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Alien Games

Page 14

by Claudia Rose

  Panicking at what she knew he was planning, Mmerr struggled desperately to undo the knot. But again Bruce was quicker. With a headlong dive he released the spring on the second winch so that Mmerr accelerated towards the ceiling, tail first. She screeched more loudly than the winch. She only stopped moving when her tail whipped through the pulley and her butt jammed painfully against the metal ring. Then her screams, cries and incoherent curses all but drowned out Zhorta’s enraged bellows.

  Bruce was unrepentant.

  “Sorry girls, but it proves my point! Your little loosener isn’t quite as benign as you seemed to think. Or is this your definition of a little harmless fun? Anyway, I’d like to help you down, but my sad wee cock and me are more interested in finding the door. So you might just have to hang around for a bit until our little friends the Reven come clattering along.”

  * * * * *

  “This is no good 276. We need to be able to send the Council some results from this experiment. What can you do? It must be subtle or the experiment is compromised.”

  “I can program the Terran’s controller chip to modify his anger and enhance his desire. If I combine that with an augmentation of his sympathy ratio he may be susceptible to entreaties from the two females.”

  “Fine. Can you get the females to make such entreaties.”

  “Probably, if I increase their sense of helplessness and self-pity, and enhance their desire to please the Terran.”

  “Well what are you waiting for?”

  * * * * *

  Bruce searched the whole room but there wasn’t a door to be found.

  At first it had been easy to shut his ears to the noises coming from the roof, particularly as most of them involved threats to maim and kill. However, these had gradually changed to apologies and tearful entreaties that he was finding much harder to resist.

  “Bruce, please let me down. My tail was not made to endure such things. It is very painful and it is the most humiliating position a Trrivv could imagine to be in. I am very sorry Bruce, I would never have hurt you. I just wanted to be your lover. I’ve never had a man reject me before, it clouded my judgment. Please Bruce, you did say you were attracted to me.”

  “Yes please Bruce, I am very sorry too. I do not wish you harm either. I only wanted to make love to you. It is true that you are not as big as Mort, but you are still a handsome and desirable man. Please let me make it up to you.”

  Bruce finally looked up. Both Zhorta and Mmerr hung there piteously, their arms outstretched, pleading. Tears dripped from their eyes down to the canvas below them.

  “How can I trust you? How do I know that you won’t turn on me as soon as you are down?”

  “We’d never do that Bruce, you can trust us. My Mort will tell you that a Gort maiden never goes back on her word.”

  “And I swear by my tail, Bruce. May it shrivel up and drop off if I am lying,” Mmerr shivered with horror at the thought.

  They seemed genuine and Bruce began to feel very sorry for them. A chivalrous heart of sorts beat in his chest, and he became concerned that what he was putting them through was unmanly and unbecoming. Besides, the two of them really looked pretty sexy up there. Zhorta might be the size of a car, but she was a sports car, not a Volvo station wagon. She had very nice lines and beautiful curves. Mmerr’s curves were just as impressive, she radiated passion, and Bruce had no doubt that she’d be great in bed. Bruce privately admitted to himself that there was something very kinky about this particular threesome that pressed his buttons. Sex with Ranisha had been a revelation, sex with not one, but two more aliens might be even better.

  “All right, I’ll let you down. But I’m trusting you to be telling me the truth.”

  They were pathetically grateful.

  “Oh Bruce, thank you Bruce, you won’t regret it Bruce.”

  He lowered them gently, one at a time.

  Mmerr mewed piteously as her poor mangled tail retraced its path through the pulley. And Zhorta sighed with the release from pain as the pressure came off her trapped ankle.

  Finally they were both settled on the canvas. Bruce approached them cautiously, waiting to see if they were true to their word.”

  “Oh thank you Bruce,” said Zhorta again. “It is so good to be down. Do you think my ankle is badly damaged?”

  He moved closer for a look. There was a deep groove where the rope had tightened, but she could move her toes and wriggle her foot, so he guessed it was all right.

  “Oh what a relief, but would you rub it for me for a moment?”

