by Sylvia Plath
Corinthian Yacht Club, 361
Corneille, Pierre, 981, 997, 1047, 1122; Le Cid, 985
Cornell, Katharine, 984n
Cornell University (Ithaca, New York), 174, 378, 657, 663
Cornford, Christopher, 1198n
Cornwall, England, 1171
Coronet, 198
Corwin, Virginia, 374
Cosmopolitan, 198
Cotten, Joseph, 719
Cotuit, Mass., 435n, 440n, 771, 774
Country Girl, The (motion picture), 1049
Court Square Theatre, 550n
Coward, Noel, 633–4
Cox, Catherine A., 86n
Coxe, Louis O., 1256n; ‘From the Window Down’, 1256n
Coxe, Marjorie Clarke (‘Gerry’), 176
Crane, Hart, The Complete Poems of Hart Crane, 782
Crane Beach (Ipswich, Mass.), 937–8, 942
Crary, Stephen Trowbridge, 374
Crawford, Calvin D., 440
Crawford, Nita Converse, 440
Creative writing of Ted Hughes: children’s literature, 1221; poems, 1116n, 1165, 1173, 1185, 1187, 1193, 1197, 1209–10, 1230, 1280, 1282, 1294, 1297, 1323, 1326; short stories, 1210, 1275, 1279, 1317; submissions and rejections of, 1195, 1209, 1230, 1278, 1290, 1296–7, 1301, 1314–16, 1323, 1329
Creative writing of Sylvia Plath: and agents, 882, 953; articles, 12n, 175, 392, 394, 396n, 397, 399, 401, 406, 411–12n, 414, 425–6n, 439, 444n, 512n, 516, 601n, 602–3, 605, 613–14, 623–4, 628–9, 631, 634, 862, 978, 1088, 1106, 1140, 1153, 1161, 1167, 1175, 1179, 1187, 1196, 1198, 1220, 1264, 1326–7; habits and methods, 721–2, 768, 778, 799, 831, 880; and marriage, 722, 770, 869, 918; novels, 722, 1135–6, 1181, 1187, 1190, 1192, 1196, 1199, 1249, 1250, 1252, 1254, 1264, 1293, 1330; poems, 26–7, 37, 53, 68, 70, 108, 120, 152–3, 171, 234, 283, 393, 396, 483, 530, 568, 577, 584, 591, 599, 602–3, 605, 609, 628, 659, 681–2, 815, 859, 871, 882, 889, 894, 901–2, 907, 911, 912, 917, 930, 934, 1085, 1088, 1105, 1117, 1120, 1133–4, 1166–7, 1173, 1179, 1181, 1185, 1194, 1173–4, 1200, 1210, 1243, 1268, 1271, 1276–7, 1280, 1282, 1289, 1305, 1325; radio scripts, 774–6; reviews, 624, 628; short stories, 38, 47, 79, 152, 164, 234, 261, 287, 320, 384, 391, 420, 425, 449–50, 454,456, 492, 522, 549, 553, 572, 583–4, 599, 619, 792, 815, 818, 866, 882, 942, 1081, 1083, 1085, 1088–90, 1105, 1117, 1133, 1181, 1187, 1210, 1221, 1229, 1235–6, 1250, 1252, 1264, 1268, 1288–9, 1291–3, 1302–3, 1322; submissions and rejections of, 70, 78, 151, 164, 226, 234, 386, 411, 420, 429, 483, 490, 526, 530–1, 553, 556, 567, 577, 583–4, 591, 602–5, 614, 628, 812, 835n, 839, 861, 866, 875, 881, 894, 896, 900, 912, 928, 939, 954–5, 969, 978, 1036, 1052, 1099, 1112, 1117, 1144, 1163, 1179, 1187, 1196, 1230, 1246, 1256, 1264, 1268, 1291, 1297, 1299–1300, 1304–5, 1307–9, 1318; and teaching, 869
Crew Cuts, The, 787n
Crockett, Deborah, 105n, 673–4
Crockett, Stephen, 105n
Crockett, Vera M., 105n, 673, 720, 1189, 1197
Crockett, Wilbury (‘Davy’), 105–6, 108–9, 152, 158, 162, 218, 232, 234, 237, 240, 297, 303, 334, 412, 507, 670, 673–4, 720, 845, 847, 849, 888, 892–3, 905, 925, 929, 966, 1016, 1041, 1052, 1189, 1197; European cycling trip of, 152, 158, 167
Crone, Polly Weaver, 631
Cronin, Mary, 299
Cronkhite, Bernice Brown, 888n, 894
Crowley, Joseph, 368
