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My Commander

Page 11

by Alanea Alder

  When Meryn woke from her nap completely cocooned in Aiden's arms she had been surprised that she hadn't felt trapped or annoyed. With her previous boyfriends she had often found herself praying at night that they would stop breathing loudly so she could get to sleep, yet sleeping next to Aiden felt natural. The nap had done her wonders, she felt like a new person.

  They were now downstairs in the dining room for dinner. The Alpha Unit and Aiden's brothers had joined them again. Meryn believed it was Marius's cooking that had them visiting not her company.

  When Aiden reached across the table for the basket of bread she noticed something black on his upper arm. Curious, she started to lift up the sleeve of his tee-shirt. Aiden seeing what she was after pulled the sleeve up to his shoulder. The tattoo was of a large shield, the inside quartered with different symbols in each quadrant. Strange letters made up the edge of the shield and Celtic knotwork tied everything together.

  "It's gorgeous. What do the different symbols mean?" Meryn reached forward and traced the lines.

  "The shield represents being a unit member. In the upper left hand corner, the crest with the griffin, that represents Lycaonia. The griffin has the body of a lion and the head and wings of an eagle. Since the lion is considered the King of Beasts and the eagle the King of Birds it was chosen to represent all shifters. In the upper right hand corner, that is the Greek letter for 'A' or Alpha. It depicts I am in the Alpha Unit. Below that is a longsword representing my choice to do battle and defend our people. In the lower left hand corner, the circle inside a square inside a triangle inside another circle, that's the symbol for transformation indicating I am a shifter. At the top of the shield is my family crest and the star in the middle represents that I am the Unit Commander. The tattoos are spelled so that if a warrior changes units the symbols can be updated." Aiden pointed to each symbol with reverence. Meryn looked over to Byron. Obligingly, he lifted his sleeve and he had an identical tattoo, since he had also been Unit Commander before Aiden. His tattoo had one more symbol than Aiden's though. Byron pointed to the laurel wreath hanging from the top of the shield.

  "This means that I am an Elder, someday Aiden will have this added to his tattoo as well."

  "What are the squiggles along the edge?" Meryn asked.

  Darian laughed.

  "Those aren't squiggles, that is the written language of the fae. They are spells to keep us safe, to help us heal and to ask the Gods to watch over us." Darian lifted his sleeve. His family crest was different, but the symbols for Lycaonia, the Alpha Unit and the longsword were the same. She pointed to the intricate sun done in Celtic knotwork.

  "Is that the symbol for the fae?"

  Darian nodded.

  "Since we're doing show and tell ..." Keelan grinned and lifted his sleeve. Instead of a sun he had a crescent moon facing left, a full moon and another crescent moon facing right.

  "The witches' symbol represents the triple Goddess, it shows her three incarnations, Maiden, Mother and Crone." Gavriel lifted his sleeve. He had a dragon twined around to make an infinity symbol with the head eating the tail.

  "It's the vampiric symbol for eternity since we are immortal." He lowered his sleeve. Meryn turned to Aiden.

  "I want a tattoo."

  Aiden choked on his tea. "You don't get one."

  "Why not? Don't they have mate tattoos? Is there a human symbol?" Meryn asked Adelaide since Aiden was being obstinate.

  "I'm afraid not, my dear. Maybe you can design one." She suggested.

  "Mother! I ..." His words were cut off by his cell phone ringing. He immediately stopped what he was saying and answered.

  "Aiden here. Yes sir, yes sir. I understand." Aiden stood and snapped his fingers to Gavriel. The men popped up.

  "Right away." He hung up the phone.

  "Colton you stay here, I want you to guard Meryn. The rest of you with me." Aiden leaned down and kissed her quickly.

  "Take Colton with you, I'm fine here." Meryn protested.

  "I wish I could leave more." She could tell Aiden was torn.

  "What are we, chopped liver? Go Aiden, we won't let anything happen to your mate." Adam stood and walked over to stand behind Meryn.

  Adair nodded. "You may be Unit Commander little brother, but don't forget that I'm Head Master at the training academy." He added. Ben also stood.

  "And I'm a unit warrior too Aiden. I'll call Sascha and tell him I'm crashing here." Meryn had never felt so protected.

