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Alien Games

Page 2

by Claudia Rose

  “You scrawny little no nuts fuck! Touch me like that again and I’ll rip your eggy head off and use it to bore you a new arsehole!” she screamed.

  Bruce may have been impressed, but the two creatures were entirely unmoved.

  “Well, that is a gratifying reaction,” said the one who had digitally violated her. “There are certainly active nerve endings down there. But I am still concerned that the creature’s reproductive organs are insufficiently lubricated for her age and breeding capacity.”

  “Be patient, Psi276. It is a good response as you say. Let us employ some chemical and mechanical stimulation before we hurry to conclusions. It would be a shame to discard a subject that is in all other respects perfect for our needs.”

  Then the second creature reached up towards Jenna’s left breast with a small cylindrical device. As it touched the soft curve of her mammary, there was a small hiss, like escaping compressed air. Again Jenna jerked involuntarily, and again she let forth with an outraged scream and a torrent of abuse.

  “That will take a few moments to work,” said the creature that had injected her. “Let us go into the adjacent area and see what progress is being made with the Vedi.”

  The two small beings turned and walked jerkily out of Bruce and Jenna’s line of vision.

  “Are you all right Jenna?” asked Bruce as soon as they were alone.

  “What the hell do you care,” she responded bitterly. “You must be enjoying this. Jenna Walsh getting what’s coming to her. Isn’t this the position you’ve fantasized seeing me in for the last few years, spread naked and helpless?”

  “Well I’ve fantasized seeing you in various positions, but this isn’t top of my list. And if you’re comparing predicaments, then you might like to notice that you’re not the only one here spread naked and helpless.”

  She looked at him but made no comment.

  “Besides,” he continued. “I’m too worried to be able to pay the attention to your admirable body that it fully deserves. I think these little rodents are for real, and if they are then we’re in a shit-load of trouble. They’ve already talked in quite a cavalier way about disposing of you. Suddenly I’m taking all those alien abductee stories seriously, and if even half of what they say is true then we might well find ourselves at the receiving end of some unpleasant experimentation. If the fact that they can pin us to a wall with invisible bonds is a taste of their power over us then I don’t think we’re going to be in a position to resist.”

  Part of Jenna’s mind knew that what Bruce was saying was both sensible and serious, but she was finding it hard to concentrate on his voice because unaccustomed sensations were sweeping through her.

  The competitive knot that had been a constant presence in her stomach for the last four years was dissolving and easing, her muscles were relaxing, and she was suddenly becoming aware of areas of her body that she had shut out of her awareness for some years now. The dissolving knot in her stomach gave way to a feeling of languorous relaxation, and waves of warmth began pulsing towards her groin. The effect of this warmth was a delicious sensation of fullness and moistness. She could feel her labia enlarging, the inner lips pushing between the outer folds. An itch began in her clitoral area that she desperately needed to rub. Of their own volition her hips started making small writhing and lifting movements—the strong muscles in her upper thighs strained to force themselves together and rub at the source of this delicious irritation.

  Jenna, her eyes hooded and her mouth slightly open as she panted with mounting desire, looked over at Bruce. He, oblivious to what was happening to her, was warming to his theme of the dangers they faced.

  Jenna realized then she’d never really “looked” at Bruce before, except in the detached way she admired him as an athlete. To her, his body had always been nothing more than a well-maintained machine, in much the same way that hers was.

  But suddenly it was as if she were seeing him for the first time. His lips, as he talked, seemed unaccountably erotic. They opened and closed over perfect teeth, forming a mouth that always seemed about to quirk into a gentle smile. His eyes were a rich hazel, his skin was deeply tanned by the sun. His torso was sleek and muscled—a smattering of hair in the center of his chest lightly covered a pair of well developed pecs, but the hair petered out around nipples that seemed to have unusually large points for a man.

