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Audacious Fiancé: A Hero Club Novel

Page 10

by Liz Lovelock

  “Yeah . . . I know exactly what my brother is like and has been like for years. He told me about you, though. He’d ring me and ask for advice when it came to his girl, Jojo, in college.”

  I almost choke on the piece of food I had just put in my mouth.

  She laughs. “Sounds unbelievable, right?”

  I nod.

  “You’re the only one he ever spoke about to me, anyway.”

  Her words slam me right in the chest. It aches. “Did he tell you why he walked away?”

  She shakes her head. “He told me you did the walking.”

  Now I want to storm up to him and kick him where it hurts, whether it’s his party or not. I’m shaking my head. “No, that’s not true. He walked away from me and left me to collect the pieces of my heart and stick them back together.”

  “Now that sounds believable.” We laugh.

  “This is what I like to see. My girls are getting along.” Kane’s smooth voice causes me to stop. The weight of my conversation with Callie rests on my shoulders. I want to question him about it, but tonight isn’t the night, though.

  He reaches out and takes my food from me, and I want to bark at him like a dog. I am hungry.

  “Come on. I have to give a speech, and I want you by my side when I do it. It’s my thirtieth, after all. I have to remember to thank the parents and everyone else, especially my girl.” He winks at both of us. He links his fingers with mine and leads me away from her and to the front of the room. “Can I have everyone’s attention, please?” The conversations around the room die, and silence soon fills the space. “I want to thank you all for taking time out of your busy lives to come celebrate my birthday. Thanks, Mom and Dad, for putting this together.”

  Everyone claps. Tinkles fill the air as they all hit their glasses. Does this mean they want us to kiss? Kane chuckles, then we both turn to each other at the same time. I stretch up without hesitation, and he meets me halfway. His lips are like a trail I want to walk more than once in my life.? He holds himself there for longer than usual, simply kissing me, then we pull away smiling. All eyes are on us.

  “Anyway, what was I saying . . .” He releases me for a second and shoves his hand in his pocket, then pulls something out. I can’t quite see what it is. It’s small and fits in the palm of his hand. “That’s right. Tonight isn’t just about me, though. It’s about introducing you to this beautiful woman who captured my heart many years ago and held on until we connected again recently. And this time, I don’t plan to let her go.”

  The room fills with silent gasps as Kane takes my left hand in his. I turn to face him. He’s down on one knee, holding out a little box with the lid flipped up. A simple golden band with a single princess-cut diamond shimmers in front of me. My head swims. What is he doing? His words explode in my chest. I have no doubt my mouth is hanging open.

  It’s all pretend, I chant over and over.

  “What . . .” I breathe. Giggles fill the room.

  Kane holds my gaze, a beaming smile upon his features. “Jolene, Jojo, will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?”

  I cover my mouth with my hands, and tears fill my eyes.

  I shouldn’t be crying—this isn’t a real proposal. I realize I’m nodding.

  Applause fills the room as Kane removes the ring from the box and takes my hand, sliding it on my left ring finger. Kane stands and comes closer. I’m on cloud nine, floating. This isn’t happening. I’m waiting to wake up on the plane where I first saw Kane again—it won’t be him, and I bumped my head during turbulence and imagined the whole thing. I’d still probably end up single. That’s okay, though. Nathan wasn’t Mr. Right for me. Is Kane?

  “Surprise,” Kane says before his lips smash into mine. His arms wrap around my waist, and he lifts me off the ground, spinning me around. I don’t pull away from his lips—instead, I savor it.

  When Kane settles me back on my feet, he keeps me close with his arm securely around me. The first person in front of us is Callie. Her big white-teeth smile tells me she’s happy. She opens her arms, giving me a warm hug. “I helped pick the ring,” she whispers in my ear and then pulls back to see my expression.

  I playfully shove her shoulder, laughing. “How could you not fill me in?”

  “He made me pinky promise.”

  I glance between them, and a surge of jealousy washes over me. I never had that. No siblings.

  “Oh, don’t cry. You’ll ruin your makeup,” Callie says.