  "I don't need to remind you that I used to be Unit Commander do I son?" Byron asked. Aiden shook his head.

  "Okay, okay." He looked down at her.

  "I'll be back as soon as I can. Colton will stay here with you." He turned to the men.

  "Alpha move out." The men sprinted out of the dining room. When Meryn heard the front door close it hit her that he was leaving to go risk his life and she hadn't even said goodbye. Adam ruffled her hair.

  "Hey short stuff, he'll be back. Don't worry about him, he's very good at what he does." He took Aiden's seat and placed another slice of roast beef on her plate.

  "Eat up. Red meat during your cycle will help restore the iron in your blood." Meryn nodded, but didn't think she could eat another bite. The food she had already eaten had turned to a brick in her stomach.

  "Marius maybe you could get Bronwyn to make Meryn a special cup of tea." Adelaide suggested.

  Marius nodded. "I was just about to recommend that myself." Marius said.

  "Who's Bronwyn?" Meryn looked at Marius.

  "Bronwyn is my mate. She is painfully shy. I expect she will introduce herself in a few days. She makes the most calming and delicious teas in Lycaonia." He said proudly.

  "Like the one from last night?"

  He nodded, "Yes, that is one of her most popular blends." He gave a short bow and headed to the kitchen.

  Meryn pushed her food around on her plate. Minutes later Marius returned with a cup of steaming tea and a large slice of chocolate cake. Meryn licked her lips.

  "Thank you Marius." Meryn pushed her food plate to one side and pulled the slice of chocolate cake towards her. Adam went to intercept and pull the roast beef back when she slapped his arm.

  "It's chocolate, I'll cut you!"

  Adam frowned down at her. "No need to get violent."

  Colton chuckled, "She gave me a bloody nose. I've said it from the beginning, she's perfect for Aiden. She'll drive him nuts." Meryn took another bite of cake, chewed and swallowed.

  "Aren't I supposed to?"

  Byron nodded, "Yes, you are."

  After finishing her tea and two slices of cake Meryn yawned. Damn that tea worked fast. She yawned again. Heedless of table manners, she crossed her arms on the table and laid her head down. She was just starting to doze when she heard Byron say.

  "No, I'll take her." She was lifted gently. The swaying motion of being carried lulled her further before she gave up and fell asleep.


  "Meryn, Meryn." A whispered voice pulled her out of her sleep.

  "Aiden?" She blinked, barely making out a figure in the dark.

  "No, it's Colton."

  "What the hell time is it?" She muttered.

  "Seven am, just before dawn. I wanted to tell you Aiden made it back. He and the men are crashing at the barracks, you'll see him later today." Colton sounded as relieved as she felt.

  "Thank you for telling me." His figure started to walk away and suddenly she didn't want to be alone.

  "Can't you stay, for a little bit?"

  "Do you want Aiden to kill me?

  "Please? I feel shaky, like I want to cry, but I don't know why. It's confusing." She admitted. She heard him sigh.

  "It's because you're relieved that Aiden is okay and your body is craving his. Fine. But if you tell Aiden I did this, I'll deny it." She heard him rustle around in the darkness.

  "Colton?" She got no response. Seconds later a heavy weight jumped up on the bed. In the pre-dawn light she watched as a giant wolf walke
d up the bed and curled up next to her. She was going to sleep next to a wolf! How cool was that?

  "I've never had a dog before." Colton growled.

  "I think I like you better like this." Meryn gently rubbed the soft fur behind his ears. One leg started to kick.

  "Do you like that boy? Huh? Such a good boy!" She kissed his nose and wrapped an arm around him.

  "Thank you Colton, I feel better now." She yawned and went back to sleep.


  "One reason. Give me one fucking reason why I shouldn't kill him!" Meryn heard Aiden's angry voice and popped up in bed. He had Colton by the scruff and the wolf swayed from his grasp. Gavriel had a steadying hand on his arm.

  "Because he is your best friend, because he is your third in command and because he would never betray you, not that Meryn would." Gavriel explained in an even tone.