  Jenna was gripped by an urgent desire to feel those nipples against her tongue. She wanted to inhale the musk of Bruce’s body, lick the salt off him, and bite the points of his nipples in the hope of extracting a gasp of mingled pleasure and pain. This strange desire to bite him, and keep biting until he cried out, intensified as her eyes traveled down his body. She imagined her tongue traveling there—tracing the base of his ribcage, descending into the concave of his belly, pausing to explore his navel, then sliding down further and further to…

  At this point Bruce stopped talking, aware that he had lost Jenna’s attention. If he hadn’t known better he’d have sworn that she was fixating on his groin. Her small pink tongue was slipping delicately in and out between her lips, her breasts were heaving with every breath, and her nipples were standing out prominently, the skin of each aureole now sharply raised and puckered. As well, a fine film of sweat glowed on her exposed flanks, and a moist pink softness showed between her legs.

  “Jenna, what…” Bruce began to say, when the two aliens abruptly reappeared in the room.

  Ignoring Bruce they walked over to Jenna. One of them had a small instrument in its hand that it pointed at her and moved up and down.

  “There Psi276, that should ease your concerns. The readings for all levels of standard humanoid sexual response are in the upper levels. Every erogenous zone of her body is fully excited: lips, earlobes, breasts, nipples, clitoris, vagina are close to maximum levels of stimulation. I could finish her off using digital manipulation, we hardly need use the mechanical devices.”

  Experimentally Alpha19 reached out a bony finger, as his companion had done earlier and once more pressed lightly at the base of Jenna’s pubic mound. This time, instead of the outrage, Jenna responded with a loud moan as she attempted to press harder against this unbearably pleasurable contact with her most sensitive place.

  “Yes, you are right,” said Psi276. “Unpleasant as it would be, we could complete the test ourselves. However, if we use the standard equipment we can add the data to the sample pool and augment the experiment. There is no point in wasting an opportunity.”

  With that, the creature gestured in the direction they had come from, and three objects came drifting quietly into Bruce’s line of sight. To him they looked like three sheets of thick plastic. Jenna, who had her eyes half closed, was unaware of them. But it was Jenna that they made for. As they drifted closer to her body, two smaller sections of the film moved upwards towards her breasts, while a larger sheet moved downwards towards her groin.

  As Bruce watched the pieces of material molded themselves to Jenna’s body. The two smaller pieces covered her breasts while the larger one moved between her legs to cover everything from her pubic mound to her buttocks. To Bruce’s amazement, the material turned all-but-invisible as it tightened against her, only a slight shininess giving any indication that it was there at all.

  Jenna was suddenly aware of what seemed to be warm hands touching her. Surprised she opened her eyes, but there was no one there, she didn’t notice the two aliens below her, only Bruce, still naked and immobilized against the wall across from her.

  Yet there was certainly the feeling that expert hands sensitive to her body’s most intense desires were touching her. Years back, when she had been sexually active, she’d never really liked having her breasts touched. But this was different—strong sensitive fingers were massaging them with perfect pressure, her nipples were being encouraged to fill with blood, and she felt an exciting hardness in their points that she’d never experienced before. As the stimulation increased they began to tingle and send even greater signals
of excitement in the direction of her crotch. Moaning with desire, she shook her head from side to side, biting her bottom lip with her top teeth and panting with the urgency of a growing pressure to climax.

  From Bruce’s perspective it seemed as if the Invisible Man was groping Jenna. The firm rounds of her breasts were squeezing in and out while the nipples were being pulled back and forth.

  He couldn’t help himself—it was one of the most erotic sights he had ever seen. Combined with Jenna’s increasingly urgent moans and gasps, it was causing his groin to swell. Desperately he tried to stop his growing erection.

  “Don’t look, think of something else!” he commanded himself. He peered down at the two aliens, who were showing as much interest in Jenna’s excitement as if they’d been looking at a blank wall.

  That helped for a moment, but then Jenna gave another, louder, gasp, followed by an urgent mewling sound that made him jerk his eyes back to her. In that moment he knew he was undone.

  “Oh, what the fuck, may as well take the ride,” he muttered, and abandoned himself to the sight before him.