  I didn’t realize I was crying. I reach up and wipe away the droplets. “I’m sorry. I’m an only child and hearing what I missed out on struck a chord.” I wave my hand to assure her not to worry.

  She takes my hand. “You’re going to have a sister after you get married.” She winks. I cast my eyes down, guilt tugging on my heart. I want to tell her no, I won’t. I can’t, though.

  “Thank you,” is all I manage to get out.

  “If Kane loves you, then so do I.” Every word she says is like hearing nails on a chalkboard. I cringe internally. Lies, all lies.

  “What are you doing, upsetting my fiancée?” Kane’s attention is now on us.

  “I didn’t. Why would I purposely make my future sister cry?”

  He scratches his face and recovers quickly enough for her not to notice his guilt. “Ah, I see.” Kane pulls me against him again. I fit perfectly beside him. I didn’t expect to feel so happy. I want to continue hating him. I’m not sure I can keep it up, though. I simply have to remember that what he’s doing is all for show. Not real.

  “There she is . . . my future daughter-in-law.” Keith hugs Kane and claps him firmly on the back. His hug with me is so gentle, and no slaps on the back follow. Thank goodness. “Congratulations to you both.”

  “Thank you,” we say in unison.

  “Well, now. I presume you’ll be coming to work in the family business since it’s going to be your namesake as well.”

  I swallow the smile on my face. “Excuse me?” I ask, not sure if I heard him right. Surely, he didn’t.

  “You’ll be working for Taylor Airlines, won’t you? You wouldn’t want to work for our competition, would you?” Oh, he did.

  “Dad, I don’t think that’s necessary. She’s happy where she is.” Kane tries to take my side, knowing full well this wasn’t part of the agreement.

  “I won’t hear it. She’ll be starting in two weeks. No need to thank me.” He carries on as though what he just said isn’t like a slap in the face. All happiness drains out of me. Before I can say anything, he says, “And you’ll be signing a prenuptial agreement . . . it’s my directive.” Kane steps forward, opening his mouth. Keith holds his hand up, stopping him. “Don’t start with me. This is the family business, and no matter what, you both will be signing it. Congratulations again.”

  Kane and I stare at each other. I bite my lip, knowing that if I don’t, I’m going to blurt abuse toward Kane.

  “The king has spoken,” Callie says dryly before tossing back the rest of her wine. That’s what I need—alcohol.

  “Did that really just happen?” I ask her. It had to be a dream.

  “Yep. It did. Sorry about that.”

  “You have nothing to be sorry about.” Your brother, on the other hand, has some explaining to do.

  Chapter Twenty-Three


  The color drains from Jolene’s face as my dad walks away, proud as punch with what he’s just done. Her eyes throw darts right in my chest. When Dad gets something in his head, he really goes for it. I sigh and step closer to Jolene. She tactfully moves away, stating she’s going to get a drink.

  “Dude, well played.” Crew claps me on the back.

  “Thanks. Now I have to try to get my father to take back his job demand.”

  Crew’s face screws up.

  “My dad has told her she has to come work for our business because she’ll be family soon, and to add to that, he brought up a prenup.”

  Crew steps aside. “Wow. He didn�
�t hold back.”

  I shake my head.

  “So, how long are you going to keep this going for?”

  “I don’t know. I’m sure she wants to end it all now. I can’t make her quit her job.”

  “Nope, but your father can.” Crew laughs. I glare at him, and he stops.

  “I already know I’m about to get another breathing hole chewed into me when I leave here.”

  Crew smiles. “Oh, well. You’ll get through it. Now that you’re getting married, you have to sort these things out together.”

  I shove him and walk away.

  The next couple of hours go by really slowly. The niggle of how everything is going to play out when we leave here has me feeling sick.

  Finally, the last of the guests leave, and I call the driver to come and get us. No limo this time. Jolene has done well to keep a smile on her face and play her part. I see it, though—there’s electricity in her eyes, and she’s waiting for the right moment to shoot lasers in my direction.

