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Dolphin Dreams

Page 28

by Jules Jones

  “Of course,” George said. “It’s one way to thank him for his hospitality, even if he won’t know that’s what we’re doing.”

  “We owe him, and it makes him happy to see dolphins.” Patrick said. He leaned forward and switched on the radio. “And he tries to make dolphins happy, even if we prefer your taste in music to his.”

  “Thanks.” They were right. He hadn’t thought of it that way, but it was a way for them to be able to give something back to Simon in return for his welcoming them into his home. “We’ll just have to wait and see whether Simon’s free this weekend.”

  “Well, we’re going to be too busy for the next couple of days anyway, so it will have to wait until then, even if he’s home during the week.” George said. “We need to get as much done today as possible, then keep an eye on the driveway repairs tomorrow.”

  It would be better if he was there to act as a buffer tomorrow. “If this book I’m reviewing turns up, I can always read it in the kitchen. So unless I get called out on an urgent job, I’ll be around tomorrow.”

  They seemed satisfied with that. He was sure that they’d cope with the driveway repair man if they had to, but it would give them that little extra bit of confidence.

  * * * * *

  The book arrived the next morning, in time to take it with him to the house. The driveway repair man came early, filled the potholes with gravel and tamped them down, spread a little more gravel where the original surface seemed a bit thin under the grass, and had finished before lunch. By the end of the day George and Patrick reported that they had finished in the office-to-be, and all it needed now was a day or two for things to dry and air.

  He went with them to inspect it. The room had been furnished as a study, which was one of the reasons he’d chosen it as an office. They’d moved some of the original furniture out but had kept the bookcases and the desk. Everything was repaired and clean, and the room had been repainted. They had prepared the cable runs for the new wiring and marked where various sockets and other fittings should go. It would need only a light touch-up job on the plaster and paintwork after the electrician had finished work, and the room would be ready.

  “I’m still a bit worried about the radiator,” George said. “We haven’t been able to test the pipework. But at least we don’t really need to worry about heating for a while.”

  So many things to try to co-ordinate. But as George said, there were things that could be left until later. They had a working kitchen, and with mains water and electricity the bathroom would be usable as soon as the electrician had installed the hot water cylinder. All they needed before they could move in properly was the office and one bedroom. Everything else could be worked around. “I can always use an electric fire if it turns cold. Let’s go and look at the bedrooms and think about what to do next.”

  “We could just do another downstairs room for now,” Patrick suggested. “We could stack the furniture in a different room and use it as a bedroom over winter. Then we’re less likely to have a finished room damaged if we do have problems with the roof before the builder finishes it.”

  A sensible idea. “The front room looks as if it needs the least work.”

  “Then we’ll do that next,” George said. “And besides, it faces south and has a nice sea view.”

  He could see that being important to them. When they chose their final bedroom, it should be one at the front of the house. “Right. Get that room done, and then we can go shopping for a bed.” A large bed. They might even have to consider getting three single mattresses and custom-building a frame. He’d felt a bit cramped even in the king-sized bed. On the other hand, that might have as much to do with their tendency to snuggle up to him if he was in the middle as with their sheer size. Maybe king-sized would be perfectly adequate once the novelty of sleeping with him overnight wore off.

  Time to go back to that king-sized bed, or at least to Simon’s house. They had food in the fridge if they wanted to eat here, but he preferred to spend as much time as possible with Simon while he had the chance. “Let’s go and get dinner.”

  “What are we going to do tomorrow?” George asked. “We’ve made good progress this week, so I thought we could go shopping.”

  “You just want your flowerpots,” Patrick teased.

  He’d promised flowerpots, and flowerpots they should have. Flowers for the front door and herbs for the kitchen. A small start on their garden, but one that would help to make it that little bit more like home. The climbing rose over the door would wait until next spring.

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  They went shopping in Bournemouth the next morning. There was a list of things needed for the house, and a list of groceries. And then there was the list of recreational items.

  Martin had decided on buying his own snorkelling gear rather than borrowing Simon’s. Something made him feel slightly guilty about using Simon’s snorkel as a marital aid. Besides, he wouldn’t mind having his own snorkelling gear anyway, since he might use it for its proper purpose once the house was done.

  And then there was the more obvious marital aid. Patrick had very sensibly suggested getting in some practice first with large and oddly shaped penises that weren’t attached to a live dolphin.

  Sex shops weren’t really Martin’s thing, but it turned out that the one catering to gay Bournemouth was clean, bright, and not in the least bit sleazy. He wouldn’t have been at all embarrassed by going into the Clone Zone by himself. Going in accompanied by two handsome and very large men was another matter, especially as they were openly curious about everything they could see. Something about the place made them feel comfortable.

  Perhaps it was just that it was somewhere where they felt comfortable being openly curious. This was one place where nobody was likely to think it odd.

