by Sylvia Plath
Boston Arts Festival, 761
Boston Braves (baseball team), 166n
Boston Common, 662n, 761
Boston Globe, The, 414
Boston Herald, The, 27n
Boston Lying-In Hospital, 416, 420
Boston Opera House, 294, 432n
Boston University (‘B.U.’), 3n, 110, 207n, 223, 335, 342, 467n, 558, 632n, 652, 1319
Bosworth, Harriet Taylor, 272–4
Botticelli, Sandro, 378
Bottkol, Joseph, 909n
Boulder, Colorado, 317
Bourjaily, Vance, 636
Bowen, Elizabeth, 629, 632–3; The Death of the Heart, 629n; Early Stories, 629n; Ivy Gripped the Steps, 629n; Seven Winters, 629n; ‘The Technique of the Novel’, 632n
Bowes & Bowes, 1273
Bowker, Ann, 89–91, 100, 112–13, 116, 124, 126, 133
Bowker, Mrs, 112, 133
Bowles, Chester, 739
Bradley, Carl, 377–8
Bragg, Frances, 607–8, 1003
Brahms, Johannes, Symphony No. 1, 277n
Braque, Georges, 296, 779, 873, 998, 1022, 1031, 1042, 1047, 1296
Brattle Theatre, 762, 781, 941n, 948
Brattleboro, Vermont, 269, 273, 574
Brawner, Philip Livingstone Poe, 405–6, 412, 424, 459, 464–5, 467, 478, 483–4, 514, 516, 522
Brazil, 1303
Bredon, K. J., 1039n
Brentano’s (firm), 848, 850
Brewster, Mass., 339, 345, 367, 368n, 451, 469–70, 476–7, 480, 485–6, 489, 491, 497, 621
Brickett, Malcolm H., 696
Bridgeport, Connecticut, 482
Bridgman, Dorothea Eaglesfield, 503, 513
Brinnin, John Malcolm, 1256; ‘Ich am of Iraunde’, 1256n
British Broadcasting Corporation (‘BBC’, ‘B.B.C.’), 962, 998, 1248, 1250, 1261, 1276, 1287–8, 1299–1300, 1309, 1314, 1317, 1322, 1329; Children’s Hour, 1299, 1309, 1314–15, 1317; The Poet’s Voice, 1329; Talks Department, 1250n; Third Programme, 1250, 1288, 329
British Museum, 959–60, 964, 965
Britten, Benjamin, 640
Broadsheet, 1095n, 1153
Brontë, Charlotte, 1250
Brontë, Emily, Wuthering Heights, 1244; see also Withens, Top
Brontë family, 1231, 1233, 1241, 1252
Brontë Parsonage Museum, 1250
Brooke, Rupert, 989, 996, 997, 1057; ‘The Hill’ (quotation from), 723; ‘The Old Vicarage, Grantchester’ (quotation from), 986
Brookline, Mass., 212, 500, 646, 799
Brookline Country Club, 4n, 1051
Brooks, Cleanth, 1136
Brooks, Van Wyck, 739n
Brower, Reuben A. (Reuben Arthur), 807
Brown, Anne, 56–7
Brown, Archibald L., 259n
Brown, Carol Taylor, 259n, 274, 296, 332, 373, 403–4, 406–7, 410, 423, 434, 443–5, 467, 513, 517, 555, 603, 695
Brown, Jess Ivy, see Bishop, Jess Ivy Brown
Brown, Marcia, see Stern, Marcia B.