  Meryn jumped out of bed, dressed in only in her Voltron sleep tee-shirt and underwear. She pulled Colton out of his hand. Colton dropped down on all fours and sat passively. She wrapped her arms around his neck.

  "Leave my puppy alone!" She yelled up at Aiden. He froze.

  "Your what?" Gavriel asked as he and Aiden blinked down at her.

  "My puppy. I've never had a dog before, so I'm adopting Colton." She rubbed the top of Colton's head. She had to swallow a smile when she saw that Colton was playing it up for all that it was worth. He rolled around on his back exposing his tummy for a belly rub. Grinning, she scratched his belly. She glared up at Aiden.

  "Apologize to the both of us. Because Gavriel is right. Neither one of us would hurt you like that." She stood and put her hands on her hips. Colton stood, growling in a low rumble beside her.

  "I am sorry, I didn't mean to imply that either one of you would betray me. But dammit! I walk in to see Colton's clothes on the floor and the two of you snuggled up together." Aiden threw his hands in the air. Meryn thought about it.

  "Good point. Next time fold your clothes and put them on the dresser." She said looking down at Colton.

  "That's not the point!" Aiden yelled.

  "Colton take your clothes into the bathroom, shift back and get dressed. Breakfast is almost ready. The sooner we go downstairs the sooner Meryn can get dressed." Colton grabbed his clothes in his mouth and darted into the bathroom. Gavriel's eyes were laughing yet he never broke a smile. Meryn looked up and saw the vein in Aiden's temple was throbbing. That couldn't be good, even for a shifter.

  "You ... you ..." He pointed at her shirt.

  "What? Voltron kicked ass!"

  "I can't do this. I'm going downstairs. We'll start this morning over at breakfast." Aiden turned and slammed the door behind him. The bathroom door opened and Colton dashed out not even looking in Meryn's direction. He swung the door open and bolted down the hall.

  Gavriel stared down at her waist. Meryn pulled her shirt down. Was he staring at her crotch?


  "You're off by a day." He pointed out. It dawned on her that he was talking about her day-of-the-week panties.

  "My OCD had a bit of an issue with that. When Aiden kidnapped me, my days of the week got off track. I was supposed to start a new week the day I was taken. I was relieved that the pervert who wrecked my apartment didn't mess with this set, it's my favorite. When we picked up my stuff I couldn't decide if I should still wear them in order or skip a few days and have them correctly correspond with the current day. If I skipped days they would wear out at different times." Meryn explained. Gavriel nodded seriously.

  "What did you decide to do?"

  "I'm wearing this one until noon, then changing, I should be caught up and back on track later today."

  "I can't believe I understood that. See you at breakfast Meryn." Gavriel gave a salute and closed the door behind him.

  Meryn decided to take her time. She got her shower and reviewed her tee-shirt selections carefully. Today she was definitely feeling like Doctor Who. She yanked on her TARDIS tee and dug around for her blue Converse in her suitcase. Her long multi-colored scarf completed her ensemble. She grabbed her hoodie and her Mac Book Air and headed for the door. Nodding in the mirror, she winked at herself as she walked by.


  She hopped down the stairs all the way down, eying the long wooden banister. Not today. But soon. She was going to try sliding down. The highly polished wood was practically begging for it. She walked into the dining room and sat down next to Aiden. She noticed that Keelan, Darian and Aiden's brothers weren't there. She dropped her hoodie and laptop beside her chair on the floor.

  "Where is everybody?"

  "Adam is back at the clinic. Adair had early morning classes and Darian and Keelan started morning drills with Ben's unit." Aiden answered before kissing her soundly on the lips. She kissed him back enthusiastically until she smelled something that had her mouth watering. Her nose twitched.

  "What is that yummy smell?" She looked around.

  "I remembered your espresso machine this morning. We both left it in the back of my car yesterday. Marius has been perfecting his espresso shots since I brought it in." Aiden took a bite of bacon.

  "Speaking of cars. Where is mine?" She demanded. Aiden shuddered.

  "You mean your death trap on wheels? At the Alpha Unit's barracks."

  "You be quiet about Serenity. She has served me well."

  "You named your car?" Colton asked.

  "You don't?" Meryn was surprised. She thought everyone did. The doors to the kitchen opened.

