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Temple of Cocidius

Page 23

by Maxx Whittaker

  “Stop?” I manage, panting into the sweat of her neck.

  She whimpers. “In. Flidais help me, I’ll tear out your throat if you–” She slumps to the wall in surrender, eyes fevered, trembling around me. “In! Hurry. Put it in...Hurry.”

  Callista doesn’t fight when I let go to grip her full hips. Her hands claw cragged stone, scraping. I thrust deep, bury my cock in her ass, and our mutual cry is deafening.

  Her earlobe clenched between my teeth drives me wild.

  Heijl, Heijl, Heijl, she grunts on each thrust. My balls slap her pussy with a force that stings, and she sheaths me so tight I grind teeth into my cheek for stamina. There’s no gentleness; Callista pushes from the wall, ass hammering my hips blow after blow. I’ll feel this tomorrow, even with Freya’s gift. My hand runs wild over her, along sculpted muscle, the sheer terrifying strength and feminine form. Her breast, her thigh; I wedge between her belly and the wall, slipping fingers into the wet cleft of her pussy. She grinds the heel of my hand, clit licking like a tongue. She rides it until rock bites my knuckles and blood heats my skin.

  It doesn’t matter. I take her like an animal and she rubs until her cries reach fever pitch. Sweat trickles down her ass, lubricating my thrusts. She’s so tight, here, so different than her pussy, and it grips me like wet leather with each thrust. I can smell it, her climax, when the shaking starts. Her animal odor steals all but the last drops of my humanity. Bite, scrape, fuck, use. Instinct is all I know, animal urges. Her body kneads my cock, and everything is impulse.

  Her body twists, and her roar shakes the cave. It travels across the point where our bodies join. The impact knocks me over the edge. My nails bite crimson half-moons into the flesh of her hips. Callista’s climax drenches my cock, and I cum with a violence equal to hers, pumping hard and deep in her ass.

  She goes limp, but I’m not done with her. Her musk permeates me like a poison, so strong I can feel Finna’s gift try to intervene. I deny it, revel in the animal drive to couple.

  Callista’s slides down the wall. I grab her legs, flip her to her back. Her brown eyes are wide, wary, a female who’s realized she can’t escape the male. I hook arms beneath her knees, spread her and drive in. The sight of my pale cock disappearing into her inky flesh feeds my mindless hunger. Her barbs scrape, sting. Rage and lust explode in my chest. I fuck her hard in defiance. Callista raises onto an elbow, flushed and gleaming sweat. She sinks teeth into her lip. A crimson teardrop beads and trails down her chin. Our flesh slaps when I bend to lick it away.

  Callista arches, growling and purring, gripping my face. “You are a worthy mate.” I feel the barbs in her pussy soften, accept me.

  Her hair spills wild around her face, fangs bared as she grits her teeth. Her barbs smooth to bumps that work me, stroke the sensitive underside of my cock. The change in sensation drives me to the edge. My balls feel empty, but her scent is a compulsion. I’m going to fuck her and hard, until I cum again. Callista twists her legs free, twines them behind my back. Her fur-covered heels drum my ass. “Hard.”

  I have no choice but to obey.


  Her tits bounce, begging. They’re soft in my palm, so much bigger than my hands. Her nipples blanch at my pinching. Callista grunts her frustration: Harder.

  I sink my teeth into her neck, bite, taste a drop of blood. I roll her nipple and slam her pussy, fuck her so hard my healing kicks in, rebuilding flesh that bruises with each thrust. Her climax ignites mine. I finish her with hard thrusts in the heat of my cum, Callista’s beautiful body arched high in satisfaction and pleasure.

  I need a minute to recover, for the urge to fade. It lingers in the air and on my skin, enough that brutalized as I am, Freya’s healing doesn’t erase all the aches and my cock doesn’t know what’s good for it.

  Callista leans over, slowly, her face inches from mine. She takes a deep sniff, nose at my mouth, inhaling the musk of her pussy. Her teeth find my lower lip, and she bites, just hard enough to hurt, but not enough to puncture, and then draws back, eyes a banked furnace. “Definitely worthy.”

