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Blackmailed by the Beast

Page 5

by Sam Crescent

“You know I won’t hurt you, don’t you?”

  “I don’t know what to expect.”

  At least she was being honest with him.

  “What are you thinking?” she asked. Never knowing what was on his mind was killing her.

  “I was thinking about how beautiful you are.”

  “You don’t have to say stuff you don’t mean.”

  Lily bit her lip to keep back her insecurity. After tonight, he would have seen every part of her naked. Would he still want her in the morning?

  He took her hand and brought her closer, both hands going up to cup her neck, his thumbs pressed on her chin to tilt her head back. “To me, you’re the most beautiful woman in the world.”

  With the way he said the words, she wanted to believe him.

  As if sensing her doubt, his lips brushed along hers.

  “I’m going to make love to you and fuck every part of your body, Mrs. Brown.” Over the last few weeks Lily knew the more coarse he spoke, the more it turned her on. Hearing what he wanted to do to her drove her crazy with want. “Would you like that? To start off slow and sweet while I take your virginity, and then once I’ve claimed your cunt and spilled my seed, do you want me to take you again, rougher and harder?”

  “What are you doing to me?” she asked.

  “Making you my woman.” He thrust his tongue between her lips, his hands pulling the pins out of her hair until the mass of brown tumbled down her shoulders.

  She closed her eyes, luxuriating in having her hair touched. His fingers ran through her hair, and she held her breath as he followed all the way down to where strands lay across her covered breasts.

  Opening her eyes, she was struck by how quickly he could turn her into mush. Already, her legs were shaking and her heart pounding. Her breasts threatened to explode out from the tight corset-style dress.

  “What are you thinking?”

  Lily bit her lip and twisted to look at the bed. “Will this hurt?”

  He cupped her cheek and pressed his head against hers laying a kiss on her lips before he let out a heavy sigh.

  “Well, that didn’t sound good.”

  “Lily, you’re the first virgin and the only virgin I’ll take to my bed. I don’t know if it’ll hurt, but I can promise you I'll make it feel as good as possible,” he tried to reassure her.


  Taking a gulp of air, she moved her hair to the side and showed him her back. “Would you help me?”

  One by one, the buttons and rope on her dress style corset came undone. She wished she could watch him, but her eyes closed thinking of her mother and sister’s advice before she’d left the reception.

  He pulled her back to face him and tore the rest of the dress off until she stood in her white thigh-highs and small virginal panties. The dressmaker had insisted on a thong, but she couldn’t bring herself to wear something so small. The corset had been designed to not wear a bra. Lily folded her arms over her breasts in an attempt to cover her large breasts. They threatened to spill over, and Wayne pushed her hands away.

  “Never cover yourself from me.”

  With a jerk of the head, she nodded in confirmation, moving her arms down. She fisted her hands at her sides, her nails biting into her palm letting her know what was about to happen was real.

  She held her breath, watching him remove his suit jacket followed by the tie. He unbuttoned his shirt and then tossed it away from his body.

  Wow! He had hard muscle underneath all of his prim suits, and he had a six pack. Swallowing past the lump in her throat, she quickly glanced away from the hard stomach. A small tuft of hair was peeking out of the top of his pants. Where would the pubic hair lead to?

  Wayne took her hand and led her over to the edge of the bed, her heels clicked on the floor. He eased her down and knelt at her feet removing each heel.

  “I bet they hurt.”

  Not as much as other parts of my body.

  The stockings joined their other clothes, and he lifted her off the bed and removed her panties. She stood before him naked except for her hair that covered some of her body.

  “I never want any of this hair cut off,” he told her, pulling back the mass that covered her body.

  He pressed her down on the bed, and it was his turn to strip.

  Her gaze followed the movement of his hands, and she couldn’t stop her fascination. They touched, and she’d seen him before through their time shared becoming acquainted. Now they were married and the simple touch that occurred before suddenly meant so much more to her.

  The pants dropped in a heap on the floor, followed by his boxers. Her toes curled, and she clutched the sheet beneath her fingers to stop herself from reaching out and touching. Tonight would see the end of her virginity, and she’d have her long-awaited initiation into womanhood. Who better to teach her than her husband?

  “Are you afraid?”

  “A little.”

  “Don’t be.” He helped her to her feet once again and kissed her. His lips always had the power to take her mind off what she feared, and here was no different. She moaned and pressed her tongue not waiting for him to seek entry anymore.

  Wayne pulled away, picked her up, and she squeaked. “You’re going to pull a muscle. I’m too big.”

  “You’re light to me, baby, and I love having you in my arms.”

  He carried her to the bed and placed her in the centre coming down to rest on either side of her. They laid and stared at each other.

  “What are you doing?”

  “Letting you get accustomed to me.”

  “I’ve been sleeping with you in the same bed.”

  “But tonight you know I’m going to fuck you.” Lily jumped when his fingers skimmed up her leg. “See.”

  Forcing herself to relax, she closed her eyes and gave herself over to the pleasure he was creating.

  His fingers caressed her leg, and his tongue bathed her tight areola. Lily arched up to his touch, her breasts tight and hurting from the budding nipple. She cried out. His fingers slipped through her wet slit, the dusting of hair already soaked from her arousal.