  "I think I have it just right. If the strength isn't to your liking, please let me know." Marius brought over a small ivory cup capped in white foam. Meryn reached forward with eager hands and picked up the stylish cup before bringing it to her nose.

  "Smells wonderful." She took a sip. The foam itself was sweet and the bitterness of the espresso shots was tempered by the milk. She looked up at Marius.

  "I love you." Aiden froze. Marius didn't bat an eye.

  "And I adore you little miss. Crepes or french toast this morning?" He asked, holding an empty plate.

  "What's in the crepes?"

  Marius blinked. "Do you know, the boys have never asked me that. Not once."

  "That's because they usually eat two servings of each, it doesn't matter what the filling is." Adelaide cut her crepe with ladylike precision.

  "There are two different kinds of crepes this morning. Blueberry and cream cheese or cream cheese and almond." Marius answered Meryn looking pleased.

  "Could I have one of the almond ones, please?" Meryn tipped her cup and tried to suck the foam off of the inside wall. When she set it down she sighed happily. Already she could feel the caffeine working its magic.

  "Could I also have another one of those cappuccinos?" Meryn held her empty cup up. Aiden put his hand over the cup.

  "That depends, what are your plans for the day?" He asked.

  "I was planning on taking her shopping with Colton acting as an escort." Adelaide answered before Meryn had a chance to speak. She stared at the sweet woman in horror. Aiden lifted his hand and shrugged.

  "Okay." He nodded. Meryn eyed him.

  "What if I had planned on visiting with you today?" Aiden looked at her.

  "As much as I would love to spend the day with you, I have to write up the report from last night's mission and go over some new concerns with the other unit leaders." Meryn just stared at him. He totally didn't answer her question.

  "I wanted to go over those case details that Elder Airgead gave me some more." Meryn mumbled as Marius put a plate with a fresh crepe before her.

  "You spent all yesterday afternoon in the sewing circle going over that laptop. Today I am going to show you my favorite boutiques! We need to get your All Hallows' Eve costume. I'm hoping we can find something decent. At this late of a date the best ones are bound to have been taken." Adelaide was nearly shaking with excitement at the thought of a shopping expedition. Meryn began to edge off her seat. She had done the sewing circle thing, but that and sh
opping in the same week was asking too much. Aiden's heavy arm wrapped around her shoulders, pulling her back on her chair.

  "Mother has been looking forward to a daughter for a very, very, very long time Meryn." He looked down at her his eyes pleading.

  "I guess." She thought about it for a second. "Can we go back to that café? I promised Sydney an update about how the sewing circle went." Meryn cut a huge bite of the crepe and stuffed it in her face. The cream cheese was smooth and sweet with a hint of almond. Marius set another cup in front of her.

  "So good! Now I see why you said you needed him so much Lady Adelaide." Meryn picked up her second cappuccino.

  "I have arranged for your squire interview for the day after the ball. Marius has agreed to help with some of the qualification tests." Adelaide paused and Meryn glanced up. Adelaide hesitated before continuing.

  "Meryn, Lady Adelaide is so formal. I'd like it if you called me Mother, or if you're not comfortable with that just Adelaide." Meryn stared. She had never called anyone Mother for as long as she could remember.

  "Mother." The word sounded funny to say.



  "Are you my mummy?" Meryn giggled, then turned to Adelaide who was starting to look at her in concern.

  "I've never used that word before. I like it ... Mother. Does that mean I can call you Papa?" Meryn asked Byron shyly. She heard a sniffle and expected Adelaide to be the one who was emotional. She, however, was smiling at her mate. Meryn was surprised to see that it was Byron who rubbed at his eyes like a sleepy toddler. Manfully he cleared his throat.

  "I would love it if you called me Papa." Meryn smiled up at him, the man was just a huge marshmallow. He gazed lovingly at Adelaide.

  "We have a little girl." He said in a voice filled with wonder. Adelaide nodded, then a lighting quick flash of calculation crossed her face.

  "Byron, I'm using your account to go shopping today." Byron nodded absently with a wide goofy grin on his face. Aiden leaned down and kissed her cheek.

  "Thank you for making them happy."


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