  Coquettishly she extended her huge leg towards him. The limb might have been big, but it was perfectly shaped, and her beautiful skin gleamed in the light. When he knelt down to rub it, she extended her foot until her toes were only inches away from his groin. His eyes were drawn to the juncture of her thighs. She really was extremely beautiful, and he noticed that her sex appeared quite aroused. In the aftermath of his release from danger and threat, combined with the high of the adrenaline, Bruce was finding the sight of this huge, naked alien woman very erotic. As he rubbed her ankle, he felt himself beginning to harden. Zhorta pretended not to notice, but she arched her back and stretched so that her breasts jutted upwards (making Bruce think of a pair of well-matched volcanic cones) while her legs fell open even wider.

  “Oh Bruce, that is so very good. You are very kind after all we put you through.”

  It was his penis that responded, by hardening even further until it was butting against the sole of her foot. Innocently she tickled it with one toe.

  “Bruce,” sweetly interrupted another voice. “When you have a moment, would you come and look at me also. I’m worried that my tail is damaged.”

  Bruce glanced over at Mmerr, then looked back harder because she was lying face down on the mat with her butt elevated to his gaze.

  “Excuse me a moment, Zhorta,” he apologized, as he moved over solicitously to examine Mmerr. She had a perfect bottom. Even with its fine coat of downy hair and addition of a tail he decided it was right up there with his two all time favorite arses—Jenna’s and Ranisha’s.”

  “Mmerr has a very nice tail, doesn’t she Bruce?”

  “She certainly does Zhorta,” he agreed, as his hands rubbed around the affected area, massaging it to Mmerr’s purrs of pleasure.

  “Do you find my rear end less attractive without a tail?”

  Bruce looked back at her, surprised by the question. Zhorta had rolled flat on her stomach also, and like Mmerr she had her bottom raised off the mat for his inspection.

  “Not at all. It is different without a tail, but in its own way just as spectacular.”

  He meant this sincerely. Zhorta’s large, perfectly sculpted buttocks were magnificent. Both she and Mmerr excited him in ways he had never considered possible. His cock reached full hardness as he admired the delectable variations on offer.

  “Come and lie next to each other,” he suggested. “But leave enough space so I can kneel between you.”

  They complied immediately, giving Bruce the opportunity to explore their bodies on the flimsy pretext that he wanted to give them a massage. Both women felt wonderful under his hands. Mmerr’s downy covering contrasted erotically with the smooth silkiness of Zhorta’s skin. They moaned with pleasure as his hands explored them, the intensity of their cries increasing and decreasing depending how far he was from their erogenous zones. He started at their shoulders and moved down their backs, skipping over their butts (there were moans of disappointment) to continue down the length of their legs. It was a little bit of an effort given that Zhorta was so much larger than Mmerr, but Bruce felt that he was covering each about equally.

  When he arrived back at their arses, both women lifted them in unison. Bruce didn’t have to be told twice, and he wasn’t of a mind to be subtle either, he went straight for their pussies. In two respects they were similar, both were very hot and very wet. But where Bruce could only slide two fingers comfortably inside Mmerr, his entire hand entered
Zhorta with considerable ease. He explored and stimulated them for some time, enjoying the differences, and appreciating the chorus of moans they were producing.

  At Bruce’s request they rolled over so he could have access to their fronts. The disparity in size between Zhorta’s breasts and Mmerr’s breasts was tremendous, but he found both busts equally erotic. Mmerr’s firm rounds (a perfect handful he thought) were as interesting to him as Zhorta’s great orbs. From the front he had uninhibited access to each woman’s clitoris. While he could stimulate Mmerr’s tiny nub with one finger, rubbing Zhorta’s firm protrusion involved his entire hand. Again, however, the response was identical. They both liked what he was doing, and they communicated their approval loudly.

  Finally, Bruce sat back on his haunches and looked at the two delectable alien women lying lewdly on their backs with their legs spread.

  “Perhaps we should pick up where we started so badly, and try again,” he suggested, lying down flat on his back.

