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Dolphin Dreams

Page 18

by Jules Jones

  Of course, they really must feel the need more than he did, given that the water was their real home. There was a splash as Patrick jumped on George’s back, and George deliberately toppled over towards the deeper water.

  It looked like fun, and it was time he joined in. He stripped off his own clothes and went to join them, hoping that they’d remember that he was merely human, and smaller than them besides.

  Chapter Sixteen

  The water was cold enough to be a shock as Martin waded in, but he didn’t care. As he got out to where it was waist deep, he dived under. Something felt strange, and then he realised why. He hadn’t swum in the nude since he was a child, and had forgotten how it felt to have the slight current tug at his naked cock.

  Martin broke the surface again and looked around. Patrick was enthusiastically splashing himself, obviously washing, while George crept up behind him -- and dumped a handful of water over his head. Patrick turned around and jumped on George, knocking him over. They both came up for air laughing.

  Childish, but fun. Or not childish, but the behaviour of dolphins who didn’t stop playing just because they’d grown up.

  Patrick called to him, “This pool’s good, isn’t it?”

  “Yes.” He could imagine that when the tide or the currents were right, this place could be dangerous; but for now it was a large, quiet, sheltered pool, a pleasant place to splash about. And good company, too. “It’s a nice change from the municipal swimming pool.”

  “Good.” Patrick swam over to him with a few easy strokes. He watched that powerful body with pleasure. This was Patrick’s natural element, even in human shape. He looked right here, with the water cascading over his back as he swam.

  Patrick stopped in front of him and stood up. The water here was just a little bit too deep for Martin, and he had to tread water, but Patrick’s extra height meant that he could stand on the bottom. Martin put his hands on Patrick’s shoulder for support, and Patrick put his arms around his waist, drawing him closer.

  At this close distance all he could see was Patrick’s face, lit up by a mixture of affection, lust, and sheer joy in life. Patrick didn’t have that utterly intense focus that George could get, but there was no doubting what was on his mind.

  Patrick gave him a quick kiss and said, “Don’t think I’ll wait until we’ve finished washing.”

  Sex in the sea. Why not?

  Cold water or not, his cock certainly liked the idea. He was already hard and needing to rub against something. So he wrapped his legs around Patrick, squeezing their cocks together.

  Patrick’s hug suddenly got a lot tighter, and this time the kiss was more than a quick brush of Patrick’s lips against his. Patrick thrust his tongue hard into Martin’s mouth. Taking charge now rather than playful. Martin submitted willingly, gladly letting Patrick take control.

  They held that position for a moment or two, just enjoying the kiss and the feel of bodies pressed together. The gentle current brushed around their intertwined bodies, the water cool enough to provide a pleasant bite without being cold enough to distract. The water supported their weight, making the position easy to hold. It was very different from their previous bouts, and just as good.

  Then Patrick took hold of his hips and thrust against him. Now the way the water supported them was a disadvantage, as he floated away a little under the pressure. Patrick muttered, “Could do with something to push against, but there are too many barnacles on the walls.”

  “Will I do?”

  He felt George push up against his back. Not trying to thrust against him, but just being a large solid object.

  “Ta.” Patrick thrust again, and this time it worked. Martin was braced against George and didn’t go anywhere. Cock on cock felt wonderful, and Patrick obviously thought so too. Hard thrusting against his cock and in his mouth, arms tight around him. Soft moaning as he ran his hands up and down Patrick’s back, digging the heels of his hands in where he could feel muscles still tight after the morning’s work.

  George wasn’t joining in, wasn’t doing anything more than holding him in place, but it was still good to feel him at his back, feel George’s hands on his waist. Hear George’s voice murmuring encouragement. He didn’t feel the cold of the water at all now, not with them both holding him, not with the heat building inside him.

  He was almost ready to come, but he could feel that Patrick was even closer. Could read it in the sudden urgency of Patrick’s thrusting, the way Patrick grabbed his head to kiss him ever more frantically. He relaxed and let it happen, not trying to catch up, but content to let Patrick come first.

  Then Patrick stiffened and held still, and he felt sudden heat pulse across his belly. He held Patrick tight, cradled him as he came, and then loosened his grip as Patrick finally relaxed.

  He slipped his legs back down, drifting free now and giving Patrick freedom to move. Patrick moved away a little, though he didn’t let go. And now George did join in, shifting his hands to take a firm grip around Martin’s waist with one arm and a firm grip on Martin’s cock with the other hand. “Your turn,” George said and jerked hard.

  That by itself was almost enough, that big hand taking him in a hard grip and working his cock. But then Patrick reached for his balls, cupping them in one hand, squeezing gently. Between them they had him right on the edge, and it was obvious from Patrick’s expression that they knew it.

  “Do you want to come?” Patrick asked.


  “Can you come without us?” George asked.

  “No.” They could stop him, of course, simply by holding his hands away from his cock, but it was more than that. It was their touch he needed now.

  And they gave it to him. Patrick’s gaze flicked behind him to George for a second, the signal to let him come. George jerked his cock, rubbing a thumb over the tip. Patrick squeezed his balls and then ducked down a little, sliding his hand right down and around to push one finger into Martin’s arse.

