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The Letters of Sylvia Plath Volume 1

Page 4

by Sylvia Plath

  I have washed: 2 pairs of socks, 1 face cloth, 1 jersey and 1 pr. of pants I have spent about 45¢ on laundry about 20¢ on fruit, 1.50 on nessities and 20¢ on unnessities. About 2.40 in all. I will not need to spend much more, just on laundry and fruit. I have received all your letters, Mowgli’s card, and, do thank Grammy for my sneakers.

  If you have any more stamps please send them to me. I have bought 2 10¢ defense stamps.

  xxxxxxxx Extra Love xxxxxxx

  xxxxxxx Sylvia xxxxxx



  TO Aurelia Schober Plath

  Saturday 24 July 1943

  ALS (postcard), Indiana University


  Dear Mother

  Just think, I will be home in less than 2 weeks. We went on another hayride today and to night we are going to pick blueberries. I am very glad Mowgli got that chicken leg he deserves it. I have made something for you in arts & crafts. The view across the lake is beautiful. The sun and clouds cast shadows on it from time to time. The camp paper is 2¢ and comes out every 2 weeks. I will have 2 copies to take home.

  xxxxxxx *****

  xxxxxxx Love – Sylvia ****


  Did you get my letter?

  TO Aurelia Schober Plath

  Wednesday 28 July 1943*

  ALS (postcard), Indiana University

  Dear Mother,

  Today was a red letter day for I got 3 letters one from you, one from Ruthie* (she received my card) and one from Mrs. Freeman.* Ruth sent me some lovely green embroidered shoelacings and her mother sent some blue. I will see you in one week. I will send my dufflebag by express so it will get home a little after I do. I wrote the first 2 days at camp in my diary but then I stopped.




  TO Aurelia Schober Plath

  Thursday 29 July 1943

  ALS (postcard), Indiana University

  July 29

  Dear Mother,

  I received the suitcase, and have devoured the funnies eagerly.

  I had 2.20 in trading post before you sent me a dollar. (Thanks loads)

  I will leave here on the train, Monday 3.08 and get to North Station at 6.31. (Unless the train is late,) we were spposed to climb Whitter* today but we got caught in the rain.



  TO Aurelia Schober Plath

  Saturday 31 July 1943

  ALS on Camp Weetamoe letterhead,

  Indiana University

  July 31,

  Dear Mother,

  Just think! When you receive this letter I will be on my way home. The days have sped by on wings. I have made two things at Arts & Crafts which are to be surprises for you and Grammy both. A girl gave me a strip of oil cloth so I cut it into 3 pieces and made a change purse for Grammy with flowers here and there.


  I have bougt 6 beautiful pictures of scenery for →


  and my pictures for →


  Laundry →


  nessities →


  Unnessities →





  about 2.10 left

  When I get home maybe you will go to bed when I do some nights and I will tell you every detail about camp. It seems like a happy dream.



  P.S. When I come home you will see a great difference in my caracter. Give my love to every body. I am enclosing drawings.



  TO Aurelia Schober Plath

  Friday 14 July 1944

  ALS (postcard), Indiana University


  July 14,

  Dear Mother,

  See if you can guess by my pictures what I am giving Dot & Grammy for an Xmas . Dot – Grammy . I will show them to you when I come . I will see you at (6:31) at No. Station. I have spent 1.25 so far (80¢ in Arts in Crafts)



  3.50 left.

  I will come home with $3.25 at least. I have not worn 1 , or blouse. I am going to try to look neat coming home. We have every other day. I swam 100 yds. side stroke (over my head without stopping!). I never thought I could do it!! see you. Monday at 6.31.



  TO Aurelia Schober Plath

  Saturday 15 July 1944

  ALS (postcard), Indiana University


  July 15,

  Dear Mother,

  Today was our patriotic day . I wore a red , red , white , blue (borrowed). Our tent (4) won inspection this week as well as last. In inspection for no papers our in Neyati won!! All the tables were decorated, Neyati were like this. . All of the units had to sang a song. Neyati was said to be by the judges “A jump ahead of the others.” Are we proud .



  TO Aurelia Schober Plath

  Monday 17 July 1944

  ALS (postcard), Indiana University


  July 17,

  Dear Mother ,

  I have packed all of my . I received the tags. I have written to Ruthie. I have spent 1.40! Is that bad? Only $.70 on Art’s & Crafts. We are going on a trip for winning inspection! I have gotten 20 . I am so glad Frank & Louise* are home . I’ll see you Monday! I will be happy to come home! The only thing wrong with me is that bit my & there is a blister on it.



  TO Frieda Heinrichs*

  Tuesday 26 December 1944

  ALS, Indiana University

  26 Elmwood Road

  Wellesley 81, Mass.

  December 26, 1944

  Dear Aunt Frieda,

  I can’t thank you enough for the lovely tooled leather diary you sent me. I kept my diary every day last year, but it was not as beautiful as this new one.