  And then, she’s up, wrestling into her breast piece. No afterglow, no sentiment. Makes sense. I guess that she’s more immune, or more easily recovered, from the experience than I am.

  “You’re the last. What will you do after the temple?” I ask, feeling empty and kind of lost after the intensity of the last few minutes.

  “The last of the ten in Vallespir. There are other bear clans.” Callista takes up her axes and gives a last look around. “In lands that can’t be possibly as skíta as these.”

  I’m still wrestling into my armor when she steps through the portal. She leaves me running to catch up, and I’m too sore to chase her.

  -The Garden-

  Callista doesn’t look impressed by the garden.

  “Do you want to come out to the terrace and meet the others?” Maybe some companions who aren’t hunting her or enslaving others will be a welcome change.

  Her eyes narrow on one of the western bedchambers. “After artaois fuck, we sleep... For the good of everyone,” she concludes in a low growl.

  “Got it. I’ll see you…” In a few hours? Months? I probably need about that long to recover.

  Callista shrugs and strides away without an answer.

  “Tonight,” I command, more dominant. It doesn’t come naturally to me, but after the cave, I think I know how she works.

  I’m rewarded with a last, hooded glance and a small smile, thrown over her shoulder before she disappears through the archway.

  Only when she’s gone do I slump, hand on the railing, and take a deep breath. I’ve come close to death so many times in my life, but always on the battlefield. What happened in her den, the danger and pleasure of it, the blood that still glistens on my skin...Indescribable. I want it again, now, to follow her through that doorway, and at the same time, I want to sleep for a month.

  A glint catches my eye when I turn and start for the terrace. Cocidius’s bust sits in the alcove. Its clasp, faded with traces of gold earlier, gleams like it’s newly-leafed. A black spot appears, moves across the disk.

  “You? I thought you’d gone. Happy to see me?”

  The spider raises tiny front legs, beckoning.

  “Feeling is mutual.” I hold out a finger and she picks her way gracefully up my arm.

  I’m suddenly dying to know how the Gardener has changed, but she’s nowhere to be seen. I head for the garden.

  Finna flows from the trees as I cross a small footbridge over the pond.

  “Lir! I saw the portal flash.” She rests a hand on my shoulder, thins, and flows around me in a pale purple waterspout, heady with roses.

  “So you’re happy to see me, then?”

  She reforms, following me into the trees. “The only worthwhile mortal I’ve met in a thousand years? Absolutely.”

  “Was there one in the previous thousand years?”

  “Your kind had a decent run four or five millennia ago.” She peeks at me, sly. “Where do you think the demi-gods came from?”


  Her eyes widen as she takes me in, the blood spattered across my skin from bonding with Callista. “Oh, Lir. Your time in Vallespir must have been brutal.”

  Claws, fur, teeth, raking skin, barbs. “You have no idea.”

  Her brow furrows, but when I don’t elaborate, she shrugs, sets off again.

  “Seen the Gardener?”

  “No.” Her form deepens, giving her a frown. “Not all day, I think.”

  “Huh. And speaking of my worthiness, that bit of you I kept inside?” I give her the eye. “It saved my life.”

  She smiles, lips thick but without their usual density. “Then you can keep it a bit longer. Speaking of which…”

  We’ve reached the glade. I stumble a step, still somehow surprised what awaits me.

  Meridiana lays nude on a blanket in the brightest patch of sun. Her legs are parted, just enough that I can see the folds of
her pussy, glistening lightly.

  “Speaking of which?” I look from Finna, to Meridiana who’s rolled onto her back. Meridiana who is a shade of pink reserved for brothels.

  She licks her lips. “In one piece...How convenient.”

  This is why Finna looks like melting jelly. She flows around me again, most of her body wrapping and stroking my chest like a beckoning arm. “I want to try something…” she gurgles softly.

  After my time with Callista, my body feels like a pheasant carcass the hounds have been at, and I still can’t bring myself to turn her down outright. Still feel my cock stir.

  “What have you two...” My chest piece hits the grass, undone from the inside. “...concocted?”

  Meridiana watches Finna’s progress through my clothes. “I’m sure you know you’re a regular conversational topic among the artifacts.”

  “Am I?”

  She smirks. “Don’t pretend you don’t know.”

