My Commander

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My Commander Page 13

by Alanea Alder

"It had my favorite Doctor Who skin on it." She wheezed. She didn't want to face anyone anymore. She didn't fight it when the small grey dots appeared. She let herself slip away.


  "I don't understand it's just a laptop. I'll buy her a hundred if it makes her feel better." Meryn woke to Aiden's whispering.

  "It's not about the laptop Aiden. Your mate, though she has done well with us, doesn't like interacting with people. Though she downplays it, she had a pretty isolated childhood. She never learned how to be around others. To her the laptop was like a security blanket, when that was suddenly and violently taken from her it drove her anxiety level through the roof triggering a panic attack."

  Meryn kept her breathing even and her eyes closed. Aiden was talking to his older brother Adam. The astringent smell led her to believe that she was at the clinic and not back at the house.

  "I don't get it!" Aiden's voice was filled with frustration. She heard a heavy sigh.

  "Okay. When someone hands you a gift that you don't necessarily like what do you do?" Adam asked.

  "What in the hell does this have to do with anything?" Aiden barked.

  She heard a soft thud.

  "Ow!" Yup, Adam had cuffed Aiden.

  "Just answer the question for your wiser, older brother."

  "Fine! I say thank you, think of some way it could be used and promise to tell them how it performs." Aiden answered.

  "How did you know that?"

  "I don't know."

  "I do. Marius taught you and all of us how to accept gifts graciously. I specifically remember him teaching you before your sixth birthday party."

  "What is your point?"

  "What if you were never taught? What if someone handed you something and you had no idea what to do or what to say. What if you just froze, but then the act of freezing adds more stress. Now you're stressed because you're stressed, add in any potential negative reactions and the problem compounds." Adam's explanation was met with silence.

  "Now imagine that is the reaction you have every time you have to speak to someone you don't know. Or are the center of attention?"

  "Good Gods!" Aiden exclaimed softly.

  "Like I said, she's done very well will us, it could be because you're her mate and any natural acceptance she has for you extended to your friends and family. But outside your social circle she experiences true flashes of panic. I think she has learned to keep that at bay by using her laptop as a buffer. If she's in a situation where she may have to speak to others, I bet she has an open laptop in front of her so she can pretend to be busy or disinterested." Meryn sat up both men turned to her.

  "I do. If you look like you're working people stay away and don't try to make small talk." She admitted. Aiden quickly moved to her side.

  "Feeling better?" She shrugged. Her hands felt empty.

  "Aiden I recommend taking her home and tucking her in for the day. A good night's rest will do a lot of good." Adam advised. Meryn nodded clutching Aiden's arm.

  "Can we please go home?" She'd feel better if she were in a familiar location. She looked around.

  "Why does this stuff look like overstock from the fifties?" She asked. The gurney, she was on and the lime green metal cabinets around the room had seen better decades.

  "Because it is." Adam answered.

  "But why? Can't you buy newer stuff?" Meryn asked. Adam and Aiden shook their heads.

  "Personal wealth cannot be used to fund a public establishment." Aiden explained.

  "That sucks."

  "We'll be doing another fundraiser at the end of the year, but most people don't think that the unit members need a clinic since we're paranormals and heal fast." Adam took a blanket out of the tall cabinet and wrapped it around her shoulders. "Take her straight home and to bed." He ordered.

  "Come on Menace, time to go." Aiden stood and picked her up gently.

  "My legs will forget how to work if you keep this up."

  "That's okay. I'll carry you if they do."

  The trip to the house was quiet. Aiden held her hand the entire way for which she was grateful. Wrapped up in the clinic blanket Aiden carried her into the house. Marius and Adelaide hurried from the front drawing room.

  "Is she okay?" Meryn could see the anxiousness on Adelaide's face.

  "She's fine. We're going to spend the rest of the day upstairs relaxing. Marius, could you send up a light dinner later?" Aiden asked.

  "Of course, sir." He bowed.

  "We'll make you an extra special breakfast tomorrow Meryn, you just rest now." Adelaide leaned forward and kissed her forehead.

