made her out to be.” Alexis downed the remainder of her drink and stood up. “Now all that’s left to be seen is how long she will be enough to hold your attention.”


  Campbell slept soundly, luxuriating in the feel of Parker’s body curled into hers, and woke refreshed. That new energy made her and Parker spend some extra time together in the shower, and they barely made it to the lodge for the first round of lessons.

  She stood on the back deck of the lodge and rested one ski-booted foot on the lowest porch railing as she surveyed the base area of the mountain. Lift traffic had increased with the majority of the conference guests on the slopes. Sammy was off to one side, corralling a group of young women on snowboards. Since she and Parker had begun to spend their nights together Campbell hadn’t had time to talk with him, but judging by the way the women were crowding around him, Sammy would also be busy pursuing a few interests of his own in the upcoming days.

  Campbell heard the sounds of boots on the deck behind her and felt two arms slide around her. “Excuse me, ma’am, but where would someone go for an extra-special private lesson?” Parker whispered, her lips brushing Campbell’s ear.

  A shudder ran through Campbell’s body at the thought of what she’d do with Parker if they were in private, and she turned around. Parker wore a white jacket and gray pants with her new boots. Her dark hair was in a loose ponytail beneath a white ski cap. “That depends on what type of lesson you want—skiing, snowboard, or perhaps something else?”

  “Christ.” Alexis rolled her eyes. “Please tell me I won’t be subjected to this drivel all morning.”

  Campbell laughed and loosened her hold on Parker, but didn’t let go completely. “Good morning, Alexis. Parker and I were warming up for your lesson.”

  “How’s a woman supposed to focus on skiing with you sexy beasts going at it like that? I thought I was here for some expert instruction.”

  “I aim to please, Ms. Reynolds. If it’s skiing tips you’re after, that’s what you’ll get,” Campbell said cheerfully. She liked Alexis, though she wasn’t sure why. She was cocky and superior, but she cared for Parker. That gave her credibility with Campbell.

  “If all your services were available, I’m not sure I’d waste my time skiing, but since your other skills are currently monopolized”—she flashed a sly grin at Parker—“I’ll have to take what I can get.”

  “Yes, you will,” Parker gave Campbell one more squeeze before she broke the contact between them, “because I can’t wait to hit the slopes with you two.”

  “How about adding a third?” a woman Campbell didn’t recognize said as she approached them. She wore a fur-lined ski coat and matching pants that had apparently just come out of the box, and her brand-new skis retailed for an absurdly expensive price. Her looks were equally polished, her deep complexion flawless and her jet-black hair perfectly drawn back and tied with a silk ribbon. Her dark brown eyes were almost black, and Campbell didn’t care for how they were currently taking in Parker with a knowing gaze.

  “Mia,” Parker said flatly, looking slightly surprised at the greeting, but beyond that she gave no indication of her relationship to the newcomer. Alexis, on the other hand, emitted a low noise that sounded almost like a growl.

  “I haven’t seen you in months, and all I get is ‘Mia’?” The woman kissed Parker on the cheek, and Campbell felt a possessive anger well up. “What do you say? Care if I join your little group lesson?”

  “This is an intermediate lesson, Mia. I didn’t think you skied.” Parker sounded unsure.

  “I skied a time or two in prep school. I’m sure I’ll be able to keep up with you.” Mia smiled what seemed to Campbell a practiced smile. “I’m sure your instructor won’t mind, if I promise to tip her well.”

  Parker’s eyes were filled with questions and the hint of an apology, but Campbell couldn’t tell if she wanted her approval or her help getting out of the situation. Either way there was more to the story than either Mia or Parker let on. Campbell resented having to read Parker’s mind. Her first instinct was to rebuff Mia’s request, but her curiosity overruled it. “If it’s all right with Parker, it’s all right with me.”

  “Great.” She extended her hand, fingers pointed down as though Campbell should kiss it rather than shake it. “I’m

  “Campbell.” She tried to force a smile. “Let’s go ahead and take the lift up and make a run down so I can see where everyone is skill-wise. Then we’ll take it from there.”

  “All right,” Campbell said, when they were next in line for the double chairlift that ran up the center of the mountain. “Alexis, why don’t you ride with Mia?”

  “There’s no chance in hell of that happening,” Alexis said tersely.

  Campbell stared at her for a moment, considering the comment. Parker didn’t volunteer to ride with her either, and she couldn’t decide if that was because she didn’t want to or she didn’t want to say so in front of Campbell. “Fine. Alexis and Parker go up first. Mia and I will be right behind you.”

  Alexis and Parker got on the lift ahead of them, and Campbell barely acknowledged Mia as she skied into place. As the lift swung around, they both sat down. Mia hit the seat a little hard, but she settled in and quickly lowered the safety bar. That was odd since Campbell didn’t know anyone who actually used the bar, at least not any adults.

  “Wow, these lifts are small. I’ve only been on the four- and five-people kinds,” Mia said.

  “We’re a small place. We don’t have any quads here.” Ahead, it was clear from their posture that Alexis and Parker were having a tense conversation, but Campbell couldn’t hear what they were saying.

  “It’s all so quaint,” Mia said, a hint of condescension in her voice. “Parker didn’t seem bothered by it, though. She got on the lift like she does this all the time.”

  “She does.” Campbell didn’t mean to sound rude, but the way this woman rattled on about Parker made her uncomfortable. She’d hoped to talk to Parker on the ride up. Instead, she was left trying to fit together pieces of a puzzle she wasn’t sure she wanted to see the big picture of.


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