Crowley’s, 306
Crowther, Geoffrey, 961n
Cruikshank, Dorinda Pell (‘Do’), 936
Cruikshank, William H. Jr (‘Bill’), 800
Cruikshank family, 1115, 1204
Crystal Lake (Orleans, Mass.), 477
Cuba, 561, 867, 868, 957
Culver Military Academy, 180, 191
Cumberlege, Geoffrey, 1311
Cummings, E. E. (Edward Estlin), 429, 659, 670, 779, 805, 926, 945, 1010; The Enormous Room, 785
Cunard Steamship Company Ltd, 956, 960n, 1272
Curie, Marie, 1289, 1330
Cynthia (motion picture), 104
Dagenham Girl Pipers, 1078
Daiches, David, 962, 976, 989, 1000, 1088, 1092, 1096, 1100, 1122, 1124, 1136, 1150; ‘The Queen at Cambridge’, 1096n
Daily Hampshire Gazette (Northampton, Mass.), 373n, 586–7, 601–2, 604, 614–16, 620, 623–4, 628, 683; SP’s work in, 396n, 401n, 406n, 426n, 439n, 444n, 512n, 516n, 601n, 614n, 623n
Dalí, Salvador, 302, 1013, 1093
Dalton, Paul Austin, 447, 449
Dante Alighieri, 529n, 648, 681, 909; Divine Comedy, 529n
Darcy, Eleanor Starr (‘Lola’), 280, 418
Darien, Conn., 35
Darrow, Paul, 763n
Dartmouth College, 192, 203, 208–10, 215, 248, 277, 279, 356n, 361, 376, 396, 410, 418, 453, 647, 668, 696, 703–4, 907–8; Winter Carnival, 277, 279, 410, 418
Date with Judy, A, 82
Davenport, Jody, 10
Davidow, Claire Sondheim, 181n, 236, 260, 418
Davidow, Leonard S., 181n, 236, 418
Davidow, William H., 838n
Davidow-Goodman, Ann (‘Davy’), 181–3, 220, 223, 226–7, 236, 244–5, 254, 258, 260–1, 265, 268, 286, 320, 366, 375; SP’s correspondence with, 254–6, 258–60, 270–3, 278–81, 290–1, 296–9, 316–19, 325–8, 347–9, 351–3, 370–2, 414–15, 430–2, 837–9
Davidson, Jo Ann Wallace, 449n
Davies, Hugh Sykes, 1311
Davis, Bette, 646
Davis, Hope Hale, 525, 606, 627
Davis, Lydia, 627n
Davis, Robert Gorham, 504n, 505, 507, 525, 545, 559, 582, 606–7, 627, 665, 674n, 678–9, 694, 707, 735; ‘Hemingway’s Tragic Fisherman’, 507n; ‘Then We’ll Set it Right’, 525n
Davis, Stephen H., 627n
Davison, Edward Lewis, 905n, 946, 952
Davison, Jane Truslow, 508, 695, 809, 816, 859n, 930
Davison, Lesley, see Perrin, Lesley Davison
Davison, Peter, 859n, 904–5, 943, 1040, 1058, 1260, 1278–9, 1290, 1299, 1309, 1315, 1317; SP’s correspondence with, 1251–5, 1329–30; SP’s dating of, 933, 941, 946–51, 952
Davy, Brian William, 1114n, 1115
Day, Elizabeth Carlo (‘Monte’), 191
de Coen, Emile George, III, 223, 261, 272, 320
De Kornfeld, Thomas J., 416n, 427
De Quincey, Thomas, 1193
Dean, Vera Micheles, 374n, 439
Dean’s Tower, 150n
Dear Ruth, 104
Death, 738, 764–6, 824, 920
Deben Rush Weavers, 974
Debussy, Claude, 140, 143, 788; ‘Clair de Lune’, 143; ‘Deux Arabesques’, 143; ‘La Mer’, 143
Decker, Rodger Bradford, 514, 516, 423; SP’s dating of, 519–20, 522–4
Delair, Father, 789–90
Delta, 1094n, 1096, 1099, 1251
DeMille, Cecil B. (Cecil Blount), 171n
Dempsey, Elizabeth Powell (‘Lisa’), 176–7, 181, 205, 210, 242, 302, 373, 383
Dennes, Margaret S., see Honig, Margot Dennis, Mass., 458n, 469n, 476n, 482n, 485, 487, 489
Denny, Norman, 961n
DeNood, Neal Breaule, 597n
Denway, Miss, 5
Derr, Mary Bailey, see Knox, Mary Bailey Derr
Desperate Hours, 931, 933