  “I didn’t.” Me? A lot of what’s happening here will never sink in, especially so many brave, beautiful women wanting something to do with me. And this, what’s happening now? The exquisite creature lying before me, body taut and ready, or a girl made of slime undressing me from inside my clothes?

  Never in my wildest dreams.

  “Then I suppose our surprise is equal. We were surprised to learn you have a...varied repertoire.”

  “You’ve all been...comparing?” I hardly notice Finna prying off my boots.

  “Honestly, I find a lot of it boring. Mortals are And once you’ve been bound to a scylla for a few centuries?” Meridiana shrugs. “Pleasure is just never the same. But you’re vigorous,” her tail whips, “eager, and you have something we need.” Her gaze drops.

  “You want to use me for my...cock?” No man can sound offended saying these words. But I just left Callista’s realm.

  “We’d like to use it,” Finna corrects, flowing up my naked body. “But we’d like to use you, too. Not just any one will do.”

  Oh Heijl, that poor fucking dryad.

  Finna stops moving, and a tongue forms from her. It licks my thigh. “What is that? It’s intoxicating!” She licks me again; I can’t help but groan. I know what she’s found; I can still smell Callista’s musk, painting my cock, my thighs. She ripples, shuddering as her tongue runs up my leg slowly. “I love it.”

  “I’m not...I just left the fifth realm, so…” Does this make me a jerk? I was with Callista just moments ago. How do I say it?

  Meridiana snorts. “Mortals endure the worst curse of all: monogamy. I suppose one companion is all you have time for when your life is a comparative speck in the universe. Live a few thousand years and you won’t be so rigid.” She falls back as she says this, and her thighs part.

  Pretty sure I’ll be rigid for a long time. “Let’s get started on that now; tell me what you two have schemed up.”

  Finna thins, a cool layer over my body all the way to the neck. “Meridiana and I have both enjoyed something about you. We’d like to enjoy it together.” Her voice hums from all over me. “But we can’t all appreciate the experience equally, unless…”

  “Unless what?”

  “Do you trust me?”

  “Yes, but–”

  She oozes into my mouth and nose like I’ve invited her. Which I didn’t. Instinct takes over and like always I panic before my breath comes.

  Finna laughs, trembling inside me. So you don’t entirely trust me...

  No, it’s not that. Just not used to other people barging inside.

  That’s not true, Meridiana purrs into my thoughts. She snuggles into the blanket, knees bent, and thighs parted wide. She drags her tail up the cleft of her pussy, leaving a sheen.

  Finna ripples over me, coating my like armor, like she did in the swamp. She starts at my head, moving down my back, my arms, spreading, and finally my cock, oozing, massaging. After Callista, the contrast in sensation is overwhelming. Blood rushes hot, engorging me inside her sheath. It’s thin, the barest layer, a purple glove over my shaft.

  Meridiana raises her ass, wiggling impatiently. Her tail hooks, beckoning like a finger.

  What’s the plan? I’m so, so ready.

  Meridiana watches us come on. “Finna is going to fuck me,” she purrs, eyes closing. “And she’s going to use you to do it.”

  Oh, Gods. Yes. Finna shivers against me, anticipation mixed with mine.

  We kneel between Meridiana’s lean thighs. The sensation is eerie. I relax, and Finna guides me.

  It’s one of the most erotic sensations imaginable, which is saying a lot, considering everything I’ve been through the last few days.

  Finna ripples; her pussy flows together, forming above my belly and Meridiana flicks it with her tail. Finna’s moan of pleasure fills my ears, my chest. I can hear it from inside myself.

  “I want you both inside me,” Meridiana whispers, arching.

  The shape of my cock, its silhouette is visible inside Finna’s lilac ooze.

  Finna moves my hands. I – we– cradle Meridiana’s legs, opening her wider.

  I rest my head against Meridian’s pussy. It’s muted through Finna’s slime; I can feel warmth, but not flesh. But I can taste Meridiana, strawberry-sweet, where Finna flows into my mouth. Unconsciously, I wiggle my tongue. Finna shudders around me, and the bit of her at the tip of my cock mimics the movement. I lick long, slowly upward, and the ooze below copies it, running upward along Meridian’s lips, then across her clit.