  The third piece of material had begun to work on Jenna’s crotch. Carefully it molded itself to her womanhood. It concentrated mainly on the zone around the clitoris, but penetrated a little into both her vagina and anus as well. Jenna had never been touched intimately in her anus in her life, and for a moment the unexpected invasion aroused a flicker of resistance. But resistance was only momentary, because the feeling was too delicious. She felt her hole being gently entered and then warm moist pulsing excited nerves that she’d never realized she had.

  From Bruce’s perspective, it again looked as if an invisible hand was at work. He could see Jenna’s sensitive flesh being manipulated, the hood over her clitoris moving from side to side, the lips of her vagina being pulled downwards and apart, even her buttocks undulating slightly.

  His erection firmed with a vengeance. It was as hard and hot as it had ever been, and he craved some sort of release, even as he knew he was unlikely to get it.

  “God!” he gasped. “This is the worst form of torture!”

  At the sound of his voice, Jenna, who had been lost in a world of sensation, opened her eyes. His erect member was, in some ways, the last straw. The visual stimulation it gave her, combined with the physical sensations in her chemically excited body, sent her into shuddering waves of orgasm.

  She wanted that hot shaft, wanted to hold it, suck it, bite it, feel it in her, feel it rubbing her clit, feel it entering her arsehole and her pussy.

  Wave after wave of orgasm shook her. Her climaxes were light years beyond anything she had ever imagined, let alone experienced. She found herself simultaneously screaming, moaning, laughing and crying.

  “Oh, God! Oh, yes! Oh, no! Stop! Stop! Oh, God! Bruce! I want your fat cock Bruce, I want to feel it up me, come up my arse, let me suck you, I want to bite it! Oh God! Oh Bruce! Oh fuck!”

  When Jenna thought she could stand it no longer. When every muscle in her body strained against itself until spots danced before her eyes. When sweat ran in runnels down her breasts and her juices flowed down her thighs. When she thought the pain and pleasure of it might well kill her. It abruptly stopped.

  Spent and exhausted, her body a mass of over-stimulated nerve endings and her physical self shaken to the core, Jenna Walsh collapsed against the invisible bonds supporting her.

  And all Bruce Glenn could do was watch his cock slowly deflate, while the ache of the ejaculation that might have been settled in his scrotum like a bruise from a hard kick to the groin.

  “You were entirely correct,” conceded Psi276 to its companion. “She is exactly what we need.” The alien glanced down at the instrument it held in its hand. “I can hardly believe the output levels indicated here. She has raised all the maximums for humanoid female sexual response by an average 9.54%. If I hadn’t witnessed the test myself I would suspect the gauges were faulty. The Council will be very pleased by our progress to date.”

  “Yes,” replied Alpha19. “All we need to do is tame the Vedi and we will have the four breedable pairs that we require for the next stage. Sedate these ones, make final adjustments to the implants, send them to the holding pen, then come and assist me. As expected, subjugating these Vedi is proving to be our hardest task.”

  Alpha19 turned and lurched off, leaving Psi276 alone with Bruce and Jenna. Pulling out a cylinder like the one that had injected Jenna earlier, Psi276 casually pressed it to her thigh. As it hissed, she spasmed and immediately lost consciousness. Knowing it was futile, but unable to help himself, Bruce raged at the alien as it turned towards him

  “Get away from me you fucking freak!”

  But it was to no avail. The same cylinder that had sedated Jenna connected with his thigh, there was a hiss, a sharp pain, and the last thing Bruce remembered was the sensation of falling down a deep, dark hole.

  Chapter Three: Alone at Last?

  When Jenna regained consciousness she had no sense that any significant time had passed. She could remember everything that had happened, from being abducted along with Bruce out of the water off Lanikai beach, to them both being pinned to the wall of an alien laboratory by a pair of extraterrestrial deviants. Given her experiences so far, and her utter powerlessness to prevent any of them, she had no illusions about the seriousness of the predicament she was in.