Detroit Tigers (baseball team), 530–1, 641n, 642
Dick, 610
Dickens, Charles, 1016, 1208n, 1288; A Tale of Two Cities, 81
Die Letzte Brücke (motion picture), 1078, 1080–1
Dincauze, Dena Ferran, 1269, 1283, 1308
Discovery, 637
Disney, Walt, 1235
Displaced persons, see Refugees, Political
Disputed Passage, 82
Ditiberio, Olga, 374n
Don Juan in Hell, 404
Donatello, 1081
Doney, Ann, see Roen, Ann Doney
Donne, John, 1166, 1203
Dorothy, 91
Dorsey, Rhoda Mary, 941
Dostoyevsky, Fyodor, 688, 698, 700–1, 705, 709, 781, 798, 1103, 1132, 1177; The Brothers Karamazov, 701, 821,
996, 1018, 1023, 1027, 1040, 1058; Crime and Punishment, 678, 685, 687, 694, 1093, (quotation from) 691; Diary of a Writer, 781; Notes from Underground, 694; The Possessed, 716; The Short Novels of Dostoevsky, 694n; SP’s thesis on, 674n, 704, 729, 740, 753, 781, 787, 802–3, 805, 806, 808–11, 816–17, 821, 823, 825–6, 827–8, 832, 836, 838–40, 842, 846, 851, 854, 856, 858, 861, 867–8, 871, 880
Dougherty, Sibyl Webb, 938
Doughty, Nadine Neuberg (‘Dee’), 513, 719, 857
Dover, Mass., 234
Dover, UK, 1122
Downer, Jim, 1276n
Dr Christian (‘Dr Xian’), 411–12, 422, 424–5
Dragnet, 776
Drake, Janet, 1143n, 1154
Drake Hotel, 631n
Draper’s Hall (London), 1196n
Dreiser, Theodore; Sister Carrie, 678, 685
Drekmeier, Margot Loungway, 63, 76, 84; ‘A Fateful Night’, 48; ‘Feathers’, 47; SP’s correspondence with, 29–44, 46–9, 70, 78–84, 85–6, 103–4
Drew, Elizabeth A., 374n, 436–7, 445, 504n, 533, 555, 558–9, 582, 604, 615, 628, 679, 684, 695, 735, 809, 823, 1124; T. S. Eliot: The Design of His Poetry, 445n
Dreyer, Carl Theodor, 864n
Driscoll, Leo F., 447–8, 454, 456, 460–1
Driscoll family, 448
Dryden, John, 1005
Dublin, Ireland, 697
Dublin Players (theatre company), 550
Duckett, Eleanor Shipley, 834, 843, 900n, 1194, 1196, 1202; Alfred the Great: The King and His England, 1196n; Saint Dunstan of Canterbury, 900n
Dude Martin’s Round-up Gang, 544n
Dudley, Chuck, 501
Duel, The (choreographic work), 633n
Dugger, John A., 815n, 817
Duncan, Lois, ‘The Corner’, 261n
Dunn, Esther Cloudman, 803n, 805, 809, 826, 866
Dunne, Patricia Ann, 38
Dunstan, Reverend, 31–3
Dürer, Albrecht, The Little Horse, 1028
Durham Bulls, 648n
Dutton, Joan, see Romig, Joan Dutton
Dvořák, Antonín, New World Symphony, 735
Earnshaw, Catherine (‘Cathy’, fictional character), 1243
East Boston, Mass., 46
East Chop (Martha’s Vineyard, Mass.), 92
East River, New York, 631, 639
Easter, 46, 143–4, 299, 1104, 1115, 1119, 1147, 1149, 1151–2, 1154, 1157, 1208, 1321
Eastern Yacht Club (Marblehead, Mass.), 359–60
Eastham, Mass., 766–71, 782
Easthampton, Mass., Goat’s Peak, 860; Mount Tom Reservation, 574, 732, 734, 737
Eaton’s Calais Ripple Stationery, 248
Eckstine, Billy, 53n
Economist, The, 961
Eddison, Sydney Webber, 256, 375; Green Mansions, 686
Eddy, Mary Baker (‘M.B.E.’), 487, 490, 498, 686; Science and Health, 487–8, 490, 492, 496, 498
Eden, Anthony, Earl of Avon, 1176, 1203, 1252
Edgartown, Mass., 100n, 101
Editions Chantal, 1209
Edson, Ted, 86n
Edman, Irwin, ‘A Reasonable Life in a Mad World’, 141; SP’s correspondence with, 141–2