Brown University, 447, 509, 520, 522, 1085
Browning, Elizabeth Barrett, 406
Browning, Robert, 406
Bruegel, Pieter, 1069, 1087, 1111; Family Wedding, 1111; Landscape with the Fall of Icarus, 663n, 1035, 1045n
Bryanston (school), 1033
Bryn Mawr College, 1202
Buck, David Keith Rodney, 1008, 1031
Buck, Pearl S. (Pearl Sydenstricker), 333n; The Good Earth, 333
Buckley, Fergus Reid, 377n
Buckley, Maureen, see O’Reilly, Maureen Buckley
Buckley, William F., Jr, 389, 392; God and Man at Yale, 389, 700
Buckley family, 376–7, 380, 700
Budapest University, 500
Buell, Joan Strong, 280, 327, 376, 418
Buell, Marilyn, 85n
Bulganin, Nikolay Aleksandrovich, 1167, 1172, 1175–7, 1187, 1196, 1203, 1247, 1251
Bullock, Marie, 934n
Bunche, Ralph Johnson, 284, 287
Buñuel, Luis, 302n, 1093n
Bunyan, John, 681; ‘To Be a Pilgrim’ (quotation from), 1026n, 1028
Burch, Susan Weller, 832, 881, 887, 888, 891–2, 894, 895, 901–6, 914, 923, 939, 943, 953, 54–5, 957–9, 963, 969, 976, 1007, 1016, 1041, 1052, 1081, 1101–2, 1109, 1113, 1187, 1193, 1294
Burford, William, 626n
Burlingham, Atherton Sinclair (‘Bish’), 717–19
Burnham, Ann Doreen, 773–4
Burra, Lakshmi, see Krishnamurty, Lakshmi Burra
Burton, K. M. P. (Kathleen Marguerite Passmore), 969, 973, 975, 981, 989, 997, 1000, 1004–6, 1017, 1031, 1092, 1287, 1295–6
Butcher, Michael Ross, 1161
Butler, Rhett (fictional character), 1131
Butler, Samuel, 1124
Buxton, Chris, 904n
Byron, George Gordon Byron, Baron, 388
Cabinet of Dr Caligari, The (motion picture), 1002–3
Cahillane, James, 1176n, 1178, 1203, 1251
Calais, France, 1076
Calcutta (motion picture), 104n
California, 21, 704, 781, 812, 901
Calisher, Hortense, 1084
Callender, Marie, 202n
Calvin Theatre, 263n
Cam, River (UK), 968–9, 972, 979–80, 987, 996–8, 1007, 1009, 1034, 1041, 1049, 1054, 1057, 1148–50, 1152, 1162, 1170, 1173, 1185–8, 1205, 1273, 1284, 1318, 1322
Cambridge, Mass., 586, 602, 607, 622, 629, 648, 714, 715n, 716, 720n, 753, 762, 773n, 777, 780, 782–3, 785, 790–1n, 798, 820, 836–7, 839, 847, 859, 861, 869, 906, 933, 941, 946, 948, 955; SP’s apartment, 773n, 777, 780, 783, 800;
restaurants: Chez Dreyfus, 941n; College Inn, 790n; Young Lee’s, 715
Cambridge, UK, 823, 971–2, 987–8, 994, 1038–9, 1045, 1059, 1075–7, 1079, 1081–5, 1088–9, 1091, 1093–6, 1099–1100, 1102n, 1104, 1106, 1111, 1114, 1120, 1122, 1132, 1136, 1140, 1144–5, 1148, 1149, 1151, 1153, 1155–6, 1159, 1161–3, 1166–7, 1170, 1173–5, 1177, 1178n, 1179, 1185–7, 1189, 1192, 1194, 1197–1200, 1202, 1205–6, 1208, 1218, 1230, 1232, 1234, 1240, 1243, 1246, 1249–52, 1253, 1255, 1263–4, 1266n, 1269, 1281, 1286, 1296, 1319–24, 1327–9;
restaurants: Copper Kettle, 1002n; The Eagle, 1008; George and Dragon, 990; Matthew’s Restaurant, 1308n; Miller’s, 1189n; Soup Kitchen, 1041, 1266; Taj Mahal, 991, 993, 1007, 1009, 1014, 1030, 1049, 1057; Union Society, 1003, 1020–1; University Arms Hotel, 1008n;
theatres: ADC Theatre, 983–84n, 992, 995, 1000, 1008n, 1014n, 1093, 1099n, 1318n; Arts Theatre, 1003n, 1045, 1049n, 1081, 1102n, 1119n, 1123n, 1318; Comedy Theatre Club, 1150n; Examination School, 1002n, 1102n; Film Society, 1002n, 1093n, 1102; Rex Cinema, 998n, 1102n; Victoria Cinema, 1120n
‘Cambridge Amateur Dramatic Club: “Deirdre of the Sorrows”’, 1318–19n