  “You want me, baby.”

  “I always want you,” she admitted. The one constant thought had been about this night and what would happen.

  He opened her legs and moved between her spread thighs. His wicked intent clear on his face.

  Biting her lip, she watched him suck her entire pink bud into his mouth taking the whole of the breast. Biting down slightly before he moved to the next, loving her breasts. Lily couldn’t stop herself. Her fingers delved into his thick head of hair, bringing him harder against her breast. Her pussy on fire wanting to be touched. The wetness slid out and down the crack of her ass.

  She moaned as his other hand lightly flicked her clit.

  “What are you doing?” She gasped as wave upon wave of pleasure coursed through her entire body. All of her nerve endings stood on end. Her hands fisted and opened, fisted and opened. Her nipples ached from his vigorous attention.

  “You’re so wet and hot. You’re burning my hand.” Wayne kissed down her ribcage while he worked her legs wide open.

  “What are you doing?” She cried out as his fingers opened her pussy lips wide.

  “I’ve got to taste this sweet nectar. I want you to come for me.”

  “I don’t know how,” she said. His face lowered, and she felt his tongue swipe along her clit. The noises were wet, the sound of his slurping her cream echoed off the wall. Lily withered and moaned beneath his pleasurable onslaught of her body.

  She grabbed the railing behind her. He threw her legs over his shoulders, his hands going under and cupping her full ass.

  His flick and sucks to her clit were unbearable, the tightening in her stomach making her aware of the upcoming crescendo into passion.

  “Come for me. Let me drink you up.”

  His finger rimmed the darkness of her ass, the taste of the forbidden driving her past her defences.

y screamed. Her whole body tensing up as her climax rushed through her like an avalanche in a storm.

  She couldn’t hear or see anything, the release so intense and consuming.


  Wayne guided her through, holding her, drinking down her release. While she still pulsed from the waves, he came up to his knees. He pushed open her supple legs, aimed his cock, and looked deep into her eyes as he thrust through her thin barrier and claimed her for his own.

  Lily whimpered and struggled around him, but he held her still, not letting her to get away or hurt herself anymore. It broke him inside to give her this small shot of pain, but he had no choice. He was dying inside to be with her. To have her bound absolutely and utterly at his mercy.

  “It hurts,” she whispered. Tears fell from her eyes, and he kissed them away.

  “Just hold still. It’ll go away soon.” He prayed his words were right. Wayne would never be able to withstand causing her any more pain.

  He cared for her too damn much. He’d become a monk before he risked hurting her.

  After a few minutes, she started to squirm under him, and with nothing to hold back, he pulled out of her tight, wet heat and thrust slowly back inside.

  Lily arched up, her pelvis crushing under his. “It doesn’t hurt anymore.” She sounded amazed and surprised.

  Chuckling, Wayne showed her the power of his lovemaking. His hips swivelled and pushed inside her body, going deeper with each thrust of his body. Her legs opened wide to accept more of him. The Beast within couldn’t stop. The drive to fuck her brains out was too much to deny.

  Pulling her legs over his arms, he fucked her with a ruthlessness he never thought he possessed. Wayne wanted to make her first time sweet and tender, but the lust consuming him demanded he fuck his way through her body so she’d never forget him. As silly as it sounded, the deeper his cock pressed inside, the closer he hoped to get to her womb. He wanted to force his sperm inside her.

  Creating the wonder of life with the woman he truly loved would be the most amazing, wonderful pleasure he’d ever have.

  “Oh my God, oh my God.” She panted, and Wayne took her lips. He understood her shock and the new pleasure.

  Taking one of her hands, he brought her fingers to her clit. “Play with yourself. I want to feel you come around my cock," he growled.

  Her little fingers created a rhythm, and he groaned when her pussy started to contract around his hard cock. Already, his balls were filled to bursting with his seed.

  “So close, so close,” he panted. He wanted to have her flood his cock with her juice before he blew.

  Mercy, she tightened and screamed, her nectar rushing from her body. Seconds later, her pussy gripped him like a fist.

  He screamed out as his cum shot out of his body into her. He prayed he’d made her pregnant.

  His last thought before he collapsed into oblivion.

  Chapter Eleven

  Lily came awake to the sound of water running. Moving to a sitting position, she released a moan. Everywhere on and inside her body ached. Looking down at her legs and mound, she saw a combination of blood and fluid. Groaning, she shifted to the end of the bed.

  The rough sex had really taken it out of her.

  Running a finger through her hair, she whimpered when she encountered the mass of knots.

  Wayne entered the room, naked, and smiled at her.

  For some reason, she really didn’t want to see him smile.

  “You’re sore?”

  “No shit.” She winced at her own tone.

  “I understand.” Without any other words, he picked her up off the bed. “I’m ready to serve, mi’ lady.”

  Lily laughed, not being able to help it. He sensed her mood but didn’t bite, still treating her like a princess.

  “Why are you doing this?” she asked as he lowered her into the lavender-scented bubbles in the tub.

  “I shouldn’t have taken you as roughly as I did. I’m sorry.”