  "Thanks Mom." Meryn was pleased at Adelaide's expression.

  "Mom?" She whispered.

  "Everyone calls you Mother, but I think Mom sounds better." Meryn explained.

  "Of course it does." Adelaide's smile was wobbly.

  "See you in the morning." Aiden said and carried her up the stairs.

  Once their door closed behind them, Aiden began to laugh.

  "I bet my mother ran to the office to call my father and to tell him that you called her Mom. Fully expect him to ask you to call him Dad." Aiden placed her on the bed.

  "If it makes him happy I will." Meryn curled up on her side. Aiden stared down at her and the love she saw in his eyes almost had her in tears again, but she was done crying. Aiden just continued to stand there. Meryn realized he didn't know what to do. She half turned and patted the empty space behind her. Without wasting any time he crawled in behind her and pulled her into the curve of his body. His strength and warmth were like a soothing balm. She turned just her head.

  "Kiss me. I don't want to taste him anymore." She whispered. With a low growl, he lowered his head. His lips nibbled hers. When his tongue chased hers around, she had to pull away laughing. He pressed his lips to the back of her neck and she could feel him smile. He was trying to make her feel better.

  "Tell me about Christmas. I want to hear something nice to chase away the fear." She scooted backward until there was no mistake that their kiss had left him wanting. His hand stilled her backward retreat.

  "Be careful or you'll be getting a present instead of hearing about them."

  "My cycle will be over after tomorrow."

  "Thank the Gods!" Was Aiden fervent prayer.

  "Christmas story please. We didn't really celebrate it much growing up. I would get two or three new outfits from the thrift store and a new pair of shoes, that was it. We never even got a tree." Aiden gasped.

  "No tree! That's my favorite part about Christmas. I love decorating the tree. We have accumulated so many different types of bulbs and ornaments we had to start dividing them into different themes and rotate them. This year I think is the animal theme. It's one of my favorites, very rustic." Aiden's voice took on an excited cadence.

  "And the food! Gods the food. Marius and my mother cook and bake every day. Turkey and ham and stuffed goose. Mincemeat pies and flaming pudding. Bronwyn's cookies make me want to cry every year they are so good." Aiden sighed.

  "The ball has to be the best though. There's no deal making or business arrangements made like at All Hallows' Eve. Just the joy of the season, there's dancing and caroling all night. The Elders make and serve a buttered rum that keeps everyone in high spirits. We light candles all through the night and stay up until dawn to greet the sun. From then on out the days get longer." Meryn's eyes drooped as the day caught up with her. The picture that Aiden painted, danced in her mind. She couldn't wait for Christmas, even if it meant another stupid ball.


  "Your laptop sucks and you should be shot for owning it!" Meryn raged. The thing weighed about eight pounds and was running Windows 95. She had to sit close to his desk since it required a cable for internet, it was too ancient to connect wirelessly.

  "I can't do anything with this! How in the hell do you get anything done?"

  "Meryn my job is to chase and shoot things. I need my gun not a laptop." Aiden explained. He had taken his sid
earm apart and was oiling it.

  They were still sequestered in their room the following morning, for which Meryn was grateful. She hadn't had much time to herself to recharge her batteries. Surprisingly enough, she didn't even mind Aiden being in the room with her.

  "I didn't think about it until now, but you lost everything you had compiled regarding the missing persons case didn't you?"

  "Who said I lost it? I always back up to my own personal online server. I just need to get to it. Ugh! For fuck's sake, it's trying to connect with AOL!" She wanted to scream. She was still cursing when there was a knock at the door. Aiden put his gun and oiling rag down and answered the door.

  "I have brought you breakfast. Let me be the first to tell you that Miss Meryn was sorely missed at the table this morning." Marius wheeled in a cart.

  "Coffee!" Meryn jumped up and skipped over to the cart. Marius had brought three cups of cappuccinos and a pot of fresh coffee in a carafe. Aiden immediately went for the plate that had been piled high with bacon and sausage.

  "Marius, would you be able to go shopping today? I'd like to get Meryn a new laptop to replace the one that was stolen." Aiden asked.