  She’s talking with my mother when I approach her. “You ready to go?” I touch her back gently.

  “Yeah. My feet are killing me.” She laughs. “It was so good to see you, Hazel. I’m sure I’ll see you again soon.”

  “You, too, dear. Take care of her, Kane. She’s special.” She gives me a light motherly kiss on the cheek, and we head toward the door—our escape.

  Dad blocks our path. Damn. “I’ll have the lawyer draw up the documents, and I hope to see you on the hostess roster in the coming weeks. If not, I’ll have words with your current employer.” He holds Jolene’s gaze.

  Anger ripples through me. “Dad,” I grit out. “Tonight isn’t the night to talk about this. You couldn’t even give us a week? It’s not happening anytime soon.”

  “Son, she will be working for us. I like to keep my family close.”

  Jolene stays silent through the exchange.

  “We’re going. Thanks for the party, Dad.” I grip Jolene’s hand and cannot get out of the house fast enough.

  My driver is waiting. Jolene climbs in, and I quickly follow. She’s already hunched over, stripping her feet of her shoes. I don’t know how women wear those—they look painful, but damn, it makes their asses more perfect than they already are.

  Once I close the door, Jolene turns and glares at me. “This isn’t how it was supposed to happen, Kane.” She sounds tired. I don’t blame her. It’s nearly one in the morning.

  I sigh. “I know. I’ll work on it. But as for the job, I’m not sure you have a choice.”

  She sits back in her seat resting her head against the chair. “Oh, I have a choice, and it’s that I’m not leaving my current job. And what was with this tonight?” She waves her finger with the ring on it.

  Swallowing, I say, “It had to look real.” I keep my voice low, so the driver won’t know what we’re talking about. “Do you like it?”

  She studies it under the street lamps we pass. “Is it even real, considering everything else isn’t?”

  “Of course, it’s real. Worth a hell of a lot as well.”

  She’d probably fall over if she knew the actual price tag.

  My eyes roam over Jolene, taking her in on a level I haven’t in a long time. Her gentle hand rubs her forehead and presses against her eyes. I remove my seat belt and shuffle across to the middle seat.

  “Kane . . .”

  My name hangs in the thick air of the car. I stare at her torn expression, and I’m lost in her. The way my name sounds on her lips is something I’ve wanted for so long. I screwed up in college—I knew the moment I turned my back on her. And I’ve never held a steady relationship again. Yet, here I am pretending with her when deep down, in my heart, it’s her I want.

  Since that day on the plane, my head has been full of her, and I haven’t quite been able to inhale a full breath. Being around her is the only antidote to the tightness in my chest.

  “Jojo . . . everything will be all right.” I take her hand, rubbing small circles on the back of it. She rests her head against my shoulder. The fight I thought we were going to have doesn’t happen. Perhaps tomorrow will be the day after she’s well-rested.

  “I hope so. Things already aren’t going to plan.” Her voice is quiet.

  “What do you mean . . . Jojo?”

  I lean over, and that’s when I notice her eyes are closed, her mouth open slightly. She looks peaceful. Beautiful, actually.

  I tell the driver to go straight to my place. It’s only down a couple of blocks from my parents’. It’s not as extravagant as my parents’ house. It’s smaller, simpler, and much more inviting. I want her to feel welcome and wanted because I want her to stay. Getting down on my knee tonight in front of her, I had a huge flashback to college. It was always supposed to be her, and I will make it my mission to keep her this time.

  Chapter Twenty-Four


  Rolling over and stretching out my exhausted body, my muscles strain, then release. I pause. My fingers glide over sheets that feel like they’re worth a million dollars. Mine don’t feel like this, even after a wash. I move my legs open and closed to savor the moment. The sheets aren’t scratchy or stiff. My eyes spring open. Reaching up, I rub the sleep out of them. Light filters through the cracked curtains. My eyes adjust to the minimal lighting and dance around the room. It’s bigger than my bedroom in my apartment with white walls and a blue trimming around the door and windows.

  Where am I?