  I do enjoy writing in it, because it helps me to use complete sentences. I read over my last year’s diary and found that it was full of spelling mistakes.

  Even though you do live in California, I hope that you will come to visit us soon. The fall is the most colorful time of the year in New England, and I’m sure you will take delight in the brilliant foliage.

  Your loving niece,



  TO Aurelia Schober Plath

  Monday 2 July 1945

  ALS (postcard), Indiana University

  July 2, 1945

  Dear Mother,

  My bed is so cosy and I am all unpacked and every thing is neatly put away. We had an invigorating swim after you left Sunday at 4:30. The dock is shaped like this and we (our unit swam in here ) for today. The water was very cold at first but once I ducked in it was so comfortable. The water was the most beautiful color that I have ever seen! The pure white sand gleamed through its crystal, pale, blue-green depths. The only thing I missed at supper was butter! I ate: fresh spinach, sliced turkey, 2 baked potatos, bric
k (vanilla, strawberry, chocolate) icecream, and four cups of milk! I am well and overwhelmingly happy.



  TO Warren Plath

  Monday 2 July 1945

  ALS (postcard), Indiana University

  July 2,

  Dearest Warren,

  I hope that you had a nice time over at Dotties. I love Camp. Betsy* and I are in cabin 3 (only two in a cabin) in the Ridge Unit. Our Unit Leader is “Flash”, her assistant is “Dash” (I mean its vice versa) and the one in charge of the waterfront is “Splash.” They are the “Ash” trio. You would love to be here. There are trees every where; and at night the fireflies are countless, and they light up the earth and sky. The birds, at about 5:00 in the morning, sing so sweetly. Will you ask mummy to send that little bird book in your book case on the left of the 2nd shelf?



  TO Aurelia Schober Plath

  Tuesday 3 July 1945

  ALS (postcard), Indiana University

  July 3, 1945

  Dearest Mother,

  Last evening (Monday) our unit invited Unit “Cove” to a night of folk-dancing, in the unit house. A rain storm was raging outside as we danced by the fireplace. We had a beautiful time and sang songs around the campfire before going to bed. We have “Trading Post” every other day. So far I’ve spent: bathing cap – $.25, tie – $.35, KLEENEX – $.15. If you want me to buy an extra box please tell me. (If I still can get it). The food is wonderful! For instance I had for lunch: 3 bowls tomato-soup, cream cheese and olives on rolls, cupcakes, 3 cups milk. Write soon. I’m fine! xxx



  TO Aurelia Schober Plath

  Tuesday–Wednesday 3–4 July 1945

  ALS (postcard), Indiana University

  July 3 & 4, 1945

  Dear Mummy,

  I am just preparing to go for a swim after rest hour. It is now about quarter past three. Our cabin is so nice and cosy.


  July 4, 1945

  Dear Mummy,

  I am disappointed in either you or the mail for I haven’t even one letter and this is Wednesday! We went “nail picking” today and are having a contest to see who of our unit and another could pick the most nails at where the barn fell down. I am about 3rd or, 4th with 327 nails in ½ (half) hour. Write soon. Send music MB Murmering Brook.*



  TO Aurelia Schober Plath & Warren Plath

  Thursday 5 July 1945

  ALS on Camp Helen Storrow

  letterhead, Indiana University

  Remember to say Long Pond

  on my Address!

  Dearest Mother, and Warren

  Today is Thursday the 5th of July and we haven’t received any mail yet so I hope I’ll at least get one letter or card. Last night we had Retreat. One music loving girl named “Chopin”, played some music on-her accordian. (She made up the music too!) After flag lowering we sat on the beach (the whole camp) and watched the perfect tawny-red ball of sun sink slowly out of sight in the West. I read my part of the ceremony and was complimented on it by “Dash.” You know how I used to adore Miss Chadwick?* Well, now my ideal is our unit leader, “Dash.” We went boating today in the row boats. I met a girl from “Four Winds” out on the lake and asked her if she knew Ruthie Freeman. She did, so I sent my regards (by way of water) to Ruthie. I am now basking on my bed in the sun during rest hour. It is so perfectly warm and comfortable! Can you tell me what-these signs in shorthand mean? and (). Thanks. Yesterday night Betsy and I saw a firefly settle on our window for a half hour and he kept blinking his light off and on. How’re these menus:* Lunch- two bowls of vegetable soup, loads of peanut butter, four pieces of coffee cake, chocolate cake and marsh mellow sauce, three cups of milk. Supper- Haddock, nineteen carrots, lettuce and tomatoes, cucumber, punch, two potatoes, four slices of water mellon! Boy! My stomach could hardly hold those two amounts of food. I have, next to Betsy a special friend named Joan Beales. She is the sweetest girl. She can play piano and violin, tapdance, and sings on the radio, and best of all is really frankly modest. My one consolation is that she’s my second best friend and she can’t draw. I’m tanned and perfectly happy.

  xxxxxx and ****


  TO Aurelia Schober Plath

  Friday 6 July 1945

  ALS (postcard), Indiana University

  July 6, 1945

  Dear Mother,

  You know, in swimming we have three classes starting with the lowest red, next-white, highest-blue. For three days I was a red cap but today I was promoted to a white cap! I am quite happy. “Dash” complimented me on braiding my hair so neatly and so often! I love camp, and it is near enough to you so that I never feel homesick. Yahoo! I got that big fat letter from you tonight and was showing the beautiful drawings to the whole unit! If any one says I can draw I’ll know I inherited it from you.