Cambridge Arts Council, 1198n
Cambridge Makers, The, 1285
Cambridge Platonists, 1307, 1319
Cambridge Society of Painters and Sculptors, 1198
Cambridge University, see University of Cambridge
Camin, Kathleen Quinn (‘Kay’), 800
Camp Helen Storrow (Plymouth, Mass.), 22–9, 49–79; Bunny (camp counselor), 76; campfires of, 54; ‘Dash’ (camp counselor), 22, 24–5; Elmer, 64; ‘Flash’ (camp counselor), 22; meals at, 22–9, 49, 52, 54, 56–7, 59, 61–2, 66, 72–9; Ricky/Rikki (camp counselor), 55, 57–8, 63, 66, 75–6, 79; Skees (camp counselor), 71, 75; ‘Splash’ (camp counselor), 22, 54; ‘Skipper’ (head of camp), 52, 56–7, 66, 73, 77;
units of, Cove, 23, 50n, 56, 60; Ridge, 22, 55, 73
Camp Tonset, 769n
Camp Weetamoe (Center Ossipee, NH), 10, 27; campfires of, 10, 13; meals at, 10–13, 15, 19;
units of, Neyati, 20; Oehda, 10, 12n
Campbell, Alan K. (‘Scotty’), 715–16
Campbell, Joseph, 763n, 780n; A Skeleton Key to Finnegan’s Wake, 780n
Campbell, Roy, 1312
Canada, 359, 385, 428, 513, 575
Canellakis, Maria see Michaelides, Maria Canellakis
Canham, Erwin D. (Erwin Dain), 568
Canterbury, UK, 1152
Cantine, Holley, 926n
Cantor, Joan see Barnes, Joan Cantor
Cantor, Katherine (‘Kathy’), 470, 472, 474, 480, 483, 499, 600, 845, 937
Cantor, M. Michael, 468, 476–7, 486, 490, 500, 502
Cantor, Margaret Kiefer (‘Peg’, ‘Peggy’), 468, 471–3, 475, 477–9, 485–7, 489–91, 494, 496–501, 804, 839, 843, 845, 937, 941, 1003, 1123, 1160, 1247–8, 1250, 1290, 1325, 1327; SP’s correspondence with, 501–2, 686–7
Cantor, Marvin Stanley (‘Marvy’), 488, 499–500
Cantor, Susana (‘Susan’, ‘Susie’), 468, 470, 472–3, 475, 480–1, 485, 498, 502
Cantor, William Michael (‘Billy’), 468, 470–2, 474–5, 480–1, 485–6, 498–9, 502
Cantor family, 468, 470–2, 475, 477–82, 485, 487, 497–8, 500, 520, 599, 617, 687, 799, 813, 845, 847, 849, 966, 1016, 1041, 1052, 1115, 1120, 1195, 1197, 1234; Star (dog), 486
Caouette, Gloria, 56, 58, 60, 62, 75
Cap-Ferret Peninsula (France), 1088, 1105
Cape Cod, Mass., 290, 349–50, 352, 355, 360, 364, 366–7, 369–71, 431, 434, 437, 452, 464–70, 473, 482–5, 489, 493–4, 496, 574, 610, 621, 625, 627, 704, 707, 737, 739, 749, 758, 764, 766, 771, 773, 777, 780, 782, 799, 914, 916, 923, 932, 940, 942–3, 946, 951, 954–5, 1086, 1095, 1148, 1195, 1211, 1223, 1230, 1234, 1236, 1245, 1251–2, 1262, 1264, 1328; see also individual towns
Cape Playhouse (Dennis, Mass.), 469, 476, 482n, 485
Capri, Italy, 1121, 1140
Captain’s Paradise, The (motion picture), 662, 664
Carey, Anabel, 575n
Carey, W. Peter, 353
Carey family, 353n
Carle, Helen, 222
Carlo, Elizabeth, see Day, Elizabeth Carlo
Carlyle, Thomas, 547
Carmen (choreographic work), 610, 622
Carne-Ross, D. S., 1240, 1267, 1276, 1282, 1286, 1294, 1298, 1304, 1307, 1309, 1316
Carnegie Institute, 414
Carney Hospital (South Boston), 105n, 106
Carnovsky, Morris, 864n
Carpenter, Oliver Trull, 309n
Carroll, Lewis, 1007; Alice in Wonderland, 659, 669, 681, 741, 769, 780, 1011, 1021, 1022, 1027, 1054, 1074, 1315
Carson, Rachel, 495
Casella, Alfredo, ‘Paganiniana’, 277n
‘Casey at the Bat’, 55
Cassatt, Mary, 717
Cassell’s New French and English Dictionary, 1022
Cassell’s New German and English Dictionary, 813
Castle Rock Beach, Mass., 360, 364