  "Of course, sir. I believe that they just opened a new Apple store in Madison. I should be able to find her something there." Meryn glared at Aiden.

  "He knows about Apple. Why don't you have a decent computer?" She sipped her cappuccino and fought the urge to kick his laptop. He held up an oiled gun barrel and continued eating.

  "If little miss would write down everything that she needs I should be able to go shopping today and be back this evening." Marius uncovered a plate with french toast triangles. He walked over to the small writing table she had been working on and proceeded to lay out her breakfast complete with her own tiny salt and pepper shakers. Meryn went to her backpack and ripped out a piece of paper and scrounged around for a pen. After five minutes of searching and pulling out all the items in her bag she found the pen clipped to the notebook she had at the beginning. Feeling frustrated she started her list.

  She'd show him. Grinning, she wrote out a list and snuck it to Marius. He glanced at it and frowned. Maybe she wouldn't get away with it after all.

  "Miss, this item, just two?" He raised an eyebrow. Meryn couldn't figure out what he meant. She shook her head, looking at him questioningly. He drew the letter 'A'. 'A?' Oh! Alpha! She should get enough for everyone.


  He nodded. "That sounds about right. Enjoy your breakfast, little miss. I'll leave shortly to get you a working laptop." He bowed and left the room.

  "He kicks so much ass!" Meryn fist pumped the air. She looked over and realized that Aiden was absorbed in his gun. Muttering to herself, she opened his laptop and waited for internet access.

  Over the next twenty minutes she finished her breakfast and her second and third cappuccinos. She was about to give up when she saw the familiar landing site to her server. It took her another ten minutes to open up the reports she had compiled the day prior. She was missing something obvious and it was eating her alive. She pulled up the information about the first couple that had gone missing, then the information for the second. What about these two couples linked them together? Why now?

  "That's an impressive little growl you have." Aiden's voice startled her.

  "I was growling?" She asked. Aiden nodded.

  "It was very sexy."


  "Now that's something I can honestly say I've never been called." Aiden laughed. Meryn rolled her eyes. She couldn't even insult him, his head was too big. She frowned down at the laptop.

  "Why?" She thought out loud.

  "What?" Aiden asked.

  "Nothing, just talking to myself."

  "Well, you have fun. I'm taking Gavriel back to the barracks to meet with Sascha about yesterday. Colton, Darian and Keelan will stay here." Aiden leaned down, kissed her on the lips and turned to walk away. Meryn felt her heart seize. She reached up and grabbed his shirt. It seemed like if he stayed with her nothing bad would happen. He turned and knelt down in front of her.

  "I'll be back before you know it. I have to check in with the men and feed Jaws."

  "Jaws? What do you have, like a Rottweiler or something?" Aiden blushed and shook his head.

  "I have a fish."

  "A piranha?"

  "No. A clownfish." She blinked and he scowled at her as if daring her to laugh.

  "You have a clownfish named Jaws?" She asked and then it hit her. She began to giggle.

  "You liked Finding Nemo didn't you?" If anything his face turned a deeper shade of red.

  "That's too much!" She fell to her side giggling. Aiden continued to scowl at her.

  "It's the ultimate story of survival! Nemo is taken by the enemy, but his father doesn't give up trying to retrieve him. He forms unlikely alliances and conquers his fears to get his son back. Nemo also refuses to remain a prisoner and follows the warriors code to escape and return to his family unit." Aiden explained. Meryn sat up and wrapped her arms around his neck.

  "You have to be the most adorable man I have ever met. I am so lucky Fate threw us together." She hugged him close.

  "I am not adorable. I am the Unit Commander, my enemies tremble ..." She kissed him soundly.

  "Yeah, yeah, I know. You're uber scary."

  He wrapped his strong arms around her and nuzzled her neck until she squealed. "I love you Meryn. And I will do whatever it takes to keep you safe." He pulled back and she saw the determination and vulnerability in his eyes. Her throat tightened, she had never loved anything more than the man in front of her.

  "I love you too, I didn't feel safe until you were there."

  He held her close.