  He took a sponge and soaped her down. Lily swallowed past the lump in her throat. No one had ever taken the time to care for her before, even when she’d been sick. She always counted on herself.

  Lily lay and allowed him to care and wash, loving every sensation. Finally, she was washed and clean, and he helped her up and out of the tub. He dried her body and carried her back to their bed before lying down beside her.

  “Why aren’t you washing?”

  “I took the chance while you were sleeping. So tell me, Mrs. Brown, how does it feel to be a woman?” His hand skimmed across her belly.

  “I don’t know.”

  “Well, do you feel different?”

  “What’s with all the questions? Do I feel different to you?”

  “No. Nothing has changed.”

  They were silent for a few seconds.

  “Is this supposed to be awkward?” she asked.

  “I don’t know.”

  They shared a smile, and she leaned up and kissed him.

  “I know I should be hating you right now, but for some reason, I can’t think of a good enough reason.”

  “I saved you from your family. You should love me,” he joked. Lily tapped him on the chest.

  “It’s still family.”

  “You show more loyalty than they deserve. Do you really think if the roles were reversed, they’d have done everything in their power to save you?”

  Lily didn’t like to think of the answer. She knew the truth, and it hurt too much to allow her to think about it. It was the very answer that made her wonder if it was the cause of her accepting his marriage proposal? She feared being left alone with her family. Shuddering, she rolled over in the bed, turning away from him.


  Lily yelped and turned back to look at Wayne.

  “Why the hell did you do that?” she asked.

  “I told you I’d spank this arse if you ever turned from me again.”

  “I was going to sleep.” She lied.

  “No, you were turning from me. I don’t like it.” He cupped her cheek and brushed a kiss over her lips. She sighed knowing she’d never be able to keep anything from him in the future.

  “I was thinking about my family and wondering if there was another reason I accepted this marriage proposal.”

  “Like getting away from them?”

  She nodded. She must be weak to risk being married to a man she didn’t like.

  “You must hate me.”

  “No, never could. You’re too kind, and one day you’ll realize that.” He kissed her, and she gave back to him, moaning as his tongue thrust between her lips. Lily didn’t think she’d ever get tired of being around this man.

  “Speaking of which, I know we didn’t arrange for a honeymoon but I was thinking of going away this weekend to the country, maybe making something out of it?”

  Lily smiled and hugged him. “I’d love to go to the country.”

  “I reserved a little country cottage for us to enjoy and get to know one another better.”

  “You know every time I think I know who you are, you go and surprise me with something like this.” She stroked his cheek, pulling her hand away at the last minute. She didn’t know what was wrong with her.

  “I like you touching me.” He took her hand and placed her hand back on his face.

  Lily looked deep into his eyes and was struck by the powerful thought of how easily she could give her heart to this man and love him.

  Never before had she been in love, but in that moment, looking into his eyes and seeing another side to the Beast he claimed to be, she wondered if for a split second she could be the woman to love and cherish him for the rest of her life.

  Her thoughts scared her, and instead of thinking too much into her thoughts, she lay down, snuggled against him.

  For tonight, she hoped her bad dreams would stay away.

  Chapter Twelve

  They left early the following morning. Housekeeping had already packed their bags and prepared
everything they’d need for their weekend away.

  Lily sighed in utter contentment, and Wayne loved hearing the sound of the happiness emanating out of his woman.

  An early start on Friday meant they would be leaving Sunday night. He’d purposefully booked up to three days off, wanting to spend the excess time with his wife. She looked so dazzling at his side. After a few hours travelling, Lily took a nap while he drove. Wayne had to keep forcing himself to watch the road and not his wife sleep.

  Wife? Would he ever get use to the name?

  He didn’t care. He loved Lily being his wife and soon he hoped she’d be the mother of his children.

  They arrived at the country cottage. Lily woke the moment he stopped the car.

  “Oh my God!” She gasped, unbuckling her seatbelt before hurrying out the car. “It’s gorgeous.” She held a gloved hand to her face and released a giggle. “Please tell me this is where we’re staying?”

  Lily turned her twinkling eyes to him, and Wayne felt his world fall out of his body. She truly was a wonderful person.

  “Of course.”

  Wayne took her hand and led her down the garden path and to the front door. Her excitement grasped him.

  Together, they crossed the threshold and explored their dazzling new honeymoon house.

  “I love it, Wayne.” Lily charged up and kissed him on the cheek before running away and going to the kitchen. He heard her screams of excitement and chuckled as he closed the door behind him.

  “It has a country sink, Wayne.”

  “So I take it you’re not upset we’re staying close to home?” he asked.

  Lily appeared at the end of the hallway. “No, I don’t need to leave my land to be on holiday. This is the type of house I want.”

  “What a bungalow?” She went to him, his heart lifted when her arms circled him, and she kissed his lips. Every act she brought was a step closer to owning her heart.

  “No, this is the type of house I imagined.”

  “Be a perfect place to raise children,” he said.

  Lily scoffed and turned from him. “We don’t need a house for that.”

  Wayne frowned. “Why don’t we?”

  “Because we’re not having any children.”


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