  Startled, overwhelmed by sensation, he came.

  He rested against George’s chest, surrounded, completely supported, and let the sensation take him over. Both of them holding him, both of them with no thought for now but his pleasure. It was good; it was very, very good, and the strangeness of his surroundings only added to the way he felt.

  As he started to surface, he felt George’s grip around his waist tighten, heard George say, “God, I want to ...” and then go quiet.


  “Never mind.”

  He looked at Patrick. Patrick was looking at George, a distant expression in his eyes. “What’s going on?”

  “He wants to fuck you.”

  “I can feel that.” It was fairly obvious from the way George’s hard cock was rubbing against him.

  “Patrick ...” There was a warning tone in George’s voice.

  Patrick ignored it. “He wants to do it in his real shape.”

  Shock cascaded through him, froze him in place.

  “Easy, Martin. Easy.” Warm, human lips brushed against his ear. “I’m not going to do it.” Hand grabbing his, squeezing it, anchoring him. “It was just that doing it in the water made me think about it. My problem, not yours.”

  “I’m all right. It’s just ...”

  The shock of the suggestion, mostly. But also the reminder of what they were, how they thought of themselves. ‘His real shape’, Patrick had said.

  Patrick put his hands on his shoulders. “It would still be George inside. Not an animal. George.”

  And he could guess how Patrick knew. “Do you two ...”

  “Yes. But it doesn’t mean we expect you to.”

  “It’s different for us.” George turned Martin around to face him. He looked troubled. “Patrick and I ... It doesn’t matter what shape we’re in. We can understand each other even when we’re in different shapes. It’s the same with all of our people. We can understand the dolphins and we can understand your people, no matter which shape we’re in at the
time. So if Patrick looks like you, and I look like a dolphin, it doesn’t matter. It’s still just us.” George looked over Martin’s shoulder at Patrick, then back at him. “But it would be different for you. We know that. You’d have to take it on trust that it was me.”

  And that was the heart of his reaction, he knew. Because he wouldn’t know that it was George. Not just that it might feel like sex with an animal, and not even the sudden reminder that these two men were of an alien race, although both were factors. But George understanding why it upset him made it easier to think about. “Why do you like doing it that way?”

  “Because that’s the shape I was born in, how I live much of my life. It’s comfortable and it feels good. But this shape has hands and lips, and they can do things to my cock that a dolphin’s body can’t.”

  That made sense, which helped. It wasn’t some odd fetish, but just what seemed natural if you could wear two shapes. He might be able to deal with that, eventually. “I ... need time to get used to the idea.”

  “All the time you need.” George pulled his hand down to cover George’s cock. “For now we’ll do it like this.” He smiled. “This is good too.”

  Not just second best because George couldn’t have what he really wanted. No, George liked the touch of another man’s hand on his cock, whatever shape he happened to be in at the time. So Martin pushed away his doubts and took a firm grip on George’s cock. Once again, the buoyancy the water gave them made it awkward. “We need to move somewhere where I can stand up.”

  “Mmm. We tend not to think about it, because we’re almost the same height. Come on.”

  Martin let go of George, and they moved into shallower water where he could find firm footing. Then he took hold of George’s cock again, enjoying the feel of it filling his hand. Patrick moved to stand behind George, cuddling him from behind. One stroke, and another, and another, watching George’s face as he let go his self-control and just enjoyed the sensation.

  Patrick said, “Only problem with doing it in the water is that I can’t see what he’s doing.”

  “Never you mind. You’ve had your turn,” George said with a lazy smile. “Both hands now, Martin.”

  He did as he was told, wrapping the full length of George’s cock in his fingers, squeezing hard. George gasped in pleasure.

  Patrick grinned, slid his hand down past Martin’s, and said, “Time to come, George.”

  Martin could guess what was wanted. Do the same to George as they’d done to him a few minutes earlier. He jerked hard and squeezed just as Patrick grabbed George’s balls.

  George came, his cock pulsing in Martin’s hands. Martin held on until he was done, then let go so that he could put his arms around George and Patrick.

  George was still shaking a little, but held him in turn. “It’s nice being held on both sides afterwards.”

  “So I’ve discovered.”

  “Have you done a threesome before us?” Patrick asked.

  “Tried it a couple of times. Wasn’t my thing, at least not until now.” Part of the difference was that right from the start they’d made him feel like they wanted him, not just some random body to fill out the numbers.

  He’d joked about falling in love, a few days ago. There was a large dollop of truth in it. He looked at them both and knew that however strange they were, they were who and what he wanted.

  “You’re going to get cold standing still in this water,” George said, letting go of him and giving him a nudge. “Go and get dry.”

  He was getting a little bit chilled. He stepped back enough to rub himself in a final wash and then headed for the shore. He’d brought towels again on the assumption they’d need to wash after working, and now he picked up the biggest one and wrapped himself in it.

  George and Patrick followed a few minutes later and casually wiped themselves off. George put down the towel, said, “I’ll get some clean clothes,” and headed to the storage area. He seemed completely unbothered by his nudity.