  The succubus moans, arching her back, tits gleaming in the sun. I keep licking, and I can taste her getting wetter, her arousal, as her scent changes to something sweeter.

  Just the smell is enough to drive me to the edge.

  Meridian’s breath comes faster, her tits bounce, and I see her belly tighten. Now? I ask Finna.

  Definitely. She takes control, and as Meridiana cums, body bucking, Finna thrusts, and I watch my cock, braced at Meridiana’s entrance, disappear. It drives her wild, and her orgasm redoubles. I’m sure every living creature in the garden can hear her.

  Finna’s sheath gathers into purple ripples along my shaft, bunching at the lips of the succubus’s pussy. Finna moans, cums, and I feel her orgasm ripple along my skin, and inside my body. She runs down the crack of Meridiana’s ass in a trickle of goo.

  Finna lubricates my thrusts and she rolls up and down my cock in small rings. Meridiana arches, her moan so intense it vibrates through me, and I know she feels the same sensation.

  Finna uses me, climbs over Meridiana and takes a breast in my mouth. From somewhere in the mix, I even taste Callista, her musk carried from my cock to my tongue through Finna’s slime.

  I harden. Finna feels it, purrs softly in approval, and then I’m taking them both in long thrusts, my movements not my own.

  Finna flows from my cock up Meridiana’s cleft, now blushed to a soft plum, both women nearly the same shade. My thrusts spatter small droplets of her onto Meridiana’s belly.

  Finna’s sheath thins along my body. I’m too mindless, my senses too scattered, to get it. It’s not until I lose the feel of Meridiana’s tight passage and the wet sensation increases that I understand why. Finna flows out of me, along my body, gathering at my shaft, and every thrust pushes more of her inside Meridiana. We fill her, and then it’s too much. On each thrust more of Finna squishes out, the sound illicit, the sensation overwhelming.

  “No more,” Meridiana gasps, eyes squeezed shut. “No more!” But she doesn’t mean it. Her legs strangle my waist.

  Finna covers me again, running back up my body, long tongues of slime that coat me, and all the while, we fuck Meridiana.

  The three of us writhe to a climax voiced by Meridiana’s deep moans and the soft splash of Finna driven into her.

  The slime girl strangles my body; her form swells my lungs and her orgasm wracks me inside and out, the scent of roses and the taste of pussy an intoxicant.

  I fuck Meridiana, bringing Finna to orgasm again
and again. She runs off me, losing cohesion, puddling into the grass.

  The change in sensation feels so good I cum explosively, buried in Meridiana, Finna. The force sends a gush of slime and cum out around my shaft, onto my balls.

  Finna flows up Meridiana’s belly, between her quivering tits and coalesces, seated on Meridiana’s face, turned toward me. Her smile is pure mischief. I hold still, and Finna lowers, licking bits of herself and my cum where I’m buried inside Meridiana’s midnight-purple slit.

  Soft sucking. Through Finna’s still-thin form I can see Meridiana’s silhouette, the pink point of her tongue licking milky threads from deep between Finna’s thighs.

  Meridiana’s laugh is wicked, exhausted.

  Finna pools onto the blanket, soaking a wet spot in the shape of her body. She and Meridiana exchange a grin.

  “Everything you imagined?” I groan, falling to the grass without dignity or shame.


  That’s what a man likes to hear.

  -The Terrace-

  I’ll never get used to a hero’s welcome. Freya and Kumiko look happy to see me. Finna and Meridiana trail after me, silent, basking in afterglow. Everyone is here, but Callista, who’s apparently still asleep.

  “Thanks for letting me know you were leaving,” I tease Freya.

  Her lips twitch. “How did you know I’d gone? How did you know something didn’t eat me?”

  “I didn’t. But that something was well-mannered enough to fold the bedding, so I thought I’d let it be.”

  “Good to know.”

  Kumiko sits straight-backed in one of the thick-cushioned chairs, eyes closed. She looks serene, long ears relaxed around her delicate face, but not drooping. I sit beside her. She opens her pale pink eyes, and they penetrate me. “We’ve been talking.”

  “So I heard.”

  She looks confused. It passes. “Meridiana said you came to the temple to collect us for a King Mynogin.”


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