  Love xxxx


  P.S. I have a reputation with my unit leader for eating more than any one!

  TO Aurelia Schober Plath

  Friday 6 July 1945

  ALS (postcard), Indiana University

  July 6, 1945

  Dearest Mummy,

  Today is so beautiful! As a rule all days have been sunshiny save about one. Every time you write me a card I wish you would illustrate it as you did the first one. I will always treasure it. I was able to get my whole arm in the waist of my shorts before breakfast but after the following two meals I couldn’t even get my finger in! Shredded wheat, two muffins and crabapple jelly, four cups milk, and 40 raw cherries. Lunch three whole egg & lettuce sandwiches, three whole jelly sandwiches, five cups milk. I’m healthy and happy. Give my love to Warren.



  TO Aurelia Schober Plath

  Saturday 7 July 1945

  ALS (postcard), Indiana University

  July 7, 1945

  Dear Mother,

  I have written to Grammy and Grampy and “Hayzee.”* My other friends can wait. I hope that you and Warrie got my big letter.* I made up a poem starting like this:

  At night I watch the stars above*

  Twinkling in the sky

  While on the silent world below

  Deepening shadows lie.

  The trees are swaying in the wind

  The night is dark & still,

  The grass is whispering to the moon

  Which shines above the hill.

  I love you loads!


  TO Aurelia Schober Plath

  Sunday 8 July 1945

  ALS (postcard), Indiana University

  July 8, 1945

  Dear Mother,

  Today (in my opinion is the most beautiful day I spent at camp! We had a wonderful time swimming – and boating in the morning. For lunch I had a bird’s feed of 6 plates of casserole & sauce containing potatos, peas, onions, carrots, chicken (yum, yum); five cups of punch and a scoop of vanilla, coffee, and orange ice cream. (If you’re hard up on ration points when I come home you can have Joe slaughter me and you can eat me for pork. We had crafts today (nothing like Weetamoe though.) I making prints to decorate stationary. xxxx



  TO Aurelia Schober Plath

  Monday 9 July 1945

  ALS (postcard), Indiana University

  July 9, 1945

  Dear Mother,

  Has the apron I ordered come yet? Did anyone get honorable mention on the good sport page?* Have I any mail? Betsy and I have just finished a blanket roll for our unit has the fun of sleeping on the beach tonight!! I have the second verse to the poem I sent you:

  Camp Helen Storrow

  At night I watch the tiny lights

  Of fireflies flitting near

  And gleaming in the frosty air

  Above Long Pond so clear.

  This is our camp beside the lake-

  The one we all do love,

  And over us God’s light will shine

  From the vast heaven above.

  Give my love to Warrie


  TO Aurelia Schober Plath

  Wednesday 11 July 1945

  ALS (postcard), Indiana University

  July 11

  Dear Mother,

  We had a minstrel show last night. I was dressed as a little girl pickininy and had my face charcoaled. It was a great success. I got your big fat letter with the map. Everybody envies me – receiving such meaty letters! I am leaving with Betsy – Saturday though we’ll really stay* overnight with the Powley’s friends. Betsy says that their friends have room and to spare. I received dear Warren’s letter and thought it one of the loveliest I’ve received.

  Love to all


  TO Aurelia Greenwood Schober & Frank Schober

  Friday 13 July 1945*

  ALS (postcard), Indiana University

  Dear Grammy and Grampy

  Thank you so much for the cards you sent me! I am leaving camp tomorrow (Saturday) and will sleep over Theils* and come home Sunday. Our unit took a five mile hike over a dirt road to fisherman’s cove which is right on the salty ocean! We stayed for the whole day! I had to laugh at some of the girls because I was the only one who dared to go in first for the waves were strong and cold until you ducked. I love camp.



  TO Aurelia Schober Plath

  Friday 13 July 1945

  ALS (postcard), Indiana University

  July 13, 1945

  Dear Mother,

  I had the most wonderful day at camp yesterday! Our unit hiked five miles over a dirt road (averaging 1 mile in 20 min!) to the really salty ocean at fisherman’s cove. We stayed the whole day. We swam on a sand bar that had not a pebble on it. I had the best time riding the waves we were completely hidden in the large cove (I drew it) and a huge sand cliff in back of us had the homes of BELTED KINGFISHERS (Warrie might be interested)

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