  “You two don’t feel the cold?”

  Patrick stopped rubbing his hair dry. “Yes, but not as much as you do. It seems to be one of those things that leaks between shapes.”

  “You seem to have all the advantages of both.” Didn’t they have any drawbacks to their dual nature? Other than the longing for social contact with humans, of course.

  “Yes, but we also get overheated easily in very hot weather. And it’s not a lot of fun going into places in town that have sounds you can’t hear but we can. We nearly gave ourselves away the first couple of times, until we realised that other people couldn’t hear it. Or adults, at least.” Patrick grinned in reminiscence. “Someone did catch us out once, but just said it was nice to see that not all young people had ruined their hearing with loud music.”

  That aspect he hadn’t thought of at all. Their supernatural echolocation sense let them hear sounds outside the normal human range, even ones they hadn’t generated themselves -- and that could be both good and bad. He had no idea what the hearing range of dolphins was, but it undoubtedly overlapped with some of the general noise created by human civilisation. “Must be fun if there’s a loud noise only you can hear.”

  “It’s not usually a problem, but there have been places we just couldn’t stand going into.” Patrick looked around. “Thanks, George.”

  George was just coming through with an armful of clothes, and handed one set to Patrick. When they’d got dressed, Patrick went to pick up the dirty clothes he and George had discarded. “About that washing machine ...”

  “I can take them with me, but Simon’s at work, so if you’re still feeling shy, we can do some laundry this afternoon without an audience.” Which would be a good idea anyway. “Look, I’ve got some paperwork to do. Why don’t we go and have lunch at Simon’s, you can put the clothes on to wash, and then you can read a book while I do my accounts?” It would be a good opportunity to get the invoice and reports sorted out for the weekend job without having to forego their company.

  They looked at each other for a moment, then nodded. “There wasn’t anything in the food you brought that won’t keep, is there?”

  “No. Just make sure you eat anything perishable tomorrow or throw it out.”

  “All right.” George headed back to the storage cave again. “I’ll get the travel bag, in case you don’t have time to bring us back.”

  He’d prefer to bring them back himself, but it was a sensible precaution. “All right. Let’s get anything that’s going back with us packed.”

  * * * * *

  They dumped the clothes in the washing machine, then had lunch. Offered a choice of what was in the fridge, George and Patrick went for a mixed grill with the works. “Sorry about the extra work for you with cooking,” Patrick apologised, “but we don’t often get the chance, and we’re hungry enough today to appreciate it.”

  “Don’t worry about it. You two could do with a good feed after the work you’ve put in over the last few days.”

  They sat in the kitchen and talked to him as he cooked, asking him about his weekend. After lunch they sat on the sofa with a book each, spurning the TV. “There’s not a lot of point when we wouldn’t be able to follow half of what’s on.”

  “Well, with a lot of the lunchtime stuff it doesn’t really matter whether you’ve seen it before. It’s filler for people who want something to occupy their minds but can’t sit down and concentrate on the TV.” But he could see why they wouldn’t be interested. Simon’s bookcase held a lot more appeal for them.

  He settled down to his work. He was interrupted once, when George told him that the washing machine had finished and asked for help with the tumble drier. Both of them came to watch how he operated it, and he could see that they would be tempted to come to Simon’s more often. Whether they could overcome their worry about being around someone who was interested in them was another matter. He said nothing. They knew the equipment was there and that Simon had extended an open invitation to use it. There was no need
to push them past what they were comfortable with.

  He’d got a solid chunk of work done by the time Patrick suggested a tea break. Once again they watched as he did the work, storing away information on where things were and how to use them. He got the feeling that they rarely needed to be shown more than once, which went a long way to explaining how they’d managed to pass as ordinary tourists in town. They knew enough from reading newspapers and listening to beach radios that any mistakes could be passed off as “not from around here”.

  All of which made it a slightly surreal experience to sit down with them at the kitchen table for a perfectly ordinary afternoon tea and biscuits in a perfectly ordinary house. In this setting it was hard to imagine Patrick and George as creatures of magic rather than the ordinary men they appeared to be. Their clothes weren’t the stuff of fairyland, but jeans and tee-shirts bought from shops to be found on any high street. To the casual listener their conversation was that of middle-class dropouts who’d found a summer job working on a building site. And yet a few hours ago he’d crashed up against the reality of what they were, with a casual remark made by a man too aroused to think about what he was saying.


  “Sorry. Just thinking ... nobody looking at you right now would ever dream that there was anything odd about you.”

  George looked around at the solid, mundane reality of a modern kitchen set up for a busy professional who enjoyed cooking and company. “It’s ... nice being able to do this. To feel as if we fit in.” He shook his head. “We can’t live on land permanently. We need the sea, and our people. But to have somewhere like this, where we could be comfortable when we visited ... that would be good.”

  “Somewhere to belong, even if we don’t live there,” Patrick added. “Is that what you like about Simon?”

  Yes. Patrick had it right about Simon, and about a few of his other friends -- but especially about Simon. Martin would have been down here in Dorset with or without George and Patrick, because this was one of the places where he felt at home even if he didn’t live here.


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