Egan, Marcia, 5
Egypt, 38, 403, 853, 1038, 1104
Ehrenhaft, Charlotte Kennedy, 280, 513–14, 517, 529, 534, 542, 551, 558, 563, 565
Ehrmann, Max, 1118
Eiffel Tower, 870, 1039, 1041, 1046, 1050, 1058, 1157, 1209
Einaudi, Luigi R., 714
Einstein, Albert, 292, 1025
Eisenhower, Dwight D. (Dwight David) (‘Ike’), 416, 433, 475, 516, 519–20, 523, 858
Eisenstein, Sergei, 1240
El Greco, 1069
Eliot, T. S. (Thomas Stearns), 395, 445, 458, 558n, 575, 589, 652, 669–70, 674, 780, 789, 828n, 865, 898, 962, 997–8, 1046, 1154, 1259; ‘Ash Wednesday’, 828n; Complete Poems nd Plays of T. S. Eliot (quotation from), 692n, 828n; The Cocktail Party, 395, 669, 780; The Confidential Clerk, 669, 716, (quotation from) 669–70, 692; Old Possum’s Book of Practical Cats, 589; The Waste Land, 898n, 1046, (quotation from) 898
Elizabeth II, Queen, 978, 991–2, 1058
Elks National Foundation, 395, 401, 411–12, 414–15, 423–4, 427, 444, 556
Ellen, 31, 44
Ellington, Duke, 53n
Elliot, Robert Irving, 166
Elsa, 47–8
Ely, UK, 1008–9
Elyas, Miriam, 864n
Empire State Building (New York), 640
Encounter, 1120
Engelhard, Claire, ‘The Day Long’, 262n
England, 210, 238, 273, 444, 512, 815, 820–1, 833, 843, 853, 860, 874–5, 880, 888, 891, 943, 950–1, 977, 997, 1015, 1075, 1079, 1085, 1095n, 1096, 1099, 1104, 1107, 1111, 1135–6, 1140, 1144–5, 1147–8, 1153, 1158–60, 1162–3, 1170–1, 1174, 1176, 1196, 1204, 1211, 1221, 1228, 1232–3, 1251, 1253, 1263, 1311, 1314, 1316, 1323–4, 1329
Engle, Paul, 637, 639
English-Speaking Union, 961, 1171, 1307–8, 1310
Epstein, Enid, see Mark, Enid
Erickson, Louise, 82n
Eudy, Enoch Harrison, 934n; SP’s correspondence with, 934–5
Eudy, Mary Cummings, 934–5; Quarried Crystals and Other Poems, 934n; Quicken the Current, 934n
Eugene F. Saxton Memorial Fellowship, 1006, 1094, 1135, 1146, 1175, 1181, 1187
Euripides, 1085, 1102, 1122, 1130n, 1150, 1152; The Bacchae, 1102, 1122, 1150, 1152; Electra, 1130
Europe, 137, 140, 152, 177, 408, 418, 618, 655, 657–8, 669–70, 672, 681, 692, 696, 721, 747, 750, 754, 765, 820, 843, 880, 922, 946, 951, 999, 1012, 1038, 1041, 1053, 1076, 1080, 1084, 1087–8, 1093, 1099, 1108, 1110, 1115, 1121, 1141, 1145, 1147, 1149, 1151, 1153, 1175, 1189, 1201–3, 1208
Evans, Colin, 1180n; The New Waite’s Compendium of Natal Astrology (quotation from), 1180
Everywoman’s, 1144
Exeter, NH, 3n, 312, 571
Experiment in International Living, 470, 472, 474, 480, 1079, 1084, 1096, 1100, 1108, 1186, 1190, 1202, 1224–5, 1238
Eyck, Jan van, 958
Fabien, Simone, 949n
Falmouth, Mass., 112, 116, 123, 477, 481, 621, 856n
Fanfare (choreographic work), 637, 640
Fantus, Ruth C., see Gendron, Valerie
Farrar, Alice Thomas (TH’s aunt), 1235n, 1238, 1242, 1248
Farrar, Barbara (TH’s cousin), 1235n, 1242, 1248
Farrar, Edwin T. (TH’s cousin), 1235n, 1242
Farrar, James M. (TH’s cousin), 1235n, 1242
Farrar, Victoria (‘Vicky’/‘Vickie’, TH’s cousin), 1242
Farrar, Walter T. (TH’s uncle), 1235n, 1238, 1242, 1248, 1324
Farrell, Joan, 10
Faulkner, William, 333, 721, 785n; As I Lay Dying, 333, 785; Sanctuary, 333; The Sound and the Fury, 333