  One of Jenna’s great strengths had always been the ability to clearly evaluate any situation she found herself in. For example, she had instinctively known what she needed to do to achieve her athletic success. Equally instinctively, she now knew what she needed to do to improve her chances of surviving being abducted by aliens.

  For years, winning and retaining the world triathlon crown had been the focus of her efforts and desires. But without a moments hesitation Jenna now dismissed such life-long ambitions from her mind as so much fluff. What meaning had a triathlon title when the trick from day to day would be stay alive in the hope that she’d find an opportunity to return home? Although she had elected to chase triathlon titles on her own, Jenna knew that the most valuable thing to her in this situation was an ally. For that reason, Bruce Glenn had suddenly become the most important person in her life. She needed to bond with him as quickly as possible. She prayed that he was safe nearby and that she’d get to see him soon.

  In a rare moment of personal candor, Jenna was honest enough to admit that there was more than pragmatism in her decision to forge a relationship with Bruce. Whatever those scrawny aliens had done had given her a sexual experience like nothing she had ever felt, heard of, or imagined. She cringed a little when she remembered how she had orgasmed repeatedly, in an uninhibited moaning frenzy, while Bruce watched from three yards away. But then she also remembered that Bruce had looked mortified himself as his pulsing cock had strained towards her shuddering body like a snake charmed from its basket by irresistible music. Jenna wanted a better acquaintance with that cock. If she was going to die sometime soon in an alien laboratory, then by God she was going to die secure in the knowledge that she’d done her best to have a good time.

  As these thoughts were passing through her mind, Jenna was also appraising her immediate situation. She was naked, lying on some sort of bed, facing a blank white wall. Her body confirmed that she hadn’t just dreamed everything that had happened: her breasts were tender and her vagina tingled and throbbed a little. Apart from that, however, she felt amazingly well—completely healthy, relaxed and rested.

  Languorously she turned onto her back, stretching as she did so, her eyes squinting against the whiteness of the small square cubicle. Then she rolled a fraction further and discovered to her delight that on a second low bed, a mere three feet from her, lay an equally-naked Bruce Glenn.

  Bruce had regained consciousness at the same time as Jenna, and many similar thoughts about their predicament had been going through his mind. But overlaying these was a considerable amount of anxiety because on the bed next to him lay the unclothed figu
re of the woman of his dreams, and the last time he had seen her she’d been stuck against a wall writhing in orgasm, compliments of alien drugs and mechanical devices. He may have been an unwilling spectator, but in effect he’d shown his approval of what Jenna was being put through by sporting a very large erection.

  From three difficult years of dealing with Jenna Walsh on the triathlon circuit Bruce had every reason to expect that she would now hold him personally responsible for every painful, sordid, humiliating thing that had happened to her. So when she finally turned towards him, he apprehensively steeled himself for the explosion that he knew was about to occur.

  Instead of glaring at him, Jenna’s eyes assumed a dreamy look; instead of baring her teeth to snarl, her mouth curved sweetly into a smile; and instead of shouting, she addressed him in a sensuous whisper.

  “Hi, Bruce.”

  “Uh, h-h-hi,” he stuttered in reply.

  This was deeply unsettling. Bruce immediately suspected that Jenna remained in the grip of some alien drug.

  “I see we’re no longer climbing the walls,” she said next, with a twinkle in her eye and an even wider smile, pulling herself up on one elbow.

  Bruce’s jaw dropped. In all the time he’d known Jenna he’d never heard of her enjoying a joke, let alone making one. She was clearly in an even worse state than he’d feared. What should he do?

  Jenna was becoming concerned herself. She was used to an articulate, pushy Bruce Glenn, not some dumbstruck dimwit who stared at her vacantly. Perhaps the aliens had harmed him after she’d lost consciousness. She sat up, swung her legs to the floor, and leaned forward to look into his eyes.

  “Are you feeling all right, Bruce?” she asked, with real concern evident in her tone. “They haven’t hurt you have they?”


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