Cather, Willa, My Ántonia, 153
Catholic Church, 688, 921
Catskill Mountains, New York, 925
Cattanès, Hélène, 258–9
Cepress, Patricia, ‘For Angelica’, 262n
Cézanne, Paul, 1104; Lac d’Annecy, 1069, 1104, 1153
Chadwick, Ruth, 24
Chaffin, Sarah Frank, 280, 418
Chalmers, Gordon Keith, 902n
Chalmers, Roberta Teale Swartz, 902n
Chambers, Whittaker, Witness, 479
Chamisso, Adelbert von, Peter Schlemihls wundersame Geschichte, 1301n
Champs-Elysées (Paris), 1066, 1068, 1087, 1104
Chantelle, 1076
Chapelle du Rosaire (Vence, France), 1074, 1081, 1083, 1088–9, 1105, 1154, 1252
Chaplin, Sir Charles Spencer (‘Charlie’), 1002
Chapman, George, 1122
Chapman, Robin, 1028, 1083
Chappaquiddick Island, Mass., 100–1
Charles River, 955–6
Charleston, South Carolina, 465
Charlestown Navy Yard, 786, 840
Charon (Greek mythology), 1188
Chase, Mary Ellen, 179n, 218, 537, 548, 628, 686, 687, 695, 809, 823, 834, 843, 880, 893, 898, 899, 900, 902, 950, 951, 1052, 1102–3, 1114, 1194, 1196, 1202, 1204–5, 1251, 1288, 1324; The White Gate; 831n, 833
Chatham, Mass., 60n, 302, 306, 468–73, 475–6, 478, 481n, 482, 485–6, 489, 491, 496–7, 560, 773, 778, 800, 830n; Chatham Lighthouse Beach, 475, 491–2, 499
Chatham Bars Inn, 468, 487–9, 500, 502
Chatto Book of Modern Poetry, 1915–1955, The, 1311n
Chaucer, Geoffrey, 507, 514–16, 520–1, 527, 532, 534, 547, 902, 930, 976, 1004–5, 1042, 1047, 1103, 1165–6, 1173–4, 1260, 1267, 1273, 1278–80, 1287, 1289, 1295, 1297, 1302; The Canterbury Tales, 1279–80, (quotation from) 1280
Chayefsky, Paddy, 1269; Television Plays, 1269n
Chekhov, Anton Pavlovich, 295n, 1081, 1090, 1092, 1098, 1122; The Cherry Orchard, 295; Illegitimate Child, 1081; The Sea Gull, 750, 752
Chelsea (London), 969, 1055
Chen Yu Nail Lacquer, 126
Cheney, Donald, 1160
Chequer, 1004n, 1095n, 1251, 1285n; SP’s work in, 1004n, 1095, 1153
Cherbourg, France, 963–4
Chesters, Kathleen Isabel Margaret, 967n
Chicago, Illinois, 244, 292, 298, 318, 326, 331, 391, 430, 482, 1163
Chicago Tribune, 654n
Chien Andalou, Un (motion picture), 302n
Childbirth, 416, 420
Children’s Island, Mass., 359n
China, 379
Chinese, 1064
‘Chips, The’, 171n
Choate Rosemary Hall, 561, 1160
Chopin, Frédéric, 140, 427
Chords, The, 787n
Chrisman, O. Donald, 568n
Christiaen, Chris, 908n; ‘Poet on College Time’, 908n, 1263
Christian Science, 406–7, 468, 471, 473, 479, 487–9, 492, 498–500, 502, 568, 686–7, 1247
Christian Science Monitor, The, 161n, 234, 333, 394–5, 399, 414, 439, 468, 483, 493, 599, 618, 683, 798, 863, 908, 910, 916, 927, 978, 1106, 1108, 1140, 1153, 1179, 1187, 1190, 1239, 1252, 1264, 1297, 1326, 1330; SP’s work in, 394, 493, 501, 599, 1170
Christie, Agatha, 965
Christie’s International PLC, 274n
Christmas (‘Xmas’), 5, 19, 31–2, 41, 66, 70, 137, 139, 157, 167, 175, 178, 199, 218, 221, 227, 229, 237–8, 240, 242–3, 247–51, 271–2, 276, 363, 391, 401–8, 415, 424, 431, 467, 496, 520, 523, 525, 531, 534, 571, 651n, 652–3, 682, 812, 822n, 832, 836, 838–9, 841–3, 845–8, 850–2, 858, 867, 967, 1003, 1012, 1013, 1015–16, 1026, 1030–7, 1039, 1041, 1045–7, 1050–1, 1053–4, 1056, 1058–62, 1064, 1066, 1069, 1075, 1077, 1086–7, 1104, 1151, 1153, 1155, 1158, 1200n, 1208, 1245, 1252, 1258, 1260, 1321