  Mmerr reached him first, crawling sexily, and asked in a lustful voice, “Bruce, would you care to lick my pussy?”

  “And I can’t help noticing that your little fellow is little no longer,” Zhorta added. “Would you mind if I sucked him?”

  “How kind of you to ask,” he replied, with mock formality. “My answer to both questions is—let’s get it on!”

  With a yowl of delight, Mmerr sprang nimbly over him and lowered her swollen sex towards his face. Bruce tasted her, and she tasted good, so he began exploring her energetically with his tongue. He licked even faster as he felt his erect penis disappearing into Zhorta’s hot mouth. This time she didn’t suck him, instead she swirled his shaft with her tongue, and kept swirling it. It felt so good that within seconds Bruce was jerking his hips to encourage her further.

  All three enjoyed this arrangement for long minutes, none seeming inclined to stop, until finally Zhorta broke contact to make a plaintive plea.

  “Please fuck me Bruce, I’d like to a feel a real live cock inside me.”

  “I’m more than happy to,” he replied. “But are you sure you want me? I’m probably a bit smaller than you’re used to.”

  “Oh you men! You’re the same all over the universe. When will you ever learn that size isn’t everything?”

  He laughed.

  “Okay, if you’re happy, then I’d love to, but what about Mmerr? Maths wasn’t my strong subject, but even I know that one cock into two pussies doesn’t go.”

  Mmerr giggled. “Don’t worry, I have an idea. Zhorta, you lie on your front with your backside up in the air again.”

  In seconds Zhorta’s wonderful butt was pointing to the sky. Just as quickly Mmerr climbed on top of her giant friend, lying with her front pressed to Zhorta’s back, thus presenting Bruce with a layer cake of two perfect arses for him to enjoy.

  “Now,” she commanded. “Start by dipping you sweet cock into me, then move it downstairs to Zhorta for your grand finale, and while you’re doing that you can finish me off with your tongue.”

  Bruce didn’t need telling twice. He lined himself up with Mmerr’s wet sex and plunged into it in one long hard thrust. She yowled with pleasure and buried her claws in Zhorta’s back. The unexpected pain made Zhorta spasm, with the very satisfactory result for Bruce that Mmerr’s pussy jerked strongly on his cock. Zhorta wasn’t complaining about the clawing though, it seemed to have provided an extra stimulus and she was moaning happily while rubbing herself vigorously with one hand.

  Bruce plunged in and out of Mmerr, keen to show that his penis was capable of a peak performance. She was clearly satisfied, if the constant din of pleasure was anything to go by. Further down Zhorta was also moaning lustfully.

  When Bruce judged that he was getting closer to a climax, he withdrew from Mmerr and descended one level to plant himself in Zhorta’s welcoming box. He was surprised when the sensation far exceeded his expectations. Jenna had privately admitted to him that Mort was an exceptionally well-endowed alien, so Bruce had naturally expected that Zhorta would be designed to accommodate something that size. But when he entered her he discovered that she had considerable muscle control, her pussy gripped him firmly, and the sensation of sliding between her large swollen labia was wonderful.

  Mmerr had elevated her hips as soon as Bruce pulled out of her, so that with his first thrust into Zhorta he was also able simultaneously to bury his face in the Trrivv’s delectable pussy and lap hungrily at it.

  It was in this excellent arrangement that all three reached climax. Bruce, perhaps surprisingly given the earlier frustrations of the women, came first. As he pounded on Zhorta’s capacious rump, he had a sudden mental picture of himself looking like a midget satisfying a normal sized woman. It was this vision of a vaguely taboo activity that made him climax. He gripped Zhorta’s huge hips as hard as he could and hammered more vigorously against her great arse.

  When the pressure was finally more than he could contain, he leaned his head back and shouted. “Oh yes! I can feel it. I’m going to come in your huge arse. I’m burying my cock in you. Shake your hips, push against me! I can feel it. I’m coming…I’m coming… here it is…take this you…fantastic…great…big…sexy…sadistic…alien…bitch!”