  They’d also picked up on the fact this was somewhere where it was acceptable for gay men to be openly affectionate in public. As Martin stood in front of the dildo display, George stood alongside him and put an arm around his waist.

  It startled him at first; then he decided he liked it. There were places where he was happy to be openly gay, but he’d never been openly part of a trio before. Standing here with one of his partners, deciding what to buy, while their other partner browsed the magazines ... it was a nice feeling.

  They found something that had the right length without being outrageous on girth. It was advertised as eleven and a half inches, which should be plenty, and although it had a number of interesting bumps and wriggles, it was about the same thickness as George in dolphin shape.

  “You sure you’ll be all right with that?” George asked.

  “That looks fine.” He was tempted by some of the other things on display, but reminded himself that there were going to be a lot of expenses on the house over the next month. He had quite enough novelty in his life already without being greedy for more.

  “Let’s go and look at the leather things,” George suggested.

  “I didn’t think you were into leather.” He didn’t think they were into clothing at all when it came to props.

  “I’m not. Don’t really understand it, which is why I’d like a look.”

  So they went and looked at the leather. Patrick joined them, and they stood for a moment, stroking the leather, testing its feel. They seemed to enjoy it, although he didn’t want to ask them what they thought in front of an audience. His impression was that they enjoyed the physical sensation without it triggering any fetish associations for them.

  After a minute or two, Patrick said, “Time to go home?”

  “One more thing,” George said. “Condoms?”

  “And waterproof lube,” Patrick added.

  Whether they could get a large enough condom was another matter, but there was an easy way to find out without suggesting that someone in the room had a twelve-inch cock. “Do you have any condoms large enough to cover this toy?” he asked when he went to the counter to pay.

  Apparently the full length could
be a little tricky, but the largest size in stock should cover most of it. They left the shop, content that they were fully equipped.

  He asked them in the car what they thought of the leather gear.

  “Feels nice,” Patrick said. “Though I think I’d prefer something softer.”

  “I still don’t really understand,” George said. “Tying up, yes, but why leather? Is this one of those things where it triggers associations with things we don’t know about?”

  “That’s my guess.” They didn’t have the cultural background, the whole cascade of associations that could be triggered by leather.

  “You’re not disappointed?” Patrick asked.

  “No. It’s one of those things that can be nice with the right person, but it’s not my thing.”

  “You just like to have someone else in charge,” George said. “Props can be fun, but for you they’re only props.” He smiled. “It doesn’t matter what we use on you. It only matters that it’s us.”

  “Yes.” He thought about the dildo waiting in the bag in the back. He could have a lot of fun with it by himself, or with someone else, but in the end it was only a tool.

  “Never mind that. Supermarket next,” Patrick said. “And what are we doing for lunch? Simon’s, or straight back to the house?”

  “If we didn’t still have the grocery shopping and the garden centre to do, I might even be inclined to eat lunch in town.” He should take them into town one day just to do that. Some casual shopping, a stroll around the public gardens, lunch in a cafe somewhere. “Look, if I’m still around when the builder comes, and he says he’d rather we pushed off, remind me to take you into town for lunch.”

  “Be nice, that,” George said. “We’ve enjoyed working on the house, but it would be nice to have a day just for ourselves. Not even shopping for more stuff for the house.”

  “Well, except for groceries,” Patrick said. “I like going around the supermarket.”

  Martin had noticed that, and that it wasn’t just because Patrick was a very greedy dolphin who liked anything to do with food and new tastes to try. The novelty would doubtless wear off, but for now Patrick seemed to be treating a supermarket as a toy shop. At least he was better behaved than the average toddler, even if he had the same attraction to shiny things. “We’ll go to the supermarket for a big shopping trip once we’ve got the new wiring in and I’m reasonably sure that the freezer is going to keep working. Then we can make sure that there’s enough food around that you’ll only need to go out hunting because you want to, not because you have to.”

  “We’ll still be getting our own fish, thanks.” George grinned at him. “That way we know it’s fresh. Anyway, I say we go back to the house for lunch. We’ve worked hard on that kitchen; we might as well use it now.”

  So after they’d finished shopping, he headed back to the house. As he drove down the drive, he felt another small glow of accomplishment. The drive would need to have the grass and weeds removed to look like a proper drive, but it was now a smooth ride. It should stand up to having a builder’s lorry going back and forth over it, even if the weather broke and the rain came. One more job ticked off.

  When they unpacked the shopping, they set the plants and pots to soak in water. George was very proud of himself for remembering the need to soak clay pots first to stop them drawing water from the compost. After lunch they retrieved the plants from where they’d been left in the shade, and set about planting up the pots. It was a pleasant way to have a rest after lunch while still doing something useful, but Martin found his mind wandering to thoughts of more strenuous activities. The bag with the snorkel and the things from the sex shop was waiting by the cellar door. The bag, and what it implied.

  Perhaps they wouldn’t do it today. Perhaps they would never do it. But in that bag lay the possibility of sex with something, someone, who wasn’t human.