Fausset, Shelley, 1198n
Fawcett, Tom, 760
Fawcett, W. H. (Wilford Hamilton), 760n
Fawcett Publications Inc., 760
Feingold, Macey (‘Macy’), 96, 766–7, 804
Feldbach (Austria), 1230
Félix, María, 762n
Fellini, Federico, 1060n
Fenn, Caroline White (‘Callie’), 259, 280, 327, 418
Fernández, Emilio, 762n
Fernando, Marie Thérèse Consigliere, 1272, 1275, 1283, 1318
Ferner, David Charles, 732, 747, 754, 758–9, 782, 794, 852
Ferner, Jack, 747, 754, 758–9
Ferran, Dena, see Dincauze, Dena Ferran
Filene’s, 515
Finnegan’s Wake: Meeting of the Joyce Society at the Gotham Book Mart, October 23, 1951, 763n
First Mr Fraser, The, 104
Fisher, Alfred Young, 735, 740, 803n, 845, 848, 852, 855, 858–9, 862, 867–8, 887, 889, 892–3, 894, 900, 911–12, 917, 1052, 1102, 1105, 1114, 1124, 1132
Fisher, Lloyd Chaim, 453
Fisher, Lynne Marie, see Salisbury, Lynne Trowbridge
Fisher, Vardis, 1087n; No Villain Need Be, 1087
Fisher of
Lambeth, Geoffrey Francis Fisher, Archbishop, 1208n
Fisherman’s Cove (Plymouth, Mass.), 28–9, 57, 62, 68, 72, 76, 79
Fitzgerald, Edward, 544n
Fitzgerald, F. Scott (Francis Scott), 759, 777, 780; The Great Gatsby, 777, 780
Flaherty, Robert Joseph, 191n
Flair, 176
Florence, Italy, 1080, 1121
Florence, Mass., 304n, 413n
Florida, 303, 469, 484, 524, 583, 590, 812, 877
Flying Yankee Diner, 428
Fogarty, Anne, 854n
Folkestone, UK, 1076
Food: American meals, 137, 165, 631–2, 636, 640, 650, 1034, 1086; British meals, 1054, 1189, 1305, 1328; French meals, 1073, 1153, 1156, 1158, 1211, 1214
Football, 160, 214, 509–10, 520, 522
Forbes, Esther, 686n, 695
Forbes, Mr and Mrs, 1205n
Ford, Art, 637
Ford, Clara, 309, 312
Ford, John, 855, 859
Forder, Marie Philippa, 967n
Forster, E. M. (Edward Morgan), 1107, 1136
Fort Dix Army Air Base (New Jersey), 834
‘Four BWOC’, 176n
Four Winds, 24, 73
Fourth of July, 147
Fowlie, Wallace, 909
Foyle’s, see W & G Foyle Ltd
Framingham, Mass., 538; Shopper’s World, 715; Vaughan Monroe’s Meadows, 715
France, 548, 732n, 853, 874, 891, 963–5, 978, 1011, 1062n, 1067, 1072, 1075, 1076n, 1080, 1084–5, 1111, 1124, 1136, 1145–6, 1153, 1206, 1209; see also individual towns and cities
Francestown, NH, 272–3, 282, 410
Franck, César, 481; Symphony in D Minor, 333, 335
Frank, Sarah, see Chaffin, Sarah Frank
Frank Newhall Look Memorial Park (Florence, Mass.), see Look Memorial Park
Frankfurt, Germany, 397–8
Franklin, Frederic, 476n
Fraser, Marilyn, 52, 118, 122, 124
Frater, Kenneth James Mayo, 992n, 997
Frazer, James George, 823; The Golden Bough, 822, 838
Fred Astaire Dance Studios, 956
Freeman, David, 45–6, 85, 104, 408, 480, 764–7, 1016, 1052
Freeman, Don, Come One, Come All!, 399
Freeman, Marion Saunders, 16, 130, 212, 322, 405, 412, 483, 764–5, 767, 921, 966, 1016, 1052, 1075; SP’s correspondence with, 45–6, 84, 399–400, 408, 479–80, 664, 922–3
Freeman, Ruth Prescott, see Geissler, Ruth Prescott
Freeman, William H., 46, 84, 764–5
Freeman family, 104, 212, 1322
Freie Deutsche Jugend (Free German Youth), 163
French, Daniel Chester, 43n
French, Rosamond (‘Frenchie’), 51, 57–8, 66, 71–2