  She pulled back and kissed him gently on the lips. "Go feed Jaws, I can't wait to meet your fierce little fish."

  He stood. "Be good." She just stared up at him.

  "Try to be good?" She nodded.

  "Aiden." She called as he walked through the door.

  He turned. "Yes?"

  "Thank you for coming for me." His smile was warm and kind, but his eyes scorched her with a promised heat. He closed the door behind him.

  "Damn period!" She muttered and went back to Aiden's archaic laptop.


  By noon Meryn was ready to slit her wrists or beat Aiden with his own laptop, it was a toss-up. Finally pushed past her levels of patience, which was practically nonexistent for page loading anyway, she slammed the lid down on the laptop and decided to get a shower. She let the antique drop to the floor and went to her suitcase. Should she claim a drawer? Was this her new room? She dug through her clothes and made a mental note to ask about their future. Feeling belligerent she picked out one of her favorite tees that read "I Hate Everybody!" and went to the bathroom. While getting ready she realized that she was over her cycle. She did a little happy dance in the shower. As she shampooed her hair, she debated on the best way to let Aiden know.

  "Come on, big boy, you, me and Jaws." Meryn snort laughed, which was a mistake because she inhaled a nose full of water. Coughing and sputtering and feeling grumpier than ever she finished her shower and got dressed. She left Aiden's laptop on the floor and walked out the door. She was just about to take the first step down the stairs when she looked at the banister.

  And looked at it.

  She glanced around to see if anyone was watching. Throwing caution to the wind she climbed up on the wooden handrail, took a deep breath and shifter her weight.

  Holy Shit!

  "Bad idea, bad idea, bad idea!!" Meryn screeched all the way down. Still screaming she flew off the end of the banister and landed on her tailbone on the expensive marble floor in the foyer. With tears in her eyes she rolled around on the ground clutching her butt.

  "What on earth!" Adelaide and Byron rushed out of his office. They stared down at her as she wiggled around moaning.

  "You owe me five dollars." Byron said, holding out his hand. Adelaide shook her head.r />
  "I may owe you five dollars because you bet she would go down the banister, but you owe me twenty because I told you should wouldn't think to put any pillows down like Ben." Adelaide wagged a finger at her mate.

  "Y'all are mean. I'm crippled!" Meryn got up on wobbly legs.

  "Come sit down and keep us company in my office, the chairs are more comfortable there than in the drawing room." Byron helped her to hobble to his office and got her seated.

  "Today sucks! Aiden's laptop sucks! And showers suck! And banisters suck!" Meryn knew she sounded childish, but she pouted anyway. Some days just needed a restart button.

  "Poor dear. Here have some tea, you'll feel better in no time." Adelaide passed her a cup of steaming tea. Meryn took in the light fragrance.


  "Yes, it's one of Byron's favorites." Adelaide passed her a small plate filled with cookies. To their right a large stone fireplace had a toasty fire going that gave the room a warm glow. Meryn wiggled in her chair getting comfortable ignoring the twangs of pain from her tailbone and sighed. The day was looking much better.

  In a comfortable silence Adelaide wrote, actually hand wrote letters as Byron tapped away at his computer. Meryn was itching to see if his desktop was any better than Aiden's laptop.

  "Meryn get over here before you sprain your neck." Byron stood and motioned to his chair. Meryn quickly set her teacup down and practically ran over to his desk. Byron sat next to his mate and started to help her address some of the envelopes.

  Meryn cracked her knuckles. It was a Mac. She logged in as a guest and in seconds she was on the internet. She pulled up her database and began pulling reports.

  "Oh, rip that one up. We're not inviting the Bowers, not after what I found out this morning." Adelaide seethed. Byron regarded her in surprise.

  "What did Ethan do?"

  "Not Ethan, Daphane! Marius was almost ashamed to report that nearly all of the potential squire candidates that we had lined up for interviews after the ball have backed out. Evidently, Daphane is interviewing for Elise on the exact same day and is saying that it's more prestigious to work for someone who was actually paranormal in a smaller household than for a human in House McKenzie." Adelaide slammed her pen down. Meryn shrugged.


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