  He roared incoherently and buried his face in Mmerr’s soaking pussy as the tremendous pressure in his loins translated into a series of excruciatingly pleasant ejaculations deep into Zhorta’s steaming vagina.

  His release seemed to be a signal for Zhorta to come too. Her whole body shook and her great hips gyrated. “That’s it Earth-boy-toy, put your little cock in a real woman and find out what it’s like!”

  All Bruce could do was hold on as Zhorta’s climax wrung his penis with a series of muscular spasms until he was sure it had been milked dry. Swimming in pleasure, he ground his face against Mmerr’s snatch, and was rewarded by one final, drawn out shriek, as she came all over his face.

  Satisfied, the three rolled apart and lay gasping happily on the canvas, grinning at each other.

  “You Earth boys sure play hard to get,” remarked Zhorta. “But you’re worth the getting.”

  “I couldn’t agree more,” concurred Mmerr.

  Bruce lay there, feeling wrung out and absurdly pleased with himself. However, his mood only lasted as long as it took Zhorta to speak again.

  “Now, how soon do you think you’ll be ready for round two?”

  He sat up wildly. But at that moment a door appeared in the far wall making it clear that the Reven, at least, felt that he had done enough.

  For the first time Bruce and the Reven were in agreement.

  * * * * *

  “It is well for you that we managed to salvage that, 276,” remarked Alpha19 ungraciously. “If the experiment had failed I would have made it clear in my report that the fault lay squarely with your management of the controller chips.”

  “We did succeed, though,” appealed Psi276. “And the data seems more than satisfactory. So in practical terms the experiment was a success.”

  “Just—and only because we had to indulge in marginally permissible manipulation of the subjects” emotions.”

  “I will do my best to ensure we do not have a repeat occurrence.”

  “You had better! We have one experiment left and I want it completed four days out from Homeworld. We need time to sedate the Terrans for eventual vivisection, eliminate the others, and prepare all data for presentation to the Council. Make sure tomorrow’s experiment presents no problems. We will begin straight after nourishment.”

  “As you command.”

  Chapter Thirteen: Swimming with the Aliens

  While Jenna waited for Bruce to return, she spent a relaxing day exercising, swimming and doing acrobatics in zero gravity. Between these activities she spent much time with Ranisha and Ghanjihi, learning some basic techniques for accessing the inner potential that her encounter with the Premlord had revealed to her.

  It was probably one of the most satisfying days of her life. Even d
uring her most successful times on the triathlon circuit she’d never enjoyed the sense of well being and accomplishment that she felt now under their tutelage.

  “You have remarkable resources, Jenna,” Ranisha told her as they concluded a session together. “On Vedia you would be a prime candidate for a High Priestess role.”

  “Are you a High Priestess?”

  “Of a kind, but I am also one of the Premlord’s consorts, so my duties are less proscribed.”

  “I regret the fact that I will never get the chance to visit your world and learn all that you can teach me.”

  “Regret nothing until it has come to pass. We live in a permanent present, where nothing is immutable.”

  “I hope you are right.”

  Despite all she’d been learning, Jenna was still pleased to see Bruce stagger through the door, closely followed by a very cheerful looking Zhorta and Mmerr.

  He made it to where she was sitting and flopped wearily down next to her.

  “How was it?”

  “Well I’m here to tell you about it, and that’s a major achievement. But it was touch and go there for a while.”

  “Oh my poor Bruce,” Jenna gently teased him in a mommyish coo. “The naughty big girls weren’t nasty to you were they?”

  “You may well laugh. But I was this close to being torn limb from limb. Those naughty big girls play rough if they don’t get what they want.”

  “So did my brave hero give them what they want?”

  “No, I gave them what you want, my sweet.”

  “Oh I see, you were that good were you?”

  “I was passable,” he conceded with false modesty. “Anyway, what’s with the twenty questions? And why are you so cheerful when I’ve been off doing the funky with two insatiable aliens?”

  “Well I’ve been learning not to sweat what I’ve got no control over. And I’m pleased to see you.”

  “Likewise. Now what’s for dinner? I’ve worked up a bit of an appetite.”


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