  He knew what they were, had known when he had first set out to find them again. He hadn’t quite believed it then, but only because his rational mind told him that it was impossible. Looking at them now, it was easy to see them as what they told others they were -- just two men who had chosen a solitary, wandering life. Even in bed, much of the time they might be taken for men who simply had an unusually high sexual stamina. But he had memories of sex in a dark cave, of sounds no human could make.

  He’d even had sex of a sort with them when they were in a different shape. He knew what they were and had accepted it. But somehow what they proposed to do now was different, crossed a line he hadn’t even thought about. It would make it impossible to ignore what they truly were.

  Not sex with an animal, no. Even when they were in dolphin shape, there was a human mind looking out through alien eyes. But the flip side of that was an alien mind looking out through human eyes. This would be sex with an alien. With something that sometimes walked on human feet and talked with human speech, but that was not human, however intelligent it might be. And once he did this, he could never forget it.

  But whatever they were, they loved him and were not ashamed to show it.

  “Martin?” Patrick said.

  “Let’s get this finished and go.”

  It took a second or two to register. Then they quietly finished putting the last of the compost in place, poured one last bucket of water into the pots, and followed him into the kitchen.

  Patrick picked up the bag, and they walked together down into the cellar and through the secret door behind the wine rack into that other world.

  They started on the pile of cushions. He’d get them a leather one to add to the pile, not because it was leather, but because leather was one more sensation for them to play with. A soft suede cushion would be just the thing to go with the rest of the improbable collection. But for now, all he was concerned about was having somewhere comfortable to lie down. They brought out the blankets and cushions and made a comfortable nest on the beach above their private pool. And then they stripped naked, the way they’d all been when he’d first met them in human form.

  George held him, kissed him, taking it slowly. Patrick stood behind him, arms around them both. He could feel Patrick hard against him already, but there was no urgency, no tenseness in the body pressed up against his. Just that slow buildup of arousal, the emotional need more important than the physical one for now.

  Cock bumping against cock, bodies pressed together. Finally George stepped back from him. Patrick kept holding him, hugging him, kissing along his shoulders as he watched George reach for the condoms and the new lube.

  Condom smoothed on, then the lube, George utterly focused on what he was doing. Then George looked back at them.

  Patrick let go of him, and he lay down, arranging himself comfortably on the cushions. Then he held out his arms. George was big, but Martin was well used to him by now. It was easy enough to take him without any extra foreplay, and he wanted him.

  George settled onto him, gave him one last kiss as he wriggled a little to get a better position, then entered him in one smooth glide. George was big, and was almost too much, but only almost. Then there was just the familiar feel of his body opening up, George filling him comfortably.

  Smooth easy thrusts, something to make him feel good without pushing him right to the edge with need. Warm body filling his arms, the muscles playing under his hands with each move George made. George looking down at him, love and lust mingled in his expression.

  Then George shuddered, held still, and came. He held George tightly, telling him how good it felt. And then George was done and slipped out of him, standing up to leave the way clear for Patrick.

  Patrick was faster but just as controlled. No need to check that he was comfortable with the length and width filling him up, not when George had been there first. One fast thrust, and then another, and another, and Patrick came too.

  Patrick stayed in him for a moment. Then he sighed and said, “I suppose I’d better be good,” and pulled out. He didn’t stand up, but slid off to one side, nudging
Martin to move and saying, “Here, sit in my lap.”

  They rearranged themselves and some of the cushions so that Patrick was leaning back against the cave wall, and Martin was seated in Patrick’s lap with his legs spread apart by Patrick’s thighs. The pile of cushions supported them so that they were somewhere between sitting and lying, leaving him propped up just enough that he could easily see what George was doing.

  George knelt in front of them, holding the dildo. He covered it in lube, using far more than Martin would have normally thought necessary. But it made sense if there was any possibility that they would be doing it in the water as well.

  “If it hurts at all, I’ll stop,” George said.

  “I’ve taken something nearly that big before.” But not often, and not for a while. “But I’m out of practice.”

  George smiled at him. “That’s why we’re doing this first, remember. We want to make sure you can take it without getting hurt.” He measured off against his own cock. “We know you can take that much.” Then another length. “And I’d guess that’s about how much it’ll be if I’m on top. I wouldn’t be able to get right into you in that position anyway.”

  It wasn’t the full length of the dildo, but it still looked like a lot. Maybe more than he could manage. But then, that was what they were trying to find out.

  George set the end of the dildo against him and pushed gently. It slid inside him with ease, the first few inches going in with no trouble at all. As it got towards the length of a big man’s cock he started to feel a bit more pressure, but his body was well used to taking that much by now. Only when George went deeper with the dildo than his cock would go did it start to feel uncomfortable.

  He grunted a little, and George stopped, holding the dildo where it was. “Do you need me to pull out?”

  “No, just need to get used to it.”


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