  A vibrating sound coming from the nightstand has me reaching for what I assume is my phone. With blurry eyes, I struggle to read the name on the screen. “Hello?” I croak.

  “Oh, about damn time. How did last night go?” Adele’s thick Australian accent sounds through the phone.

  “Urgh . . . I feel like rubbish, and I hardly had any alcohol last night.” Pulling myself upright, I lean against the bedhead, rubbing my weary eyes that want to close again. “What time is it?”

  “Um . . . seven in the mornin’. I tried to wait longer, but I couldn’t.” She says the last part in a hurry because she knows I’m going to blast her for waking me so early.

  “Are you kidding me?” I yell and immediately cringe as my head throbs. Lack of sleep will do that to me—make me feel as though I’ve spent the night on a drinking binge.

  She whines. “Shut up. I needed details. So, what happened last night?”

  “Fine,” I growl and continue, “I got engaged. Got told I’d have to sign a prenup. Also got told that I would have to quit my current job and go work for the family business. And to top it all off, I’m riddled with guilt over lying to Kane’s family, especially his sister, who’s already classing me as a relative.” My throat tightens, and I swallow.

  Adele whistles. “Damn, girl, that’s a very loaded night. Did he buy you an actual engagement ring?” She sounds hopeful.

  I lift my hand, and it even glimmers with what little light there is in the room. “Oh, yes. I’m looking at it right now. I don’t know how this is all going to end. I’m sure it won’t be good, though. I think with putting on an act for people, all my old feelings have rushed to the surface. I don’t want them there, Adele.” My voice shakes as I speak the last few words. I don’t want this feeling of desire for him, but with all the magical kisses and electrifying touches, I can’t help it.

  “Oh, honey. I’m sorry. Just remember why you hate him so much.”

  “You’re right. I’ll keep trying.” It still doesn’t sit right in my stomach, though. A knock at the door draws my attention. “I have to go. I’ll come see you later.”

  “Yeah, no worries. Oh, and congratulations, even if it isn’t real.”

  I laugh. “Thanks,” I say dryly.

  I end the call and yell, “Come in.”

  My eyes drop to the dark, rather large tee hanging over my body. How did I not notice that I’d been changed? Kane’s head pops around the corner. The neat hairdo he’d been sporting is gone, and a mess of locks has me wanting to run my hands
through them.

  “Morning,” he says softly and then steps into the room, and I’m suddenly left speechless. Kane’s body is ripped. His six-pack—no, wait—eight-pack isn’t lost on me. It’s on full view, and like it’s my own personal porn movie, I can’t stop watching. My hand connects with my chin. I give it a wipe to make sure I’m not drooling. “Damn, how often do you work out?” I blurt, unable to stop myself.

  He chuckles and drops his head. “Every day.” Lifting his gaze, he rubs his hand over the shadow on his face. “How are you this morning? I wasn’t going to come in, but I heard you talking. I thought if someone had already woken the beast, it was safe for me to enter.” He chuckles again.

  Rolling my eyes, I say, “I’m a beast now, am I? Also, did you undress me last night and put this on?”

  A pink shade creeps over his face. A sly smile tugs at my lips.

  “Ah, yeah. I didn’t think you’d want to stay in the getup you were in. You wouldn’t wake. I’ve never seen someone sleep through an entire change, even after getting carried from the car. Oh, and don’t worry. I didn’t look . . . much.”

  After taking a pillow from beside me, I toss it at him. Of course, I miss him because he’s still too far away. Leaning over, he picks it up. He’s wearing long gray sweats that sit perfectly on his hips. And the definition of that magical V makes me wish I’d stayed awake last night. Did he kiss me goodnight? I shake my head, removing that thought.

  “What are your plans today?” I ask as the bed dips where he takes a seat on the edge of the mattress. There’s not even a fat roll on his stomach. It’s tight and simply perfect. My hand tingles, wanting to touch it, to know how smooth it feels. Snap the hell out of it, Jolene.

  “Not much. I can drop you home whenever you’re ready, but I was hoping we could spend some time together and talk.” He hesitates on the word talk.


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