‘Christopher Fry Succeeded By Defying the Rules’, 216n
Christopher’s, 876, 879, 882, 918, 921, 922, 929
Church of England, 1026
Churchill, Helen M. (Saunders), 765n
Churchill, Winston, 914
Ciardi, John, 909, 913, 915, 916, 927, 1267; ‘Of History, Fiction, Language’, 1267n; ‘Memory of Paris’, 1267n; ‘Washington, D.C.’, 1267n
Cinderella (legendary character), 77, 166n, 295, 621, 738, 744, 850, 1010
Civil rights, 443, 474, 516, 520, 523, 610
Clarabut, Cecil Edward, 967n, 1115
Clarabut, Kathleen Mary, 967n, 1115
Claridge’s Hotel (London), 1167, 1172, 1176, 1178, 1203, 1247, 1251
Clark, John, 963n
Clark, Marjory Carolyn, 548n
Clark School, 488n, 504, 510
Clarke, Marjorie Crawford, see Coxe, Marjorie Clarke
Claytor, Gertrude Boatwright, 939
Clements, John, 960
Cleveland, Patience, 602n
Cleveland Orchestra, 277
Clifford’s Inn (London), 1177n, 1195, 1206
Clift, Montgomery, 750, 752
Cochran, Ednah Shepard, 496n, 772–3
Cochran, Robert Shepard (‘Bob’), 487–8, 491–2, 496, 498–9, 500–1, 504, 510, 570, 642, 704, 772–3, 848, 849
Cochran family, 498
Cockerill, Thomas H., 1176n, 1178, 1203, 1251
Cocteau, Jean, 975, 1102, 1117, 1119, 1123, 1132n, 1150, 1152; La Belle et la Bête, 1102, 11
17, 1123, 1150, 1158; Orphée, 1117, 1120, 1123, 1132, 1150, 1152
Coeducation, 143, 1048
Cohen, Edward M. (‘Eddie’, ‘Ed’), 174, 180, 182, 186–7, 190, 193, 217, 219, 225, 255, 258, 270, 278, 292, 297–8, 301, 314, 318, 320, 326–8, 352, 386, 391–2, 417, 432, 447, 454, 505, 660–1; SP’s correspondence with, 163–7, 170–2, 654–8
Cohen, H. George, 374n, 417
Cohen, Morris Raphael, 749
Cohen, Ruth L. (Ruth Louisa), SP’s correspondence with, 897
Coke, 94, 203, 957
Colburn, Joanne, see Norton, Joanne Colburn
Colburn, Mrs, 799
Colden, UK, 1275n
Cole, William Graham, 226n, 392n
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, 388, 976
Coletta, Joseph, 106n
Colf, Dorrit Licht, 881, 899, 902–6, 954
Colgate-Palmolive Company, 385, 391
‘COLLEGE-AGE GIRL’ (advertisement), 468n
Collier’s, 952
Collinge, Patricia, 1314n; ‘Something Small’, 1314
Collins, Cecil, 1198n
Colosseum (Rome, Italy), 1160
Colraine, Mass., 273, 574
Colum, Mary, 947n, 948, 952
Colum, Padraic, 763, 947n, 952; ‘The Book of Kells’, 948
Columbia University, 141, 636, 717, 726, 809, 813–14, 876–7, 880, 888, 908, 969; Bard Hall, 609–10; Graduate School of Journalism, 644; medical school, 461, 469, 590, 601, 609, 612, 617, 622; SP’s correspondence with, 644
Communism, 168, 231, 251, 425, 520, 554, 610, 670, 1154–5, 1160, 1175
Como, Perry, 53n
Con Amore (choreographic work), 637, 640
Conciergerie (Paris), 1209
Concord, NH, 321n, 329
Coney Island (New York), 336, 1217
Confucius, 1059
Congdon, William, 383n
Congregational Church, 688
Conmy, Patrick A., 958
Connecticut, 81, 376, 390, 432, 581, 1148
Connecticut River, 422, 537, 600, 832
Connelly, Marc, 1309, 1329; The Green Pastures, 1309, 1329
Conquest of Everest, The (motion picture), 720
Consigliere, Marie Thérèse, see Fernando, Marie Thérèse Consigliere
Constable, John, 963
Cook, Alison Loomis, 441, 483, 606
Coonamessett Inn (Falmouth, Mass.), 856
Copland, Aaron, Symphony No. 3, 735
Copley Plaza, 414n, 265
Corcoran, Helen M. (‘Aunt Helen’), 1077
Corkery, Brian Neal Howard Desmond, 994n, 998